
If Only You Knew....


*Author’s note: Italicized  = thoughts; Bold = English; First chapter. I hope you guys like it.
*Your P.O.V*
May 31.…… How much I hate this day. I wish it never came at all. All it brings are memories of sadness and abandonment. And it marks one more day until my birthday. YIPPEYY!! Right? WRONG! Now I can’t even enjoy my birthday without crying and bringing back those horrible memories………
*Flashback - Three years ago*
“Jojo!!! Guess what day it is!!!” my best friend, Yejun, shouts in my ear as I walk into school.
“It’s May 31.… What about it?” I say.
“WHAT ABOUT IT!?! Only one more day until your birthday!!”
I smile remembering that my birthday is indeed tomorrow. Wow… I can’t believe I forgot AGAIN! I love having Yejun around to remind me of these things.
See me smile Yejun smiles, probably thinking, “I guess she forgot again, what a dumbo.”
“So what do you want to do tomorrow after school for your birthday?”
“I dun know…. Probably just hanging out with you and dinner with you and my dad. Same as every year.” 
Yejun thought about that for a moment. Then he thought of an idea, “How about I get you to go out for breakfast, come to school, then at lunch we eat something that I will make especially for you since it’s your birthday, then hang out at the park, and then dinner with your dad? Sound good to you??”
I smile brightly at everything he said. I love his plan. “Sounds great! I can’t wait till tomorrow. What time should I be ready by?”
“Awesome. How about 7:30 cause we need time to eat and get to school.” 
*After school*
As I‘m walking home all I hear is, “HEY JOJO!! DON’T FORGET TOMORROW 7:30!!! I’LL BE WAITING OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR!!” I smile to myself at Yejun’s silliness. He thinks I forget everything… okay I do but I would never forget something like this. It’s so special. 
I’m smiling to myself all the way home. But it quickly disappeared when I saw the scene on my street: ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars are all I see. I run to my house to make sure nothing happened to Appa. But a police officer tries to stop me.
“I GOTTA SEE MY APPA!!!!” is all I scream while he’s holding me back. Then the worst thing happened, I see Appa on the stretcher all pale and unconscious. After that everything becomes black and the next thing I know is that I’m in the hospital.  
I wake up and I look around to find Appa. But I can’t find him. I page for the nurse and ask her where Appa is. I didn’t like the look she gave me…
“Come this way with me miss,” the nurse says. I follow her to another room and I see Appa with all sorts of tubes going into and out of him. The sight of that sickened me. 
Man I wish Yejun was here so I can hold him. Yejun was always there for me but when I called it went straight to voicemail. I called his house but I guess no one was home. So I left multiple messages on both lines.
“Excuse me miss but are you Mr. Lee’s daughter?” The doctor asked when he saw me.
“Yes, I am”
“I’m sorry to have to say this but it looks like your father has Pancraetic cancer. His cancer is really horrible. I don’t believe that treatment will help him now. If he had came earlier for treatment then there is a possibility that may have had longer to live. But now he only has four years to live. Maybe less”
“MWUHRAHGOO!!?!?!? (WHAT!??!?!) Anniya anniya (No no) this can’t be happening! First Umma now Appa? What am I gonna do now?”
“I suggest you spend as much time with your appa as possible before he dies.” With that the doctor leaves.
I go home around 8 that night because I had school the next morning and Yejun was taking me out to breakfast. I knew Appa wouldn’t want me to miss either of those, even if it meant leaving his side for most of the day. 
*Next day- June 1*
I was surprised that I got any sleep last night with everything that happened.
I looked at my watch and it said 7:30. Where’s Yejun? I thought to myself. 
It’s not 8:30 and Yejun never showed up. I’m disappointed so I decided to just go to school to see if he was there. But he was. I didn’t see him at lunch either. That’s strange…. Yejun has never missed a day of school even if he was sick. 
By the end of school I haven’t seen Yejun at all. So I decided to go to his house.
Once I got there I was surprised to find a “For Sale” sign and the house empty. 
I start running and crying all the way to the hospital. “Some birthday this was.” That’s all I was thinking for the rest of the day.
“Yejun where are you?? Why did you leave me?? How long have you known?? Why didn‘t you ever tell me??” I kept repeating that all night until I somehow fell asleep next to Appa.
Author’s note: DONE! It’s 884 words long~ Hopefully you guys like this. ^_^ I will try to update another chapter with Yejun’s P.O.V to show what happened with him. Stay tuned~
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@vanessa3401: Here the update~ I hope you like it! >.<
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Please update! So good :3
ohhh Kan! please update~~~
okei ;] good luck ;D most of ppl now living hell XD or just simply not having life.<br />
Giving some of my energy to you :] ;DD
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update!!
update o-o please :D i loove it
I love where this is going and I want to see what Yejun will do now that he knows that Kan and I are a couple! Please update soon! d(^_^)b
SilentSephina #7
^-^ <br />
Kans my boyfriend(in the story) hehehe<br />
<br />
& yes,I loved the outfit<br />
<br />
can't wait for the next chapter:)
SilentSephina #8
:D<br />
hehehe<br />
I wonder what Kan has planned for my birthday?<br />
<br />
I can't wait for the next chapter ^-^