chap 14

You're my bestie.



Your POV:


I got surprised at Key's request.

'Mwoh??' I ask in surprise.

He quickly shook his head.

'Aniya! Not a date date... Its... Like a... A friendly date... You know, hang out with each other.'

I let out a breath.

'YAH oppa! You scared me!' I slapped his shoulder.

He chuckled and pat my head.

'I just want to hang out with you. You're always with Onew hyung. Makes me kinda jealous you know...' He pouted as he whined.

'Aigoo. Arasso!' I said.

'But... Oppa... You have to pack for tomorrow...'

Remembering that he has a flight to Tokyo tomorrow, he sighed.

And then, he looked up at me with his eyes lit up.

'_____ AH!' He said.


Mwoh????? GO to Tokyo with Shinee?

I looked at Key, surprised by his words.

'Manager hyung said that we could bring one person along to take care of us.' Key said.

'And you're just right for that job!' 

He said and patted my shoulder.

I smiled at him, should I really go???


After saying goodnight to Key, I lay on the bed, thinking...

Should I really follow them?

I sat up, unable to sleep at all.

I walked out of my room again, this time, to get some warm milk to make myself sleep.


As I stand in the kitchen, warming up the milk, I heard the door open.


I stood rooted to the ground.

Everyone have gone to bed, who is it?

Slowly, I could hear footsteps, drawing nearer to the kitchen.

Is it robbery? No.. It should be burglary.

WHO CARES?! I'm freaking out now.

Taking what I could reach, I reached out for a wooden ladle, and slowly walk to the door of the kitchen, hiding behind.


Onew's POV:


My stomach is really growling like mad!

I toss and turn in my bed, trying to sleep.

But whenever I close my eyes, the scene where barbecued chicken will come up, making my tummy growl even more...

I stood up. 

Fine. I give up.

As I call the 24 hr chicken delivery, I got them to deliver just at the lobby. Don't want to wake the guys up. 

Firstly, they would be nagging at me for having supper,


I stood at the lobby, and quickly paid the delivery man when it came.

Finally... My chicken!!!!!!!!

As I rushed back to the dorm, I quietly open the door,and take light footsteps to the kitchen, preparing to feast.

But my tiptoes sounded like elephants walking.

Damn it. I hope no one wakes up.

I looked around the dorm, empty and dark. 

Phew~ everyone's asleep.

I tip toe to the kitchen, expecting no one but...

'AHHHHHHH!!!' A screeched was heard right beside me.

I turned around to see ________, holding a wooden ladle.

'KAH KAH! You Burglar!' She shouted and kept hitting me with the wooden ladle.

'Aish! Ya ______ ah!' I said, as I pulled her in and covered .

'MMMMMMM! MMMMMMMM!' She panicked and kept stepping my feet.

'Owww.. Ya _____ ah! Its me! Onew!!' 

She suddenly stop, and turn around.

'Oppa? YA OPPA!! YOu scared me!' ______ whined.

'SHHHHHHH!' I hissed at her, and lifted the plastic of chicken up, and head towards the kitchen table.


______ tagged along, sniffing my plastic bag like a little puppy.

'Oppa! You bought barbecued chicken! YA! You're not suppose to have supp...'

i covered with one hand, the other holding onto the drumstick.

She kept quiet as I chew down on the drumstick.

'You're not suppose to eat at this time...' _____ complained as she crossed her arms, looking at me eating.

I completely ignored her, totally into my juicy and tender meat.

She looked at the chicken and swallowed her saliva.

'Want some?' I passed a wing to her.

She looked at me, hesitating. 

'Take it.' I shoved it to her hands.

She gladly took it and started nibbling the wing.




Your POV:


'Oppamm... So yoummm secretly got out just to buy sommme chickemm??' I said as I gobbled down the chicken.

'Mmmm. Just too hungry... ' Onew laughed sheepishly.

I washed my hands once we were done, and turn on the lamp light.

'OH? Oppa! You're hand... Its bruised!' 

Onew look at his hand.

'Oh... Must be when I got beaten by you.' He said.

'Wait here oppa, I'll go get some medicine.' I smiled and rushed to my room.

There's this medicine where JongHyun oppa uses when he knock into something... Now let me see if I still have it... THERE!

I took it out, and walk to Onew.

'Oppa, this medicine is really effective! Come let me help you.' 



Onew Pov:


As we sat at the kitchen table, _____ rolled up my sleeves and start applying the medicine.

'Oppa...' _____ said as she rubbed the bruise.


'Key Oppa asked me to follow you guys to Tokyo... Should I?'

I look at _____.

'oh! Of course!!! Ya you should totally go! Its great experience!' 

____ smiled at me.

'Really? But I won't have time to pack and everything...'

'Pack tomorrow in the morning! We're leaving in the evening anyways. I'll call manager hyung to let him know.'

_____ just smile as she rub my bruise.

Finally, I could see the gentle side of her.

As she concentrated on my arm, I felt myself leaning closer and closer to her.




Your POV:


I felt my cheek burning.

OMO?! Why did Onew kiss me?

As I was rubbing his bruised arm, he came closer and closer to me, and lastly, rested his lips on my cheeks.

I sat there, shocked and speechless from his actions.

'Mwo...Mwoyah...' I sat away from him.

'I...I...' He stuttered.

I look away from him as I could feel my cheeks turning red.

Awkward silence...


'Mian... So... I'll call manager hyung tomorrow morning. Goodnight.' He mumbled as he walk to back to his room.

'oh...' I talked to myself.

I felt my heart accelerating.

Another increase of speed will cause my heart to explode!!!



Why did I feel this way??? The person whom I love is JongHyun oppa!!

I shouldn't feel this way towards Onew oppa... Right???




Sorry for not updating.

I'll try to update at least twice to thrice a week!!!



I'm sorry for the short short updates...

I'm really busy this week because of my preparations for exams...

MIAN!!! :D

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Aww its done :( but tht was a great story actually one of my favs ^^
Yay~ gomawo for updatin ^^ please update as soon as u can
Please update again soon ^^
*gasp* Jonghyun tht was very mean poor ___ I feel srry for her.... Please update again soon ^^
Please update soon ^^ Fighting!!
:O now she likes Onew?! Omg!
Good luck on ur exams and please update when u can like after ur exams or somethin ^^ fighting!!
Omo! Ah!!!!!!!!!! First of all Sekyung just had to ruin it!!! And ah!!!!!! Key's asking her/me/whoever out! Please update soon cant wait! ^^
Omo she i mean im or whoevr is confessin?!!! Ahhhh please update like a.s.a.p Im like rlly excited on wats gonna happen next! :D
No problem ^^ i like this story <3