Rescue, a pissed of fox, and Mating.

Blood Knight

Upon hearing those words from Key, Kyuhyun’s anger had reached its limit. Before anybody could react, he ran off toward the Vatican building. He burst through the front door alerting two guards to his presence. However before any of them could react he had cut both of their heads off. He dashed off to find the stairs that lead underground, to find Ryeowook.

After searching through each and every hallway, he finally stopped at a door that had the smell of Ryeowook’s blood. As he reached for the doorknob he heard a sound, like a sword being thrown. Kyuhyun jumped out of the way and turned to where it came from. Standing there, with a scimitar in his hands, is Yesung. Kyuhyun’s eyes narrow and glare at him, turning blood red. But still held some of their original silver tint in them.

“Stop right there vampire!” yelled Yesung.

Kyuhyun just glares at him.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” Yesung asks.

“Cho Kyuhyun. I am here to rescue Ryeowook. Now who are you human?” growled Kyuhyun.

“Kim Yesung.”

Kyuhyun slowly steps forward, toward Yesung, his glare getting more intense. Making Yesung flinch and take a step back in fear.

“You’re the one who broke Wookie’s heart. Let me ask you something. Did you even love or care about him at all?” He snarled, venom in every word.

“No, the pope just wanted him to have a reason to stay. He was like a son to him. To me he was just a bother to have around. Anyways, why should you care?” Yesung scoffed, but something about it seemed off.

Kyuhyun’s  anger flared, his wings flew open ripping the shirt, his eyes glowing blood red, loosing any silver tint that was left.

“Because I love him. Even if he doesn’t feel the same, I will still care for him. I’ll kill you for hurting him.” Kyuhyun snarled. Before he could charge at him someone grabbed his shoulder. He looked over to see Din glaring at Yesung.

“Din noona?!” he exclaimed. His wings folding back, eyes turning silver once again.

“Kyu go get Wookie. I’ll hold off Yesung.” She said slowly walking forward, grabbing her whip off her belt, extending it with intense blue flames.

Kyuhyun nods running through the door, following Ryeowook’s blood scent. After a few seconds of running, the scent leads him to a cell door. He opens the door slowly, peering in. looking around and his eyes widened as he spots Ryeowook curled up in the left corner sleeping. His eyes, red from crying, a ball gag in his mouth, no pants, a large infected claw mark on his chest, dried blood in between his thighs, and his hands tied tightly behind his back with bloody rope.

Slowly and quietly he walks over and leans in to untie his hands, uncovering the bleeding cuts from the rope cutting into his wrist. Then he unties the ball gag, taking it out of his mouth, next he takes off his jacket and wraps it around Ryeowook’s body. Then he picks him up bridal style. As he walks out the door to the cell, with Ryeowook in his arms, he notices a new scent of blood coming from the way he came through. Slowly walking back to the stairs, glancing down at Ryeowook’s sleeping form every few seconds. As he walks up the stairs, he smells the blood getting stronger, enough to recognize it, its Henry’s.

Confused Kyuhyun runs through the door to see Henry on the ground, Leeteuk on his knees trying to heal the wound in his stomach. Din also on her knees crying on Henrys bleeding body.  His family, Taemin and an unknown man with black hair and a silver claymore on his back, watching Leeteuk’s struggle to heal Henry.

Taemin, upon smelling Ryeowook’s blood turns around to see Kyuhyun with Ryeowook sleeping in his arms.

“Kyu?” he whispered. Trying not to wake up his hyung. Everybody else turns around as well.

“What happened here? And who are you?” said Kyuhyun indicating the man with the claymore.

“Choi Minho, I am Taemin’s boyfriend, and old Vatican partner.” He says. Making  Taemin blush a little.

“Okay that still doesn’t answer my first question. What happened here?”

“Right when you left to get Ryeowook, Siwon came and started fighting me together with Yesung. When I had my back turned fighting Siwon, Yesung tried to get me from behind, but Henry from out of nowhere got the blow instead of me. Before Yesung could strike me again though, Minho here stopped the blow with his claymore.” Din says trying to hold back her tears and pointing to Minho.

“Then we got here just in time for Leeteuk hyung to heal Henry. Also both Yesung and Siwon ran off looking like they were having a headache. Then you got here.” AJ pipes up.

