Should I?

Shots at Love

Wendy has been continuously asking herself of that particular question by the time she knew that she's probably in too deep. 


Should she?   



College days as what she predicted was a living hell. School works, assignments and projects were intertwined with her daily life. It was quite hard to juggle everything knowing that her course is really tough and she isn't the type of student that is really smart. She's just an average person living her average life with an average brain. But just like what most of us have experienced, someone would make it at least a tad bit bearable for you. 


Wendy was used to having many crushes at a time, that she cannot deny. Even her friends know that. True to that, despite her busy and hustling college self, she still caught feelings for one of her blockmates. Irene Bae. She doesn't know when it started. 


Was it the time she first caught a glimpse of her? Nah, that's probably too cliche although she knew for a fact that amongst the new 40+ faces, hers stood out the most. 


With that attraction, she eventually finds herself stealing glances at her for the first few days of classes. Despite not getting any interaction with her, Wendy now looks forward to seeing her every day for the whole semester. 


Being blockmates in their freshmen year truly has its advantages. They are classmates in every subject so she gets to bask in the presence of the girl almost all of her first year school life. 


Was it during their first interaction? Probably. 


Wendy was busy playing on her phone while waiting for their teacher to enter the computer laboratory for their first subject that day. The presence of her seatmate, still unknown to her. 


She groaned in frustration when she lost the game when a sudden player successfully killed her. Wendy then slumped her sulking body forward, she was on the verge of another groaning session when a chuckle could be heard beside her. She lifted her head and suddenly came face to face with Irene smiling at her dejected self. If it's another person, she would already hit her playfully but then it's the girl she's been eyeing for the past few days. She obviously cannot do that. 


Her phone dinged, signalling a new game has started. Sensing that this is her chance to get personally acquainted with her, Wendy builds up her courage and asks Irene if she would like to try the game. The latter nodded excitedly and Wendy couldn't get any happier knowing that she finally made her existence known to the latter. 


They have gone through a few more rounds of groaning and laughing as they played the game before their professor cleared , signalling the start of their discussion


Despite getting bombarded with lessons and a few assignments that day, strangely,  Wendy's heart is a lot happier now than the previous days. 




For an unexpected turn out of events. Clearly beyond unexpected. Wendy suddenly finds herself chatting with Irene almost every day. It all started when they were tasked to make a powerpoint presentation by group with seating arrangement as the basis and since they were seated next to each other, obviously they belong to the same group. At first, their conversation started talking about the presentation and then suddenly it escalated to them sharing about anything under the sun including their past crushes. Wendy of course has too much to share knowing that she easily gets attracted. Irene on the other hand, just continuously not until Wendy has successfully made her to share about her crush too. It took a lot of convincing on Wendy's part since Irene always dismissed the topic saying that she doesn't fall easily unlike her. That teasing remark led into another playful banter between the two which makes their conversation a lot longer and fun than expected. 


Irene then shared about her crush during elementary days. 


Wendy: I didn't know you were already at it at such a young age. Tsk. Tsk. So much for not falling easily. 


Wendy chuckled at her teasing remark, clearly enjoying her interactions with the latter. Strangely, this was the first time that she doesn't feel any awkwardness lingering in the air when she's talking with one of her crushes. She's usually not the type of person who is really talkative when it comes to interacting with someone she has feelings for. But with Irene, she seems more carefree, more at ease and can be in her goofy self. Truly a first time for her. She never felt like this with any of her past crushes. Irene, despite being labelled as the serious type with most of their blockmates, fortunately and adorably has this humorous side of her. 


Irene: Wow, just wow, Wendy. It's as if you don't have any crush during that time. Mind you, I'm not the one who is still caught up with my elementary crush. I have moved on Wendy, you should too :P


She laughed out loud in her room at the latter's reply. She just actually teased the latter about it to start another playful banter. Despite knowing that it will bounce back to her since she actually just confessed a while ago that she still cannot forget about her first crush which was her elementary crush also. 




