Chapter 2

Hotel Euthanasia


“It’s okay if you aren’t here to see me off,” Jiyeong said as she walked into the doors of Incheon Airport. “Seriously, I know you’re busy.”

“You rarely go on vacation!” Min whined. “As your best friend, I have to see you off!”

“Well you’re not that great of a best friend if you aren't here,” Jiyeong chuckled. She looked at her ticket to see which flight she’d be on before glancing up at the screen that presented the flights scheduled for the day. “I’m going to and check in, okay? I’ll call you later.”

Hanging up, Jiyeong pushed her phone back into her pocket and stared at the screen once more. “Flight KE1423, terminal three.” Picking up her suitcase once more, she began walking to check in her bags.

Waiting in line, she noticed that the majority of the flyers were either young couples on a honeymoon or families with young children. She also noticed the three other young girls around her age waiting in line as well as six young men behind her.

“Next,” Jiyeong walked up to the worker and passed her ticket and luggage to the lady. “Where are you going?”

“Jeju Island,” Jiyeong calmly replied. “For vacation.”

The worker stared at the first class ticket and then back at Jiyeon. She noticed that Jiyeong’s choice in wardrobe and began question if the ticket was legitimate. “First class, huh?” She asked as Jiyeong nodded. She sneered on the inside as she gave her attention to Jiyeong’s long, sleeveless black shirt that hit her thighs, and plain blue boyfriend jeans.

Telling herself that the ticket was fake, she was surprised to see that the ticket was indeed in the airport system. As the conveyor belt brought Jiyeong’s suitcase up, she cleared . “Have a nice flight.” She said as she handed Jiyeong back her ticket.

“Thank you,” Jiyeong said politely as she grabbed the ticket and walked back and waited to board the plane. “It’s not my fault I have a first class ticket,” she mumbled to herself as she tightened her backpack.


“Airi, you’re going to be back in two weeks, right?” Manager Kim asked as Airi stepped out of the car and nodded. “Do you need me to go inside with you?” Manager Kim asked once again before Airi nodded her head as she grabbed her light pink suit case from the back seat.

Before Airi closed the front door, Manager Kim spoke up. “Airi, I’ve been with you for about two years and although I’m only eight years older than you, I treat you like you’re my daughter. Be safe, okay? I’ve placed another bottle of your medication in your suitcase and I wrote down the address of a friend of mines in Jeju. If you’re ever in trouble, just go there and tell them your name. They’ll know who you are.”

Airi gently smiled as she waved goodbye to her. Before driving away, Manager Kim reminded Airi of one more thing. “If you ever feel uncomfortable, just remember to put on your sunglasses and keep your head high. You’re Park Airi.”

Staring at Manager Kim’s fading car, Airi placed her white sunglasses on her face. It lightly matched with her white lace knee-length dress and peach flats with a chiffon bow on top of each shoe. Tightening her grip to her white Lux Saffiano Calf Leather Prada Bag (courtesy of her agency) in one hand, and her white Pergamena Hardside Luggage (courtesy of Manager Kim) in the other, she went to check in her luggage.

As she reached the end of the line, she noticed in six young men in front of her. Slowly stepping back, she knocked into someone behind her.

“S-Sorry,” she apologized as she did a 90 degree angle.

“No problem,” the young girl smiled as she let out a small giggle. “Are you okay?”

“Y-yes,” Airi answered frantically. “Would you like to go in front of me?”

“Are you sure? You were here first and-“

“Please, by all means, you can go in front of me.”

“Well, okay?”

Airi slightly stepped back behind the young girl and kept her distance from the young men in front of her. ‘Breathe in, breathe out.’ She told herself, ‘Keep your head held high.’

“Hey,” the young girl called out. “I’m Kwon Minjung. You are?”

Airi stared at the girl and her extended hand. “Park Airi,” she lightly replied as she shook Minjung’s hand.

