chap 11

You're my bestie.


When I came out from the toilet, dinner was ready.

As I sat down with Omoni and Onew to eat, laughters were filled in the dining room. 

I haven't got that since I was 7. 

After dinner, I helped omoni to wash up the dishes and cut fruits to eat, and she suddenly asked me.

'______ah, how long have you been with our Jinki?' 

'Hmm? Erm... Not very long... I just got to know him for a few months...'

I replied, my heart skipped a beat cause I didn't know how to answer.

'_____ ah, I've something for you.' Omoni said, as she dried her hands on her apron and dug something out from her pocket.

It was a golden ring. 

'Omoni? This is too expensive! I can't take it.' I rejected and gave it back to her.

She took the ring up and took a closer look.

'This... is our treasure! It has been passed down for generations! I always hope that one day I could give this to Jinki's love, and I can see that he really loves you a lot. So please take this, treat it as I'm asking you to love him more too..' 

Onew's mother said as she picked up my hands and slipped the ring onto my middle finger.

'Suits you perfectly!' She smiled.


'______ ah, We have to go now! Look at the time!' Onew suddenly popped out.

I look at the clock, its already 9 pm! 

'Since Its already so late, why don't you just stay for the night?' Onew's mother asked.

'You have to wait for your clothes to dry too!' 


I looked at Onew, not knowing what to do.

Onew smiled at me awkwardly, 'Should we?' .

I gave back an awkward smile. 'Okay.'

'I'll go prepare the bed!' Onew's mother cheered.



Onew's POV:

______ is staying over in my house! I know that I've been staying under the same roof with her for more than a month, but the feeling is totally different. I sat outside, smiling to myself.

'Oppa, what're you thinking?' _____ suddenly popped out beside me.

'Ack, You scared me! Since when did you appear?!' I yelled.

______ smiled cheekily and sat next to me at the front porch.

As we were enjoying the breeze, I suddenly remembered that I bought something for _____ at the market.


'______ah, I've something for you! Wait here!!'

I ran back into the house, and picked up my bag that I left in the living room, and rushed out again.

______ sat there, curious on what I bought.

'Tadaa!!!' I cheered, as I took out the present that I've bought.

'Rabbit keychain? Oppa! Why the sudden gift?' She asked as she took it from me.

'I know, you lost a rabbit you had for ten years... So I hope this will make you happier!' I smiled sheepishly.



Your POV:

Rabbit? Ten Years? I looked at Onew looking confused.

'You know, Key told me that the reason why you cried that time in our HQ was because you received a news about your pet rabbit... Our dorm couldn't keep a pet rabbit, so I could only get you a keychain.... Mian...'Onew said as he scratched the back of his head.


The time that I cried? It must be the one where Sekyung came.

I chuckled at his innocence. 'Gomawo, oppa. I'll treasure it.' 

I took out my handphone, trying to hook it up.

'Let me help you.' Onew said.


Onew's POV:

As I took the keychain and phone from ______'s hands, something shiny on her fingers caught my eye.

'This... Isn't it my mom's?' I asked, pointing at the ring.

'Ah... This...' ______ said as she looked at it.

'You mother hoped I could accept this ring because she wanted me to lo...' ______ stuttered.

She looked away from me, hoping I couldn't see the blush.

'Well, I think it suits you.' I said.

_____ looked at me.

'You can keep it.' I suggested.

'Treat it as you're helping me to safe keep it.'

'OH... I'll return it to you when you found your true love...' _____ said, as she looked at me awkwardly.


I smiled to myself as I helped her to hook the rabbit keychain onto her phone. 

If she was really my girl....



'Adeul ah! I've prepared your beds. Go to sleep soon! Its getting late!' 

My mom shouted and it broke our awkwardness.

Thinking that mom had saved my life, I rushed into the room, trying to avoid the awkward situation.




Your POV:


'Oppa~ Give me back my phone!' I chased after Onew as he ran into the house.

He stood outside his room, looking dumbfounded.

