
Living under her shadow

“You still like Woo Hyun, don’t you? Seeing them together made you jealous and that’s why you are crying, right? Ji Hye, why? Why are you acting like this when you know that he wouldn’t even give a damn?!” Hoya shouted angrily as he spun Ji Hye around.

As expected, he saw her in tears. It hurt him to see her cry but it hurt him more to know the reason behind her tears.

“Yes, I am jealous! I am jealous of how he treats me like dirt but so nicely to my sister. I am jealous how my sister is pretty and smart but I am such a loser. Since young she put in the minimum effort and gets the best results but I have to work so hard just to stay at the top. Everyone likes her more than me, my parents, INFINITE and… Woo Hyun. I hate it. I hate it how I feel inferior to my own sister…” Ji Hye screamed in frustration as more hot tears escaped her eyes.

Hoya threw his arms around Ji Hye and hugged her tightly.

“Why are you so fond of doing things which would hurt you? You are upset whenever you compare yourself to your sister then why are you still comparing?” Hoya whispered softly as he her back gently.

“It’s not that I want to. Everyone is doing that…She is always towering over me and I could only live under her shadow all the time…No one sees Kim Ji Hye whenever Kim Ji Eun is around.” Ji Hye said as she cried harder.

“But I like you better than Ji Eun. All this while, you were the one who caught my attention even when she is beside you. Why can’t you see that I have always been around you? Don’t cry anymore, Ji Hye. It hurts me to see you like this, you know?” Hoya confessed as he released her.

Ji Hye looked up, startled at his sudden confession.

“I…I got to go.” Ji Hye stuttered slightly before turning and running off.

Hoya stood there and could only watch her leave hurriedly.

“After all this time, I still failed to make your heart stay by my side…” Hoya thought to himself and sighed.

Turning around, he walked back into the club and began drinking with L. Returning home alone first, Ji Hye collapsed onto her bed. She had stopped crying and Hoya’s words were bothering her all this time. She could still feel her heart beat fast at his words which were replaying in her mind non-stop. Then, she received a message.

To: Ji Hye

Sorry, I can’t make it for your dance cover competition tomorrow. I have a schedule to attend to... Good luck!

Ji Hye felt disappointed knowing that Hoya won’t be seeing her at the competition.

“Is he upset because he thought I rejected him?” Ji Hye thought to herself.

“Pabo Kim Ji Hye, why the heck did you run away at that time?!” Ji Hye cursed herself mentally as she used the pillow to hit herself repeatedly.

To: Hoya

It’s alright. Thanks! ^^ Although I badly hope you can come but work is more important. Umm, just now I didn’t know how to react so I ran away. I was not rejecting you...I was just confused.

Hoya switched off his phone right after he texted Ji Hye and slid it into his pocket.  He then raised his glass again and drank it all up. L stared at him in a weird way but ignored him.

The next day…

Ji Hye changed into her dance attire and sneaked out of her house early in the morning. Her parents were out working and Ji Eun was still in bed as she returned home late last night. She travelled by the subway and reached the venue. Looking around, she saw the other contestants accompanied by their friends. Ji Hye began to feel nervous. Switching on her phone, she thought Hoya would send her a message but he didn’t. She sighed and pouted.

Entering the venue, she could see the stage and the judges seated in a straight line before the stage. There was quite some people gathered there already. The big banner read: Annual Dance Cover Competition 2012. Ji Hye gulped down her saliva and took a deep breath. She then went to report at the back stage. Placing her belongings down, she joined the de-brief.

“All of you know your contestant numbers, right? Later when you hear your number and name, just go out on stage. That’s all from me. I wish all of you all the best. Fighting!” The emcee said with a warm smile.

All the contestants nodded firmly, eyes gleaming with confidence. Ji Hye was trembling a little inside but she pretended to be confident too. She did not want to show her weak side to her competitors.

“Good morning ladies and gentleman, welcome to the Annual Dance Cover Competition 2012! I am Park Song Joon, your emcee of the day. Let’s put our hands together and welcome our first contestant, # 1032, Park Shin Hoo.” The emcee announced loudly.

