Introducing B.A.P

Hotel Euthanasia


“Hyung,” Youngjae called out as he walked down into the colorful basement of the cafe. “Are you hungry?”

“What do you think?” Daehyun replied as he mindlessly stared at the chipped TV screen. “Where’s Yongguk hyung?”

“He left a few minutes ago to pick up Junhong,” Himchan turned to Jongup who was carrying a dumbbell in his right hand and milk carton in the other, “Did you all skip school today?”

“College professors don’t care if we don’t show up; all they care about is getting paid.” Youngjae said with a small smirk. “We could drop dead right in front of them and all they would care about is whether or not we paid our tuition.”

Himchan pushed Youngjae’s forehead and scowled, “this is why you never have any girlfriends.”

“Says the guy who’s always rejected at clubs…” Youngjae mumbled as he rubbed his forehead. “Why do you always care about having girlfriends?”

“Because, young one, love makes everyone happy.” Himchan chimed as his eyes began twinkling from the thought of women all around him.

“Love makes people crazy,” Daehyun sighed as he slouched in the couch. “Just wait for the day a girl rejects you the first time you meet.”

“I, the amazing Kim Himchan, will never have a girl reject me!” He let out a breath to push his bangs out of his face, “I am Commander Himchan, king to all women!”

“I’m sure you won’t be a king to anyone when Yongguk hyung fires you,” Junhong mischievously said as he and Yongguk walked down the stairs.

“Yah, how dare you speak to your hyung like that!”

“Are you sure you’re my hyung? You act like you’re younger than me.” Junhong smirked, “like a kindergartener.”

“Stop trying to pick a fight with him, Junhong. He’s just going to keep complaining.” Yongguk lightly pushed Junhong’s head. “You guys, we have to start practicing so we can actually perform on stage.”

“Hyung, can we have food first?” Junhong and Jongup asked as they rounded their eyes and tried their best to perform aegyo.

“Fine,” Yongguk sighed. “Youngjae, come help me.”

“Sure, hyung.” Youngjae followed Yongguk upstairs, leaving the remaining members down in the basement.

“Is this why we’re named B.A.P? ‘Cause all you guys want to do is eat?” Daehyun retorted as the others took a seat next to him.

“We’re growing children; we need food!” Jongup whined.

“You’re already 20, I think you’ve passed ‘child’.”

“Oh, 4minute is on TV!” Junhong chimed as 4minute’s performance of ‘Volume Up’ played. “Ah, Gayoon noona is so y!”

“Hey,” Himchan whispered to Daehyun, “how come Junhong never shows me any respect?”

“Because you’re too stupid for anyone to respect you,”

“Jung Daehyun!”

“You wanna be my mother now?” Daehyun smirked.

“DID YOU SEE THAT THING HYUNA JUST DID?” Jongup exclaimed as he began bouncing in his seat, “DO IT AGAIN.”

“Stupid, she can’t hear you.” Himchan mumbled under his breath. “I’m going to go and bother Yongguk.” He sighed as he got up and dragged himself upstairs.

“Hyung,” Daehyun called out as Himchan looked back. “Tell Yongguk hyung that we’re going to practice after we eat.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Himchan waved his hand as he continued to walk up the stairs. “He knows,”

When Himchan walked up and through the door, he noticed a man standing at the front counter. “Excuse me,” he said to gain the attention of the strange man, “we’re closed today.”

“One café Americano.” The man ordered, ignoring Himchan’s words.

“Sir, we are closed,” Himchan repeated as he tried to keep his anger in. ‘Is this man deaf?!’

“One café Americano.”  The man ordered once again.

“Can you not hear me? I said we are closed!” Jongup, Daehyun, and Junhong’s heads peeked out the basement door and Yongguk and Youngjae walked out of the kitchen after hearing Himchan’s sudden raise in voice.

“What is going on?” Yongguk asked as he walked to the counter besides Himchan.

“This guy is trying to order something even though I’ve been telling him that we’re closed.” Himchan explained with a scowl. “Did you lock the door when you came in?”

“Who are you?” Yongguk ignored Himchan and asked the man.

The man was dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt and pink tie. Like an important business man, his hair was neatly styled back to show his aging face. The boy stared at the man and his odd choice for wearing sunglasses indoors.

“How would you like to perform at a hotel in Jeju?” The man asked with a small smile.

“Himchan, make him his drink.” Himchan groaned at Yongguk’s order. “Would you like to have a seat?” Yongguk asked as he motioned the man to some seats.

The two spoke to each other and Yongguk found out the job was at one of Jeju’s most prestigious hotels and they would get paid heavily per performance. Airfare, rooms, and amenities would all be paid for, and the only thing the group would have to do was perform spectacularly. 

