Playing Death's Game


Anh Jihyun was born with a special power: the ability to see when a peson will die. From a young age, she was sheltered by her aunt and uncle. Not wanting their niece to be known as a monster, they kept her hidden, not allowing her to come in contact with the rest of the world.

Now that her aunt and uncle have mysteriously died, Jihyun must be able to navigate South Korea to find out the answers on who she actually is. Of course, she won't be going on her journey alone as she will be accompanied by the underworld's pretty boy, Luhan. As the two travel together, they'll be able to find things about each other and most importantly, themselves.


Hi, I'm Anh Jihyun and I can see death. 
Okay, well, I can't actually see death - if death does even have a personified form, which I'm sure it does.
I wonder if death is a male or female... Or maybe it's an it; you know, two different genders, but not exactly a gender?
Anyways, I have this special power where I can see how much a person has left to live. If I touch them, I can see how they die. It's a strange thing, really. With this "power," I have the ability to save the lives of others, but for some reason, I was not allowed to as it "changes the fate that they have decided on us humans."
Why am I telling you all of this now? Well, I've lived nineteen years of my life without much explanation, or human contact for that matter, as to who I am and why I have this power. Since there's no one stopping me now, I've decided to take matters into my own hands.


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