Ryewook to work!

y and adorable

I woke up about 6:30 am as usual. I was use to it honestly, but Ryeowook was not. When I knocked on his door and there was no answer I opened it and saw him sleeping like a baby. I sighed hoping he wasn't like my sister and didn't wake up from anything no matter how loud or how hard you shook her.

I walked up to him and shook him softly but he didn't budge. I sighed again shaking him hard this time, still no reply. That's it I am not spending an hour trying to wake him up and wasting good working time.

I wanted to be done by noon today not at 4:00 like last week. I walked to the bathroom grabbed the "bucket" as we call it just incase we got sick in the night and couldn't see the toliet the bucket was plain sight so you couldn't miss it. I the water to cold filled it up just a little bit and headed back to Ryeowook's room.

I creeped up slowly so he wouldn't wake up even if I had been loud I doubt he would have woken up. I tipped the bucket once I got to his head and poured all the water on him causing him to jumped a wake cursing. I couldn't help but chuckle at the look of surprise on his face.

"Get up. Breakfast is ready. And I really want to be done by noon today. Remember tomorrow to get your alarm." I said leaving the room with a wet Ryeowook sitting in his bed in awe. I smiled, I had to admit he was rather cute, but getting involved wasn't something I needed right now.

I headed down stairs smelling my sisters amazing cooking and rushed to the table awaiting my food.

"Oh no you don't! You can clean these dished so you have something to eat with before I give you food." Jess said without even turning around. I pouted and washed the dishes. I manged to get them all done just as Ryeowook entered the kitchen.

"I feel back asleep, but woke myself up so you wouldn't come pour water on me again." Ryeowook said sitting in the seat across from me. I kicked him under the table since Jess gave me a death glare.

"YAH! He sleeps just like you! How else was I supposed to get him up?!" I pouted crossing my arms but forgetting why I was upset when my food came. I enhaled my food in one bite while Ryeowook was still taking his third. "Come on slow poke! We have work to do! Hurry up!" I said smacking him on the back causing him to choke a little bit. I left the room grabbing my gloves to get a a headstart on work.

After long hours of bucking hay bale after hay bale until about noon I was tired. Ryeowook was too skinny for this. He had no arm muscles at all so it took him forever to buck bales. But the kid never gave up I gave him credit for that and he never complained neither.

"Wook!" I yelled just now coming up with a nickname for him because Ryeowook was too long to say. He turned his head while dropping his bale and running towards me.

"Yes?" He said panting either from the run or from the work, I'll assume the work since the run was only 10 ft.

"We have a fence to fix. It's about 10 miles down the ranch so we have to take the truck let's go." I said grabbing Wook and throwing him in the truck since it seemed his legs could not carry him. I hopped in the truck starting it up with easy since this was the old one I was scared it may not start. Then I'd have to spend hours trying to fix it. I wipped the sweat off my forehead while focusing on the road.

"Yesung?" Wook said while we got at the fence that needed to be fix and I was in the back of the truck picking up the heavy wirer.

"Yes?" I said not looking up because this wirer was heavy and sharp so I did not want to cut myself again.

"I know this is a personal question and I understand if you don't want to answer it but where is your mom?" Wook asked and I flinched at the question. I hadn't told any of the workers that story since they probably didn't care about my personal life or my emotions at that. They just wanted thing and that was it. It actually in a way felt nice to have Wook ask about something else rather than basically asking if you could have with me.

"She died a while ago in a car crash." I said lifting the wirer up and throwing it on the ground being careful not to hit Wook. He made the mistake of picking it up though and cut his finger. "Ugh! Wook!" I sighed in frustration. He was doing so good until now. I sighed again hopping down from the truck I could see tears start to form in his eyes. "Let me see it." I said but he held his hand away like it was no big deal. I sighed again gently taking his hand and looking at the damange.

It didn't need sitched but it did need to be cleaned out. Luckly I always carry a water bottle with clean water in it with me. I grabbed my water bottle out of the truck and started cleaning Wook's hand. I made sure no dirt was on it or it and banaged it up.

As I was banaging it up I noticed how close my face was to his. I could feel his breath on me and I could feel his eyes on me too. I looked up finishing the wrapping job and Wook took his hand looking away and blushing that I had caught him staring at me.

"Alright. I'll fix this fence you stay here right there and then we are going to call it quits for today." I said making my way down the hill. I quickly rewirered the fence and slowly walked up the hill when I heard a scream. Omo, what is it now?! I thought racing up the hill.

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG! I had been busy with tennis, homework, and prom etc! And on top of that I've been rather lazy to type, but I promise I will try to update more offten!! >.< Minhane! >.< Comment and Sub!

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lola8601 #1
i love this
Aww Yesungie it's okay ;A; You can be happy with Wookie!
I will get some sense into Jessica~ *pulls Jessica in a room*
Aww Ryeowook is soooososososososos adorable ;O;
BaeYeonRin #3
oww... yesung don't hurt wookie cuz he's just a little baby. i hope rewook will finally get his sister out of that mess that one of us call family. kekeke ^^ i like jess being with siwon because he;s so manly, sometimes ^^. update soon, they are so cute kkk
Natashaax #4
Update soon
mei_lene03 #5
Oh mah gah I Can't wait :))))