Blond Princes: Key Of Heart (chapter 4)

Blond Princes: Key Of Heart





At the airport.. ShinHye is waiting for her flight.. only one hour she will be leaving Korea and she will never come back.


“You know what… Donghae is a silly kid back then.. he’s so sensitive and very sulking person..” obviously he is talking to the baby inside her stomach. “ he tends to sulk when he didn’t get what he wants.. but still he is a good guy.. and you know what he likes kids..” she started to cry, not minding the people beside her.


“Miss are you okay..” the older female asked her.


“Oh ne.. I’m sorry for the bother.”


“I can see that you are talking to the child.” She points out SHinHye’s tummy. “Sorry to asked but did it happen unexpectedly??”


SHinHye can’t do anything but to nods.


“I’m sorry..” the older woman caressed ShinHye’s back to make her comfortable. “But he should be responsible for it right??”


“He should, but I don’t want him to know.. it will ruin all his dreams..”


“But it will break your heart..” said the older woman. “Miss.. its his responsibility.. both of you needs to know it. And he has the rights to know.”


DongHae got stranded in the traffic.. he looked at his watch and it’s already 11:30 in the morning. He don’t know what time is ShinHye’s flight.. he though that Hyuk wants him to be punished that’s why he didn’t tell him the time. But he decided to look all over the place just to find her.


“He doesn’t remember me.. and everything happened to us is just a mistake.. he had his girlfriend.. and the same goes to me.. I’m just lucky that my previous boyfriend, now my ex.. understand my situation.”


“ You will leave the country to start a new life..”


“Yes.. and I will forget everything about us..” she said while forcing to smile.


“Don’t you ever do that.. I won’t let you to forget me..”


ShinHye stop and look in front of her. She saw DongHae, panting, he’s wearing a formal wear. “Hae.?”


The other people at the airport recognized DOnghae, and by that they gather around them.


“Miss.. is he the guy??” asked the woman.


“ANiyo..” she looked at her watch . it was about her flight. She stood up and get her shoulder back. “Thank you for having a talk with me ma’am.” She said and bowed. Not minding DongHae in front of her. She started walking away from him.


DongHae stood there just looking at ShinHye’s back.


“Once she entered that departure area, she will never gonna come back.. why don’t you stop her.” The older woman said to hae.


DongHae heard the other people whispering to each other about him and about SHinHye.


“SHINHYE AH! SARANGHAE YO!!” he shouted, and the other people looked at him.


SHinHye wanted to stop but still she continue to walk, but hae grabbed her shoulder, face her to him and by that she got surprise when Hae’s lips came crashing on her. She don’t know how to react about it. When hae broke the kiss, ShinHye looked around. The two of them are attracting other peoples attention. Some fan girls are there and having the situation filmed.


“Don’t leave me again.. ShinHye please.. I need you here.. Hyuk told me everything..”


‘HyukJae…’ she coldly looked at Hae. “ I don’t know you..”


“You don’t have amnesia.. and you will never forget me ShinHye ah.. I’m sorry if I’m being a here.. I wanted to take full responsibility of it..”


SHinHye frowned. “Its not about he responsibility Hae.. its about-“ she was cut by DongHae’s lips on hers. Kissing her.. the very familiar kiss.


“Its about Love..” he said when he released her. “Listen to me first.. I remember everything.. since the night at my cabin.. “


“You lie to me! You keep asking questions.. and telling me that you don’t know.. so I just end up giving my self to you!” she’s getting angry..


“Sorry.. I don’t know what to do.. maybe if it told you that I remember you already.. you will leave me and instead you’ll go with Hyuk.. believe me.. I didn’t mean to lie to you.”


