Getting to know you

A shy girl like bubblegum




It was lunch time, I headed to the cafeteria and I saw this girl  sitting their, she had long black air, with glasses. No one sat next to her, so I asked her if i could sit next to her.

" Excuse me, Is there anyone sitting here?" I asked politely

The girl slightly pushed up her glasses and looked at me with her big eyes

" oh.. uh-uh no... no-no one's sitting here.." She answered me while stuttering 

"Why are you so nervous?" I asked worriedly

" oh.. uh-- um.. Nothing.. It's just no- no one usually talks to me.. "  She explained

" Oh well we could be friends! I'm Kim Hara but you could just call me Hara!" I told her hoping that it would comfort her.

" Hara? You mean the new girl in our class? umm friends? REALLY?! I've never had a friend before! Nice to meet you! I'm Lee Baekhee!  " She answered Excitingly 

She's so cute and nice I really wonder why she didn't have friends at all! She's just like a innocent little girl! Right after we introduced our selves a guy came over to pull over a chair.He looked so familiar, the perfectt brunette hair, Sparkling eyes , the cute nose and such pretty lips, But that didn't recieve my attention in fact you started arguing with him.

" YAH! Who are you to just come over and grab a chair?! Would you at least ask if anyone was sitting there or if we needed it?!"  I blurted out.

But that guy just ignored and dragged the chair along to the table where his friends where sitting. I couldn't Hold in the anger anymore so I walked over to the table where he sat in. I tapped  him on the shoulder and started to yell at him.

"YAH! I don't know who you are but you should have some manners, do you think you could just get away like that? Getting a chair away from a lady's table just like that, man you should seriously work on your manners.. Excuse me can you hear me? I told you- " I stopped when He turned around, He looked so familiar, he looked like someone I knew very much before, and before I realised who he was He shouted back at me....

"Huh, you think I have bad manners? What about YOU? You're the lady coming over yelling at me for no reason! Wait-... You're.... Kim Hara?! "

- How does he know my name?- 

"Wait- You're....Jung jin young?!" I answered surpsingly 

" What brings YOU here? " He asked me confusingly 

" I am a transferred student...." I answered shyly trying to avoid eye contact with him, But he just grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me away. 

"Where are you bringing me?! YAH! Let go of my hand! What are you doing?!" I shrieked. I kept kicking him and hitting him until he covered my mouth with his hand.

" Hara ahhh~ Keep quiet , I don't anyone to know about our relationship before.. promise not to tell ok?" He asked me nervously.

" What was our relationship before? Oh ah.. nearly forgot Why was I with  jerk like YOU" I rolled my  eyes

"SHHHHHH! Just pretend we didn't know each other!" He hissed and stormed off.

" Bastard" -I mummbled to my self

I walked back to my table only to notice that one of Jin young's friends 'accidentally' poured coke over baekhee but before I even went their another friend of Jin young's were already next to Baekhee helping her out with some tissue. I ran over to Baek hee to asked if she was okay...

"Baekhee! Are you okay? Who did this to you? tell me."

" It's okay, it was just an accident!" She answered. She was too kind and innocent to know that they did it on purpose. I started thinking about my past with Jin young until I realized the guy helping baekhee out was still their.

" Oh um.. thank you for helping my friend out... What's your name?" I asked tenderly.

" Ahh Anyeonghaesayo I'm Gongchan, one of Jin young Hyung's friends" He answered politely. - I couldn't believe it, he's so different to others I wonder why he's helping baekhee out..." 

" Gong chan ah" I called for him " Nae?" He answered " Why do you even bother helping Baekhee out?"  After I asked him his face turned red and i could tell that he was getting nervous. He brought me aside and said " Actually.... I've been having a crush on her for years already, But i'm afraid to tell her because I'm scared she'll reject my feelings for her, she's really smart, cute, funny and really pretty but it's just she doesn't know it.." He gave a depressing sigh after letting one of his deepest secrets out to me. " I agree... She REALLY is cute..good luck though" But he just sighed and walked away....


Jin young's  POV

That girl... hara... I swear she looked really familiar when I looked into her eyes, she haven't changed alot from all these years but i can tell that her temper was getting worse. That brat, shouting at me randomly the first time we met after 3 years..... I seriously wonder why I was with such a girl like her before...

* Flash back to breakup* 

" Yah! who was the girl you talked to just now?! " Hara yelled

" She's no-one but just a friend..." I said nervously

" Huh, just a friend? I see you with her EVERY DAY.? Tell me jin young..... Who is she....?" She mummbled quitely..

I saw tears in her eyes, about to run down i saw the pain in her... I wanted to explain to her who she was.... She was my long lost sister, and my family told me not to tell anyone.... I wanted to tell her the truth but just when i wanted to tell her, Something stopped me from saying it..

"Why do I have to tell you? Then why don't YOU answer me, who is the other guy you keep meeting up with everyday? Are you cheating on me?"I cried trying to change the subject.

"He's nothing! He's just my cousin! You are hiding things away from me and now you're blaming everything on me?" She questioned. She took a deep breath and said" We're done.. Let's just end it here." she said softly. I could here the pain in her voice and her eyes.

But wihtout my reply she stormed of with tears running down her perfectly toned skin.

" Mianhae Hara...." I mummbled to my self with broken thought."


* end of flashback*


After that she never talked to me again, I tried to persuade her to let me explain but she wouldn't.. She even changed schools.. I was haert broken and felt very guilty.... how could i do this to the girl I loved? Sooner or later got over it.. I totally forgot who she was until she came up to me this lunch time..... What am i suppose to do?



Was this chapter too short or too long? :3 just trying to tell you guys what happened in their past... Are you guys still in to this story? Hope you guys are.. I'll try to update as soon as I can! 

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This is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
update soon. . him chan really such a jerk .__. but cute XD