“Umma, Appa, I hope you are happy with who I am now,”

Yang Yoseob; Finding You


Yoseob took the hand of Doojoon on his shoulder and threw him on the floor. He quickly took his gun and pointed it at Doojoon that was laying on the floor. He shot him a sharp glare, warning for what he had did.

Doojoon was shocked, not because of the pain but because of Yoseob sudden forceful act. This was the first time he could see and feel the skill of the legendary assassin. One word to describe Yoseob movement was, fast. He was really fast and unexpected. Doojoon looked at the pointed silver gun on him then he turned to Yoseob eyes that were still looking at him sharply.

“Yoseob, don’t,” Hyunseung shouted as he rushed to Yoseob and grabbed Yoseob wrist that was holding the gun. He wanted to pull the wrist but Yoseob was stronger so the gun was still pointing towards Doojoon.

Yoseob sighed as he nodded down.

“I guess you loss your memory Seungie,” Yoseob uttered in low volume. He took back the gun to his waist and turned to Hyunseung who was standing behind him.

“I guess I’m the only one who is still remember and alive,” Yoseob said gently as he looked into Hyunseung eyes. He didn’t give up yet. He wanted to know whether Hyunseung really forgot what had happened that day.

Hyunseung replied Yoseob look with his blank eyes. He knew he lost his memory but he couldn’t figure out what Yoseob was talking about. 

Yoseob sighed when he noticed that Hyunseung was truly blurred. He turned to Doojoon and offered his hand.

Doojoon was hesitating to take that hand but he finally took it and stood up with Yoseob help.

“I’m sorry,” Yoseob simply apologized in his calm tone. “I guess I’m too desperate,” Yoseob continued with a half-whisper tone as if he was talking to himself.

“I’m sorry for not remembering. I may know something that is important but sadly I don’t remember,” Hyunseung replied, a bit disappointed with himself.

“It is not your fault,” Doojoon and Yoseob replied unanimously. Then, they looked at each other, confused.

Hyunseung burst in laughter. Doojoon and Yoseob smiled and laughed, following Hyunseung happy laughter.

Doojoon turned to the laughing Yoseob. He was quite scary but he changed his mind as fast as his action. Still, he was a dangerous person to be concluded. He needed to be careful next time not to make this little guy boiled up.

It has been a long time since I laugh sincerely like this. Yoseob thought. He was too busy avoiding people so he won’t care for them. Why? Because when you lost someone that you cared so much, it hurt, really hurt that he felt like dying. One thing that made he stayed alive now was the thought that the person was still alive and he tried his best to find that person. That was why he only accepted certain tasks because that person was a very good fighter. If he was alive, he might be appointed as a bodyguard or maybe assassin. He didn’t care what it took but he truly wanted to find him. I will find you, Junnie hyung.


Ji Eun was sleeping on her bed as she was tired of crying. She always did after seeing a vision, especially a scary one.

Gikwang sighed as he watched the sleeping princess silently on the pure white bed. She was scared and he did nothing to help her. He felt guilty for letting the princess suffered after what she had did to him. She helped him. She pulled him out of the darkness.

Gikwang was 11 years old when he lost his both parents. They were robed and killed in their own home. Gikwang was the only survival in the tragic incident as he was sleeping silently in his small cubicle room. He was the only child and he depended a lot to his parents. He loved them. They were his everything.

When he woke up that morning and knew his parents were dead. He was thinking of suicide. But, before he could do that, his neighbour sold him as a slave. He didn’t care about his life anymore as he didn’t have a reason to stay alive. He just let himself be sold. He was introduced by his neighbour as a fighting slave because fighting slave price was higher than normal slave. So the first day he entered the slave factory, he needed to fight a boy around his age.

He didn’t reply any punch or hit or kick at all but he was still standing. Then, he saw her. A girl was looking at her through the audience seat with an old man. He could feel she penetrate through him and he was stuck to her eyes. Then Gikwang saw she cried as her tears fell slowly down her cheeks. What was that? She was crying for him? Was she? Why? Did she care for him like his parents did? If she did? Why?