“Hey, aren’t you that girl that models for Darkly Dense clothing?” Minjung asked as she reached out to pull off Airi’s sunglasses. “You are her! Wow, my brother always looks at your pictures!” Minjung smiled widely, “whoa, has anyone ever told you that you have super cool eyes?” Minjung stood a bit closer to Airi to get a better look at her eyes. “Wow, gold and brown eyes? That’s so cool!” Minjung placed her hands on her cheeks and pouted, “I only have the boring brown eyes; you should see my brothers! He has these really nice light brown eyes and it’s so pretty!”

Airi blinked a few times and took a step back from the talkative girl in front of her. ‘Why is she talking to me so suddenly?’

“Sorry I just threw myself on you,” Minjung sheepishly smiled as she handed Airi back her sunglasses. “I usually go everywhere with my twin brother so it’s kind of weird to go on vacation without him. I guess you can kind of say that I miss him.” Minjung cleared and flattened her hair, “so where are you headed?”

“Jeju,” Airi answered shortly.

“No way,” Minjung’s eyes lit up. “You’re on your way to Jeju, too? So am I!”


“You don’t talk much, do you?” Minjung questioned as Airi stared back at her. “I guess the rumors were true; but you seem like a nice person!”

Airi tilted her head in confusion when Minjung stood beside her and linked her arm between Airi’s. “Let’s take a selca, okay?” Minjung asked as she pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of the two.

After the two finished checking their bags in, Minjung pulled Airi towards the café nearby their gate and stared at the menu. “I’m kind of thirsty, are you?” Minjung asked.

“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Airi asked as she stared at Minjung.

“Didn’t we go over this already? I’m Minjung!”

“I just want to peacefully have a vacation by myself. I don’t want to offend you, but I’d like to be alone.” Airi bowed before she turned around to sit at a seat near her gate.

“What’s her problem?” Minjung asked herself as she ordered a drink for herself. “One caramel macchiato, please,”

“$3.50, please,” the worker asked as Minjung swiped her credit card. “Your drink will be ready soon.”

Minjung pouted before pulling her phone out of her bright blue shoulder bag that didn’t match with her brown leopard cardigan or her bright orange shorts; however, it somehow came together perfectly when all worn by her.

“You’ll never believe what girl I met today!” Minjung whined into the phone as soon as Woosung answered.

“Didn't I just leave you like thirty minutes ago?” Woosung chuckled.

“Yeah, but you know that model you like? What’s her name, Park Airi? Yeah, her! She’s a total , dude.” Minjung complained in English before grabbing her drink that was handed to her.

“What did she do to you?”

“Yah, why don’t you sound worried? What if she had stole my money?”

“Okay, okay,” Woosung sighed, “what has the ever so beautiful Park Airi done to make the queen of all queens upset?”

Ignoring her brother’s sarcastic tone, she took a sip of her drink. “I tried to make friends with her, but she told me, yes, that’s right, me, that she’d rather be alone!”

“Maybe she was tired? I heard she has a photo shoot almost every single day.” Woosung let out a little cough, “you rarely are the first to initiate a conversation.”

“Well, I wanted to have someone to talk to! I mean, she’s going to go to Jeju as well, so might as well make friends, right?”

“Wait, she’s going to Jeju?” Woosung groaned, “If I had known, I would have gone instead!”

“Yah, are you really going to act like that right now?” Minjung sighed, “I’m going to go and board the plane, so take care of yourself while I’m gone, okay?”

“Alright, umma.”

“Aigo, I’ll be sure not to buy you anything when I get there.” Minjung let out a hearty laugh. “I love you,”

“I love you, too.” With that, Woosung hung up so Minjung would start to cry and regret taking the trip.

“This kid,” she smiled as she took another sip of her drink and pushed her phone back into her purse.


“Oh no, where’s the gate at?” Sooyeon mumbled to herself as she looked around at her surroundings. “The lady said it was to the left and forward… Where is it?” Sooyeon let out a small sigh and she contemplated going up to someone and asking. “Wait, did I turn left or right?” Realizing her mistake, she scrunched her face in desperation. “Did I seriously turn right?!”

Sooyeon turned back and found herself where she originally was. “Okay, turn left and keep going straight.” She told herself as she made sure to memorize her surroundings just in case she got lost again.

“Ah, gate 5!” she exclaimed as she ran up to the worker that was checking the boarding passes. “Am I too late?”

