Chapter Six : Do You Think He Could Be...

The Time


Kibum sauntered into his Hotel room in a smug manor, eyes bright and lips tugged up in a lazy grin. He had just set himself a date. Not just any date though; a date with Jonghyun. Jonghyun- his soon to be summer romance. Screw the fact that he was a guy, it didnt matter really...Just as long as he was capable of loving Kibum the way he deserved to be loved, then he was fit for the title. He didnt have to have long, flowing hair and legs that went on for miles. His expressive puppy eyes and short little (cute) legs were enough to make Kibum feel an overflowing amount of butterflies- Add Jonghyun's bubbly personality and the way he talks with enthusiastic hand gestures....he could surpass any girl Kibum had ever set eyes on. There was just....Something different about Jonghyun. He couldnt put his finger on it, but he would someday. 
For now he was kind of busy internally flipping out over what he was supposed to wear for a "Casual. BUT NOT TOO CASUAL, OK?!" date. What the was Jonghyun trying to get at? Dont dress up but....dress...up? He shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts as his roommate came into the room, eyebrows raised and fingers laced together behind his neck as he made his way over to the bed.
"So Kibum finally decides to make his appearance for the da-...Oh, I'm sorry, night."
Kibum grimaced in his general direction, too busy digging through a suitcase to look up and measure the amount of sarcasm flitting across the others face. Really this date was more important than his roommate. It's not like ignoring his roommate was going to cause a blooming romance- He shivered at the mere thought of it.
"Go away Dongho. You aren't needed at the moment unless you magically developed the ability to coordinate outfits over night."
There was an annoyed huff from the bed, a pillow landing next to Kibum before the room went silent again. He really couldnt have been happier, seeing as he needed all of his attention, all of his consintration, on choosing a-
"The black skinnies by your right hand, that blue v-neck and the hoody youre wearing now kind of look good....Just saying."
And Kibum thought he had seen it all. Apparently not, as Dongho was known for being blunt and slightly on the rude side- not fashion and coordinating and ....Kibum kind of just started liking him a little bit more. All that was left was working on that mouth of his. The one he doesnt seem to have a filter for.
"Why do you need that anyway? It's not like we're going anywhere tonight."
Kibum immediately opened his mouth, blurting out the fact that hed gotten a date for the following night- in all of his excitement he didnt catch the look Dongho was sending him. One that said "oh no you didn't." But yes, he had, and he was planning on sneaking out again no matter what it took.
So many sights, so many people, so much to take in- And he was on a time limit. There were gardens and people smiling and he couldnt help but take pictures of absolutely everything in sight. That included the ever-awkward pair that were trying (and failing rather miserably) to tame him as they broke off from the large group that was their Senior Class.He had caught on to the awkward air between his two best friends; the way they avoided any skin contact- hell they even avoided eye contact. But  Kibum was full of energy, finally being able to stay outdoors without rain and coldness. It was warm and sunny and that day was a decidedly GREAT day for him, not even a boatload of awkward energy could fizzle out the sunshine and unicorns blasting through his veins.
"No, I wanna go over- No wait I wanna go over there first!"
He heard Taemin huff before he scurried over to a fountain, snapping pictures before siting on the edge with a happy sigh. He was joined shortly after by a tired-looking Jinki.
"Oh God Kibum, please just- Just sit still for five seconds I need to breath."
Kibum nodded as Jinki dropped his head into his hands and greedily gulped in lungfuls of air-
"Hey wheres Tae?"
Jinki simply lifted a finger to the groups general direction, where Kibum spotted the younger bouncing around trying to mooch off of people for food. So like him.
"Hm. Hey look, whats up with you two anyway? You guys are so....awkward."
He added a cringe, leaning back and watching as his heels bounced off of the stone of the fountain. Jinki lifted his head then, a confused expression on his face.
"Uh, we aren't being awkward. And nothing happened really..."
Kibum raised an eyebrow.
"Ok yeah we're being awkward. But last night....When you stormed into our room all rainbows and unicorns- albeit confused ones- ....It kind of got me you think he could"
Kibum stared at the elder with a blank expression for a few seconds before smacking him upside the head.