“Yes, we would love to be there.” Yongguk said with a smile. “Please call us with the dates you’d like us to perform.”

The man nodded as he finished his drink before getting up and leaving the café. Leaving behind his business card, Yongguk stared at it curiously. “How did he find us?”

“Hyung, we have a job?” Junhong asked Yongguk excitedly.

“Mhmm,” Yongguk nodded. “In Jeju.”

“Wait, you said you and Junhong came through the back door, right?” Youngjae suddenly asked as Yongguk nodded. “The back door is in the kitchen, and I’m pretty sure I locked the front door this morning.” Youngjae shifted his gaze to the others, “did any of you guys unlock the front door?”

“We’ve been in the basement all day; the only one who went out today was Yongguk hyung.” Daehyun replied.

“I left through the back door and I’m certain that I locked the door. The only way he could have come in would be slipping past me when I left, or past Junhong and I when we came back. I locked the door when Junhong and I came back.”

“If you’re sure that you locked the back door in and out, and I’m sure I locked the front door this morning, how exactly did he come in?” Youngjae asked as he went to examine the front doors of the café. “There’s nothing wrong with our door,”

“Maybe you didn’t lock the door correctly; you should over think these things.” Jongup whined. “We should be happy that we got a job; especially at Jeju!”

Youngjae let out an uneasy laugh, “Yeah, maybe I am over thinking this.”


Bang Yongguk(age 22): Leader, Main Rapper
Kim Himchan(age 22): Visual
Jung Daehyun(age 21): Main Vocalist
Yoo Youngjae(age 20): Lead Vocalist
Moon Jongup(age 20): Main Dancer
Choi Junhong(Zelo)(age 19): Lead Rapper, Lead Dance



Author’s Corner-
Dun, dun, dun! How was that for B.A.P’s appearance? Many apologies if I wasn’t able to portray their personalities clearly… ;o; Can you all tell who’s going to be paired with who later in the story? :3 I shifted their ages around in order to fall along with the story so it wouldn’t seem that bad. The only one that’s still in high school is Zelo, so that’s a bit better than having him still be 15. ^^ I tried not to go by the member’s stereotypical personalities, so if it’s any way close to them, so sorry!
If some of you don’t know, I added another chapter about two days ago so go and check that out! ^^ Just tell you since I only got like 3-4 comments for that chapter. ^^;

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Finally updated! Hope you all like it! ♡


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Chapter 19: Short but awesome chapter as usual.
xD I am actually surprised anyone cared to file for Annabelle as well. Maybe she'll learn from this experience - if she survives, that is.
Coincidence? I think not!
I love your updates and get all giddy when I see one.
Oh, this was FallingForCinderella;I changed my username.
Chapter 19: <3 Wonderful (yet upsetting) chapter.
I'm glad they care so much about us, but like AIRI'S ALREADY DEADDDD DX
To be honest, Airi was a bit too shy so Idk how she became a model, but more importantly, I'm amazed Annabelle's school actually filed the report. -.-
Sorry, but she's a jerk. >;P
Anyways, I can't wait for more updates and again, I'll say that it was lovely. ^_^
Fighting!~ :)
Chapter 18: YOU UPDATED!!!!!
omg someone is dead alreadyyyy :ooo
i was shivering imagine airi's death. one of the worst death ever i think, having to endure the pain and wait for your death
poor himchan too
you ____ jaehwan .____.
though it's a good thing jiho feel regretful. come to us in the good side jiho :3 *i'm actually in the bad side though lol*
ooooohhhh and our families n friends discovered sth now, help us guys!!!!

and and and, hope your wirst get fine soon :3
Chapter 18: zxcdfgbthynjuthefoijvrnetiofdvioenvioerdnvioernvklsdlovdvfdjrevfjiorevfionrevnjovjbevfjkbsevfsdvfbbjki;sevfbnj;vbsebnjo;evfrbju;aevfrbnjuevfrnjureguiserbeguitswuibnrtuiobnertuiob
Omg. I was missing this story~
I love the update; finally, a death~! xD
I hope your wrist gets better, author; that's never fun.
Chapter 18: You updated???? :DDDDD
Dude, you must be psychic. Just yesterday, I reread everything and thought, 'It'd be awesome if she updated soon.' XDDDDD
OHMYGOSH poor Airi. D: And Jiyeong D; and like SAVE THEMMM DX
Love the story and like I know that Airi was a bit...waoeitjawiet, she shouldn't have died. D:
But like fox;wuiehtoauwehtoiaw. -.-
Anyways, loved the chapter and HURRY HURRY SAVE THEM XD
Haha jk. KILL THEM ALL >:D
Haha jk about that too. ;P
Loved it again and can't wait until your ideas flow and your wrist feels better. ^_^
Fighting! <3
I miss this ;A;