Chapter Ten : Deadbeat

The Time


A/N: If you are flipping out because some chapters are missing...dont. i just erased the ones that werent chapters :'3
NOW ONWARD TO THE CHAPTER! (ugh my 't' key keeps getting stuck xD)
Having to go out and 'enjoy' an art exhibit with a group of people that were louder than was necessary was alright. That is of course a complete lie.
It was cold, damp from a good raining, Jonghyun wasnt there, he had to skip breakfast because that damned cookie had filled him up and Taemin kept giving him this weird look whenever they met eyes. And not to mention that whole fiasco with his Mother that morning; he had to wait until she was out of work, and he was back at the hotel with the others, for a chance to explain (read: lie) about Jonghyun answering the room phone when she called. He was sticking firm to the 'hes my roommate' excuse and decided to leave out the fact that his real roommate currently hated his guts because he had apparently been forced to sleep on the disgusting floor of one of his friends rooms. He made sure Kibum was well aware of the fact that those floors are like concrete and he should try sleeping on theirs tonight because he would surely enjoy it. The only thing that was remotely good about this day so far was all of the time spent with Jonghyun and the fact that he...Has a boyfriend. His first, actually.
He had never been attracted to another guy before Jonghyun, which was kinda weird for him. And it would definitely be weirder for his Mother if she ever found out. Or if he ever manned up and told her. He was just so afraid of how she would react; She had reacted in the past, in rather unfavorable ways. She was the anxious type; Kibum had grown up helping her get through panic attacks- Especially the time he had broken his arm and a couple fingers playing soccer in his Sophmore year. And now he had to tell her that he had a gay lover...In Italy...Half way across the world....Oh God, there was no good solution to that, was there? Whether he told her when he got home or told her while he was still here, he was positive she would have a panic attack. A bad one. But she was his Mother...And he wanted to tell her how happy he was, how in No not quite love, not yet anyway. How in like he was. Yeah he definitly liked his boyfriend; and his Mother was the very first person he thought of telling.
That didn't sound very appealing at the time. Maybe he should start off a bit smaller, and tell his friends. Like practise.
He should tell Taemin and possibly Jinki, he didn't particularly like the way Jinki reacted to things sometimes. He was a hard-headed idiot. 
Said idiot was busy trying not to get his shoes wet from stepping into puddles as their group trudged to a museum, his usual beany and glasses in place- But his usual smile was not present. Odd.
Well that was slightly worrying.
Kibum shivered, pulled his coat closer to himself and then jogged up to walk beside Jinki as Taemin pouted and crossed his arms, favoring his spot towards the back of the group; which was exactly where that Jinki wasn't.
"Jinnie, what would you say if I told yooooooou....."
Jinki glanced up with furrowed eyebrows-
Half of their group paused and turned to look at them with loud laughs, before the Teacher hushed them and lead them across a street over to a sidewalk. Jinki just hopped and whined for a bit as he attempted to dry his now soaking wet sneaker by shaking his foot furiously.
Kibum continued laughing.
" to be you."
Jinki gave him a deadpan expression.
"Gee, I hadn't noticed. Thanks for pointing that out."
Kibum simply shrugged, amused by his friends constant misfortune- He didn't feel like a bad friend the least bit. But he really did need to tell someone about his new relationship before he burst into a huge explosion of fluffy pink unicorns with sparkly manes, sugar spice and everything nice, and then to top it all off he was sure that he'd be puking rainbows for the rest of for ever. He was happy, giddy even, to flaunt the fact that Jonghyun- an adorable little Korean man with the sense of romantisizm worthy of Shakesphere...Or someone....Romantic. He was really romantic okay? And his cute little girly bow legs, dont even get him started on those. He was so tiny and cute and short and sweet and funny and- God he was just so perfect. 
Kibum sighed happily and flicked his hair out of his eyes....Why was everyone looking at him like that. Everyone, including random people walking alongside them, had stopped to give him a shocked look. He raised a questioning eyebrow, glanced over at Jinki and recieved a rather dumbfounded expression.
"What? Come on, I wanna go already."
Suddenly Taemin was beside him, smacking his arms with a happy glint in his eyes.
"When did this happen?! When can I meet him?! What's he like?!-...Well besides short cute funny and romantic."
Kibum blinked dumbly.
Jinki facepalmed.