The audience screamed and clapped loudly as a cute girl exited the back stage. Accepting  the mike, she bowed down politely.

“Hello everyone, my name is Park Shin Hoo and I would be performing Girls Generation’s ‘The boys’.” She said with a sweet smile.

As soon as she handed the mike to the emcee, the lightings on stage changed and the song blasted loudly from the speakers. She danced accurately to the beats and earned the judges’ recognition right away. They were all smiling and nodding away. Ji Hye retreated back into the back stage from behind the curtains and her heart beat even faster than before. She was really nervous. Being the second contestant and seeing Shin Hoo’s splendid performance stressed her out  a little.

“Br-Bring the boys out.” The song ended with Shin Hoo carrying out the final pose perfectly.

Getting up, she bowed politely and left the stage.

“Okay, it was a really y performance from contestant #1032. Let’s welcome our next candidate #1033, Kim Ji Hye with a round of applause!” The emcee announced.

Ji Hye inhaled deeply before walking out of the back stage nervously. Carelessly, she tripped on one of the wires on stage and stumbled a little. The audience gasped as Ji Hye straightened herself in embarrassment. Taking the microphone over from the emcee, all eyes were on her.

“Anneonghasaeyo, Kim Ji Hye imnida. I will be performing ‘Before the dawn’ by INFINITE. Thank you.” Ji Hye said, trying hard not to stammer.

The audience clapped loudly, giving Ji Hye a little more confidence. She clenched her fists and took in another deep breath.

“Kim Ji hye, you can do this. Remember what Hoya told you. You are his 99 marks.” Ji Hye reassured herself and nodded in confidence.

Because I listen to my heart beat one by one
Because I listen to my heart
heart heart to to my heart heart

If I can’t get you no matter how hard I try
You aren’t the one, i feel like a beggar
I-I, can’t let you go like this, it's suffocating
And I don’t know what to do

Why Why … Why Why … Why Why …

Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
My heart isn’t obsessed
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
I want to capture you no matter what

Those two lips that whispered love
Those two eyes that close at the right chance
The sides fly to me heart,
I’ll be there by you side (huh)

I became used to only looking at you
Lingering around you, I feel like a beggar
I want to let go of everything now, and that's suffocating
And I don’t know what to do

Why Why … Why Why … Why Why

Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
My heart isn’t obsessed
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
I want to capture you no matter what

Without knowing, I step on your shadow
I’m probably gradually getting crazier
(Because I listen to my heart beat one by one)

“The scorpion dance, the hardest part of the dance is here. Kim Ji Hye, you can do it. Remember what Hoya said. The angle of the legs, remember.” Ji Hye reminded herself.

The crowd was anticipating to see Ji Hye do the legendary scorpion dance excitedly, including the judges. It was the highlight of the dance and the key to her winning.

To my eyes that sees everything to be dark,
You’re the only one that shines brightly
(Because I listen to my heart heart heart)


Getting onto the ground, Ji Hye flipped herself around.

“Yes, I did it.” Ji Hye smiled to herself. She had carried out the step smoothly and successfully. From the corner of her eyes, she spotted how the judges nodded in satisfaction and scribbled down some things on their judging sheets.

Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
I’ll stop you before its too late
Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
I want to have you in the end no matter what

(Before the dawn)
close your eye and close your mind,
your road thats covered with veils
I want to protect you from a future
that seems to be captured in secrets
Because it's, you must love me
(Before the dawn)
I’ll hold on tightly so you can’t leave
I’ll grab onto you so I won’t have to cry
No matter how many times you throw me away,
Or how much you prevent it, I’m never going to let you go

Ji Hye lowered her body and went into the final dance pose. She heard a thunderous applause and response from the crowd. Straightening herself, she saw most of the audience standing up and clapping loudly. She smiled in satisfaction and was overwhelmed by the support. She then scanned the crowd, in hope of finding someone but to no avail.

The competition lasted for a few hours and it was finally time to announce the results. All the contestants were lined up on the same stage they performed not long ago, all worried and nervous. Ji Hye clenched her fists and she could feel those butterflies flapping their wings in her stomach.

“The results are in my hand now. Are you guys dying to know who the winners are?” The emcee shouted.

