New Family

Blood Knight

The full moon glistened in the night sky, as Ryeowook ran through the forest. Tears pouring out of his eyes, not even caring about the cool night wind brushing past him. His heart broken from a cold discovery that had hit him an hour ago. Arriving in a clearing, he stopped and fell to the ground. Laying there, curled up in a ball, sobbing his broken heart out. A few hours later, after sobbing even when he had no more tears to let out, he heard a stick break. Scrambling to his feet.

“Who’s there?” he called.

He heard a low growl coming from behind him. He turned around to see a big grey wolf stalking towards him. It growled once more. Then it made a sound, almost like a man chuckling.

“Well, well, well, looks like your lost, and in pain. Let me erase that for you.” It said.

“Y-you’re a w-werewolf?” Ryeowook said slowly backing away.

“Yes and you are my prey.”

The werewolf pounced at Ryeowook, bearing him to the ground. He screamed and struggled as the werewolf bit his left shoulder. He screamed in pain, but before the werewolf could tear the flesh. It was ripped right off him, and thrown to the ground. Making the werewolf yelp in pain.

Breathing heavily, Ryeowook looked up to see a man standing over him. The man had shoulder length brown hair, and had a dark mysterious sense about him. But what distracted Ryeowook the most was his blood red eyes with a hint of silver, and his fangs. He was a vampire.

The vampire stared down at Ryeowook, his gaze peering right through his soul. After a moment, the vampire turned toward the werewolf.

“Leave, before you make me even angrier than I already am.” He hissed.

“Kyuhyun, I’ll get you for this. Just you wait.” It growled as it backed away before running into the shadows.

As soon as it disappeared, Kyuhyun turned back to Ryeowook, who was now sitting up with his back against a tree and holding his bloody left shoulder, and crouched down to meet him at eye level.

Ryeowook flinched.

“You okay?” Kyuhyun asked softly.

Ryeowook nodded.

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun. Who are you?”

“K-Kim R-Ryeowook” He said weakly just before he passed out from blood loss and shock.

Kyuhyun leaned over and picked up Ryeowook bridal-style. Making his silver cross necklace come into view.

“A member of the Vatican. Huh” a voice said.

Kyuhyun spun around to see a tall figure move from out of the shadows.

“Seems so. But I think he was betrayed, Zhoumi.” He said as he stared down at the sleeping boy in his arms.

“How do you know that?”

“I saw him enter the forest, running and he was crying, but that’s not all. I saw his aura pulsing with anger and sorrow.”

“I see. Well lets take him with us to the mansion and treat his wounds.” Zhoumi said as he leaned in to take Ryeowook from Kyuhyuns arms. But he refused.

“It’s fine I’ll take him.” He said as he brushed past Zhoumi.

“I think you may have found your mate little brother.” Zhoumi murmured to himself before he followed close behind.


Ryeowook woke up with a start. Sitting up, he looked around the room he was in. The room was like a place for a prince. The queen-sized bed was soft and comfortable with the golden sheets. A large window on the other side with the red curtains covering it, a desk in the far corner, games and magazines lining the bookshelf next to the desk. A second bed right next to him.

Ryeowook looked at his shoulder to see that the bite mark had been bandaged up. He touched the bandages examining them. Then he noticed a mark, like a rose vine, coiling itself around his right wrist. Where had it come from? That wasn’t there before.

He was so amazed at the mark that he didn’t notice someone walking through the door and into the room.

“So your awake?”

Ryeowook jumped and looked up at the man who had spoken. He had short blond hair, blue eyes that seemed to sparkle like the ocean, and he wore all white.

“You feeling okay Ryeowook?” he said.

“Y-yes. But how did you know my name and who are you? Where am I?” Ryeowook said as he started to panic.

Ssh, calm down, My name is Park Leeteuk. You are at my family’s Mansion. This is Kyuhyun’s room.” Leeteuk said as he put a hand on Ryeowook shoulder to assure him that he was safe.

He sat down on the bed next to Ryeowook. Making him flinch and back away a little.

“K-Kyuhyun, does that mean that you and your family are all vampires?”

“No, I am actually an angel, there are some vampires, a human, a werewolf, some blood elves, and 2 phoenixes.”

“So your not all related.”

“No we are all orphans and so we take care of each other. But before I get to ahead of myself, may I ask you something?”


“What were you doing in our forest in the first place?” He asked.

Ryeowook cringed, tightening his grip on the fabric. Taking a deep breath he flopped back down on to the bed.

“I was running into the forest to get away from the Vatican, but more specifically my ex-boyfriend. Who I am beginning to think didn’t even love me at all. I found out that the Yesung was cheating on me when I had gotten back to our hotel room after I went shopping. He and his partner Siwon were…were….”

He turned his head into the pillow and sobbed, chocking off his own sobs occasionally. Leeteuk grabbed Ryeowook and cradled him in his chest. Rocking back and forth, rubbing his arm trying to calm him down. He couldn’t believe that his boyfriend would do that to him.

Ssh, Ryeowook it’s okay. He is not worth crying over.”

After a few moments of sobbing into elders shirt, leaving it wet, Ryeowook finally calms down. But still has tears rolling down his now red cheeks.

“He was the only reason I stayed in the Vatican as a researcher. But now that I find out he doesn’t love me. I just don’t know what to do, or where to go. I’m all alone now.” He said as he wiped his tears.