Their conversations continued without their classmates having any inkling that they were actually close in the online world. Being in different circles of friends, the only warranted interactions they could get was when they were attending classes where they were seatmates or those exchanged smiles and greetings when they passed by each other in the school's hallways. But the curious looks from her friends didn't go unnoticed by Wendy especially if there are sudden moments where they would blurt out things from their online conversations, that only the two of them understand. 


"You like her, don't you?" Yeri asked her that one time Irene and her friends were out of sight after their group meeting with the purpose of planning for the presentation they were tasked to perform on one of their minor subjects. 


"I like who?" she feigned ignorance, although she knew who exactly Yeri is pertaining to. Being friends for almost five years. Wendy knew that Yeri just asked this question to confirm her hunch. Answering her or not will not change anything to how she views Wendy's affection towards the other girl. 


"Come on Wen, don't play dumb with me. You know what I am talking about." 


With a shy nod, she eventually confirmed everything. There's really no point in denying it espcially to her friend. Yeri let out a few squeals at her confession. Wendy can only sigh. Saying it to someone, means a greater possibility that her feelings will get discovered. Knowing Yeri's loud mouth added to that anxiety. 


As expected, when a new day came, their other friends have already caught a thing or two about her crush for Irene. 



Yeri and her loud mouth. So much hate. 




When she said that she usually has multiple crushes. She wasn't kidding. Despite liking Irene, she also finds herself having this undeniable attraction with someone online. But that doesn't undermine the fact that she feels genuine feelings for her blockmate. It was just that someone has successfully made her feel things too. 


Her daily conversations with Irene were cut to occasionally. And her occasional conversations with this online friend of hers sometimes go daily. If she's having a hard time with school stuff, she usually confides her rants to her with no inhibitions since they were mere strangers. That person too also shares her adulting problems with Wendy. From her studying in medical school and preparing for the upcoming board exam while juggling all things in between, Wendy knew all of that. And along the way, she grew fond of the latter. Sending her daily motivational quotes with encouraging messages afterwards and then updating her with her usual daily activities have become part of her daily routine. It even goes to a point where her days full of Irene became a day thinking of when would the stranger reply to her last sent message. 


Just like how her friends have known about her feelings for Irene, was the same way they knew of her interactions with this one friend of hers online. Through Yeri. And since then, they have been teasing her with the word 'Doctor'. That is how Wendy usually addresses her online crush. Since she's a medical student although not a licensed one yet. 


With the obvious teasing, on both their group chat with all her blockmates including the person who once has her undivided attention and in a personal setting, it was not a surprise to Wendy that Irene would ask her about it sooner. And she wasn't wrong. 


Irene: So, it's a doctor this time? 


That was how Irene started their first conversation again in a while. Straightforward with a hint of teasing (or probably there isn't). Wendy sighed at the impending confrontation. She was actually going to deny it but then she remembered how they usually talk about their past crushes. And the fact that most of their classmates have been teasing her already, Wendy knew that she cannot fool the latter.  


Wendy: She's still not a doctor, Rene. Hahahaha. 


Irene: Okay, future doctor it is. Care to share? 


Wendy: Nope :P 


Wendy: You knew everything about me already! 

She added. 


Irene: Don't overreact, Wendy. We usually just talk about our crushes. So what's stopping you from sharing something this time? 





Wendy: It's because I like you too~ 





She sighed heavily, and deleted her typed message. This is just so awkward for her. Who the hell would tell her crush that she's crushing on someone else? 


Despite her reluctance, Wendy ended up sharing everything with Irene afterwards. Even her inner feelings for that online friend of hers that she didn't share to anybody. Her frustrations with her late replies, how Wendy tries to understand her since she's busy being in an on the job training with one of the local hospitals and how she's currently hurting upon knowing that she already has a boyfriend. To be honest, Wendy kind of didn't expect that since the last time they had talked, her online friend said that she doesn't have a boyfriend yet. So imagine her heartbreak, that despite her constant messages, encouragement and presence albeit virtually, those weren't enough to make her like her back. 


