1st Day of School!

SHINee MusicBox

A/N - HI HI! In case you forgot the story so far! Here's a lame, short summary \O/

Suzy on the way home from school finds an old music box that seems abanonded. She picked it up and took him, fell asleep, woke up and found tiny handsome that can talk? Weiird.. They told her the story of being trapped in a box and such and that now she is the new owner! BD She took the boys to go shopping but ran into a crowd and the boys backed her up, somewhat. (e.e) The boys are now on their way to apply for school by persauding Suzy to let them go! PHEW! On with the story!!! 


"Hurry and get up!" Suzy scolded shaking their large bodies. The only thing the boys did was groan and covered themselves with their blankets. "Pabos.." The girl muttered. "If you guys are late, not my fault!" Suzy stormed into the kitchen.

"Hyuuung, I change my mind about going.." Taemin was whining while hugging his pillow.

"Just hurry and get ready. Let's please Miss Suzy with all we can, alright?" Jonghyun spoke while changing into their uniforms.

"He's right. Let's just make her happy since she's already giving us everything she can." The boys nodded and quickly got themselves into their school uniforms.

"Suzy!!" A rumbling of steps were heard coming down the stairs. "We're ready!" Minho stated as he straightened out his uniform and hair, then followed by the rest of the boys.

Her jaw dropped. My Gophers did they look handsome. "R-Ready?" She blinked still processing them in their uniforms. 

"Close your mouth before a fly goes into your mouth." Key stated and walked past her. 

"Rude.." She muttered and eyed him from the back. "Let's go everyone!" Suzy grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

They waited at the bus stop for the bus, while they were waiting a crowd was starting to swell up around them.. well just the boys. Suzy covered her face not wanting to be near them already. Being an a crowd just got on her nerves as they started to push and shover her around just to get closer to the boys. 

She blew a rasberry. "I can tell.. this is gonna be a long, tiring day.." She whispered to herself.



A-yooo! It's sure has been awhile! >< Here's a chapter! I hope you guys didnt forget what happened. I put a summary at the top to help you remember. :B

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harukatheyandere #1
yyyyyaaaayyyy deabak unnie
Update soon
harukatheyandere #3
Thank you lah unnie
I'll try to update as soon as possible! And If I haven't updated in a while, please remind me or msg me :B Thank you for reading!! ^^

Yes, you can call me Unnie ^^
harukatheyandere #5
pweze updte soon unnie if i can call u that
supersonic #6