“So what do we do now? We have Ryeowook back but Henry’s hurt badly.” Marumir says.

Kyuhyun looks over at Henry. Leeteuk’s healing power keeping Henry alive, but only just.

Just then a groan could be heard from Kyuhyun’s arms. Everybody glances at Ryeowook as he stirs in his arms.

As Ryeowook’s eyes flicker open, he sees Kyuhyun looking down at him with a smile on his face.

“Kyu…..Kyuhyun is that you?” he asks still half asleep.

“Yeah it’s me, You okay Wookie?”

“Y-Yeah, but what is going on?” he asked looking around.

“Yesung hit Henry in the stomach when Din was fighting him and Siwon. And Teukie hyung has been trying to heal him.”Kiseop pipes up.

Ryeowooks’ eyes widened when he hears that Yesung hurt Henry. A human.

Just then the clock strikes midnight. Ryeowook starts to scream in pain, clenching onto Kyuhyuns shirt, as his teeth grow into fangs, his blood burning, and finally after a few moments of his screaming. He stops, closing his eyes has his heart stops beating. Kyuhyun clenches his shoulder tightly, hoping that he will be okay.

After a few moments of Ryeowook not moving, the cuts on his wrists heal up, revealing the vine tattoos on both of his wrist now, and his eyes open up again, revealing blood red eyes.

“Wookie, How are you feeling?” Taemin asks.

“Better than ever, but what about Henry? Is there anything I can do?” He asks.

“Well you could try giving him your blood. Since you’re a dhampir your blood can heal wounds and make humans immortal without turning them.” Taemin answers.

“Really. I can do that.”

“Yep. But I think you better hurry. Teukie is reaching his limit.” Said Kangin.

As if on cue Leeteuk collapses on to the ground. As everybody runs over to Leeteuk. Kyuhyun gently puts Ryeowook on the ground. They both run over to Henry and Leeteuk.

“Din can I borrow a Kunai?”

 She nods grabbing one from her kunai pouch and handing it to Ryeowook. He takes the knife and cuts a large cut on his palm. Letting the blood drip onto Henry’s wound. After a few moments, Henry’s wound heals and his eyes open.

“What happened?” Henry says.

“Henry your okay.” Ryeowook Exclaims embracing Henry as he sits up.

“I could say the same to you Wookie.” He says smiling as they both stand up.

Kangin picks up a pale sleeping Leeteuk bridal style, then turns to the others.

“I think we need to get out of here. Yesung might be back with more hunters.”

Everybody nods.

They all run to the front door, but as they are about to open it. A shout rings through the room.

 “Well looks like you rescued your mate, Kyuhyun. Enjoy your time with him while you can. It might not last long.”

They all turn around to see Velcan in a black suit.

“It’s been a long time Din. Hows the village doing?” he says with a smirk.

“It’s gone you should know why. You sold out the village to the Vatican’s Japenese branch. You’re the reason my family is dead. And Konaha is destroyed.” She yells at him. Her eyes glowing blue, fangs lengthening, claws extending, and blue flames covering her body.

“I only did that so they wouldn’t kill you. After all I fell in love with you.”

Suddenly a kunai flies out at him. Aimed at his head, he dodges it quickly.

“Guys go on ahead without me. I’ll catch up with you later.” She says walking forward with her whip drawn out, its blue flames as intense as the flames covering her whole body. Indicating that she is really really pissed off.

“But noona-“

“NO BUTS HENRY, JUST GO!!!” she yelled startling everybody. She has never yelled at Henry before.

Everybody ran into the forest covered by night fall. Leaving Din to fight Velcan.


3 hours later

All of the family members, Taemin and Minho, had set up camp deep in the forest. Kangin is sleeping in his tent with his sleeping lover, the elves are all sleeping in their own tent, Taemin and Minho are sleeping in their own tent, Xander and Kevin are sleeping in the trees, the only people awake are Kyuhyun and Ryeowook, the other vampires are sleeping in their own tents.

Ryeowook was sitting down, staring into the fire that Kevin had made just before he went to sleep.

Should I tell him. He thought. Wondering, contemplating if he should confess to Kyuhyun, and tell him that Velcan had him.

“You worried about Din noona?”

He jumped at the voice, he turned around to see Kyuhyun walking towards him.