'Umma. You must be kidding me.' Onew looked at his mother with a shocked expression.

'What's so shocking?' I teased Onew as I looked into his room.

My jaws dropped open.

Beside his bed, was another mattress prepared.

I looked at Onew's mother in shock.

'You guys get closer together, arasso! Given your awkwardness between each other, I won't even believe that you guys were couple! Goodnight!' Omoni teased.


I looked at Onew in shock.



Onew 's POV:


Totally shocked, not knowing what to do, I shook my head.

'I'll go sleep in the living room then, You stay here for the night.' I said, as I reached out for the mattress on the floor.

________ held my hand, and stopped me.

'Sleep here oppa, Its cold outside.' She said.

I looked into her eyes, and saw her blushing.

I chuckled. 

'Arasso, You'll sleep on my bed, I'll sleep here.' 


As I lay down on the mattress, and ____lay on my bed,

_____ turned around and looked at me.

'Oppa. Are you sleeping?' _______ whispered.

'Hmm? Ani.. Not yet.' I replied.

_____ suddenly giggled.

'What's so funny?' I asked, folding my arms behind my head, as I turned sideways too look at her.

'I heard from Omoni that you didn't have any girlfriend before. Are you that nerdy in school?' ______ teased me.

'Yah... Why did you say that?' I asked in horror.

_____ laughed at my reaction.

'Well, you didn't have any girlfriends, but you've got dozens of trophies and certificates, doesn't that make you a Nerd ?'

'ANIYA! I'm also one of the popular guys in school, arasso!' I boasted, sitting up and looking at her.

'Yah! If you are that popular, how can there be no girls attracted to you?' _______ laughed.

'I've got thousands! Its just that they're not my standard, that's all.'

______ sat up on the bed, and asked.

'Then what's your standard?' 

I looked at _____. Even though the lights were turned off, the night light still made her eyes shine.

'I ... I like girls who can cook... clean... and take care of me...' I mumbled.

_______ chuckled and said.

'Ya oppa! Go marry a housekeeper then!'

I looked at ________, and she shut up. 

Suddenly, I could feel my face burning real hot, and ______ sitting there looking very awkward.


Your POV:

Ack!!!!! Why did I even say that?! I sat there, totally shocked at my reaction.

I felt my body temperature rise, as I sat there, looking at Onew.

I cleared my throat, trying to change the topic.

'Hmm, Ah... I forgot to tell JongHyun oppa that we're not going back today...' 

I stretched my arms to the ground to pick my phone with my whole body fixed on the bed.

Onew saw me trying to reach out my phone and went forward to help.

I flustered when I felt Onew coming near me and lose my balance.

'Ack!!!!!' I squeaked.

I fell down from the bed, and collided with Onew.

I quickly sat up, totally embarrassed at what I've done.

Onew just sat beside me, scratching at the back of his head.

'Mian...' I mumbled, and tried to stand up and move to my bed.

But my legs became numb from the awkward situation and I fell onto Onew again.

'______ ah... Be careful..' Onew said as he held me into his embrace.

I was totally shock that he was hugging onto me. 

I pushed off his hands and climbed up the bed in hurry.

'Good...Good night oppa..' I mumbled and quickly covered the blanket over my head.


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Aww its done :( but tht was a great story actually one of my favs ^^
Yay~ gomawo for updatin ^^ please update as soon as u can
Please update again soon ^^
*gasp* Jonghyun tht was very mean poor ___ I feel srry for her.... Please update again soon ^^
Please update soon ^^ Fighting!!
:O now she likes Onew?! Omg!
Good luck on ur exams and please update when u can like after ur exams or somethin ^^ fighting!!
Omo! Ah!!!!!!!!!! First of all Sekyung just had to ruin it!!! And ah!!!!!! Key's asking her/me/whoever out! Please update soon cant wait! ^^
Omo she i mean im or whoevr is confessin?!!! Ahhhh please update like a.s.a.p Im like rlly excited on wats gonna happen next! :D
No problem ^^ i like this story <3