Because of you

A shy girl like bubblegum

Jin young's POV

We started planning on our project, but the problem was that we couldn't decide what genre the music should be. I suggested rock, but she wanted a ballad. Why did we have to have different opinions. argh. it makes life so difficult. 

"Yah! I want Rock." I yelled at her

"Shut up! everyone's looking at us!" she hissed. 

I looked around and without surprise, everyone was glaring at us.I looked back, and as usual, Hara gave me the signature death glare of hers. 

"Whatever, I knew this would happen, lets just work on R&B. " she suggested

"Fine, whatever you say." I said as I pouted. Hara noticed it and she giggled. 

"You're so childish!" she said and I stuck my tongue out at her, her smile quickly faded away and her expression turned out to be dead serious. 

"Immature." she said firmly. 

"Mood swings." I threw back at her, And we both started to work on our song which is called "Because of you"


Your POV

I never knew Jin young was that good at composing and writing lyrics, it amazes me how he can write such touching lyrics! It kind of makes me think he have experienced a heartbreak before... 

The song goes like this. 

"The sweet memories like original candy

They twinkle and shine in my head

You brightly smiled like a young child
But now I say good bye from my memories

I ordered a cup of coffee that you used to like
And I quietly waited for you but
It’s no use because you’re not anywhere
You are like a smile-less Mona Lisa
The stars are twinkling
The memories of us together are countless
I can’t forget them so I messily wander the streets
I walk to find you, the only thing that’s busy are my two legs

I’m like this every day, I’m like this because of you
Yes, it’s because of you
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more

Again today, I hear about you and I hang my head
I keep thinking of you so I’m going crazy
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more

I keep thinking of you so my head hurts
All I can do is just look at you
Because I keep thinking of you brightly smiling

It’s alright, being without you, eating alone
It’s alright, it’s not alright
You not being next to me, eating alone
It’s not alright, I pretend to be okay in case someone sees
In case they think I’m a pathetic guy
The dawn air is cold and dry
I’m like that

I’m like this every day, I’m like this because of you
Yes, it’s because of you
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more

Again today, I hear about you and I hang my head
I keep thinking of you so I’m going crazy
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more

On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
My hardened heart, my decreased words
Is everyone like this or am I the only one?
I hate the wave that comes after separation

It’s too hard to go on, I’m too tired
We’re just up till here baby

I’m like this every day, I’m like this because of you
Yes, it’s because of you
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more

Again today, I hear about you and I hang my head
I keep thinking of you so I’m going crazy
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more

(We’re just up till here baby)

I’m like this every day, I’m like this because of you
Yes, it’s because of you
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more

Again today, I hear about you and I hang my head
I keep thinking of you so I’m going crazy
On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me
I just can’t wait no more"

It seems like it's meant for someone, as it's just too beautiful. How can such a disgusting man compose such a beautiful song? 

"impressive... right? Just admit you love it as much as all the girls love me" Jin young boasted as a smirk formed on his face. 

"Well, yea it's quite good but that doesn't change your personality." I commented while I shook my head. 

Suddenly, a dark shadow creeped amongst us two and I glanced behind my shoulder. The Queenka of the school ; Joey, (well her korean name is Hyunmi but everyone calls her Joey, which is obviously her english name. ) ok anyways, yea, she walked towards our direction, obviously attempting to flirt with the playboy Jin young. She was wearing a pink mini skirt which was extremely short and a low neck tank top which revealed almost half of her cleavage.Everyone knew that she had a major crush on the school's kingka; Jin young. 

"How's it going?" She said with a high pitched voice with such high frequency which was enough to pierce through my ears. Her eyes then layed on me, she examined me from head to toe and pulled a who-the-hell-are-you face to me."Who's this... Ordinary girl thats sitting next to MY Jin young" she exclaimed. I noticed she emphasized on the word 'ordinary'and 'my', I rolled my eyes and walked away leaving them both alone. 

"." she whispered just loud enough for me to hear before I walked away. 


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This is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
update soon. . him chan really such a jerk .__. but cute XD