“Y-yeah I am. After all you guys came to rescue me, but in the end we had to leave someone behind.” He said turning around to stare at the fire. Kyuhyun walked over and sat next to him.

“Don’t be. Din knows how to defend herself and if she dies then we will know.”


“AJ and Din are mates, and when a fox spirit dies, half breed or not, their mates die as well.”

“So then that means…” he says widening his eyes.

“Yeah AJ will die too. But I don’t think that is going to happen.”


“Din was pissed off when we left. And when she is pissed off like that she can’t be stopped until she calms down. Which might not be until we return to the mansion tomorrow.”

“Wow. I didn’t know she could be like that.”

“Yeah I didn’t either, then I played a prank on her. By stealing that whip of hers. Which ended up having her leave the mansion for a month, and me having some burn wounds to heal.” He chuckled.

They both stare at the flames for a while. Silence filling the air. The only sound being made is Kangin’s snoring in his tent.

After an hour of silence, Ryeowook stood up starting to walk toward the only empty tent left. But as he was about to enter it Kyuhyun had grabbed his wrist. Before Ryeowook could react he was spun around and  Kyuhyun had crushed their lips together.

Ryeowook gasped, allowing Kyuhyun’s tongue to enter and explore his mouth. Snapping out of his trance, he immediately gave in to the kiss and kissing back. Closing his eyes and putting his arms around the youngest vampires’ neck, as the kiss became more passionate by the second. He moaned in the kiss.

“I love you Wookie, I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long. Ever since the day I met you.” He said pulling back from the kiss, panting hard.

Ryeowook smiled.

“I love you too Kyu.” He said looking up at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun kissed him again. But this time it was harder and rougher, then the last one. But Ryeowook didn’t care.

“Wookie?” he asked pulling away from the kiss.

“Yes Kyu.”

“Would you be my mate?”

Ryeowook gasped.

“Yes. Yes. Kyuhyun I will.” He exclaimed . hugging Kyuhyun tighter.

“Good, now this might hurt a bit kay.” He whispered into Ryeowooks ear, earning a shiver of excitement from the new born dhampir. After all, being the best researcher of vampires, he knew how the mating process works.

When a vampire chooses their mate, of any creature, they have to bite them. Inject their venom into their bloodstream, until their mate looses consciousness. Then when the venom is done, their mate’s smell changes enough that any vampire would recognize it as another’s mate. Not to mention that the mate becomes immortal unless the vampire dies.

Kyuhyun extended his fangs and bit down on Ryeowooks’ neck, earning a gasp of pain and pleasure from the dhampir, giving him his venom.

As his venom circulated through the dhampir’s bloodstream, he started to loose consciousness. Collapsing in Kyuhyun’s arms, as he pulled his fangs out of his lovers’ neck. Carrying him into the tent, he gently laid Ryeowook down in the sleeping bag, and he laid down right beside him. Smiling as he noticed the changing scent coming from his lover. Wrapping his arms around his waist, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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Noooooooooo... No need to rewrite the whole thing. It's as perfect as it already is...
how the hell Kyu's mom know that Kyu is alive n how did she know abt Kyu's current situation n relation with Wookie????? I'll rip her heart out if she hurt KyuWook (-_-)

KyuWook stay 2gether
kyulovewook #3
OMG!!! how did Kyu's mother know Kyu's still alive when everyone thought he was dead?? Oh i hope KyuWook will be safe from his mother!!! i wish i could just keep reading this story nonstop!
update soon... :D
Jeeezee #4
glad to hear you won't abandon this fic
i really love the KYUWOOK vampire thing...
i didnt know that this fic got unsubscribed cuz of the site crash T.T
I m feeling sad cuz of missing it.

I looooooovvveee it.
kyuwook1311 #6
Yes! Finally Velcan died~~ and Kyuwook are mates now.So good!!! thanks for update~~
kyulovewook #7
YAY!! Wookie finally knows whos his real brother is.
GO DIN GO!! Good job at successfully killing Velcan! hahaaa :D
aulia21 #8
Kyuwook, their mates now!^^ I love it <33
mojojojo #9
So cute !! And konoha ?! Really !! Ahm ahm i am loving your story more and more !!
kyuwook1311 #10
Wow! Update soon~~ it's really good!!!