meeting kyuhyun oppa

when princess manager meet her prince

Rose pov

* Juliette! yeonghoneul bachilkkeyo
Juliette! jebal nal bada jwoyo
Juliette! dalkomhi jom deo dalkomhage
soksagyeo naui serenade*


Ugh, who’s calling me? I’m sleepy..

I grab my phone and pick the call.


“Princess? Baby, are you still sleeping?”

“Yeah…” I mumbled.

“Baby, rise and shine~” I heard sing song voice on the line, ugh. It’s my mom.


“How’s work baby? Your daddy says hi…”

“Ugh, don’t ask ma...” i muttered under my breath. “I miss you too, say that to daddy please...”

She is laughing. Oh, how I miss her laugh… >.<

“Don’t be like that. Have you forgiven kibummie already?”

-____-“kibummie must be told her... tsk.

“He called you, right?”

“hahaha. Of course he is, unlike someone, he called every week…”


“I forgive him already, ma. But I’m thinking to kill him again because he’s called and tell you about it.”

“It’s alright, Rosalie. You’ll do great, as usual.” She is trying to comfort me. “And I’m sure kibummie and the boys will help you...”

I nodded. “Hmm…”

“Go get ready for your work then, dear. I have to get dressed and have a romantic dinner too with your daddy.” She chuckled.

-____-““ma, your only child is going crazy here and you have a dinner with your husband? I can’t believe you just told me that...” I mumbled again.

“we have to do something so we didn’t feel lonely here, baby. Oh, and don’t forget, tell the boys I say hi. Mwah.” Then she hung up the call.

Aisssshhhh! I want to come too~~~ T_________T

After that I go to kitchen and make some breakfast for me. -_-“ah, I miss my home.

My phone is ringing again. I running towards my bed and pick it.


“Rose? Where are you?” oh, it’s ji soo oppa.

“Apartment, duh. Wae?” I was answering him while chewing my scramble egg.

“oh, good. Here, can you court key to his musical practice? Well, just in case he needed something..”

“oppa, you just want me to be alone with kibummie because what happened yesterday, right?” I scoffed.

He’s laughing now. “Of course. You’re his baby girl after all, right?”

How I wish I can smack this ahjusshi sometimes.

“arra. But what about the others? Can you handle taeminie?”

“Well, in that case, I have onew to do it.” He’s laughing again.

“arra..arra.. I hung up now. Bye ahjusshi.” I quickly hang up his call before he could say anything else.




-kyuhyun pov-

Aisshh! Really! From many artist, why it has to be sunny?

I mean, I have to do some lovey-dovey action with her, but I don’t even like her. Well, I know we’re from the same company; even we tend to do performance together. But this? This is too much. Errgghh.

I’m glaring at her. Don’t you see why I don’t like her? I mean, look at her! She and her fake aegyo. I prefer Minnie-hyung aegyo. And not to mention, she always clinging around my Minnie-hyung. -_-“ I don’t like her!

So I walked out from the practice room and bumped into someone.

“aissh, why am I always bumping into others lately?” I heard she muttered while rubbing her head.


She lifted her head and seeing me. “Ah, no. I’m sorry. Really sorry.”

She was bowing at me. I let out a chuckled and lifted her shoulder.

Whoa, she’s short. Kkk~

I bet she’s just 155 or else. Like sunny. But, she has different aura from sunny. Her hair is so long and wavy. Her eyes, unlike us, are deep blue. >.< kyeopta! She has baby face!

“It’s alright. It’s my fault, after all. But, who are you? Are you new? I’ve never seen you before.” I asked her.

She bite her lower lips, ready to answering my question but then I heard key’s voice asking, “Baby girl, is that you?” while he’s running towards us.

She’s smiling. >.< can I pinch her cheeks? Can I? She’s so cute. I mean, she really cute. She’s looks like a doll standing here.

Then key come closer and hug her. Mwo? Is she’s key girlfriend? But I never heard that key have a girlfriend yet.

