chap 7

You're my bestie.


Your POV:


I walked out of the bathroom, drying my hair and face.

The sudden coolness when I stepped out of the bathroom relieves me.

Everyone has gone out for their training already.

So since I've already tidy the dorm, maybe I should take a nap instead.


I opened my door and a sudden fragrance of lavender rushed through my nose.

On my desk, there is a candle with lavender scent being lit, and a cup of tea in front of it.

I took up the cup of tea.

Its still warm and nice.


When I was about to drink it, a yellow sticky note caught my eye.

It was pasted on the candle.

I took it out and glanced, and gave a sweet smile.


'You might get a headache since you have gotten into the rain. Rest well! The honey green tea is for you.Be careful! Its hot Drink it and have a nice nap. :)' 


It must be Jonghyun oppa... I thought.

I took a sip of it, enjoying the sweetness on my taste buds, and when to bed with the candle still lit on..



Onew's POV:


She must be having a headache, who doesn't after you got caught in the rain?

I thought to myself, thinking I should do something, I ran into my room, and found a lavender scent candle in my cabinet along with a sachet of green tea.

Ah~  I knew what I should do.


'Hyung! We have to go now! Manager is waiting!' Taemin shouted.

'Oh~ I'll be there in a minute! You guys go first!'


As the boys left the dorm, I quickly go to the kitchen and got a cup.

I dropped the sachet of green tea in the small cup, filling it with hot boiling water.

The scent of the green tea was amazing.

Fearing that _____ might hate bitterness, I added a cube of sugar, followed by 2 spoons of honey.

I then sneaked into ____'s room while she was bathing.

I lit up the candle and placed the cup of tea on her desk and wrote her a small note.

Hope she sees it.


When I was about to leave the room, I spotted a photo of ______.

Without any reason, I took the picture and shoved it into my pocket.

Then, I quickly rushed down to meet the boys.


Jonghyun POV:

What's taking Hyung so long? I grumbled.

I saw Onew rushing down, apologizing to us.

'Hyung! What took you so lo       ng!' I asked as we got up the manager's car.

'hmm? Nothing.' He simply replied.

He sat at the back of the car alone, and from the reflection mirror, I could see him smiling gladly to himself. 

He suddenly took out a picture and smiled at it.

Trying to be mischievous to my hyung, I tried to grab the picture.

'YAH!' Onew yelled, his reaction to my action was in 1 second.

'mwoyah... What's that you're looking at?' Key ask.

'Nothing. Its just my idol's picture.' He stuttered.

He quickly placed it back into his pocket, pretending nothing has happened.


After our training, everyone was sweating and tired from the intensive exercise we had.

'I'm gonna take a bath.' Onew said, as he walks into the toilet.

'cheh. What's wrong with hyung?' Key asked.

'He's so happy and hardworking today.' 

'Yeh..' Taemin said.

'Maybe its the photo of his idol that motivated him?' minho asked.

 I shrugged.

Nonchalant to this matter.


Key's POV:

I'm very curious about the photo. Maybe I should sneak into the bathroom and check it out?

I peeped into the toilet, with Onew hyung bathing.

'Hyung!' I shouted.

'Huh? Ya~ Kim Kibum! Get out! I'm bathing!' Onew yelled at me, pulling the curtains to cover himself.

'Arasso. Do you need me to bring out the laundry for you?' I asked.

Knowing that Hyung will definitely forget about the photo in his pocket of his sweatpants, he asked me to wash it for him.

I smirked and quickly brought it out.


As I close the door of the toilet, I quickly dug Hyung's pocket. My eyes became wider than usual.

Its a picture of ______?! Is hyung falling in love with ______? 

'Key ah! What are you doing here?' Jonghyun asked.

I quickly shove the picture into my pocket, and pretend that I see nothing.

'Oh. Nothing, hyung ask me to help him wash his clothes later back at the dorm.' I smiled to Jonghyun hyung.

He simply nodded and pushed me out.

'Let's get into the car first, I'm freaking hot now!'


As we climb into the car, I sat at the back of the car, waiting for Onew hyung to sit with me.

As he was the last person to arrive again, he sat next to me, looking perfectly fine. 

'hyung. Have you lost anything?' I whispered to him.

'Hmm? Nope I didn't....' He said out but stopped half way.

He looked at me with wide eyes, and I bit my lower lips.

'Give it back.' He said, with his arms stretched out.

I took out my phone, and text message him.


'Hyung. Why did you keep her photo?'

'Give it back. None of your business.'

'Hyung! Are you falling in love with her?'

'No, just return it to me, okay?'

'Hyung! Answer me first, you like her, don't you?'



Onew's outburst made everyone in the car jumped.

'Hyung! What happen?' Jonghyun turned around, asking.

'Aniya... Aniya.. We're just having fun.' Onew replied.


He then looked at me with his eyes filled with anger.

I had no choice but to return it to him.


The entire journey became quiet as I dozed off in the car...



Onew's POV:

I'm dead, Key found out! He shouldn't! I... I don't even know why I took her picture!

I bit my lower lip, what was I doing?

I feel for the picture inside my pocket.

Maybe I should return it to her. I could pretend saying that she dropped it somewhere and i picked it up for her or something.

In the middle of my thinking, we reached the dorm.


I woke Key up and got down the car.

When we reached back to the dorm, we could smell roasted chicken spreading in the whole dorm.

'MMMM! Smells nice!' taemin exclaimed.

'It does?' _____ popped out of the kitchen and smiled to us.

'Come sit down and eat then! You guys must be hungry!' _____ said.

Everyone then put their bags into their room and sat down in front of the dinning table.

'Wow~! Roasted chicken! Jinki hyung! Its your favorite!' Taemin exclaimed.

'And grilled beef too! Jonghyun hyung loves grilled beef with rice!' Key exclaimed.

I smiled at _____.


'Ah~ Its nothing. Let's eat!'

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Aww its done :( but tht was a great story actually one of my favs ^^
Yay~ gomawo for updatin ^^ please update as soon as u can
Please update again soon ^^
*gasp* Jonghyun tht was very mean poor ___ I feel srry for her.... Please update again soon ^^
Please update soon ^^ Fighting!!
:O now she likes Onew?! Omg!
Good luck on ur exams and please update when u can like after ur exams or somethin ^^ fighting!!
Omo! Ah!!!!!!!!!! First of all Sekyung just had to ruin it!!! And ah!!!!!! Key's asking her/me/whoever out! Please update soon cant wait! ^^
Omo she i mean im or whoevr is confessin?!!! Ahhhh please update like a.s.a.p Im like rlly excited on wats gonna happen next! :D
No problem ^^ i like this story <3