chap 17

You're my bestie.

Jonghyun's POV:

As I pull out Sekyung out of our kiss, I heard a loud splash outside the pool.

I look back at the fountain, she wasn't there.

'Nugunya?' Sekyung ask.

'Who swims at this condition?' 

I shrugged and stood up.

'Sekyung ah, go back and take a bath first. I'll.. I'll come later on.' 

As I sent Sekyung off, I went outside of the pool.

The winter breeze is killing me.

I squinted my eyes through the snowy weather.

Where's ______???



Your POV:

The cold water stung my skin and contracted my muscles.

I could not move at all.

As I try to stay on water, I could feel a strain in my leg, pulling me down.

Drinking in water through my nose, I suddenly felt so calm and relaxed...

I closed my eyes, and could imagine a stray of light, shining on me.

I losen my muscles, and everything turn black...


Jonghyun's POV:

I took a towel from the pool counter and went to find _____.

How can she even take this cold?

As I slowly walk, I stepped onto something.

An orange slipper.

Wait, isn't that _____???

I picked it up and looked around. Where is she?

Suddenly, a body float up from the pool.


I shouted for her name, and realise she has drown.

I quickly jumped into the water, pull her out of the surface and brought her up.

'_____ ah!!! _______! Don't scare me please!' I shouted and shook her.

I quickly carry her up and brought her into the indoors.

I carried her all the way, through the lobby and banged into Key and Onew.


Key's POV:

'oh? ______ is staying with you? Wae?!' Onew whined as I told him about the situation.

Its already night and I didn't see _____ when I wake up.

So I decided to call Onew hyung and take a walk around the hotel, and at the same time, find where _____ is.

Suddenly, Jonghyun hyung was running, with a girl in his arms.

'Nuguya?' I asked Onew as he rushed forward.

Jonghyun bumped into us, and panicked.

'Ppali.. Hyung! ' He shouted at Onew.

My eyes widen when I saw _____, lifeless in front of us.

'Ya mwohyah?!' I asked Jonghyun as he passed _____ over to Onew.

Onew carried ____ and ran to the first aid room, with Jonghyun hyung and I running after them.

As the nurse told us to wait outside, Onew grabbed onto Jonghyun's collar.

'I'll never forgive you if anything happens to her.'


Jonghyun's POV:

My heart couldn't stop beating.

My hands ere clenched into fists, as we sat outside the room, waiting for ______ to come out.

Please.. Don't let anything happen to her...

Onew hyung saw me in such a state, and held my shoulders.

'Jjong ah. Go get changed first.' 

'Wae? So that when she wakes up the first person she'll see is you?' I asked as I stood up.

'Aniya... You'll get a cold.' Onew said with a worried tone.

Knowing that Onew's reaction is sincere, I nodded and said.

'When she wakes up, tell me.' 


Onew's POV:

'She is alright now. You can go in and see her.' The nurse said as she came out from the first aid room.

Key and I rushed in to see the pale looking ______ lying there.

'______ ah... Gwaenchana?' I asked and sat down on the bed beside her.

She nodded and gave a weak smile.

I sighed as I patted her head.

'What happened?' Key asked as he stood there with his arms crossed.

'Yah, Let her rest first. Questions later, ara?' I elbowed Key and he rolled his eyes.

'I'll go get Jjong hyung then.' Key said as he left the room.

I sat there with _____.

'Do you want to drink?' I asked.

____ looked at me and smile.

I smile back and poured a cup for her, letting her moist .

'Thanks oppa.' She mumbled as she puts the glass of water on the table.

'Is it too hot or too cold in here? Do you want me to get you anything?' I ask, worry that she might be uncomfortable.

She shook her head and put her hands on mine.

'Oppa. I don't need anything.' 

I nodded and sat down there, scratching my back, not knowing what to say.


Your POV:

I could see Onew's cheeks blushing as he scratch his hair.

This made me smile. Even though its awkward, I could still sense some satisfaction that Onew is with me the whole time.

He suddenly spoke up.

'Do you like honey green tea?' 

'Mwoh?' I ask.

'That time, you got drenched... So I got you the green tea... Does it suit your taste? I still have sommore...'

He mumbled.

'Neh? That green tea, is from you?' I asked.

He nodded shyly.

At this time, Jonghyun rushed into the room.

'_____ ah. You're awake!' He broke into a smile and sat beside me, cupping my hands with his.

'Are you better?'  He ask.

I pulled my hands away from his.

'mmm.' I just nodded, without looking at him.

I can't look at him. How could I?

After the whole situation that happened in the pool, I'm about to go into depression when I see him.

His smile disappeared when I look away.

'waeyo? Are you hurt anywhere?' He ask, touching my forehead.

'Yah, its a bit hot...' 

'Ani. Gwaenchana.' I said blankly.

'Ya Jjong ah. I think she needs some rest. Stop asking her so much questions.' Onew told Jonghyun.

'What's the problem with you?! Why are you always picking on me? Are you that jealous that I'm close to ____?'

'Aish Shut up both of you!' I told them off, choking myself.

Both of them looked at me with worried eyes.

As I saw Key standing at the door, keeping real quiet.

I climbed down the bed and walkd towards him.

'Let's go oppa. I'm tired.' 


Jonghyun's Pov:

As she walk out of the room with Key, I looked at Onew hyung.

'Happy now?' I said and walked out of the room.

'Jjong ah!' Onew called me.

'Hajima. Don't hurt her anymore.' He said.

That sentence triggered me.

'Mwoh?' I turn around.

'You said I'm hurting her?'

Onew looked down when I said that.

'Well if you didn't come in between us, she won't be hurt at all...'



Sorry for not updating!

I've been a little too focused on my other story now and I have very little time to write here. 

But trust me! I won' leave this story out!!!

You can also see my other story 


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Aww its done :( but tht was a great story actually one of my favs ^^
Yay~ gomawo for updatin ^^ please update as soon as u can
Please update again soon ^^
*gasp* Jonghyun tht was very mean poor ___ I feel srry for her.... Please update again soon ^^
Please update soon ^^ Fighting!!
:O now she likes Onew?! Omg!
Good luck on ur exams and please update when u can like after ur exams or somethin ^^ fighting!!
Omo! Ah!!!!!!!!!! First of all Sekyung just had to ruin it!!! And ah!!!!!! Key's asking her/me/whoever out! Please update soon cant wait! ^^
Omo she i mean im or whoevr is confessin?!!! Ahhhh please update like a.s.a.p Im like rlly excited on wats gonna happen next! :D
No problem ^^ i like this story <3