chap 10

You're my bestie.


Hey! I know Sekyung suddenly popped out into the story! I'm sorry but she'll be the y one. ;X


Your POV:


I looked into the mirror, wiping the water droplets on my face.

My eyes look normal now, so does my nose.

As I was about to leave the toilet, someone came in.


She strolled into the toilet, with her hands crossed and stared at me.

I bowed to her, and took a step to leave the awkward situation.

'You know, you can be an actress.' Sekyung said out of the blue.

I stopped my footsteps and turned around.


'Since you can act so well, getting attention from Key.' She continued sacarstically.

'Excuse me?' I stared at her in disbelief.

'You know what I meant.' Sekyung said as she put on lipstick.

'I know you like Jonghyun oppa.' She said as she popped her lips.

'But look at you, do you think you could fit up to his standards?'

I bit my lower lip.

'He's going to be a superstar now. Not a country boy that stays with his old best friend for the rest of his lives.'

Sekyung walked past me and left the toilet.


I chewed the side of my cheeks. 

She's such a horrible person. Why did Jonghyun oppa make friends with her? 

I looked into the mirror. I know I'm not up to standard. But JongHyun oppa still treats me as his best friend... Right?



As we were on our way back to the dorm, I sat quietly beside Jonghyun and the back seat of the car.

JongHyun was smiling to his phone since the minute he stepped out of the Hq.

I slide over to his side and took a look at his phone.

'Oppa, what's so funny?' I peeped.

'An...aniya...' He covered his phone, afraid that I might find out.

'Sekyung unnie?' I whispered.

JongHyun looked at me and bit his lower lip.


I stared at him longer, hoping he would let me see.

Like as if reading my mind, he showed his phone to me.

It was a video of Sekyung and him doing selcas.(self camra)

'Oppa! What are you doing? This isn't acting cute! This is!!' The video played.

I stared into the screen. Looking at how close they were, I suddenly felt my heart sink.


I smiled to Jonghyun and kept my silence as we head back to the dorm.




Jonghyun's POV:


'Oppa.. Can you come into my room for a second? :o' ____ sent me a text when we reached the dorm.

Nonchalantly, i walked into her bedroom.


'____ ah, you called for me?'

______ sat in front of the desk, with piles of photos in her hands.

She waved me over to take a look at what's she's holding.


'Oppa, remember this?' She asked, as she showed me a photo of us crying together.

'oh? This was when I got into trouble with our next door neighbor's son right?' I laughed.

'Neh! Haha. You were bullying him and got him wailing for his umma.'

'Yeh! And you cried along with me too because you were afraid of me getting hit, remember? You silly girl!'

I gave a slight push on her head jokingly.


She smiled and suddenly got quiet.

'Oppa, I think you have something you should tell me...' She looked at me and mumbled.

'What?' I asked in confuse.

'You know... Sekyung Unnie and you...' She said as she played with her fingers.



Your POV:


I was hoping that JongHyun would tell me the relationship within him and Sekyung. 

As I beat around the bush, I decided to bring up the topic.

'We are close friends right?' I asked.

JongHyun nodded.

'Then tell me, what's between you and Sekyung that I do not know?'

I used up my courage and asked.


With my heart pounding like crazy, I keep thinking,

Please... Just be friends... Just be friends...


'Well, since you asked, I might as well tell you.' Jonghyun said.

I looked at him in the eye, hoping to say they're not together.

'I... kind of like Sekyung. You know, she's my type.' 

My heart sank when he said that.

'Sekyung looks like she likes me too. But I'm not too sure...'

I lowered my head, thinking of what to say to hide my disappointment.

'Yah,______ah... Did you hear what I was saying?' JongHyun asked as he nudged me.

'Hmm? That's nice to hear! Oppa~' I forced a cheerful tone in my voice.

'Really? I was afraid you wouldn't agree that I like Sekyung, that's why I kept it from you..'

I smiled and replied.

'Its okay, I really hope you will get along with her.' 

'Gomawo!' He hugged me and left the room.

I sat there in front of my desk. 

No... Its not okay, I don't want you to like her, I wouldn't agree...





As months goes by, its Shinee's debut, and they have became really famous and popular throughout the world.


Your POV:


I sat there, looking at the five of them.

'Nuna, we'll be leaving to Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and many many places. Do you want to get anything from there?' Taemin asked as he sat beside me.

I patted his head.

'Nope! Just get me pictures of you guys! I'll miss you guys!'

I hugged Taemin.


In 2 days, Shinee's going away to promote their songs. And I'll be left alone in the dorm. This meant that JongHyun will be away too...

As I sat in my room, daydreaming of myself tagging them along, Onew knocked my door.



Onew's POV:


'_____ah... You free now?' I asked as I entered her room.


'Erm.. Yah. Why?' 


'Can you follow me to a place?' 

_______ took a look at me and smiled.



As I parked the car, _____ took a look at the surroundings.

'Oppa, where's this place?' she asks.

I let out a big breath and look at her.

'Mian _____ ah, I need your help... Again.'

'Again? what's the meaning?' ____ looking confused.

'Let's just get out of the car first.'

When I got down the car, the familiar scent was back.

The long sandy roads and narrow pavements, and ahjummas sitting outside of their houses chatting makes me feel home.


'Ahjumma!' I waved to them as they all looked shocked to see me.

'Aigoo! Jinki ah! Its been a long time! Visiting your mother? OMO! Who's this pretty lady here?'

I look at _____, as she smiled politely to the ahjumma.

I grabbed ____'s hands and replied.

'My girlfriend, pretty, isn't she?' 