Irene, upon knowing everything, comforted her in the best and most expected way possible. By bantering with her. And Wendy couldn't be more thankful for her. That's how the inexpressive Irene usually shows her care to someone. For the past months, she has slowly understood the latter's personality. She knew that despite the girl not telling you the exact words you want to hear. Like 'I'm always here for you', 'It's going to be okay' and 'Just tell me if you need someone to talk to' - Irene has this strange pull wherein just talking to her will make you feel those unsaid reassurance without even the need of those things being said to you explicitly. Just by her attentiveness during your talk will give it all away. 


Even though Irene always blurted out that it's been Wendy who's the good listener, that is why she too has said things to her that she didn't share to anyone, Wendy feels the same for Irene actually. 


That's probably one of the things that made her like her more and over again. 




With the unfortunate results of that online interaction with that online friend of hers, Wendy finds herself not entertaining fluttering feelings anymore. She promised that to herself despite knowing that she will break it sooner or later since her feelings can be easily shaken up. True to that. She's liking Irene more than ever the past few days. 


They were back to their usual playful banters both online and personally. Her will of trying not to get caught up on her feelings were thrown away especially on that one time she knew more of the girl in a deeper sense. 




Their school organized a one-day youth camp held on their school grounds talking about strengthening the faith of students especially during trying times. 


They were on the second part of that activity when one of the most treasured events of Wendy with Irene happened. After doing her part in their sharing session, she excused herself to go to the restroom. Unbeknownst to her, Irene actually did the same thing after her. So when she exited one of the cubicles in the restroom, she was clearly taken aback to see Irene in the same vicinity with her. Just the two of them. She offered her a shy smile to which the latter reciprocated. 


"Nice sharing, Wendy." Irene complimented as she dried her hands. 


"Thank you, I'm looking forward to yours." 


Afterwards, they shared a few stories as they walked back to the main hall. Wendy being through with her sharing, decided to not yet go back inside, still having heavy feelings with her sharing just a while ago. 


"Irene… " 


"Hmmm? " The latter replied, stopping on her tracks as Wendy just leaned on the wall just a few meters away from the hall's entrance. 


Finding the perfect timing to get to know more about the girl, Wendy found herself blurting one of the most courageous words she had uttered in front of her crush. 



"I don't feel like going back in yet. You want to stroll around for some time?" 


Actually, before proposing that one, she doesn't expect anything. It's quite impossible for the latter to agree to such an invitation since they were not really that close personally. Yes, they usually talk online, they have shared things that they only share between the two of them but during their classes, they usually are not that playful and close with each other. Well, that was what Wendy believes. So, when Irene agreed with her. She was clearly dumbfounded for some time before collecting herself and finally walked side by side with the girl. 


She was busy thinking on how to start the conversation, when the latter was the one who broke their silence. Sharing some things about her. Her parent's expectations of her, how they are not that close with each other since they are not the type of family who's really expressive and how Irene's biggest fear is to be of disappointment to her parents. All of these things are quite similar to Wendy's inner feelings. As surprising as it is. But that was really true. She's feeling almost the same experiences of the latter. So they actually had a really good talk since they both understand each other on several aspects. 


After their talk, she realized numerous things that made her truly see Irene in another light. She realized that this was the Irene she knew she'll be liking for who knows how long. This was also the exact time she knew that she's truly worth admiring. And the exact time Wendy knew she'll try her best to not get tired of listening and discovering the real her. The girl that's more than that pretty face, being labelled as a talented student and who has a pleasing personality. 


Upon knowing all her insecurities, her fears and her goals, Wendy promised afterwards that she's going to be of help to at least ease every negative emotion that the latter might actually feel. 


She'll be there for her. 




Being there for her requires showing it and making her feel it, right? 


She gripped the paper bag in her hands tightly as she awaits for the bell to ring, signalling their lunch break. It's their first day of classes following their Christmas break. This move of hers may give away all her feelings but Wendy really wants to do something like this for Irene. Especially upon witnessing how the latter had made an effort for her before their Christmas break. 