"YES, JINNIE. YES I DO. God my friends are dumb s..."
Jinki gave him a greatly offended look before crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well...I never really payed it much mind. I thought he was like you; when you look at another guys its usually to look at his jeans. But now...I kind of noticed Taemin does the same thing."
Kibum sighed heavily and clapped a hand on Jinki's shoulder, looking at him like he were trying to explain this to a Five year old. There really wasnt much of a difference.
"Look, Jinki. Taemin is gay- He has been since we both met him. 'Kay? So it doesnt make him any different from the Taemin we know. Sure; he may be checking y-...those guys out. Sure; he might be flirting when he does that hair flip thing and yeah he definitely means it when he 'jokes' about like, oh hey Hyung youd look great in a skirt!."
When Kibum looked over at Jinki he was met with a semi-horrified expression. He wasnt very surprised to say the least.
"HYUNG GIMME MONEY whatd I miss?"
Taemin came to a stumbling halt as he ran over to the fountain, his eyes wide and his hair a mess from being blown around. Kibum gave Jinki (who had not let down his expression) a sly smirk as he stood and dusted off his jeans.
"Jinnie just wanted to ask you something. I'm gonna goooo- OVER THERE OH MY GOD A PUPPY!"
As he skipped off to play with a womans dog, he cackled to himself. If those two were awkward before, he didnt know what they would be after their 'talk'.
Not five minutes later Taemin came bounding over to Kibum (who was busy scratching behind the ear of his newly found furry friend) and smacked the back of his head. 
Upon turning around to scold him, Kibum was met with a supremely confused-looking Taemin.
"Uh, Tae what-"
"Hyung why the hell would you tell Jinki that I'm gay? I'm not gay! What-...What made you think I'm gay?!"
Kibum deadpanned.
"Because you make it extremely obvious?"
Taemin gained a panicked expression before clearing his throat and flattening his unruely hair with a slightly shaking hand.
", I am?"
Kibum nodded nonchallantly.
Seven O'Three rolled around and Kibum found himself alone, sulking in the Hotel Room. Dongho was a bastard. A short, rude little bastard because he had literally black mailed Kibum into not going on the date that could make or break his summer. He was Three minutes late to the date he had practically asked for, the date he wouldnt be going too. He kind of really wanted to fling himself onto the bed and cry his eyes out into the pillows about how his life was ending and he would never love anybody ever again. But that was abssurd, right?
So he did the next best thing; He flung himself to the window and stared holes into the street corner that he would have been taking to reach the Bakery Three minutes ago. It was dark and lonesome looking, but to Kibum it was more than just a lonely street corner in Italy. It was his shot at maybe-love, maybe-like. He dropped his chin to rest on his folded arms, puffing his cheeks as he sulked. He just wanted one date....But Dongho had to ruin it (and his suposed-to-be amazing day) by going off on a rant about how they would both be in trouble if he were caught sneaking out- Kibum didnt care if he got Dongho in trouble at that point, he just wanted to see Jonghyun and feel the butterflies again. Was that really too much to ask?
Apparently it was.
But then again maybe it wasnt, because as Kibum had been sulking and cursing out his roommate...He didnt see Jonghyun strolling around the corner. He didnt see him look up from the street, cupping his hands around his mouth to shout something-
But hell, did he hear that.
He flicked his eyes to the shop he had made a fool of himself in, landing on Jonghyun standing on the curb- rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands shoved into his jeans pockets. Kibum felt his lips turn up in a smile without his permission (not that he would have denied it)as he leaned his elbows on the window sill and raised an amused eyebrow.
"Come on, our date started like....FIVE MINUTES AGO! YAH ARE YOU TRYING TO STAND ME UP?!"
Kibum cringed- God Jonghyun was noisy. If this didnt get him caught than he really had no idea what would.
"No, I'm not standing you up now shut up before I get in trouble!"
Jonghyun's POV
Jonghyun tilted his head in confusion, eyes narrowing as he stared at the building in front of him. Kibum was in his Hotel room, in pajamas (or well, a wifebeater and pajama bottoms), with the television on. And he wasnt standing him up? Yeah ok.