“Nope, you got here just in the nick of time!” The man said as he took Sooyeon’s ticket and made sure it was in the system. “Choi Sooyeon, roundtrip ticket to Jeju!” he handed back her ticket with a smile, “have a nice trip!”

Sooyeon walked through the tub that connected the airport to the plane and was led to the first class section of the plane.

‘There are way more guys here than girls,’ she thought to herself as she stood there staring at all the passengers.

“Miss, please take a seat.” The flight attendant motioned to Sooyeon’s seat as she obliged.

Sitting down, Sooyeon felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. ‘It’s just a fourty-five minute flight to Jeju. Nothing can go wrong.’

“Passengers, please buckle your seat beats and please pay attention to our instructional video for airplane safety.”

Sooyeon closed her eyes and took in long, deep breaths. ‘Nothing is going to happen on this plane. You have nothing to worry about.’

“Statistics say that people are more likely to die in a car accident as opposed to an airplane crash.” Sooyeon turned to face the odd young man next to her. “Yoo Youngjae, nice to meet you,”

Sooyeon stared at Youngjae with shock, curiosity, and fear.

‘Whoa, her eyes are nice.’ Youngjae thought to himself as he stared back into her deep, dark brown eyes. “Um, you are?”

“Choi Sooyeon,” she answered in a light tone before the flight attendant walked past them.

“Sir, please put your mp3 player away as we are beginning take off.” She asked as Youngjae took his earphones out of his eyes and wrapped them around his iPod before placing it on his lap.

“So, Sooyeon, where are you from?” Youngjae awkwardly asked as he realized his awkwardness. ‘Wait, you can’t just ask a girl that!’

“Considering the fact that we’re flying from Seoul, I’m from Seoul.”

“Oh,” Youngjae chuckled nervously, “so, uh, you come here often?”

Sooyeon felt her face getting a little bit warm, so when the attendant came back around to scold Youngjae for not properly following airplane procedure, she suddenly felt at ease.

“Hyung, I think Youngjae hyung was flirting with that girl.” Junhong snickered as he whispered to Yongguk.

“Just eat your pudding and stop staring at other people. I saw you staring at that girl earlier.”

“Who are you talking about? The one with the short shorts? Man, she was fine!”

“Aish, just eat your stupid pudding.” Yongguk groaned as he stared out the window and to the moving tracks of the airport. ‘Maybe this is jump start our singing career.’


“Ah, Jeju is so pretty!” Annabelle sang as she stepped out of Jeju International Airport in her black Lolita dress with a deep square shaped neck line and white ruffles beneath the black fabric that was paired off with her black doll-like heels and ruffled socks, Annabelle looked like a doll you would see on the streets of Japan.

Sinking into the green scenery of tall vibrant trees and fluorescent flowers, Annabelle let out a silent laugh.

“Yah, get the hell out of the way!” A taxi driver yelled as he stuck his head out of the car window. “Don’t block the damn road!”

“I’m not even blocking the road; if you were a better driver, you would drive around me!” Annabelle exclaimed back in Chinese.

“Damn Chinese,” the taxi driver muttered as he zoomed past Annabelle and flipped her off in the process.

“This stupid-“Annabelle kicked the air and raised her fist to the disappearing taxi, “Korean people are nice they say,” She mumbled to herself, “they won’t hurt you they say,” grabbing her suitcase and making her way to her hotel, Annabelle continued to grumble. “It won’t hurt when I shove your words up your , I say.”

A few steps and taxi ride later, Annabelle finally made her way to her hotel. She gawked at the size and style of the hotel and her jaw almost hit the ground. The drive way of the hotel was entirely made in marble, the walls of the hotel were carefully sculpted to the point where it looked like the Romans created them, and there were gold designs everywhere.

“Wow, they weren’t kidding when they said this place was high class.” Annabelle mumbled to herself as she walked through the front doors of the hotel. She noticed that the hotel already had guests, but it wasn’t full to the point where you wanted to pull your hair out.

“Miss Annabelle Lee?” The worker asked as Annabelle reached the front desk.

“Yes, how did you know?” Annabelle asked in slightly broken Korean.