They have been messaging each other for quite some time. Bantering again for the nth time until Irene asked her about who her crush is among their blockmates. 


Irene: Yah! Just how many crushes do you have, Wendy? 


Wendy: For now? 


Irene: Obviously -_- If I'll ask you about your crushes, including the past ones, it will probably take you until tomorrow to tell me all their names. 


Wendy: Okay, I'm not telling you anything :P


Irene: Yah! 


Irene: Heeey! 


Irene: Wendyyyy T_T grrrr


Wendy heartily chuckled at the constant messages popping on her notifications as she playfully ignored Irene's messages afterwards.


Irene: Okay, fine. I will not give you anything then. 


Seeing that one last message from Irene made her scrunch her eyebrows in confusion. 


Give me what? 


Now, she's the one who's bombarding Irene with questions but the latter isn't online anymore. Which heightened her anxiousness and curiosity. 


The next day came and Irene has been ignoring her. She was actually going to approach her during their ten minute break but she's always surrounded by her friends. Hence, Wendy opt to just chat the latter once she's home. Their usual dynamic.


She was busy arranging her things after the bell rang signalling their dismissal when a bunch of small papers neatly clipped together entered her line of sight. When she followed the outstretched hand, Wendy's heart started to beat erratically as Irene's face was what welcomed her. 


Wendy dumbfoundedly stared at her, her look asking her what these are. 


Irene just put the papers on her desk without any word and waited for her to look at it. Albeit being confused, she unclipped it and what welcomed her were a calligraphy of quotes neatly written in three small papers,


/ Just keep going. /


/  Life is tough but so are you. / 


/ It's time to remember what it's like to feel alive. /



and the last and fourth one was a drawing of her favorite artist. 


"I don't know if I got her face right but I did make an effort to copy her features." Irene explained. 


"Hope you like it." 


Wendy can feel the sudden surge of different emotions flowing through her body. Awe, confusion, shock but most of all - admiration. It was just a teasing remark of her wanting to receive some Christmas gift from Irene during the course of their conversation last night. Who would have thought that the girl would take it seriously? 


She was a stuttering mess afterwards as she said her gratitude to the latter for her simple yet meaningful gift. It really means a lot to Wendy. This was actually her first time receiving a gift like this since she's usually the one who's giving something to her friends. And her first time coming from her crush, made the gift extra special and meaningful to her. Wendy cannot thank Irene enough for this effort of hers. 


"So that's why you have been inactive yesterday?" Wendy let out a sigh of relief upon realizing that it's not because she made the latter angry, that's why she's not replying to her messages. 


"Yeah, I also made one for Sooyoung actually so it took me some time." Irene pointed at the papers in her best friend's grasp. If Wendy was disappointed upon knowing that she's not the only one who receives a gift from the latter, she clearly didn't make it obvious. 


But her smirk afterwards cannot be contained as she noticed that she's the only one who received a drawing page. 





When the bell rang, she shyly made her way towards Irene, quickly swallowing the lump in as she tried to ease her nervousness. 


She stretched her hand holding a small paper bag to the girl. It is the latter this time who's sporting her the look she exactly exudes when Irene handed her that one gift a month ago. 


"Open it later." she instructed before ushering for her friends to make their actions faster so they can eat their lunch already. A blush clearly on her cheeks as she recalled the things she had written on the seven poems she had made for the latter. Yes, you heard the seven right. She made a few bunch of scribbles to somehow encourage Irene and make her feel special in her own simple way. Although she wants the latter objective to be subtle since Wendy still doesn't have the courage to confess everything to her. 


~Excerpts from the poems~


...Some things may go against your plan,

There are times where you are just left with the words 'I can't'...


...But please do know,

That there are people who will accompany you through,

And a Lord that will lift you up when you are low.




...Affections may not be constantly shown and seen,

Quarrels may happen between the king and queen,

And you will feel that you are stuck in between.

