First day of school...

A shy girl like bubblegum


*ding ding ding! ding ding ding! * - The alram clock went

" Yah wake up Hara!" shouted your mom

" hmmm? what time is is?" you answered while lying on the bed

" Quick! you're going to be late for your first day of school!" 

You looked at your clock and it was 8:00am and you were suppose to arrive school at 8:10. You quickly changed and rushed downstairs to get your bag, books, stationary, everything and rushed out of the house.

" Byee mom!! Bye Leo! ( Your little brother who was 2 years younger than you) " you yelled while running to school

" Make sure you do well for your first day of school, and make sure you eat your lunch!" your mom shouted back

You see your dad in the car and quickly went in.

" Aish Hara, why are you such a sleepy head?" He complained

" I'm sorry Dad..." You answered still half asleep.

" But dad-" You asked 

" What? Don't tell me you don't like this school, your mom and I have always ben looking for better schools for you to study in, and this school is one of best, There are so many more subjects and lessons to learn there and-" 

" DAD!" you interrupted " I know.. but- I like my friends in my old school more... It's going to be really hard to meet new friends" 

" Well, maybe your friends back over there are better, but i've heard that the guys in this school are really handsome, make sure to find me a son-in law soon Hara!" He joked around

" Yah! Dad!" You answered being annoyed.


You were late already and ran to your first class ; history. You walked in the door and everyone gave you strange stares, everyone's eyes are on you, glued onto you, as if you compell their eyes like magnets compell each other, and the only student who was not looking at you had his head on the table- sleeping.

" Why are you so late?" the teacher asked 

" uh.. I'm.. err.." You answered with your mind being blank

The teacher used his fingers and slightly fixed them in to place " Ahh you must be Kim Hara, the new transfer student arent you? Welcome to our school, please introduce your self to the class"

You nervously walked Into the class room and stiffly stood there.  " Hi everyone I'm Kim Hara, I'll work hard, thank you" 

The guy asleep took a glance at you and sighed , whilst another guy sitting at the other corner smiled at you warmly.

" Please take a seat." Said the teacher 

The guy at the corner gave a kind wave to you, unkowingly you sat next to him on the empty seat.

" Hi my name is Kevin, nice to meet you." He said happily

" Hi i'm Kim hara but you can just call me Hara." You replied and a smile ran across your face.

" YAHH! Jung Jin young! Why are you sleeping in class?! Is my class really that boring?!" The teacher shouted just after you settled down.

The guy at the corner looked up to thee teacher, still half asleep. His hair was perfectly between brunette and wine colour and his eyes... His eyes are like sparkling stars.

" Are you asking me if you classes are boring? well let me give you an answer - Yes. I'm sleeping becase I have life, You know simple science, If sleeping is good for the brain why isn't it allowed in school? " He answered arrogantly.

" OOOOooooooooooo" The class reacted surprisingly to his speech. 

" Principles office, NOW! " The teacher yelled with his fists clenched tightly.

" At least I get to get out of your boring lessons" He answered again with a straight face

" WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? Ok I change my mind. You know what ? I'll just let you get bored to death in my lesson" The teacer once again answered fiercely.

" But teacher, don't you know it's a crime? Causing your students to die?" He answered again.

The whole class again reacted the same way. The teacher got fed up and just continued the lesson...

" That guy, is he called.... Jin young..?" You asked Kevin who sat next to you giggling

" mmhm, he's handsome right? All girls go crazy for him... honestly....... Have you fallen for him too?" He asked while giggling

" No way! He's such an arrogant guy, even just by looking at him I could tell he has a cold personality!" You answered quickly

" Yahhh don't be so nervous, i'm just joking!"  He nudged you 

" You better be!" You smiled blushing 

Your POV

That guy.. Jung jin young.. Is he really the guy i knew before?... they looked so alike.. And they also have the exact same name... But no.. he doesn't act that way.. i should just get him off my mind.. sigH~

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This is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
update soon. . him chan really such a jerk .__. but cute XD