Chapter 5

y and adorable

Yesung's POV

I was busy making a new playlist for my ipod when Wook walked well more like ran into my room with tears streaming down his face. I raised an eyebrow a little confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked thinking he was just sore or something simple.

"I need your help." Was all he said.

"My help? With what?" Before I got an answer Wook was shoving my truck keys in my hand and pushing me out the door.

I got in the truck but didn't start it up since I had no idea where we were going. "Wook, what is going on?" I asked looking at him to see he was still in tears.

"We have to go. Please I'll tell you were to go and everything...wait..I forgot we need a plane ticket oh well I can buy us one no big deal.." Wook said sounding like crazy person. I took his hand then pulled him into my lap letting him cry on my t-shirt and soak it.

After an hour or so of him crying he pulled away. "Omo! I'm sorry! I got your shirt all messed up with my tears, I'm sorry and now I am crying again. Gosh, I'm sorry you are seeing me like this." Wook said wipping his tears and trying to smile like he was fine.

"Wook..." I tried to say but he stopped me.

"Please just don't ask. It's nothing that you need to know. It's just stuff that I can deal with." Wook said clearly lying. It was tearing him apart I could see that. There was something up and I was determind to figure it out.

"Okay." I said getting out of the truck leaving Wook to cry alone, but instead he chased after me and hugged me almost knocking me over. Once again he soaked my shirt in tears but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him close to me. Letting him cry out every lost bit of pain he had been holding back.

I picked him up letting him to continue crying on my shirt and carried him to my bed. I set him down and kneeled down putting my hands on his knees while he put his face in his hands and continued to cry.

"Wook.." I said but I don't think he could hear me through his sobs. "Wook..." I said gently pulling his hands away from his face to see two very puffy eyes from crying and wet cheeks.

"My s-s-s-sister. She is in trouble and I..I..I have to save her. It's--" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth. I didn't need another sob story. Not that is wasn't true it's just after the sob story usual comes the make-me-feel better part and I couldn't handle that.

"I'm sorry your sister is in trouble. But you can't just except me to drop everything for her. Wook, it's gonna get better." I regreted those words after I said them.

"It's gonna get better?! Really?! No it's not Yesung! It just keeps getting worse and worse! I came here to escape! To escape from the hell I call home! But I left my sister there. Now she takes my spot in getting abused! It's been like this all my life! And you except me to believe it's going to get better?! If it hasn't gotten better by now then it never will!" Wook scream tears once again flowing down his face.

I sighed not sure what to say to that. I felt bad for him, I did. Most people did come here for money (at first) so they could get past whatever issues they were having then leave with money and move on to a better life (and use me in the middle of that). I was being selfish thinking about it. I knew Wook probably had a harder life than me. But it's not like mine was all rose peddles and sunshine.

"You've had a good life. Yeah you lost your mom and that I know. But at least your mom loves you! At least people don't use you again and again! At least---" I cut him off again this time it was my turn to yell.

"You don't know anything about me. Don't tell me that my life has been good. Yeah, parts of it has been good infact most of it has but it's not like I haven't had to face hardships too. Don't stand there and tell me that you know everything about my life because YOU DON'T!" I screamed the last part slamming the door to my room and rushing down stairs.

Now tears were in my eyes. Thoughts rushed through my head of the secerts of me being who I am and of all the people who used me. How every night I go to bed thinking if I just told my dad...but then I picture the look of disappointment.

I rushed into the barn up the stairs and flopped down on the bed I had kept up there just incase I had got locked out of the house or something. Hey, it's happened before. I just laid there cryining all the pain out but I knew no matter how much I cry it wouldn't go away. It'd still be there the next day. And the day after that.

I was too busy being caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear Wook come into the barn and sit on my bed. When I sat up I jumped releazing he had heard me crying. I wipped my tears and looked away from him. He picked up a picture of me and Kyuhyun. Kyu was my first love, the first person I ever felt something truely deep for. But he was also the first person to break my heart too. At least he wasn't a jerk about it though. He was nice and gentle. We aren't friends since he moved away with his new boyfriend, Sungmin. I liked Sungmin, he was perfect for Kyu better than I ever was.

"Who is this?" Wook asked in a soft voice. I didn't look at him not wanting to show him my puffy eyes.

"Kyuhyun. He was my first love. We dated for a year but then broke up. We were best friends afterwards. It was better as friends I think. He moved though a while ago with his boyfriend Sungmin." I said not getting into much detail. It was a habit of mine to never let someone know too much about me. They always managed to use it against you. But then again I was quick to judge again a force of habit.

"Yesung, I don't know what happened to you in your life before me, but I promise I'm not like those other people who hurt you. I'm different just trust me." Wook said I could feel his eyes on me but I still didn't turn around for I was cryinging again.

That's what they all say...I thought to myself.


That was an emotional chapter! I almost started crying myself!

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lola8601 #1
i love this
Aww Yesungie it's okay ;A; You can be happy with Wookie!
I will get some sense into Jessica~ *pulls Jessica in a room*
Aww Ryeowook is soooososososososos adorable ;O;
BaeYeonRin #3
oww... yesung don't hurt wookie cuz he's just a little baby. i hope rewook will finally get his sister out of that mess that one of us call family. kekeke ^^ i like jess being with siwon because he;s so manly, sometimes ^^. update soon, they are so cute kkk
Natashaax #4
Update soon
mei_lene03 #5
Oh mah gah I Can't wait :))))