...."Anyone know where I can buy a mind-to-mouth filter?"
Kibum turned to his roommate with a thoughtful expression before he nodded and stuck a hand out.
How strange, he actually agreed with Dongho on something. And had he seriously just confessed to all of Italy (and his class) that he was gay. That he had a boyfriend. Oh God.
"I knew it! That's totally why you broke up with me last year, isn't it!"
Before Kibum could sneer at his oh-so-lovely ex girlfriend, Taemin had beaten him too it. He unlatched himself from Kibum's arm and promptly flipped her the bird. Kibum was so proud.
"No, pretty sure he left you because you're a cheating ."
A quick interruption from the teacher ended their little dispute, giving Taemin the stink eye before he was told to walk up front so he could be watched. Jinki took up Taemin's previous spot and awkwardly patted Kibum on the shoulder while he looked at everything but him.
"Congrats...I really do hope he makes you happy."
Jinki had seen it coming really, Kibum had been fangirling (yes, fangirling) his head off the night he had come back with the story of his new found crush. So why was Jinki so shocked? His best friend was dating another guy, that's why. It wasn't like he was against homouality or anything, he just felt this...Not distatse, but a smidgen of 'that isnt right and you know it' and he could thuroughly blame that on his family for drilling it into his head that it was all wrong and unacceptable- Of course he was his own person and he didn't agree with any of those claims. But it was still there, and he actually kind of hated the fact that they had gotten to him that way. Hell, he was feeling this way a lot lately. Ever since he started going to sleep with a boy in the same bed, waking up with a boy in his arms, spending all day with a boy who shamelessly pulled the classic 'i tease you only because I like you' and then...He just...God damn it why was his mind so jumbled? 
Kibum has a boyfriend.
He, himself, had practically shoved them in the direction of dating.
His name is Jonghyun and he's Korean.
Taemin is apparently gay, too.
Whom also happens to be his roommate that he enjoys spooning and then putting on a show of being disgusted when he wakes up.
...Was it possible for Kibum and Taemin's uality to be rubbing off on him? Oh God no what the hell was he thinking?! A persons uality doesn't just rub off on another person. If he was attracted to a guy then so...s-so be it!
UGH. Just accept it, Lee Jinki; Y-you....You like...GIRLS!
What the hell.
"-And he was all cuuuuute and cuddly and he sings in his sleep! Oh my God it was so cute. You would like him, Jinnie but I'm warning you right now, he is mine and I will not hesitate to kill anyone who tries to take him. Yes, bestfriend or not."
Why is Kibum fangirling again? When did they get here? Where is here?
Jinki sighed heavily and rubbed his face tiredly, his energy levels were running low and they hadn't even gotten started on the little field trip. He needed a coffee. Lots and lots of caffeine.
Kibum waved his hands in front of Jinki's face with a cute pout on his lips. Jinki had to resist pinching and poking at his cheeks.
Okay he didn't resist at all, and pinched his cheeks before pulling them out so he looked like a puffer fish. With kitty eyes. That were glaring holes into his face. Ouch.
Kibum rubbed at his cheeks before diving right back into his fangirling about Jonghyun, this time Jinki tuned him out completely and just nodded occasionally. He was having a hard time understanding how Kibum could go from a skirt chasing bastard...To this lovesick...Teenage girl. Was this guy really that good for him? It was like a split personality had formed somewhere between the time he'd met Jonghyun and the second he'd returned to the hotel. Like split personality at first sight. 
This wasn't the Kibum he had been friends with. This was some weird clone that had been replaced and...And he was starting to get weirded out by just about everything. His mind really was jumbled. So, so jumbled. Taemin had him all confused; did he like him or hate him? Kibum had him weirdrd out with everything he had experienced since they got here, and then there was his own problem.
He had to get over his own flase beliefs, so he could fully accept his best friend and...Friend?...With open arms and an even more open mind. Speaking (or thinking) about open minds...Had Kibum even told his Mother? Had he thought about what the heck he was going to do after this trip came to an end? Had he thought about anything? Jinki understood that he had told him to just do what made him happy, and that happened to be getting Jonghyun to go on a date with him, but he definately didn't mean for Kibum to do it all without thinkking ahead.
But in a way he kind of expected Kibum too, like he didn't have to tell him because he would have given him this look that said 'who the hell are you to tell me what to do' and then told him he had already thought about it all. It was just a thing Kibum did. He thought things out before he did them.
