The pouring rain...

A shy girl like bubblegum


-At the dining table-

" Are you enjoying the food Jin young?" Your omma asked him

" oh yes.. it's really good," He replied politely... 

" So are you and Hara in the same class?" 

" Yea we are... We're good friends" He faked a smile

" Yea.. hehe... We are REALLY good friends" You said sarcastically and stepped on his feet under the table. He gaved you a cold stare warning that you made a wrong action.

Suddenly it started to rain really badly...

" Oh my... It's raining cats and dogs out there!  It'll be really dangerous to go back home your selves in the dark!" Your mom said

"Oh no it's fine we can just get a cab" Jin young's sister said

"You pay the fee then Ji yeon.,," Jin young said quietly to her. And Ji yeon just stayed there quietly regreting what she just said.

" We wouldn't mind if you stay in the guest room! But I'm afraid there will be only enough space for 1..." your mom explained

" It's okay, Ji yeon can stay in the guest room alone, since she's a girl,  I'll just......" He broke off

" Stay in Hara's room? Oh it's fine, but i don't have a spare blanket or matress for you.. you guys would be sharing a bed... But it would be fine right? since you guys are close friends..." your mom said

" WHAT?!" You both shouted shockingly.

"it's fine.. right?" You mom gave you the 'dont-you-dare-argue-back-again-' look
"Yeah.. REALLY FINE" You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes.


That night he took a shower in your toilet, and when he was walking out of the bath room you were already on the bed calculating the limited space each of you are allowed to use only. You then used masking tape and put a great big line right from the starting of the bed to the end of it.

" Seriously? You're  making a border line? " He asked you while raising up a eyebrow

" Well yeah, I'm a girl, what do you expect?!" you asked

"Well, didn't we sleep on the same couch before when we were together? What are you even worried about?" He said

" EUGH. ENOUGH. Stop reminding me about those times... now You're sleeping on this side." *pointing to the right side of the bed * " And i'm sleeping here" *You pointed to the right side of the bed*

He quickly splatted onto his side of the bed and pretended to be sleeping. You kept nudging him and waking him up as he still has his rubbish on the floor.

" Jin young!! Wake up, I know you're not asleep... PICK UP YOUR RUBBISH AT ONCE! " You yelled at him but there was no response.So you gave up and picked up his rubbish yourself. There were soft drink cans, Food packaging and more all over your room.

After that you went showering and when you came back, you realized that Jinyoung was REALLY asleep now. You layed onto your side of the bed and looked at his face.... You remember all the good times you had together, all the memories, the laughter but also the pain.

And unknowingly... You fell asleep....... 


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This is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
update soon. . him chan really such a jerk .__. but cute XD