
Living under her shadow

Since the incident, Ji Hye began avoiding Woo Hyun. She restrained herself from looking at his every movement secretly like before in hope that she would forget about him and move on. Day by day, Ji Hye got closer to Hoya because they spent quite some time together. He had made the effort to help her out in her dance practices whenever his schedule was free. He also made it a point to text her almost every day once, picking on even the most random thing to start a conversation with her.

“Great! I would give you 99 marks tomorrow if I am the judge~” Hoya complimented and clapped loudly.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand, Ji Hye smiled.

“Why am I not given full marks?” She asked and laughed.

“Because only INFINITE is 100 marks.” He said smugly before throwing her a bottle of mineral water.

“Cocky.” Ji Hye remarked and stuck out her tongue at him.

Then, the two of them received a message at the same time.

“I got to go.” The two of them said together.

Hoya chuckled at their chemistry while Ji Hye merely smiled and kept her phone in her pocket.

“Where are you going?” Hoya asked as the two exited the dance studio.

Locking the door properly, Ji Hye turned back to face Hoya.

“Meeting my sister at the school gate. You?” She asked.

“Meeting INFINITE at the school gate too.” He replied and raised his eyebrow suspiciously.

“You can go down first. I think they are together. It would be weird if join them together.” Ji Hye said as she smiled awkwardly.

Hoya nodded and left first. He felt a little funny inside but he still followed her instructions.

“Why does it seem like she is afraid someone would misunderstand our relationship? I don’t even care even if they do... Unless she is scared that… Woo Hyun would read too much into our relationship? Yah, Lee Ho Won! Are you still scared to lose Ji Hye to Woo Hyun now?!” Hoya thought to himself.

He shook his head violently and walked faster to the school gates. Indeed, Ji Eun was with the other INFINITE members. Seeing Hoya approaching the group, Dong Woo smiled. Hoya joined them and stood beside Dong Woo who slung his arm around his neck and pressed him down slightly. Not long after, Ji Hye joined the group.

“Ji Hye~” Ji Eun beamed as she held onto her sister’s arm.

Ji Hye looked up and spotted Woo Hyun standing beside her sister, seemingly annoyed by her presence. She looked away from him and flashed her sister a weak smile. Hoya spotted her uneasy behavior before Woo Hyun and felt an unknown anger burning within him.

“Stop it, hyung.” Hoya said in a displeased tone as he shoved Dong Woo’s hand away.

Dong Woo scratched his head in a confused manner but still laughed it off.  He wasn’t the petty kind to flare up because of such things.

“Everyone is here so let’s go and have fun~ We will go back, get changed and meet up outside ‘White Paradise’ at 7pm.” Sung Gyu said as he checked his watch.

“Okay!” Everyone chorused excitedly. Sung Jong was acting all excited for the outing later. It had been a long time since they went out to have fun. Their manager had given them special permission to enjoy themselves for the night after their packed schedule for the week.

Also, it was the last day of school term so they decided to hang out a little before the start of the holidays. Ji Hye frowned slightly at the thought of going to a club since she had not gone to one since ages ago. She disliked the noise and atmosphere in there.

“Let’s go together!” Ji Eun linked arms with Ji Hye and pleaded.

Ji hye gave in to her sister’s puppy eyes and nodded lightly. Hoya did a mental victory dance when he knew she was going. Setting off from school, they returned home and to their dorms respectively to change out. Ji Hye opened her closet and deflated her shoulders when she couldn’t find herself a suitable attire.

“Wear this.” Ji Eun told Ji Hye as she handed her a simple dress.

Ji Hye nodded and took it gladly before changing into it.

“My sister is really pretty~” Ji Eun clasped her hands together and said.

“Only you would think that way though…” She thought to herself.

Ji Hye forced a smile and looked down at herself. She was never told by others that she was pretty because her sister was always beside her. Only her sister would tell her she is ‘pretty’ but sometimes she felt difficult inside. To her, she felt that her sister was sympathising with her and it sounded sarcastic whenever she felt inferior. Ji Eun went in to change too. She exited the bathroom and as expected, she was gorgeous.

