Are you kidding me?!

y and adorable

While running up the hill I almost fell flat on my face but luckly I caught myself just in time. I made it to the top only for my ears to be stung by another high pitched scream. I ran around the truck to find a frighten Wook backed against the truck.

"Wook? What is wrong?" I panted looking around for something that was a danger to him, but I saw nothing.

"There was a mouse right there!" Wook said pointing to a bush. At first I saw nothing then I see this little grey thing poke it's head out sniff around and Wook scream. I cover my ears to try to block out some of the sound. "WOOK! SHUT UP!" I snapped covering my hand over his mouth. He looked at me clearly confused of why I wasn't freaking out. "It's just a mouse. Chill." I said removing my hand from his mouth and shoving him in the truck before he let out another scream.

"Sorry." Wook said as we pulled into the driveway. I raised eyebrow not knowing what he was talking about then I suddenly understood.

"It's no big deal. Don't worry about." I said putting the truck in park. I climbed out of the truck when I didn't hear a second door close I turned around to see Wook crying. I sighed, okay was I really that hard on him? I went back to the truck opened my door climbed in closed my door and looked at Wook. "Okay, what's wrong? If it's the mouse, I will go up there and kill it if you want. But there are so many more it won't make a difference." I tried to joke but he just cried more.

I felt like a horrible person. "Wook, what's wrong?" I asked scouting closer to him and wrapping my arms around his shoulders so he could cry on my chest.

"Nothing..Just forget it." Wook said pushing me away and climbing out of the truck. I sat there blinking and confused. What the heck? I got out of the truck followed Wook to his room. "Look, Yesung, I'm here for a job and to get paid so I can go back home and try to fix all the messes I've caused. You don't know what it's like to be the reason other people's lives are screwed up." Wook said wipping his tears only to have them replaced by new ones.

"Okay first off don't tell me what I don't and do know. I do what's that like but since you don't know me very well you wouldn't have known." I said sitting down next to him and drapping an arm around him. "Look Wook, life can . It fact no life can just be plain ty at times, but if everyone were to give up on life when it came down to it's most lowest point then life would be pointless. But life can only go down so far until it has no choice but to go back up. I know it might seem like it's down most of the time but that's because you look at the negative side of things." I said knowing I should take my own advice, but I knew I wouldn't.

"My life has never been up. I swear the only time things are even close to good is when my dad isn't home and my mom isn't blaming me for things, but that only happens if I am not home or my dad is away on some business trip." Wook said. I sighed not really knowing whether this was like all the other times or different. I could say it felt different but honestly, that's what I said about the other guys.

"You know coming to work here maybe the best thing that's ever happened to you. Oh and Wook," I said while getting up to leave since he had stop crying and seemed a little bit better. He turned his head and looked at me. "Please be the person I think you are." I said then left.

Ryeowook's POV

I sat on my bed staring at the door thinking about what Yesung said before he left. "Please be the person I think you are." What the heck does that mean? Did he think I was lying? Maybe I should ask him. I was about to get up when Jess, Yesung's sister, came rushing into my room.

"Come on Wook! I have someone you need to meet!" Jess said pulling me off my bed and dragging me downstairs. When I got there, there was a handsome guy with black hair that was rather long actually. "Ryeowook this is Siwon, my boyfriend." Jess said proudly pulling the handsome man to her side.

"Hi." I said holding out my hand and Siwon shook it.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." Siwon said smiling at me. His voice was really deep. I tried not to blush at what he was saying. I don't like Jess but she talks about me.

"Well, I just thought you two should meet. Anyways, Wook, we are going to a movie and my dad is out on a business trip. I am going to say the night at my friend Tiffany's house so it's just going to be you and Yesung tonight. Have fun! Oh and here is my cellphone and Tiffany's home phone if you need anything and here is my dad's cell too just incase." Jess said acting like she was a mother giving information to baby sitter.

"Bye Jess, have fun!" I called as they drove away. I sighed heading back inside and placing all the numbers on the counter then going to my room. I closed my door and dung out my phone, quickly dialing my homephone number.

"Hello?" My little sister Amy's voice came on over the phone.

"Amy!! It's Wookie!" I said happy that she was the one to answer. I heard her squeele then quickly become quite. Then I heard her running up the stairs and closing her bedroom door.

"Sorry, dad is home tonight and I don't want him to know you are calling." Amy said in her normal voice now. My dad thought all women were one thing:stupid. It was insulting. Most women I knew were very smart and not anything like what he thought. I hated my dad for being a jerk to my mom but I hated my mom for letting him treat her that way then blamming it on me. All because I was gay.

"Oh I understand. So, how are you?" I asked but she hesistaed I knew it couldn't be good. "What did he do to you?" I asked in a sterin voice. See my dad has a drinking problem but most of the time he isn't home when his problem kicks in so we don't have to worry. But the drunk feeling wears off but the angry let's go abuse someone feeling does not. He comes home after getting drunk (or has) to beat my sister. Whenever I am home for it usually I can stop him but it takes a lot and a while to get him to be knocked out.

"I made him mad it was my fault." My sister said clearly not convicing me.

"Amy, he beat you AGAIN?! How can you say this is your fault?! How many times do I have to say it's not your fault! He is an idiot who can't admit he has hit rock bottom and has a problem. How bad was it?" I asked when she didn't answer I asked again this time more serious

"I had three sitches in my lip." She said. I sighed. I wanted to kill that man more than anything in the world. I could feel hot tears streaming down my face. I should have taken Amy with me here. I was stupid to leave her there. She wasn't safe there alone. She was 10 years old, how was she supposed to deffend herself? Then I got an idea.

"Amy, I am not going to hang up okay, so don't hang up either. I have an idea to get you out of there, but you need to give me time. Just don't hang up I'll have the phone with me so you can hear my voice." I said quickly pulling the phone away from my mouth and rushing to Yesung's room.

Ooo what's Wook's idea? Poor Amy! I say we all get together and kill the dad! >:) lol Sub and comment! I thought I'd double update for you guys :) OH and have you seen U-kiss's comeback?! SO amazing!! and I love EXO right now! :D they are an amazing new group! :D I've manged to memorize all their names!! Who is excited for TVXQ's comeback in Korea?! OOO! And one last question did you guys enjoy B.A.P's comeback?! Jongup you killed me! :D Anyways goodnight subbers! I love you! I shall update soon! :D

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lola8601 #1
i love this
Aww Yesungie it's okay ;A; You can be happy with Wookie!
I will get some sense into Jessica~ *pulls Jessica in a room*
Aww Ryeowook is soooososososososos adorable ;O;
BaeYeonRin #3
oww... yesung don't hurt wookie cuz he's just a little baby. i hope rewook will finally get his sister out of that mess that one of us call family. kekeke ^^ i like jess being with siwon because he;s so manly, sometimes ^^. update soon, they are so cute kkk
Natashaax #4
Update soon
mei_lene03 #5
Oh mah gah I Can't wait :))))