“ne, ji soo oppa told me to accompany you here.” She said with her crystal clear voices.

Wait, ji soo oppa? Isn’t that shinee manager’s name? So it is true that she’s key girlfriend?

“jinjja? Ah, then you’re mine today! Ha! In your face taemin-ah!” key bouncing in happiness and hug her. Forgetting me, who’s still here?

“oppa, I can’t breath.”

“oppss. Sorry princess...”

Well, I guess I have to go…

At that time, finally key realize that I’m still there, waiting for his explanations.

“Oh, hyung. Have you meet my rose??”

“Your rose’? Is she your girlfriend?” I can’t help but asking this stupid question.

They’re both laughing.

“Well, actually, I’m a girl and I’m his friend, kyuhyun-shii” this rose speaking again.

Oohh, she’s just his friend. But why is he hugging her? And why she looks used to it? And why she knows my name?

“Wait, why do you know my name?” I asked her.

She is laughing lightly, “geez. Kyuhyun-shii, everyone knows you, actually. You’re super junior magnae. And I’m working on the same company with you...”

Oh, yeah. How can I forget about my popularity? -_-“eh, working on the same company?

“Are you a trainee?”

She shook her head and smiling. Then key answer my question.

“She’s shinee manager too, hyung...”

Ohh.. She’s shinee manager too. I ever heard about shinee having another manager, and shawols called her princess manager. But I’ve never knew that the ‘princess manager’ really looks like a princess.

“So you’re their princess manager, right?”

She is laughing again. I like the sound of her laugh, it’s full of joy and happiness. Well, not to mention the laugh coming from a beautiful girl like her.

“I don’t really understand actually, why people call me that…”

But then her words cut by her phone and I saw shinee boys running toward us with taemin in the front. She took her phone and glancing to the caller id. After she let out a sigh, she shows her phone to key, who already groaning in frustration.

“They were here, oppa.” She picks her phone.” I knew you won’t be able to handle taemin.” She sighs.

Then taemin attacked her with a hug and pouting, while saying, “Yah, noona…why you only loves key hyung? Why don’t you love me too?”

She took something from her bag, a bottle of banana milk and shoved it to taemin’s mouth while answer him, “ne, I love you too, baby. But please, you can’t just leaving office without telling ji soo oppa and and tear down the city o find me. And oppa, can’ you handle him?” she glaring at minho, jonghyun and inew.

Minho hides himself behind me, tsk.

“Yah! choi minho! You such a hyung-!” she scolded minho. Hahahaha. tHis is hilarious. Really, it’s amazing how a cute girl like her can make all of the shinee boys went to completely silence. It’s kinda reminding me of taeyeon.

“noona, I’m hungry..” I hear taemin mumbled, still afraid that she would scold them again.

Her face now is lke -________-“ when she finally saying, “okay, who else hungry? Let’s just have a lunch before I decide which one of you will be my luch today”

Lol. I like her; she can lead my hoobae well. Hahaha

Then minho literally dragging me to have a lunch with them, because he still afraid she’ll yelling at him again. Tsk. Well, I guess I have a new friend here :D



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beloved_yulvhie #1
I'm dying of curious here ... please.. where's the update????
Btw, I hope Sungmin's character here isn't too girly like what I see in some stories.
rinasjs #2
hurry update please.......... i'm dying to know how their reaction when they see each other......
babyblackrose #3
But please bare with me..
My sister accidentally delete my story T_T
so i have to write it back..
beloved_yulvhie #4
OMG, I'am really happy to find this story.... Bcoz it's all about SUNGMIN... I rarely found a romantic story of sungmin and a girl. It's always Kyumin.

Thanks for making this one... and update soon OK. Loveee U! ^_^
rinasjs #5
i bet she will be more nervous to see who is her husband...... can't wait...... update soon ok???? love u author......
rizac91 #6
please update again soon!!!!!
rinasjs #7
i will going to ask u....... who is his husband???????
it's sounding really good...keep it going (thumbs up) :)