“Well you can stay with us. We have extra room, and Kyu seems to have taken a liking to you. And that’s rare for him to like a human.” Leeteuk said.

Ryeowook’s face brightened, and he smiled embracing Leeteuk.

“R-really. I can stay here.”

“Yep but you are going to have to contribute to the family, and help around the house. Like I am the eldest so I keep everyone in order and I help with injuries, or Kyuhyun the youngest helps with the cleaning.”

“I can cook really well. Unless you have somebody else already.”

Leeteuuk chuckled.

“No we don’t, we all just take turns fixing something for everybody. Now before I forget where do you want to stay? In a room by yourself or in Kyuhyun’s room?”

Ryeowook blushed, just thinking about him made his heart race faster.

“I will stay in Kyuhyun’s….if that’s okay with him.” He said nervously.

“I don’t mind.”

Ryeowook jumped and got on his feet staring at Kyuhyun who is leaning on the doorframe staring at the two. His look giving off a devious vibe.

“Kyuhyun are you sure I mean-“

“It’s fine just don’t touch my games kay.” He said with a smirk cutting Ryeowook off.

Leeteuk smiled as he got off the bed and walked off exiting the room, but before he got through the door, he turned around to Ryeowook.

“Ryeowook I’ll introduce you to our other brothers and give you a tour later. For now you and Kyu can get to know each other.“ he said before leaving.

Ryeowook bowed as he left. Kyuhyun walked into his room pulled open the curtains over the windows. Revealing the night sky and the bright full moon, Ryeowook just stared as Kyuhyun as he sat down in one of the chairs facing the window.

“I’m not going to hurt you Ryeowook.” He said.

Ryeowook hesitated, but sat down in the chair across from Kyuhyun. Mesmerized by his now silver eyes. Weren’t they blood red when he first met Kyuhyun.

“So, do you have any family Ryeowook?” He said after a moment of silence.

“No, I’m an orphan, I was dropped off at the door step of the Vatican when I was just a baby. They took me in, but I never liked it there for some reason. Never really had any friends except for Taemin who is a year younger than me.” Ryeowook said staring at the ground.

“Is he a part of the vatican?”

“He was, but during a mission that he was on with his partner. He disappeared. That was two years ago.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.”

“It’s alright. The only thing that I have to remember him by is this ring that his parents left him.”

Ryeowook dug into his pocket of his jeans and took out a silver ring, a weird language etched in it, with a bloodstone on the top. But just when Kyuhyun was about to look at it closer his bedroom door opened.

“Hey maknae. Have you seen Heebum?” a voice called.

A man with long black hair in a pony tail walks in soon after. His fangs shining in the light, while his yellow eyes glistened in his smile. He was a diva.

“No Heechul hyung I have not. Did you ask Kevin?” Kyuhyun said standing up, and turning to him.

Before Heechul answers he notices Ryeowook in the chair across from Kyuhyun.

“Hey maknae who’s that?” he said pointing to Ryeowook.

Ryeowook flinched.

“My name is Kim Ryeowook” he said standing up and bowing.

“Oh you’re a human aren’t you.”

“Yes I am.”

“I’m Kim Heechul. Kyu’s older brother.”

“Nice to meet you Heechul hyung” he said smiling.

“I like you already. By the way is it okay if I call you Wookie.”

“No it’s not. Or at least not at the moment no.” he said as a tear slipped past his guard.

Kyuhyun, being the only one who noticed, the way Ryeowook had said this. It had been filled with pain, and anger. He stood up and pushed Heechul out of the room.

“Whats wrong maknae? Afraid I’m going to take him from you.”

“No Ryeowook was just betrayed by his old boyfriend, and was attacked by a werewolf last night. And I don’t think he is completely over it yet.”

“Oh I see.” Heechul said as he walked down the hall to find Kevin.

Kyuhyun walked back into the room, to find Ryeowook in his chair sobbing heavily. He quickly walks over to him and pulls him into his embrace, trying to still his sobs.  


A Shadowy figure watches the exchange between Ryeowook and Kyuhyun. Watching as Ryeowook goes back to sobbing in the chair, and Kyuhyun going over to embrace him.

“Oh, Wookie, I’ll see you soon.”

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Noooooooooo... No need to rewrite the whole thing. It's as perfect as it already is...
how the hell Kyu's mom know that Kyu is alive n how did she know abt Kyu's current situation n relation with Wookie????? I'll rip her heart out if she hurt KyuWook (-_-)

KyuWook stay 2gether
kyulovewook #3
OMG!!! how did Kyu's mother know Kyu's still alive when everyone thought he was dead?? Oh i hope KyuWook will be safe from his mother!!! i wish i could just keep reading this story nonstop!
update soon... :D
Jeeezee #4
glad to hear you won't abandon this fic
i really love the KYUWOOK vampire thing...
i didnt know that this fic got unsubscribed cuz of the site crash T.T
I m feeling sad cuz of missing it.

I looooooovvveee it.
kyuwook1311 #6
Yes! Finally Velcan died~~ and Kyuwook are mates now.So good!!! thanks for update~~
kyulovewook #7
YAY!! Wookie finally knows whos his real brother is.
GO DIN GO!! Good job at successfully killing Velcan! hahaaa :D
aulia21 #8
Kyuwook, their mates now!^^ I love it <33
mojojojo #9
So cute !! And konoha ?! Really !! Ahm ahm i am loving your story more and more !!
kyuwook1311 #10
Wow! Update soon~~ it's really good!!!