But I hope that the princess will still find herself smiling…



...Problems, disappointments and failures will surely accompany you towards achieving those dreams,

And at some point, it will be harder than it seems. 

But remember that when picking a rose,  

You need to first handle its thorns,

To truly see and appreciate the beauty it holds. 

The same goes with life,

You need to first endure and strive. 



...This may seem so cliche,

And that this may be being uttered by many already, 

But I hope you'll always remember that I'll always be here for you,

If ever you need a friend to lean on and pour all your rants to.



...Anyone would be deemed wrong with their first impression of you, 

For you are easy to be with and are often smiling when you are with the people whom you are close to. 

It even somehow doesn't make sense that I thought chatting with you would be boring, 

That we will only talk about academic-related things,

But then it was funny how we always talk about my crushes and other nonsense things.



When things go rough,

When you will think that you are no longer tough,

Just remember that He'll always be there for you.

Lifting you, cheering you and will always be beside you.



Wendy honestly poured everything on that bunch of scribbles of hers. All she wants the latter to feel and all the words she wants to say to her embody every word she has put into those pieces. Although, she's not that good when it comes to making poems. But effort equals effort. This time, it's her turn. She just hopes that Irene likes it. 


When their lunch break ended and they were awaiting for their next class that afternoon, Wendy's nervousness skyrocketed again at the possible reaction of the receiver of her simple gift. Will those words give away all her suppressed feelings for the latter? With that possibility, Wendy immediately mentally scolded herself for her obvious carelessness. 


But then those thoughts were thrown away when the first sentence that left Irene's mouth after settling herself a few chairs away from Wendy was, "Why? Why would you do something like this, Wendy?" she uttered these words while sporting a teary-eyed look. Wendy didn't expect to get that kind of reaction. But upon knowing Irene for quite some time already. She knew that the latter is really appreciative of everyone's small gestures and effort for her. And such realization was proven by how she stared at Wendy with that expression of hers. Wendy cannot fall any deeper, can she? 


She just shrugged her shoulders as she smiled at the latter as her reply. 


"I told you, effort equals effort." 


With a slight punch on her shoulders, words are needless to say. A form of understanding between them is evident as their gestures with those 'simple yet will really take an effort' gifts clearly speak so much about how thankful they are for the kind of friendship they have formed. Although, Wendy clearly meant more than friendship to happen. But if staying as friends entails all these precious moments to continue happening, then she's not going to ruin everything. 




The next time she made an effort for Irene was due to Yeri's pushing. The girl has successfully convinced her to give Irene a Valentine's gift as the occasion is just around the corner. She initially didn't want to agree to the girl but then when Yeri pleaded with her to no end since she's also going to do something for that one maritime senior that she's been crushing on for a while now. Wendy finds herself agreeing since they're also going anonymous this time. So, it's really not that bad of a move. 


Hence, after their last class for that day, they immediately went to the nearest mall to buy their gifts. Wendy settled for a cute stuffed toy and a simple bracelet coupled with that is another gift that will take an effort. While Yeri opted for a box of chocolate and a necklace that the pendant is a ship's ark. Relating it to the guy's course. 


After being satisfied with their gifts, Yeri and Wendy were on the way to the exit of the mall when two familiar figures were seen walking towards their direction. Upon squinting her eyes, sweat formed on her forehead as Irene's face became clear amongst the sea of people. She's with Sooyoung. She was going to hide the things she had bought for the latter if not for Yeri's hand stopping her. 


"Don't make it obvious, Wen. Just act cool." Yeri whispered to her. 


What are the odds that they were going to meet at the exact time and place with her holding her gift for the girl? Clearly just a small chance but here she is stressing about it as the two figures spotted them too. 


"Oh, Hi." Irene greeted them. 


"H-hi… " a snicker can be heard from Yeri and a pinch on her side as her nervousness can clearly be felt with her stuttering at that simple word. 