______ stared at me with wide eyes, but then realized the situation and played along.

'Annyeonghaseyo ahjumoni.... I'm  _______'

As the ahjumma was complimenting her, umma came out.


'UMMA!' I shouted, and ran towards her embrace.

'Omo, Jinki ah! You're back! With ______ ssi? Aigoo! Its been a long time ______!'


Your POV:

Onew's Umma ran down to give me a hug and planted a kiss on my cheeks.

I could feel the love that's coming from her. I smiled cheerfully as I let go of Onew's hands and hugged his umma back.

'What brings you two lovebirds here?' His Umma teased.

'Umma, I'm going out of country for quite a few weeks! So I'm here to bid goodbye.'

'Arasso arasso... come in!' His mother directed us into his house.


Onew's house looks sweet and pleasant, with wood furniture decorated, and a display of Onew's certificates, trophies and photos when he was in school.

'I didn't know you were so smart, Oppa!' I said as I browsed through his rack of trophies.

'My son is always so smart! The only thing is that he couldn't get around with girls.' His mother .

'Umma!' Onew whined.

As I sat down next to Onew, he stretched out his arm over and put on my shoulders.

'Aigoo. I can see my son totally grown up!'

His mother teased again.

'Please, stay for dinner!' 


I looked at Onew, asking for some suggestions.

'Alright Umma, we'll stay.' He happily replied.

'We'll help you get the groceries then, omoni.' I suggested.


As we walk down to the nearby market, Onew smiled at me sheepishly.

'Mian he. It was too sudden to ask you come down with me to pretend again, right?' He scratched his head.

I smiled back at him.

'Aniya~ You mother is so kind and friendly! I like her! Maybe we should come over often!' I suggested..


Onew's POV:


Come over ... Again?! My heart accelerated.

Did she just agreed to pretend with me?  

I smiled to myself, totally belated on what she said.

As we were buying stuff in the market, someone suddenly patted my shoulders.

I turned around and took a look.

'Jinki? Is that really you? YA! You bastard! Why did you come back so late!' 

Oh? Its my friend, Jinguk.

'Yah! Its been a long time! How are you?' I asked as I patted his shoulders.

'Not bad! And whoa... Who's this?' He took a look at _____.

I turned and look at _____, still thinking if I should pretend or tell the truth.

When I was about to speak, ______ came froward and took my hand.

'Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Jinki Oppa's girlfriend, nice to meet you.'

I looked at her with shocking facial expression.

She looked at me and winked.


'Yah... Jinki Ya! You're so lucky! She's such a beauty!' Jinguk teased me.

I smiled sheepishly, as _____ hugged my arm.


As we were walking back, I couldn't help but remember the way she held my hands, and wrap her arms around mine, and said that she's my girlfriend.

Even though its just pretending, I still feel real satisfied. 


______ walked in front of me, one hand holding onto a plastic of vegetables and the other an ice cream.

'Oppa! Let's get back quickly! It looks like its going to rain!'

She shouted.

'Arasso!' I picked up my pace.

As we were half way to reaching my home, It started raining cats and dogs!

'Ack! Oppa! Hurry!!' She screamed and ran under a shelter.

I rushed behind, hugging onto the bags of groceries.


'Told you that It's going to rain! Right?' _____ whined.

I chuckled, and took a look at her.

She was drenching wet, but her face still glows.

I shook my head, trying to dry off the rain from my hair, and the droplets accidentally spashed on ____.

'Haha! Oppa! Don't do that!' She said, and took out a piece of tissue from her pocket.

Her hands stretched out to mine, wiping off the rain drops off my face.

At that time, I could see her even clearer, her eyes were sparkling, and suddenly I saw a gentle side of her. 

As ______ caught me looking at her, and backed away.

i shook out from my world and look away too.

When I peeked at her, I could see her face blushing red.


Your POV:

'Oppa...' I mumbled.

'Huh??' Onew said.

'Want to go back now? It stopped.' I pointed to the sky.

'oh.. Ya, we should...' Onew replied as he walked out of the shelter, with me tagging along behind.


'OMO! Jinki ah! ______ ah~ You got into the rain right!' Onew's mother exclaimed.

'Oh... Umma, can you get some dry clothes for both of us?' Onew asked, as he sneezed.


Onew's umma handed Onew his clothes that he wears and hands a grey jumper with sweatpants to me.

'Omoni, this is...' I looked at the clothes that doesn't seem to fit me in any way.

'Oh? This? This is Jinki's shirt, I know you wouldn't want to wear mine... And don't you think its more romantic to wear the clothes that belongs to your loved ones?' Omoni teased me.


I blushed and walked to the toilet.

Onew stood there, looking at me.

'Erm.. You go to this one, I'll go the one upstairs.' Onew said awkwardly.

I nodded and stepped into the toilet.

What has gotten into me?! Why do I feel so weird about Onew Oppa???

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Aww its done :( but tht was a great story actually one of my favs ^^
Yay~ gomawo for updatin ^^ please update as soon as u can
Please update again soon ^^
*gasp* Jonghyun tht was very mean poor ___ I feel srry for her.... Please update again soon ^^
Please update soon ^^ Fighting!!
:O now she likes Onew?! Omg!
Good luck on ur exams and please update when u can like after ur exams or somethin ^^ fighting!!
Omo! Ah!!!!!!!!!! First of all Sekyung just had to ruin it!!! And ah!!!!!! Key's asking her/me/whoever out! Please update soon cant wait! ^^
Omo she i mean im or whoevr is confessin?!!! Ahhhh please update like a.s.a.p Im like rlly excited on wats gonna happen next! :D
No problem ^^ i like this story <3