
Living under her shadow

“I don’t know. I used to think Woo Hyun oppa was my ideal type but after knowing his true colours, I am no longer sure. I am confused.” Ji Hye confided as she placed her drink on the table.

“Okay…” Sung Gyu said as he looked at her cousin who seemed a little down then.

“Ji Hye-ah, you could have chosen oppa to make me happy.” Sung Gyu said with playfully.

Ji Hye laughed a little at his joke and smiled back at her cousin. Hoya felt his heart drop because Ji Hye was still not over Woo Hyun. He let out a long sigh before leaving quietly.

Back in the dorm…

“Hyung, you have Ji Hye’s number, right? Can I have it?” Hoya requested.

“What for?” Sung Gyu asked as he turned to Hoya.

“Umm. You see, she is my classmate so if I need someone to collect work for us when we have schedule, I can text her.” Hoya lied, satisfied with his ingenious excuse which he racked his brains for.

Little did he know, Sung Gyu saw through it right away.

“Okay. Find it in my contacts then.” Sung Gyu said as he threw his phone over to Hoya.

Spinning his chair around, Sung Gyu stared at Hoya’s reflection on the glass panel he was facing. He spotted Hoya smiling idiotically to himself like a boy in love.

“This boy… really likes Ji Hye.” Sung Gyu concluded as he shook his head.

To: Ji Hye

Hoya here. Will you be practicing your dance tomorrow?

To: Hoya

Yes, I will be. How did you get my number anyways?

To: Ji Hye

Secret. Haha. I was kidding... I got your number from Sung Gyu Hyung. What are you doing now?

To: Hoya

Hehe... I am eating my dinner now.

The messaging between the two went on and on till Ji Hye eventually fell asleep. Seeing she did not reply for a long time, he deduced she slept. Hoya then put his phone away and shut his eyes.

“I will make sure you see more of me than Woo Hyun from now on…” Hoya thought to himself.

The next day after school…

Hoya walked over to Ji Hye’s seat and smiled at her. Ji Hye looked up at him, surprised but yet confused. He would normally secretly follow her to the studio afterwards and had never come up to her like this so openly. The fan girls in class turned to them in disgust and glared at Ji Hye in an annoyed manner.

“Why is she with Hoya oppa?!” One of them said with her arms folded.

“Why are you coming over to me like this in class?” Ji Hye mouthed as she avoided the others’ glares.

“What’s wrong? Let’s go and have lunch together with Sung Gyu and others before practising...” Hoya said as he walked off first.

Ji Hye picked up her bag and hurriedly followed behind him. The two walking side by side earned curious glances along the corridor from time to time. Ji Hye looked down slightly and they finally reached the cafeteria. They spotted INFINITE and Ji Eun, sitting beside Woo Hyun. Ji Hye knew her sister was with them already. She saw Woo Hyun pull Ji Eun out of the class once the bell went off.

Walking over to the table, Hoya pulled a chair for Ji Hye to sit beside Ji Eun. Woo Hyun looked up and stared at Hoya showing slight displeasure in his eyes. However he kept it in after looking at Ji Eun and his leader. Ji Eun smiled at her sister, glad that Hoya brought her along for lunch. Ji Hye offered to look after the seat while the others bought their food. The others gladly accepted her kindness and went off first. Ji Eun had offered to stay and accompany her but she refused.

Dong Woo was the first to return with his curry packed rice so Ji Hye went off to buy her own food too. From afar, she noticed Woo Hyun talking to Hoya in a furious manner so she went closer. She then strained her ears to hear their conversation.

“Why did you bring her to our table?” Woo Hyun reprimanded.

“What’s wrong? You brought Ji Eun too, didn’t you?” Hoya retorted.

“It’s different. Ji Eun is a queenka so she would do good to our image. That Ji Hye would only ruin INFINITE’s image.” Woo Hyun said coldly.

“I don’t see what you see. I am certain it has nothing to do with our image! You are just against Ji Hye…” Hoya rolled his eyes and said.

“So what if I am against her?” He admitted.

Then, they heard someone sniffing. Turning in the direction, they saw Ji Hye standing there with tears flowing down her cheeks.  She was using one of her hands to cover her in an attempt to stifle her cry. She then ran away from her spot and more tears fell freely.

“I think there is no problem with her at all. The problem lies with you, Nam Woo Hyun.” Hoya said irritatedly before chasing after Ji Hye.

Running to the same deserted corner, Ji Hye fell to the ground and cried harder than ever. Hearing those words from Woo Hyun, the one she adored for so many years pierced her heart. She didn’t know he disliked her so much and it pained her to know how she is nothing to him when he compared her to her sister.

“Ji Hye.” She heard someone call her.

“Go away. I want to be alone.” Ji Hye said as she turned away.

Seeing Ji Hye sitting on the dirty floor, bawling her eyes out ached Hoya’s heart. He took in a deep breath and squatted down to her level.  Seeing Hoya before her, she tried to control her tears but instead, more tears escaped her eyes.

“Woo Hyun… hates me.” She mumbled.

“Don’t cry.” Hoya said as he wiped off her tears.

Ji Hye stared at him, frozen at his action.

“He isn’t worth your tears.” Hoya said as he smiled with satisfaction when Ji Hye’s face was finally free from those salty liquid.

“Thank you…” Ji Hye muttered thankfully as she flashed Hoya a weak smile.

“Ji Hye-ah, I love you.” Hoya thought to himself as he smiled back at Ji Hye bitterly.

Author's Note:
Hey everyone:D! Sorry for the slow update:X
Hope you enjoyed the new chapter:)
Thank you so much for reading ^^
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oh-so-licious #1
Chapter 9: Love this fic =)
congrats :)
congrats :)
congrats c:
Chapter 8: Just perfect. Well done
Congrats on your featured!!
Chapter 8: This story will go in on the history as one of the BEST AFF fics. It's so romantic and, yet, sad at he same time. Please make a sequel and congrats for the feature!
lovelyme23 #9