Fortunately or unfortunately, Yeri came to her rescue, "Hi to you two!" she greeted back albeit too bright. So much for not making it obvious. Wendy can only facepalm. 


"We're kind of in a hurry since it's already rush hour! Bye, See you at school tomorrow!" Yeri continued and soon dragged the embarrassed Wendy with her. 


"Really? Are you sure that you are not making it obvious?" Wendy scoffed as they had successfully gotten a few decent meters away from Irene and Sooyoung. 


"Shut it, Wen. At least I'm not the one who stuttered by saying just a simple hi. You should be grateful that I have dragged you away from there." 


"Yeah yeah, thank you." Wendy sarcastically uttered. 




She expected that this gift of hers aside from the stuffed toy and that bracelet will take an effort. What she didn't expect was that it would take her to exert EXTRA effort due to different struggles along the way. 


First, their printer broke so she doesn't have a choice but to walk almost a kilometer away from her home to get to the nearest print shop in their area in a particular evening. Yes, evening. Only her. She's quite reluctant with the time but she still proceeded, having no other choice. 


She actually needs to print out some things because her handwriting will probably give away her identity to Irene. That would be too risky for her. 



What is she planning? 


It took her quite some time to figure things out before she came up with this idea. She's planning to give Irene her 'daily dose of happy pill' as what she calls it. For every capsule or tablet enclosed in a small bottle. Not the real ones obviously. Is a note coming from her which were all categorized based on what Irene could be feeling on that certain day. 


~When you need motivation~ 


/ Chase your dreams until those aren't dreams anymore but already a reality../ 


/ I like it when you are smiling so always keep that. /


/ Don't overthink too much. Don't let your fears be bigger than your courage. /



~When you are having a bad day~


/ Don't let this day ruin your tomorrow and the days to come. / 


/ Even if this day has started rough, I want you to still end it with a smile. It wouldn't hurt to curve those lips upwards right? Like this :) /


/ A happy you is the best version of you. Be happy always even though life is tiring, hard and sad. / 



~When you want to know what I feel for you~


/ I don't know when it started but you have caught my attention ever since. / 


/ You have made my college days happier. Thank you for existing. / 


/ What I really want is for you to always be okay. Nothing becomes more satisfying than knowing that you are happy. / 


~Song lyrics for you~ 


/ I'm not a soldier but you made me wanna be brave.  - Soldier (James TW) /


/ I like you. I tried to hold it down. But I can't do this anymore. - I Like You (Day6) / 


/ But never mind, don't wanna give you any trouble. Never mind, never mind. I'm okay with being by your side for as long as I can hide. What if I told you that I've fallen? - Fallen (Lola Amour)  / 



For each day, she instructed Irene in a note to open one capsule/pill at a time until her birthday wherein she's going to open the biggest capsule which contains Wendy's birthday message for the latter. Such instructions were all written by one of her friends in their neighborhood to truly erase the risk of her getting discovered. 


It took her a couple of hours since she needed to sort and type everything out one by one. And mind you, the days from Valentine's Day until the girl's birthday are exactly 42 days. Hence, it wasn't a surprise when her father almost fetched her after calling several times. But Wendy insisted for the latter to not bother since he will surely discover what made Wendy to go to that print shop despite it quite late.



Her second struggle was how to make it to school earlier than everyone so that no one will discover that it's her. Upon doing some subtle questioning on who usually arrives first and at what time the day before, all were set although it's quite challenging since one of their classmates usually arrives at school at 6:00 AM. Two hours away from their first subject.


Wendy can only facepalm as she set her alarm at 4:00 AM in order to get there before six o'clock. Her father even questioned her that morning since she's really early. The sun didn't even rise at that point of time. Wendy just reasoned out that they're going to have a practice for a group presentation that day so she needs to get there early. Thankfully, her father bought her lie. 


Upon arriving at their school's gate for an inspection, the guard even looked at her weirdly since she's really early. She just smiled at him sheepishly. 


