Free Day

Living under her shadow

Hoya spotted Ji Hye hurriedly leaving class right after the bell went off, just like the other day.

“Seems like she is practicing secretly again…” Hoya thought to himself.

“Hey man! There is no schedule for the day. Sung Gyu hyung is asking if we want to go out as a group. You have anything on today?” Woo Hyun walked over to Hoya and asked.

 “No schedule?” Hoya repeated his words and an idea flashed across his mind.

“So do you have any personal things to attend to? If not, I am replying him that we are both free.” Woo Hyun asked impatiently.

“I… I have something on.” Hoya lied.

“Oh, okay. Then I will go ahead and meet them without you. Bye.” Woo Hyun waved casually as he continued messaging and walked off.

“Phews.” Hoya let out a sigh of relief, glad that Woo Hyun did not ask him what matters he had. It was a good thing that Woo Hyun couldn’t be bothered with Hoya’s matters since Hoya was a really bad liar and lousy excuses would probably come out of his mouth.

“Heh. Free time.” Hoya thought to himself. A small smile crept up on his face as he headed towards the dance studio. He heard ‘Before the dawn’ playing from the same studio she was in previously. He wanted to open the door but to realise it was locked. Ji Hye had decided to take precautionary measures after Hoya barged in mindlessly the other time. She did not want any more people to know about her dancing.

Hoya frowned and knocked on the door. The music was quickly switched off and Hoya heard footsteps moving closer to the door.

“It’s me, Hoya.” He informed.

Ji Hye opened the door and let him in secretively. Closing the door, she locked it again.

“Why are you here?” Ji Hye asked in a surprised tone.

“I…I am here to help you with your dance competition since I was free and had nothing to do.” Hoya answered as he placed his bag at the side.

“Help… help me? But why?” Ji Hye questioned, confused.

“Be-because you are Sung Gyu hyung’s cousin and I don’t want you to lose too badly at your competition. You… don’t want my help?” Hoya replied, trying hard not to stumble over his words.

He felt his heart beat slightly faster as he awaited her answer. Frankly, he was afraid she would refuse his help.

“I guess I have no reason to refuse a free dance tutor, isn’t it?” Ji Hye said with a bright smile.

Hoya looked away awkwardly as he saw her smile at him.

“So… show me what you have mastered so far.” Hoya said seriously as he signaled to her to dance.

Replaying the music from the start, Ji Hye started dancing to the beat.

“Stop.” Hoya instructed.

He paused the music and walked over to Ji Hye.

“This part when you spread your arms like that, you need to use for force so that it looks more powerful.” Hoya said as he held onto her hands and guided her through the steps.

Ji Hye looked up at him who was standing super close to her. She felt her heart race faster at his touch but she forced herself to focus on the dance moves.

“Got it?” Hoya asked as he let go of her and demonstrated the part.

Ji Hye nodded her head meekly and took in a deep breath to clear her mind.

“Okay, let’s restart…” Hoya said as he went over and replayed the music.

They had been practicing for long hours unknowingly with only short breaks in between. With the help of Hoya, Ji Hye managed to learn those parts which she failed to master previously. Also, he helped her correct some imperfections in her learned moves. He was really focused when he danced and when he taught her to.

“You are really not called a dance machine for nothing…” Ji Hye blurted out as he showed her a short part of the dance.

Realising what she had just said, Ji Hye hurriedly covered and bit down at her lower lips.

“Ji Hye, you pabo.” She thought to herself as she looked away from Hoya who stopped dancing.

“Thanks for the compliment?” Hoya said and smirked.

Then, Hoya’s gaze landed on the clock of the studio. He realized it was getting late.

“.” Hoya exclaimed.

“What’s wrong?” Ji Hye asked.

“It’s getting late.” Hoya said.

“Oh. I didn’t notice the time at all. Let’s go back then.” Ji Hye said as she started to pack up the place.

Leaving the dance studio, the two exited school.

“Sung Gyu hyung is going to scold me if I return to the dorm late…” Hoya thought to himself as he looked at Ji Hye who was humming the tune of ‘Before the dawn’ while walking.

“I am heading that way. Thank you for helping me today! Bye~” Ji Hye said as she waved to Hoya.

“Bye.” Hoya replied as he waved back at her with a smile.

She then turned and walked off in the other direction.

“Will she be fine going home alone at this hour?” Hoya thought to himself.

Ji Hye was walking from school, down the dark street which was illuminated by only the dim street lights. Then, someone appeared from behind her out of a sudden. She was startled. As she spun around to face the person with closed eyes, she was ready to attack.

“It’s me.” Hoya said as he held up his hands in surrender position.

“Yah! You frightened me! Aren’t you heading back to your dorm which is there? Why are you walking in this direction too?” Ji Hye asked in a puzzled manner.

“I will send you home. It is kind of late and it will be dangerous for a girl like you to go home alone.” Hoya said as he continued walking.

Ji Hye was still standing there, frozen.

“Did he just say he want to send me home?” Ji Hye thought to herself. It was the first time someone showed her so much kindness apart from her sister.

“Hey. Not coming along?” Hoya shouted over to Ji Hye as he walked backwards with his hands in his pocket.

“Coming~” Ji Hye shouted as she ran to catch up with him.

“He is probably really close to Sung Gyu oppa to take care of me so well…” Ji Hye thought to herself as she stole a glance at Hoya.

“Aish. The walk is so quiet! I seriously should start talking but why the heck is my mind blank?!” Hoya thought.

After sending Ji Hye home with small talks in between, Hoya made his way back to his dorm. Looking down at his phone screen which displayed the time, he shook his head.

“I am so going to be screwed by Sung Gyu hyung now…” Hoya thought and sighed.

Author's Note:
Hey people:)! I am kinda sad becuase of AFF being down and for losing quite some of subs...
Ah well, I guess it is better than the web being closed up till now, right? :D
Yea, think on the bright side!
I can't find a suitable main image so I shall not put a pic this time:D
Anws, hope you enjoyed reading this chapt !!
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oh-so-licious #1
Chapter 9: Love this fic =)
congrats :)
congrats :)
congrats c:
Chapter 8: Just perfect. Well done
Congrats on your featured!!
Chapter 8: This story will go in on the history as one of the BEST AFF fics. It's so romantic and, yet, sad at he same time. Please make a sequel and congrats for the feature!
lovelyme23 #9