Ji Hye gulped down the saliva in and smiled back at Ji Eun. Inferiority was stirring up inside her but she stopped herself from thinking further. They then left the house and headed to meet INFINITE. The girls reached on time so they stood outside ‘White Paradise’ and waited for the late boys. Some time later, INFINITE appeared on the street and was walking in a line. They acted as if they were walking down the red carpet as a group.  All seven members were well dressed, making the girls around them squeal.        

Ji Eun straightened herself and walked over to them while Ji Hye trailed behind her sister. All of them were attracted to Ji Eun who was extremely beautiful that night except for one devoted boy. Hoya’s eyes were fixed on the simply dressed Ji Hye the moment they caught their eyes.

“You are really pretty tonight.” Sung Yeol complimented and winked at Ji Eun.

“Thank you.” Ji Eun said graciously with a sweet smile.

“You look beautiful in this dress.” Myung Soo said with his hands in his pocket.

“I didn’t know Mr. Cool compliments too. Thanks anyway.” Ji Eun teased.

Then, a group of guys walked past them and Ji Eun caught one of their attention. He whistled and studied her from head to toe. Ji Eun felt uncomfortable as she rolled her eyes and pulled her dress down slightly. Woo Hyun stepped forward and placed his hand around Ji Eun’s waist protectively.

“Sorry but she’s taken… by me.” Woo Hyun said smugly to the guy and smirked.

The guy then walked off  after he spat on the ground.

“Thanks.” Ji Eun thanked Woo Hyun with a smile.

“In return, you shall be my companion for the night.” Woo Hyun whispered into her ears.

Ji Eun giggled a little while the rest of them began teasing away. Hoya’s eyes were still fixed on Ji Hye and her difficult expression made him feel uncomfortable. Hoya thought she was long over him but he knew otherwise looking at Ji Hye now. She was feeling uneasy looking at Woo Hyun flirt with her sister.

“Let’s go in and party!~” Dong Woo exclaimed excitedly as he pushed the group into the club.

“Yah, yah. Don’t push. My styled hair is getting messy!” Sung Gyu complained as he got swept into the entrance by the other members.

Entering the club, the music was blasting and there were quite some people enjoying themselves already. The guys then dispersed and went off to have fun on their own. Ji Hye sighed softly and made her way to the counter.

“One glass of ice water, please.” She said with a small smile.

The person gave her a weird look but served her order anyway. She smiled again and took the drink. Taking a small sip from her glass, she glanced around the club randomly.  She saw Dong Woo having a dance battle with Sung Yeol on the dance floor and there were two groups cheering them on enthusiastically.  Sung Jong was dancing with some girls at another corner of the club while Sung Gyu was entertaining some girls who approached him. Myung Soo was sitting alone at a corner, drinking an alcoholic beverage.

Ji Hye then shifted her gaze and spotted Woo Hyun and her sister dancing passionately in the crowd. She wanted so much to pull her eyes away from the couple but they just refused to. She saw how Woo Hyun ran his fingers through Ji Eun’s hair seductively and flashed his charming smile at her. Ji Eun merely danced along with him to the beat of the music, smiling along with him. They were enjoying themselves apparently.

Hoya, on the other hand, was dancing with all his energy, hoping to attract Ji Hye’s attention. His eyes never left her as he danced all the different types of dances he knew. All the girls surrounding him were screaming their lungs out at his hotness but he merely ignored them. He only wanted one girl’s attention but her eyes were fixed on someone else who would only hurt her deeply.

Then, he saw Ji Hye run out of the club, covering . Hoya immediately stopped dancing and chased after her. The audience watching Hoya jeered and walked off. Reaching the outside, Hoya looked around worriedly. Then, he saw her dejected back view. Walking closer to her, he could clearly hear her sobbing.

“Why are you crying?” he asked coldly.

Author's Note:
 How was the new update?? ^^
Anyways, sad to inform you people but this is the second last chapter already D:
The next chapter would most probably be the final chapter alrd ):
Hope you are enjoying it so far and would leave me a comment below!! :)
I definitely appreciate new subscribers :D
Thank you so much for reading ~ <3

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oh-so-licious #1
Chapter 9: Love this fic =)
congrats :)
congrats :)
congrats c:
Chapter 8: Just perfect. Well done
Congrats on your featured!!
Chapter 8: This story will go in on the history as one of the BEST AFF fics. It's so romantic and, yet, sad at he same time. Please make a sequel and congrats for the feature!
lovelyme23 #9