“But you did it already.” She hit DongHae’s chest lightly. “ You never knew the effect on me.. Hae.. I was hurt for so many years.. when you and Jessica.. you almost kill me…”


“I’m sorry…” he hugged her.. “I will never do it again.. ShinHye ah. Don’t leave me.. stay beside me forever..” DOngHae get the locket from his pocket.. he opened it using the key. “ I told you when we are kids I am the only one authorized to open the heart.. that heart of yours.” He pointed out ShinHye’s heart. He get ShinHye’s hands and put the ring on her ring finger. “ Marry me SHinHye..”


ShinHye hugged DOnghae and cry. “DOngHae..”


“Hush.. everything’s gonna be fine..”


“The group.. this is a scandal Hae.. you shouldn’t do this.. it will ruin everything. Jessica shi, how about her?”


“I don’t care.. if the management wants me out of the group, its okay.. I know the others can handle it.. we can leave peacefully just like before. about Jessica, I already told her everything, she accept our break up. so will you marry me??” he looked at her eyes.


“Ne.. I will marry you..” then she cried again.


Hae gave her a sweet kiss which earns a loud cheer and giggle from the people who are watching.


“Oppa! Chukahae!” some teen agers said.


“We still love you even though you are getting married.”


“ ShinHye shi.. take care of our DOngHae oppa neh.”


“See.. they still love me.. and I guess you are a celebrity now..” Hae joked and hug her again.


“For sure this will be in the news..”


“Since before at the press conference everybody is spreading the news..” he smiled. “ Baby..” he looked at ShinHye’s tummy. “ Your DongHae appa will be a responsible dad in the whole world.” He cheered himself. “ I love you ShinHye..”


“I love you too Hae.. with all my heart..” she smiled.



After a week.


ShinHye is surfing the net.. she’s sitting on the couch in Super Junior’s dorm.


“What’s that ShinHye??” Hyuk sit beside her handing a glass of strawberry milk for her.


“Ahmm.. I know the commotion at the airport ended a few days ago.. and now there’s another commotion..” she said as she continues to surf the net.


“What is it??” SiWon added.


“Its about the name for my baby..” she said while pouting..


“Really??” Ryeowook and SungMin go near to her and they looked at the screen of ShinHye’s laptop.


“I guess the E.LF.’s are excited for the baby..” said YeSung.


“If the baby is a boy.. they we already had a super junior next generation.” Said LeeTeuk.


“And if the baby is a girl.. our future sons had his future fiancé.” Said HeeChul. “ I Bet the kid will be beautiful.”


“handsome.” Said LeeTeuk.


“Beautiful..” Hee replied.


“Yay.. Hyung’s cut this before the two of you got pissed.” DongHae came from the grocery.


“Hae!” ShinHye stood up quickly and she throw herself to Hae. “ I missed you..” she said.


“ShinHye ah.. be careful.. you almost drop your laptop..” said Hyuk.


“Only for three hours that Hae is not here you missed him already??” asked KangIn.


“I noticed that She is acting childish right..” said Geng.


“Hannie.. there’s more to come about this..” said Hee while having his trade mark smirk on his face.


“I hope Hyung will survive this one.” Said Kyu.


“ There’s a 50/50 possibilities about that.” said KiBum


“ I missed you too..” said Hae. “ I bought your favorite..”


“really?? What is it?? What is it??” she got excited.


Hae took out the ice cream from the plastic bag. “Here..”


ShinHye distanced herself from Hae, then she pouted. “ That’s not my favorite” said ShinHye.


“Eh?? But we used to eat this when we are kids..” hae reacted.


“ No.. I don’t want to eat that.. How come you forget it hae.” She frowned. “ I want more strawberry milk..” she demanded.


“Since when did you become Hyukkie??” hae raised his eyebrows.


“ Hae is angry.” ShinHye looked at her feet and played circles with her fingers.


“Aniyo.. ShinHye ah..” Hae was about to comfort her.


“Stop!” stay there.. don’t talk to me until you didn’t buy the strawberry milk from Mokpo.” Then ShinHye entered DongHae’s room and locked herself inside.


DOngHae was left standing in front of the door. Really Shocked about what happened.


“Uh~oh..” said ShinDong. “ Problem.”