Wendy can only laugh at the things she has gone through with all these happenings this particular Valentine's Day as she hastily made her way on the third floor of their department's building. 


Fortunately, she's really the one who's first to arrive. Thanking the heavens that despite this whole ordeal she may successfully execute her plan with smoothness. 


She then immediately fished the gift out of her backpack before dashing out the campus again, killing her time at one of the convenience stores outside. Wendy was profusely sweating upon settling herself on of the tables, now relieved. 


For Irene? For Irene. 


When it was just fifteen minutes away from their first subject, Wendy entered the campus again. Trying her best to be oblivious at the situation that awaits her once she enters their classroom. Before that, she cannot help but to be embarrassed at the look that their school guard has been throwing her way upon noticing her. Wendy can only fasten her pace. 


As she entered the classroom, numerous pairs of eyes diverted towards her. She was nervous for a while, thinking that she had been discovered but soon relief surged through her body as her blockmates continued to murmur things. Specifically, things about their speculations on who gave Irene the gift that was now placed atop her desk. 


To not become obvious, Wendy inquired about the issue and even asked the girl on who she thinks she will give her those. Irene can only shrug, clearly does not have any inkling on who that person would be. Or maybe not. 





"Wen… '' Yeri whispered to her as they exited their first class. 


"Hmmm? " 


"You sure that you didn't give away any clue that it's you?" 


"Yes, why?" Wendy's eyebrows meet in confusion to Yeri's question. 




"Actually I have heard Irene asking you if it's actually you. But you're too busy talking with the others." 



At the revelation, Wendy suddenly stopped on her tracks. Clearly nervous at the possibility of all these leading to her confessing her feelings to the girl. She's still not ready...yet. 


Wendy was going to confirm it with Yeri if she heard everything right or if she's just joking. When her phone chimed, signalling for a new received chat. 




Irene: Was it you? 




To be continued… 





Hello guys, it's been a while. Unfortunately but as expected college life has been really occupying most of my time these past few months so I wasn't able to update. 


As you can observed, this story is quite fast-paced than my previous works. I just want to capture most of the moments I can remember without dragging this story for too long. Yeah, most of the happenings in this story are real life scenarios. Your author just wants to express her unknown feelings for this one crush of hers. Any comments will be really appreciated. Or maybe suggestions on what to do with this crush of mine lol jk. 


Until my next update ♡ stay safe everyone ♡





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Chapter 5: I almost got tricked that her crush was someone else!
Chapter 4: So much angsts. Glad it ended with fluff!
25 streak #3
Chapter 4: wow luar biasa 😍
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 11: WoW Seungwan is too sweet:) maybe someday she'll be Happy....friendship vs romantic relationship its hard. Thank u for this story.
Chapter 8: This one is super creepy, like borderline ual harassment. It wouldn't be romantic at all if happen in real life. But this is alternative universe anyway, so I take everything as long is fun to read lol.
Chapter 11: so Wannie chose friendship over her confessing and it hurts me a lot thinking na nagpaparaya na lang siya in a way, my god! damn, i relate to her in a way since i never did confess to my ult crush way back in highschool. our friends were like, "you like her noh?" and i would just deny it since it can affect our friendship. and she's also straight and i treasured that friendship the most. tapos nga nagkabf na siya then ayon, lumayo na ako sa kanya and i kind of regret not confessing pero i already moved on and i am happy. anyways, this is amazing and i finished reading all the chaps and so far so amazing so keep it up author-nim <3
Chapter 7: sinigang will always be the bomb when eating a filipino dish and it's also my fave more so if its super sour. :D this is just too cute. both of them really balanced each other and made it work and i love that <3 pinay here also. enjoy ako sa mga stories mo marecakes. nakangiti akong nagbabasa parang timang lang. XD
ShinHye24 1340 streak #8
Chapter 10: Omgggggg
Chapter 11: Oh damn. I thought Wendy is finally confesses her undying loves towards Irene
ShinHye24 1340 streak #10
Chapter 9: Ohh dangg