The past comes back

y and adorable

My dad came out of his room like a bear that just woke up from the long winter sleep. He rubbed his eyes and let out a big yawn.

"Dad, this is Ryeowook." I said pointing to the boy standing next to me who looked a little nervous. It was my dad, I mean if anything he was a bear without claws or teeth. He was just a softy basically. Unless you made him mad then it was a different story.

"Oh! Hello there sonnie!" My dad said with a big smile on his face and rushed down the stairs and gave Ryeowook a nice big bear hug. It looked like Ryeowook was going to die from lack of air. "Dad! You are going to kill him!" I said as my dad chuckled and let Ryeowook go then ruffled his hair.

"So, sonnie, has Yesung showed you the farm?" My father asked wrapping his arm around Ryeowook and leading him to a chair.

"Yes, sir, he did." Ryeowook answered clearly trying to be polite. I was a little jealous of him though since I never got the treatment from my dad, it was always it up and don't cry. I love my dad and I know he loves him, but at times I wish my mom was still here.

See, my mom died when my sister, Jessica, was 15 and I was 16. It's been only a year since it all happened. I was always very close to my mom infact she was the only one in the family who knew I was gay. I'd always have her to tell of a guy I liked or what do about guys. She actually helped me figure out I was gay.

Flash back

Another day at school and he still hasn't noticed me. Why do I always think about guys and not girls? Is there something wrong with me? I've never had one crush on a girl, I've kissed one girl but I didn't feel anything. Then I kissed one guy and bam my heart fluttered and I felt all these amazing feelings.

So does that mean that I am crazy? Sigh, what is wrong with me? Why can't I be normal like everyone else? Why can't I be straight? Wait, I'm not gay, am I?

"Mom?" I called as soon I was in the house. There was no sign of my dad since his truck was gone, probably on another cattle chase since they liked to escape a lot.

"Sungie I am in the kitchen!" My mom called back. I could smell her amazing cooking and my mouth started to water. I rushed in giving her a big hug. "Are you okay?" My mom always knew. Some how she just did. I asked her once but she said she'd never tell how she knew. I tired to figure it out but I came up blank.

"Is it normal to think about guys?" I blurted not planning on just getting right to the point. My mom put down her spoon and turned the oven on low so her food wouldn't burn.

"Yes, Yesung. It is very normal to think about a guy." My mom said but I knew for her to understand what I meant I'd have to confess.

"I mean romanticly." I waited for her to scream, yell, tell me she was ashamed to have me as a son but none of those words came out. Instead she hugged me.

"Yesung, there is nothing wrong with being gay. You are perfectly normal for having feelings. Being straight doesn't mean you are the best. Being gay doesn't being you are a freak. Now, to be honest people will tell you that you are freak but they are wrong. They are the freak for calling you a freak. They are the freak for telling you that you shouldn't be allowed to love because it's not a women you want to love. I believe that if you are gay you can be just as happy as any straight person. I love you, Yesung. Bi, straight or gay, I don't care you are my son and I will not hold that against you." My mom pulled away giving me a kiss on the forehead and then ordered me to do my homework.

That was one thing, out of many, that I loved about my mom. You never got out of doing something you didn't want to do even after confessing a deep secert, she'd treat you the same was she had yesterday.

flash back ends

My eyes started to water from the memory that I had to excuse myself from the room so my dad didn't call me a sissy. I wasn't a sissy, I just had feelings. I missed my mom. Why did she have to go? I felt lost without her.


I'm sorry this update took a long time!! And to answer this comment question, yes they do fix horses lol. I don't think I'd want a whole bunch of pregent females. Plus studs (males with their parts) are hard to handle at times because they think they are the boss of everyone. And they don't along somtimes with other horses lol. >.<

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lola8601 #1
i love this
Aww Yesungie it's okay ;A; You can be happy with Wookie!
I will get some sense into Jessica~ *pulls Jessica in a room*
Aww Ryeowook is soooososososososos adorable ;O;
BaeYeonRin #3
oww... yesung don't hurt wookie cuz he's just a little baby. i hope rewook will finally get his sister out of that mess that one of us call family. kekeke ^^ i like jess being with siwon because he;s so manly, sometimes ^^. update soon, they are so cute kkk
Natashaax #4
Update soon
mei_lene03 #5
Oh mah gah I Can't wait :))))