Said male looked behind his shoulder at Jinki with raised eyebrows. He had been looking at a painting- a really pretty one, actually- and was only half paying Jinki any attention. Which made him narrow his eyes and discreetly shove his shoulder.
"Whaaaaaat? I was trying to take notes so I don't get in trouble, idiot."
Notes? Oh right. Yeah. Those....Oops.
"Yeah, um so have you talked to your Mom about this whole Jonghyun thing? I was just thinking, you know, about how she would...Handle it."
Kibum's eyes dropped to the paper in his hands and he shuffled his feet. Which meant that hell no he hadn't told her. Jinki sighed. Why was he always the designated adult in these situations?
"You have to tell her, you know she'll just flip out even more if she finds out that you waited or put it off. You know she get's-"
Kibum's head snapped up, his eyes narrowed dangerously and his eyebrows furrowed in a way that told Jinki to step off. He did so by leaning away and holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender.
"I know, I know, 'you dont ing know anything so dont talk like you do.'....Right?"
By then there were a few people giving them cautious looks, especially Kibum, who had started clenching his jaw and shaking his head.
" you. I can't believe you would do that Jinki. You know I can't...I can't ing- Just...."
Now Jinki had seen Kibum angry often, he had quite the flaming temper, but when he got his words all scrambled...He knew Kibum was beyond angry; He was hurt.
And what made it worse was that Jinki did it on purpose. He brought up a subject that was still tender, a subject Kibum hated talking about. His family. His home life. And more specifically...His Father. Kibum's Father was a man that Jinki had hoped he would never have too meet. He wasn't a man that Kibum could talk about easily- and Jinki had learned that the hard way, only last year when the younger had a...Sort of mental breakdown in the middle of a fight with his Mother. That was the only time he had ever heard Kibum mention his Father, and from what he had said, the man was an absolute disgrace to the human race. And Jinki, being angry for no ing reason, had just repeated exactly what Kibum had said when screaming at his Mother...About his Father.
Jinki felt oddly pissed off. He didn't know why or what had caused it, but the way Kibum had reacted made his blood boil in a way he hadn't felt in a long time. It felt kind of good. So he glared right back at him and shrugged.
"Look just because your Dad was a deadbeat dumb , doesn't mean you can just-"
There wasn't any pain, but there was a quick flash of white and a ringing in his ears before he was looking up at a prettily painted ceiling from the floor. Where he was sure he had fallen when Kibum punched him hard enough in the face, to make him temporarily black out. His senses were all screwed up; his vision was blurry, his hearing was slowly starting to go from muffled to oddly hightened, and his muscles were still kind of...Dead.
"-st think you can ing let him talk to me that way?! You know what, you too, Taemin. If you really want to do this then ing do it, you're both backstabbing bastards that deserve eachother."
....Wow. What just happened. Did he just get into a fight with his best friend, and then lose?
Yes he did.
He heard loud, storming foot steps pass him and then an almost hysterical sounding Taemin begging for someone too come back.
"Kibum, wait I didn't mean it like that! You know I didn't....Kibum!"
"Aaaah stop yelling it hurts my...Everything."
Jinki blinked blearily, suddenly coming face-to-face with their teacher, who looked like he was pissed the off and worried at the same time. He groaned when a finger ran down his nose and the older man cringed, drawing back with blood on his hand. Jinki thought he was going to be sick.
"Oh God am I bleeding?!- OW!"
Apparently it hurt to talk. And breath. And close his eyes- And while he was at it, it also hurt to open them. His entire face hurt. Kibum could definitely throw a better punch than he looked like he could.
Jonghyun was, for lack of better words, mopping. He was dragging his feet and being a grumpy old man while taking orders from innocently happy customers, he kept huffing and puffing in irritation when he couldn't reach something and Minho was the reciever of random glares. Jonghyun decided Choi Minho deserved to be the target of his frustrations. Everyone was happier than him, and he had just gotten the guy of his dreams to be his. You would think he would be happy right? But somehow he had been shoved off of Cloud 9 and he hurtled down to Earth, and reality, faster than he could say 'ouch'. The guy of his dreams was a High School student, on his Senior Class Trip, whom he didn't know virtually anything about. 
Which meant he was going to be hurt.