"Kibum common! You were the one who suggested dinner together! You were even the one who asked for my phone number! Get dressed and get your-....nice... down here!"
Kibum gave him a desperate glance before disappearing. Jonghyun grinned and shot his eyes to the entrance to the Hotel. Was he really that convincing? Apparently he was, because Kibum stuck his head out and glanced both ways (as if his Teacher was going to walk around the corner instead of being in the Hotel) before hand signaling him to come to the door- Which he did happily, with a spring in his step.
"Hey, so I was thinking we could go to this place....Ok, when I said casual I didn't mean pajamas."
Thats when Kibum stomped his feet and let out a whine, his lower lip sticking out in a cute pout.
"I can't go...My roommate, he- Ugh that bastard- If I leave hes going to save his own neck and tell the Teacher..."
Jonghyun nodded, feeling an odd mixture of relief and bitterness. He had been nervous all day, driving Minho up a wall with his babbling. But he had been so excited....And now he had a free Saturday night- to do what? Pig out on popcorn and watch a movie with his Noona's dog?
"Damnit- WAIT!"
A movie...Kibum had a television in his room...
"I'll just bring our date to you."
A/N: orz I didnt get to update yesterday because AFF was flipping out and I was sooooo tired. But today you all get a double update because I'm on a roll with this fic atm ^ w ^
buuuut you can probably see where I stopped writing and picked it up again in this chapter- its so choppy and fast and idk why...I mean, I got two days of writing done e . e
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{The Time} -- FINALLY updated! Working on the next chapter as we...type. o U o b


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Chapter 16: aawwwww Taemin's confession was so so cute, totally adorable, I can't wait to see Jinki's reaction, I hope it's good, love OnTae so much; I really hope that OnTaeKey are able to make up soon, at least Key can see why Taemin did and said what he did, even though it still hurts; can't wait for more update really soon. ;-P
Chapter 16: Asdfghjjkl
I hate the OnTaeKey drama thing LOL
I kinda guess they ALL stepped too far and said hurtful words.
But omg, Key is like... I guess getting obsessed with Jonghyun, a man he only met for a short period of time...Hmmm
Chapter 15: lmao @buttnugget XD hope everything goes well
Chapter 15: Awww!
i hope all this family drama issues will end @n@

I also read about your brother's first date -- they seem so cute! :D
Mind you, I would be squealing if I was you as well :P
GoofyElla #5
Chapter 15: Oww, good luck with the family drama. Been there, done that and it really >.< so haha :P
We can wait for your awesome story~ ;)
Don't mind haters and look at us WHO LOVE YOUR STORY :D
Chapter 15: just ignore them hun, actually for guy's that was pretty tame; I really hope that your family stuff settles down for you soon; ;-)
Chapter 14: OMO they are so, so cute, I love it;
Chapter 13: OMO, your brother and his boyfriend sound so adorable, good luck to them. <3 ;-P
Chapter 12: OMO I can't believe that Key did that, poor Jinki, my poor baby, I hope he's gonna be ok; and I really hope that he sorts his head out soon, his stupid family have him in turmoil over something he can't control; I hope him and Key make up soon too; Minho is just o sweet looking after Jonghyun, and poor Jonghyun, his poor hand, that must have really hurt, Key will look after him though. <3
Chapter 11: I love it, fantastic job hun; I wonder how their gonna work out who's gonna be who, keke; Minho is just so adorable, I hope he gets with Songdam, I think that they would be so cute together; poor Taemin, Jinki was really deeply asleep, or was he faking, and heard what Taemin said, keke; I knew Taemin would have taken Jinki sweatshirt by mistake, it's always the way when you wanna forget someone or something, something always happens to make you think about, and what better why than to be surrounded by their scent; I really don't like that he found ciggaretts in Jinki's pocket, I really hope that there's another reason and that he doesn't smoke those horrible things, and if he does that Taemin gets him to stop, and fast, I really hate them; can't wait for more, really love this. <3 ;-P