A punch woke him up from his thought. Suddenly, he felt like fighting back. It was because he was curious. He wanted to ask that girl why she was crying. He punched back. The other boy fell down and tried to stand up. But he kicked him before the boy could stand up. Then, he slapped him. He kicked his tummy and punched his chest as hard as he could. The boy fainted. He was announced as the winner but he didn’t care about it. His eyes were searching for the little princess but she was gone.

He was brought into a dirty and smelly room. There were dried grasses around the room. It seemed like slaves slept on those grasses. However, he kept standing at the metal bar, trying to get out. He needed to meet that girl. He wanted to know why. He didn’t sure why he was so curious about that girl and the reason she cried. Maybe because that was the first time he saw someone cried for him. Was it really for him? That was what he wanted to know.

Then, a grown up guy came and opened the gate of his jail room.

“You are lucky, little guy. The princess wanted you as her bodyguard,” the guy said to him as he let Gikwang walked out. Then, the older guy brought him to meet an old man.

“It seems you are so special that my little princess specially picks you as her playmate and bodyguard. I guess you are worthy,” The old man said to him.

Gikwang recognized the old man. He was the old man that sat beside the little girl before. Was the princess that they were talking about was her?

It turned out that princess was the crying girl. She slightly smiled when he was introduced to her then she stopped. She didn’t cry anymore. Watching her from the close distance, Gikwang noticed how cute and pretty she was. Gikwang couldn’t ask what he wanted to ask. He was frozen, clueless of what to say. That was the start where he knew that she could see what other fear the most. Maybe on that day, she saw what he scared of. However, he himself didn’t know what was it and he didn’t have the courage to ask. After a while, knowing what he feared was not important. Now, his priority was her, keeping her safe and secure.

Gikwang smiled as he saw the calm sleeping face of her. He quickly walked away from the bed and sat at the sofa in front of it. Then he suddenly remembered his parents.

“Umma, Appa, I hope you are happy with who I am now,” he whispered to himself.


“You need to visit the factory,” Hyunseung said to Yoseob as if it was an instruction.

Doojoon was quite surprised when Hyunseung ordered Yoseob like that. He was getting ready to save him in case Yoseob turned to a cruel monster again but he stopped and smiled as he saw Yoseob was whining. Yoseob was unpredictable. The reason Yoseob didn’t mad at Hyunseung action maybe because he had known him before. Although, Hyunseung had lost his memory, based on Yoseob action towards him, Hyunseung might not change much.

“Why? Seungie, don’t force me please. I hate that kind of work,” Yoseob kept spoiling and pouting while holding Seungie arm with his both hands.

“You need to. So the slaves would know who is their new master,” Hyunseung continued nagging.

Doojoon chuckled silently. Now, Hyunseung sounded like a mother. Although, Doojoon never knew one before, he was sure how parents acted to his children. Maybe because he observed how Mr. Lee treated his granddaughter.

“Shiro!” Yoseob pouted, held himself and turned away.

“Come on, Yoseob. It is your responsibility. Don’t run away from it,” Hyunseung continued with a gentler voice.

“Okay, but just this time,” Yoseob whined, still not looking at Hyunseung.

Hyunseung sighed. That was impossible. As the owner, he must at least visit the factories once in three months.

“Yoseob, you need to visit the factories once in three months. That is the procedure here. I’m sure you have agreed to follow it when you sign the contract,” Doojoon spoke formally as he saw that Hyunseung almost gave up.

Yoseob pouted. It was his fault that he agreed to the contract without reading it. “Okay, I will go,” He said, defeated.


Update! :) Notice the poster? Thanks to melochiffon for it. 

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It's been a long time. Hope to finish this soon.


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Nimii_K #1
Update please, I'm waiting T-T
^ ^
wafflewaffle #3
this is good. the idea of yoseob as an assassin is cooooool, the 1st time reading with yoseob as different type of role
oo2PMoo #4
love the story! please update! :D
please update soon:):)!!
xxw00uxx #6
Chapter 11: so interesting story ... unnie please update soon .
update please
Please, I'm begging you! Update!!!! :(
:) finally! update soon ^.~
Yay an update!
I hope you update more unnie!