“Mokpo?? Mokpo for a strawberry milk??” hae talked to him self. Then he looked at his group mates. “Hyungs??”


Seem like everybody knows that look.. Hae is asking for help.


“Oh what time is it??” Hee Looked at his watch. “I need  to have my beauty rest.. good bye..” he went to his room.


“ K.R.Y. is having a practice today right?” said Yesung.


“Lets go..” Wookie grab KyuHyun’s hands and they leave the dorm.


“HanGeng hyung, you said you will teach me some dishes right??” SungMin asked Geng and they went to the grocery.


“ KangIn hyung do you want to accompany me?? I’m going to church for a Bible study.” Said Siwon.


By that KangIn and Siwon also leave the dorm.


Obviously, the others don’t want to help DOngHae. The person left are LeeTeuk, ShinDong, Hyuk and KiBum.


“Hyukkie??” Hae asked.


“Mian Hae, but the four of us are having our dance practice.” Said Hyuk.


DongHae sighed he picked up his jacket and car keys. “I’ll be back.. do what ever you want to do.” He said.. sulking over his hyung’s and saeng’s. “When you get married someday. I won’t help you too.” He said. The four members are hiding their laugh towards the fish guy.


“Hae..” ShinHye called him sweetly.


“I’m going to buy the milk okay.. stay here and just relaxed. “ he didn’t look at her.


Leeteuk signaled the three that they should enter his room. The three members comply.


ShinHye leave the room, she went closer to hae and tug the lower part of Hae’s shirt. “You are sulking..”


“Wae??” DongHae looked annoyed.


ShinHye faced Donghae to her. “ You look cute when ever you are sulking..” she smiled.


“And you really like playing games on me ShinHye.” He pouted.


ShinHye cupped DongHae’s face and give him a kiss. “Mianhae..” she smiled sweetly. “ Hae please don’t get tired of me.. sorry but I guess this is the pregnancy effect..”


“Neh.. I know it already.. Umma told me about it.. oh yeah! Why don’t we have a vacation.. at the resort.. I want to go back there, specially now that I remembered everything..”


SHinHye’s face lighten up. “ Neh! I want that idea Hae.. I missed auntie..”


“Someone say vacation??” HeeChul came out of his room.


“Are we leaving tonight??” KangIn opened the door, revealing the other members.


“Hyungs?? You guys are really unfair.. I’m asking for help before and now you guys are here when you heard the word vacation.” Said hae. “ You guys can’t go with us.” he said firmly.


“ ShinHye ah.. convince DongHae for us..” said HeeChul.


“It won’t work Hyung.. “ he said.


“DongHae.. maybe it’s a nice idea if they tag along.” Said ShinHye.


“No..” said Hae. When ShinHye didn’t talk he looked at her, ShinHye is wiping her eyes already. “Okay.. okay.. just don’t cry.. they can tag along.”


“YEAH!!” the group cheered.


Each of them went to their respective rooms to pack their things. Leaving Hae and Shinhye.


“Gomawo DOngHae..”  ShinHye hugged him.


‘ Aigoo.. I hope this pregnancy effect will be finished as soon as possible..’ he can only utter a small prayer inside his heart. He know that this will be a very hard challenge for him, his hyungs are also taking advantage from it.





Done!! i hope you guys like this one..


feel free to browse the other fics..


Thank you so much.. ^^

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amber15t #1
Chapter 4: I love it so much... It's so cute and I love donghae in here!
childishae15 #2
Sequel! Sequel!!!!! I love it,..
DdazzlingZYX #3
Yeah~~ i totally love it .. :-D
baekooniim #4
Happy ending!!! I love it.. I really really love it.. Thanks for making this fic..You make me smiled widely after reading this fic :D
baekooniim #5
You've to update this fic as soon as possible!!! I'm totaly craving for it!! Donghae was totally handsome. Hyuk, poor him! I hope Hyuk will find another girl for him..Update soon ~_~