“NE!” The crowd screamed.

The emcee chuckled and opened the envelope in his hands.

“The second runner-up goes to… Park Shin Hoo!” The emcee announced.

Shin Hoo burst into tears as she ran forward to get the trophy.

“And the first runner-up is… Kim Ji… Woo!” the emcee shouted.

The male dancer covered his mouth in surprise and went up to receive his trophy too. Ji Hye felt her heart stop when she heard the emcee call out ‘Kim Ji…’ . Her heart dropped when he finished his sentence. She sighed in defeat and shook her head in disappointment

“Finally, the champion of this year’s annual dance competition goes to… Kim Ji Hye!” The emcee announced loudly and turned to Ji Hye who merely  froze in her position.

“WHAT?! OH MY GOD!!!  Did he just… just call out my name?” Ji Hye thought to herself as her jaw dropped.

“Hey. He called you.” The contestant beside her gave Ji Hye a light push.

She stumbled forward and took the emcee’s hand timidly. Receiving the trophy with trembling hands, she took the mike in her other hand.

“So how are you feeling now?” The emcee asked.

“I…I am really surprised.” Ji Hye stammered a little, making the crowd laugh.

“I can tell. Haha… For a girl, it must have been really hard to dance to ‘BTD’ so well. So who is your bias in INFINITE?” The emcee continued.

“My bias… used to be Woo Hyun but I come to like Hoya better in the group now. I like you, Lee Ho Won.” Ji Hye said making the crowd go ‘Woah~’.

Ji Hye scanned the crowd once more and this time, a familiar figure caught her eyes. Although he was in disguise, she could clearly tell who he was. She smiled at him and winked cutely.

“Okay, this marks the end of this year’s Annual dance cover competition. Hope to see you guys next year. Thank you for coming!” The emcee waved with a broad smile.

After the crowd dispersed, Ji Hye ran down the stage and to where Hoya was standing. However, she couldn’t find him anymore. Then, her phone vibrated.

To: Ji Hye

Meet me at the backstage.

Ji Hye ran to the back stage and saw Hoya there. The back stage was cleared by then and there were only the two of them. She smiled and walked up to him who was back facing her.

“You came.” She stated.

Hoya turned around and pulled her in for a hug. Ji Hye was shocked but still hugged him back with her other free hand. Her heart was thumping really hard as she felt his body heat.

“Thank you.” Ji Hye said.

“For helping you win?” Hoya asked as he released her and smiled.

“Ani, for liking me.” Ji Hye corrected shyly.

“You did well today.” Hoya praised as he ruffled her hair.

“But you didn’t see me dance just now.” Ji Hye pouted.

“Shall our winner perform for me to see now then?” Hoya asked as he played ‘Before The Dawn’ using his phone.

Ji Hye smiled and placed her trophy down on the table. She began dancing to the song and soon spotted Hoya dancing along with her. He was facing her and dancing charismatically too.  The song ended and she rose from her ending pose to be met with Hoya’s close-up face.

“You…” Ji Hye muttered.

Before she could say anything else, Hoya leaned down and kissed her lightly. Ji Hye slowly closed her widened eyes, enjoying the moment they shared.

“Those two lips that whispered love, those two eyes that close at the right chance.”

Author's Note:
Hello everyone!:D
Did you guys like the ending? (I ended with BTD's lyrics. Did you realise? ^^)
This is the final chapter and I am here saying goodbye to all of you...:( -Waves sadly-
Anyways, this is a really long last chapter and I hoped you enjoyed reading :)
I would like to thank all my subscribers and readers who stayed with me till the very end! <3
Please leave me a last comment :)...
Thank you so much for reading 'Living under her shadow'.!~
Hope you have a good day ahead ! :D ~
BYE ^^!

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oh-so-licious #1
Chapter 9: Love this fic =)
congrats :)
congrats :)
congrats c:
Chapter 8: Just perfect. Well done
Congrats on your featured!!
Chapter 8: This story will go in on the history as one of the BEST AFF fics. It's so romantic and, yet, sad at he same time. Please make a sequel and congrats for the feature!
lovelyme23 #9