It didn't mean it would be intentionally done, but it had to be done sometime. And he wasn't looking forward too it. Being hurt was something everybody tried to avoid, whether it be a mental kind of hurt or a physical and he was no exception. Sure he was the type of person to wear their heart of their sleeve, and he was the type of person who was easy to hurt, but that didn't mean that he was asking for it. So why did people think it was alright to do it anyway?
Why did fate like to do things like that too him?
Fate liked to give him something he wanted, something he deserved, and then liked to take it away. Albeit it kind of did it in ways that tended to soften the blow, even if just a little. 
Fate was still such a .
In this case fate decided to present itself through the form of his sister, asking about the date Minho had told her about. The questions she asked about Kibum...He couldn't answer more than half of them; He didn't know his favorite food or his Mother's name, he didn't know where he lived and he didn't know what he wanted to do with his future. He didn't know the man he was in love with. Love....Also another thing his Sister had corrected him about.
"You can't love someone you don't know. And you've only known him for a few days, Jjongie. You can't love him."
And she was right, unless she believed in love at first sight. But he did...And he felt it, he felt it for Kibum. He was sure.
This time it was different...He wasn't a foolishly innocent kid anymore, he was an adult and he knew how to defrensiate the feelings between friends and the feelings between lovers. Kibum gave him feelings a lover would give, not a friend.
But now he was starting to wish that it was the other way around. Now that he wasn't all wrapped up in Kibum he was thinking clearly. Painfully...Clear.
But the time he did spend with Kibum made the feelings of confusion and doubt be overshadowed. The good things were better than the bad, were worth the short amount of scolding from Songdam and the 'betrayal' of his best friend if he could even call it a betrayal that is...All he'd really done was nod his head to everything his Noona said.
Pfft, he was so ing whipped.
He was whipped and he knew it.
He snapped his head up in acknowledgement just in time to catch Minho reach his hand out toward him in reflexive panic  and cringe deeply. He wasn't too sure why he was doing that until he felt molten-ing-lava poor over the palm of his left hand and a few fingers. He had spaced out and overfilled the latte he was working on.
He proceeded to scream his lungs out, non too manly, and throw the damned cup on the floor where it shattered. And he was trapped, unless he wanted to step on broken glass. 
A few customers jumped in shock and Minho didn't even pay them any mind as he set down (....threw) the unfinished batch of scones he had been slaving over for the past hour on the counter and ran out to the front where Jonghyun was holding out a bright red hand and biting his bottom lip hard enough to turn the skin white. Without thinking he kicked the glass out of his path with his shoe and grabbed onto his Hyung's wrist so he could inspect his hand- But he froze when he noticed something. Jonghyun was...Crying. Minho sighed.
"Aish, come on let's go run your hand under some cold water for a while."
Jonghyun reacted in a very Jonghyun-like way, which made Minho chuckle; He looked at him with innocently concerned puppy eyes and quietly mumbled,
"You just walked through a pile of broken glass..."
But that wasn't what had Minho laughing, oh no, it was what he said next and how he said it.
"And I am so not going to do that! I'll cut my feet off- NO, my toes!"
Which was Jonghyun-speak for 'I didn't just make myself sound like a ing girl. No I did not.' which he didn't, but he was kind of stuck on his tough guy image and being just a little bit soft in front of their regular customers made him feel uncomfortable for a reason Minho didn't understand. So he decided to just shrug it off and scoop up his Hyung (he was just so small and compact and Christ he wasn't heavy at all) and carry him over the stupid glass and to the kitchen like he had just saved his life.
That earned him a glare and a few chuckles.
"Leggo of me you giant oaf! I'm still mad at you for siding with Songdam Noona!"
Siding? He hadn't sided with either of them. Jonghyun's love life was his business, not Minho's so why would he side with him, or Songdam on a matter that didn't concern him? With a fond smile Minho set down a lightly flailing and grumling Jonghyun, who immediately fixed his apron.
"Hyung you're losing it. I didn't side with either of you. It was none of my business, anyway."
With a flick to the now-pouting Jonghyun's forehead Minho the sink, waiting for his Hyung to hurry up and get his hand under the spout.
It never made it under the cold water.
Mostly because his Hyung was a childish little squirt and wouldn't offer up the hand clutched lightly to his chest.