“Worker’s intuition.” He smiled. “Follow me, I’ll show you your way to your room.”

Annabelle followed the strange worker cautiously as she kept her distance from him. “I’m not going to bite,” he said with a chuckle. When he reached the elevator, he handed her keys to the room. “Unfortunately, I have to attend some other duties, so I will not be able to show you to your room. Your room is room number 43 on the 8th floor. Have a nice day.”

Annabelle rode the elevator up to her room and made her way to her room, noting all the luxurious details to the hallway. “Wow, it’s like I’m in the King’s Palace.”

Opening the door to her room, she was awestruck on how the room was fit for a king. Full kitchen with granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances, fancy bathroom, king sized bed, and a glorious view of the ocean, what more could you ask for?

Closing the door behind her, he dropped her luggage and stepped out onto the patio before doing anything else.

“This place is amazing!” She exclaimed as she ran back inside the room. “They even have a coffee machine ready for me to use?!”

Running into the bathroom, she was about to faint as she stared at the huge standing shower that could fit twenty of her and the tub right next to it. “That is not a tub…” she muttered with amazement, “that is a pool!”

Author’s Corner-
Kind of a boring, useless chapter but I’m trying really hard to not finish my 20 page essay. ;o; Anyways, I hope you all like this and ignore all the mistake in this chapter. ^^; Oh, the flight is an actual flight from Seoul to Jeju, so now you know. LOOL. YAY FOR CHARACTERS COMING TOGETHER! /it was more laziness than anything/ I mean what? Hopefully you all like that… ^^; And many apologies to those that ended up getting the short end of the stick... TToTT Anyways, I shall go to sleep because I am dead tired. Bbyong!~ <3

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Finally updated! Hope you all like it! ♡


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Chapter 19: Short but awesome chapter as usual.
xD I am actually surprised anyone cared to file for Annabelle as well. Maybe she'll learn from this experience - if she survives, that is.
Coincidence? I think not!
I love your updates and get all giddy when I see one.
Oh, this was FallingForCinderella;I changed my username.
Chapter 19: <3 Wonderful (yet upsetting) chapter.
I'm glad they care so much about us, but like AIRI'S ALREADY DEADDDD DX
To be honest, Airi was a bit too shy so Idk how she became a model, but more importantly, I'm amazed Annabelle's school actually filed the report. -.-
Sorry, but she's a jerk. >;P
Anyways, I can't wait for more updates and again, I'll say that it was lovely. ^_^
Fighting!~ :)
Chapter 18: YOU UPDATED!!!!!
omg someone is dead alreadyyyy :ooo
i was shivering imagine airi's death. one of the worst death ever i think, having to endure the pain and wait for your death
poor himchan too
you ____ jaehwan .____.
though it's a good thing jiho feel regretful. come to us in the good side jiho :3 *i'm actually in the bad side though lol*
ooooohhhh and our families n friends discovered sth now, help us guys!!!!

and and and, hope your wirst get fine soon :3
Chapter 18: zxcdfgbthynjuthefoijvrnetiofdvioenvioerdnvioernvklsdlovdvfdjrevfjiorevfionrevnjovjbevfjkbsevfsdvfbbjki;sevfbnj;vbsebnjo;evfrbju;aevfrbnjuevfrnjureguiserbeguitswuibnrtuiobnertuiob
Omg. I was missing this story~
I love the update; finally, a death~! xD
I hope your wrist gets better, author; that's never fun.
Chapter 18: You updated???? :DDDDD
Dude, you must be psychic. Just yesterday, I reread everything and thought, 'It'd be awesome if she updated soon.' XDDDDD
OHMYGOSH poor Airi. D: And Jiyeong D; and like SAVE THEMMM DX
Love the story and like I know that Airi was a bit...waoeitjawiet, she shouldn't have died. D:
But like fox;wuiehtoauwehtoiaw. -.-
Anyways, loved the chapter and HURRY HURRY SAVE THEM XD
Haha jk. KILL THEM ALL >:D
Haha jk about that too. ;P
Loved it again and can't wait until your ideas flow and your wrist feels better. ^_^
Fighting! <3
I miss this ;A;