chap 8

You're my bestie.


Onew's POV:


After dinner, everyone went to do their stuff. 

Key and Minho were helping _____ to wash the dishes, while Taemin and Jonghyun were watching tv.

This is my chance to put it back.

I hold onto the picture, and sneaked into ____'s room.

I could still smell the lavender smell lingering in the room. 

As I put back the picture to where I found it, I peeked at the cup of tea.


Ah~ She drank it so well. 

Feeling satisfied, I walk out of the room comfortably, only to my shock that key was standing outside.



Key's POV:


When I was drying my hands, I saw Onew hyung sneaking into _____'s room.

Perhaps to put back her photo?

I pretend that I need to go to the toilet and head for _____'s room instead.

Since the door wasn't closed, I took a peek at what Onew hyung is doing.

As Onew came out of her room, I stood there, starring at him.

'Mwoh?' Onew asked.

'Put it back already? Hyung?' I asked.

'None of your business, Key.' onew simply replied, walking away from me.

I grabbed onto Onew's hand, 

'Let go.' He said calmly.

'We need to talk.' I looked into Onew's eyes.

'I said LET GO!' He pushed me away, making me tumbling onto the ground.

'Don't your parents teach you manners?! Respect your Hyung!' Onew yelled.


Jonghyun's POV:

I said LET GO! Onew suddenly shouted.

I turned around, realizing that Onew and key were outside _____'s room.

As Onew pushed Key to the ground, he added.

'Don't your parents teach you manners?! Respect your Hyung!'

Key sat on the ground with an elbow supporting him. His eyes suddenly drooped down into a frown, 

and became teary.

I stood up and walk towards Key.

'Can you stop that?' I told Onew off.

I picked Key up on his feet.

Key shook off my arm, and walk away.

'Key Oppa, where are you going?' _______ asked.

'I'm just... I need to take a walk. Don't need to wait for me.' key mumbled.

Key rushed out of the dorm without looking back.

'Look what you've done!' I yelled at Onew.

Knowing that he had pricked our young and cheerful Key's heart, he pretended to roll his eyes and locked himself in the bedroom.


Your Pov:


Key ran out of the dorm. I took a look at Onew, hoping he would chase after him, but keeping his pride up high, he chose to ignore the situation.

'Oppa, aren't you guys going after him?' I asked.

'He'll come back in a while.' Minho assured.

But its already late, and their curfew time is almost up.

I got to go to find him.

'Oppa, don't wait for me. I'll bring the keys. Going to get Key oppa back.'


'But...' Jonghyun words got cut by me as I ran out of the house.


Key Oppa, where are you?!

As I run down a few streets, I saw a blonde pretty dude sitting at the bus stop. 

Hai~ So he's there.

'Oppa!' I shouted and ran towards him.

'hmm? Ya _______! why did you come out?' 

Key questioned me, surprised that I came to find him.

'To bring oppa home of course!' I said.

'Its an hour to your curfew!'

He looked at his watch. It's already 10pm.

However, that didn't bother Key at all.

He suddenly stood up. 

'Wanna take a ride with me?' Key asked.

'Um.. Sure.' I replied.

He took me by the hand, and flag for the bus that's arriving at the bus stop.

When we got up the bus, no one was there except for the driver and us.

'Oppa, where are we heading to?' 

'You'll see.' Key replied.

As we sat down, he continued.

'Every time when I feel angry, or upset about anything, I would take a ride on the very last bus. It helps to clear my mind.'


I look at Key oppa, with his tears welled up in his eyes, he looked away from me, and said.

'Oppa's fine. I just ... miss them.' 

I looked at key, and asked.

'Your parents?'

He nodded.

'My mom was a pub singer. She met my dad in the pub and fell in love right away.' He told me.

'But Dad was a drunken man. Only knows how to gamble and make me and umma suffer. They died because the loan shark killed them.'


I kept my silence, not knowing what to say.

'I hate my appa at first.' Key said as he wiped off his tears off his cheeks.

'But he tried to protect me and umma when the loan sharks tried to kill us.' 

I looked at him, seeing his eyes and nose swelling red.

He looked at me awkwardly, and took a look at his reflection on his phone.


'Aish~ sorry, had to let you see me like this.'

I smiled and gave him a nudge.

'Hey, you still got Shinee and me. We're here for you. Onew oppa was just venting his anger. He didn't mean ...'

'Can you stop taking sides with him?' Key suddenly became serious.

'huh? I wasn't...' I mumbled.

'That's it. Get down.' he said coldly.

He must be still angry with Onew.

'Okay.. I'll get down. But please return home safely, okay?' 

I replied, and turned to away from Key, wanting to alight at the next bus stop.


When I was about to stand up, Key's pair of hands  wrapped tightly on my waist. He pulled me closer and rested his head on my back.

'Don't go...' He said.

Being shocked from his sudden back hug, I sat still, didn't there to move.

Slowly, I rested my hands on his, comforting him non-stop, as he cry silently behind my back.


Silence filled the whole bus throughout our ride. 

Key suddenly let go of me and wipe off his tears.

'Ya ____ ah. Don't tell anybody I cried. Arasso! You'll be dead if someone knows it.' Key sniffed.

I smiled and elbowed him. 

'I won't.. Oppa.' 

As we get down the bus right in front of our dorm, his dull face suddenly lit up.

'Yah! I'm so hungry! Why don't we go get supper?' He exclaimed.

Knowing that Key is trying to cheer himself up, I smiled even brighter and hooked his arms to mine.

'Lets have ddobokki! (spicy rice cake)' I cheered.

'OKAY! I know one shop that's really famous for their ddobokki...'




Onew's POV:


Is Key alright? I must have hurt him real bad.

___ went to chase after him, will he tell her?

I hope not.


I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to sleep at all.

Maybe I should go check out.

As I put on my jacket, and wanted to head out to the living room, 

I could hear the door open.

Key and _____ came back already.

'Oppa, get some sleep!' _____ whispered silently to Key.

'Arasso! Good night!' Key replied.


As ____ went back into her room, I walked towards Key.

'Kibum ah...' I mumbled.

'Oh? Hyung...' 

'Mi...Mianhe... I was a little harsh on you, right?'




HELLO! Thanks for reading my first fanfic!



Subscribe and comment! There's more to come! I know I might not be a good writer, but I'll try to do my best!



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Aww its done :( but tht was a great story actually one of my favs ^^
Yay~ gomawo for updatin ^^ please update as soon as u can
Please update again soon ^^
*gasp* Jonghyun tht was very mean poor ___ I feel srry for her.... Please update again soon ^^
Please update soon ^^ Fighting!!
:O now she likes Onew?! Omg!
Good luck on ur exams and please update when u can like after ur exams or somethin ^^ fighting!!
Omo! Ah!!!!!!!!!! First of all Sekyung just had to ruin it!!! And ah!!!!!! Key's asking her/me/whoever out! Please update soon cant wait! ^^
Omo she i mean im or whoevr is confessin?!!! Ahhhh please update like a.s.a.p Im like rlly excited on wats gonna happen next! :D
No problem ^^ i like this story <3