Minho sighed and promptly tickled Jonghyun's sides so he would let go of his hand, stuck it under the water, and then braced himself for the loud noises (read: ear-piercing screeches) he knew was going to follow.
And follow they did. Right in his ear, all loud and high pitched and damn Jonghyun and his strong lungs.
"I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm trying to help you! Why are you acting like an animal?! Just hold still, would you?"
Minho ignored him and continued to hold his hand under the water until the throbbing red dulled to an angry pink. And Jonghyun had calmed down enough to just kind of stand there and pout.
"There, go up and see if you have anything for burns. If you don't I can take an early lunch and grab you something on my way back."
He watched Jonghyun nod and drag his feet over to his apartment door before he disappeared up the stairs.
Jonghyun was such a handful, he got into so much trouble and then blamed other people for it. Why in the world did Minho ever promise to look after him? And he was his Dongsaeng! It should have been the other way around, damn it. But no. Of course his-....
Minho stopped his thoughts instantly. He didn't want to think about something that was past. It wasn't happening right then and there so he really didn't need to think about it. He just had too keep a promise that he wasn't sure was even meant for him. But he wouldn't have been where he was then, without Jonghyun.
And his stupidly childish personality.
Minho sighed and rolled his eyes before drying his hands off and inspected his scones- Which were safe for the most part. A few had bounced off of the sheet when he'd dropped it, and he was debating what to do with them when a familiar head popped around the doorway.
A familiar head that didn't look too happy.
Or calm.
What the hell.
"Where's Jonghyun?"
e A e I hate myself for doing that to you guys lol but have no fear, for I am already working on the next chapter and it will be returning to our beloved fluff! I cant stand too much angst tbh and this chapter was taunting me, going all "erase me, make me fluffy, make me happyyyy ; ~ ;" and you guys have no idea how hard it is to post a chapter you dont like xD;;
but yeah, this is where a lot questions get answered. these two chapters. 
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{The Time} -- FINALLY updated! Working on the next chapter as we...type. o U o b


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Chapter 16: aawwwww Taemin's confession was so so cute, totally adorable, I can't wait to see Jinki's reaction, I hope it's good, love OnTae so much; I really hope that OnTaeKey are able to make up soon, at least Key can see why Taemin did and said what he did, even though it still hurts; can't wait for more update really soon. ;-P
Chapter 16: Asdfghjjkl
I hate the OnTaeKey drama thing LOL
I kinda guess they ALL stepped too far and said hurtful words.
But omg, Key is like... I guess getting obsessed with Jonghyun, a man he only met for a short period of time...Hmmm
Chapter 15: lmao @buttnugget XD hope everything goes well
Chapter 15: Awww!
i hope all this family drama issues will end @n@

I also read about your brother's first date -- they seem so cute! :D
Mind you, I would be squealing if I was you as well :P
GoofyElla #5
Chapter 15: Oww, good luck with the family drama. Been there, done that and it really >.< so haha :P
We can wait for your awesome story~ ;)
Don't mind haters and look at us WHO LOVE YOUR STORY :D
Chapter 15: just ignore them hun, actually for guy's that was pretty tame; I really hope that your family stuff settles down for you soon; ;-)
Chapter 14: OMO they are so, so cute, I love it;
Chapter 13: OMO, your brother and his boyfriend sound so adorable, good luck to them. <3 ;-P
Chapter 12: OMO I can't believe that Key did that, poor Jinki, my poor baby, I hope he's gonna be ok; and I really hope that he sorts his head out soon, his stupid family have him in turmoil over something he can't control; I hope him and Key make up soon too; Minho is just o sweet looking after Jonghyun, and poor Jonghyun, his poor hand, that must have really hurt, Key will look after him though. <3
Chapter 11: I love it, fantastic job hun; I wonder how their gonna work out who's gonna be who, keke; Minho is just so adorable, I hope he gets with Songdam, I think that they would be so cute together; poor Taemin, Jinki was really deeply asleep, or was he faking, and heard what Taemin said, keke; I knew Taemin would have taken Jinki sweatshirt by mistake, it's always the way when you wanna forget someone or something, something always happens to make you think about, and what better why than to be surrounded by their scent; I really don't like that he found ciggaretts in Jinki's pocket, I really hope that there's another reason and that he doesn't smoke those horrible things, and if he does that Taemin gets him to stop, and fast, I really hate them; can't wait for more, really love this. <3 ;-P