The sprinkles you fill me with

A shy girl like bubblegum

Jin young's POV

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was Hara... She looked so cute while sleeping kekeke unlike the naggy Hara... She had such cute eyes and nose and her skin was perfectly toned, and her eyelashes were realy pretty.. And her hair.. Her hair is so silky and- Wait. Why am I even thinking about these things? Aish Kim Jin young, Kim Jin young... Just go back to sleep! 

-end of POV- 

He forced himself back to sleep again, but he couldn't resist to look back at Hara just one more time, but when he looked back at her, Hara opened her eyes too and their eyes met each other.. There was silence in the air for a few seconds until Jin young broke the silence.

" Am i really that handsome that you can't resist to look at me?"He joked around

" Hmph. No. What are you even thinking about?" You said fiercely and threw a pillow at his face.

 "YAH! KIM HARA! Who do you think you are to throw a pillow at my face? YAH! " He shouted and threw the pillow at the back of your head.

" AISH.! " You gave him a death glare and slammed the door.

You and baekhee had a project together, so you wanted to arrive school early to spend more time one it. 

" Annyeong! Baekhee? I'll arrive school early today to spend more time on our project ok? I'll be there in 15 mins " You said to her on the phone

" Umm.. You better not go to school right now.. I'm sick. I have a fever. I'm sorry Hara I really wanted to come to school to spend time on our project but i can't I'm so sorry Hara... Mianhae" Baehkee replied with a sad voice

" Oh It's alright! I can just do it by myself at school first then Get well soon! " You said cheerfully but after the call ended you sighed.

" Guess I'll be a loner today" You said to yourself 

When you arrived school

You walked in the room quietly to see if anyone was there... And you saw Kevin sitting next to your seat listening to his i-Pod.So you sneakily walked behind him and covered his eyes with your hand.

" Guess who" You said with an extra low voice

" Soo Hyun?" He said confusingly

" Nope! It's me! Hi Kevin! " You said while you giggled

" Oh hi Hara! " He said. When he saw you his face brightened up ALOT

" Do you always come to school this early?"You asked

" Yep. I like coming to school writing songs early in the morning. You?" He answered then asked

" Oh. I'm here to work on my Project with Beakhee but sadly she's sick.. I guess I'll be working on it by myself for today!"

" Well, Good luck!" He said.

You guys spent time together happily chasing each other around the classroom and writing songs. Without even knowing that It was lesson time already. You saw Jin young walking in the classroom and you rolled your eyes. After a few minutes Lesson started..

" So Who doesn't have a partner for the music project this term?" Mrs Yang asked

Jin young embarrasingly raised his hands up, right after he raised his hands up all the girls went shouting about.

one whispered " Oh my god. He's so cute!"
One Shouted " I'LL BE HIS PARTNER!" After she shouted this out it was just like war in your class room.. Everyone was fighting for him...

The teacher fiercely threw her heavy books on the table creating a loud noise and the whole class quiet down.

" I asked who doesnt have a partner, not who wants to be jin young's partner. Got it? So.. Who's partner is away today?"' The teacher asked

You raised your hand up, but you werent the only one, Gong chan raised is hands up too.

" Who is your partner originally? "  She asked

" Baekhee" You answered

" Jin young why don't you pair up with Hara? And Baekhee could change her partner to Gong chan , is that alright?" She asked Jin young.

" Wait- I'm working with Hara? But-"

" No buts. Is this ok with you Gong chan?" Mrs Yang interuppted

" y- yes" Gongchan said nervously 

" Ok then lets get back to work!"The teacher said

Gongchan looked nervously at you but you just winked back saying " HWAITING!" After that everyone moved to the seat they were going to sit with their partner

" Bye Hara!" Kevin said while smiling

" Bye" You gave him a smile and he gave you another smile in return

But your smile faded away after thinking about jinyoung as your partner, You seriously didn't want to work with Jin young, He already stayed for one night in your house and now he's your partner?  Jin young obviously didn't want to partner up with you too, he took his bag over and sat next to you. 

 He threw a piece of crunched up paper at your head. 

" Yah! What was that for?"You asked him

" It's for throwing the pillow at my face AND for slamming the door so hardly," He replied

You chuckled and said " HAHAHA You're hilarious" You said sarcastically 

" Not as hilarious as your face!" he said 

"Yah! Jung jin youngn!" You yelled at him while slapping him on the arm

But this time he just chuckled and laughed it off without hitting you back

" So...Any ideas for our project?" 

"Well yes i do. But they're for me and baekhee but since she's not my partner anymore ....."

You guys kept going on and lesson ended already.

It was afterschool and you were getting quite hungry, so you went to one of the shops near the train station. When you got there and asked for the meal you wanted you noticed that You didn't have enough money to pay , the cost was 5000Won but you only paid 4000 Won.. So you dugg into your coins pocket to see if you had any coins but unfortunately, you didn't have enough, You looked back to the staff,

"I don't want-" You broke  off

"oh it's fine ma'am, someone payed for you already."

" Who was it?" You asked

" I don't know.. but- Oh! He's there" She answered

you turned around and saw Jin young walking away.

" Jin young!" You yelled but you dropped your phone on the ground and right after you picked it up, he was gone already....

You sighed and walked back home. When you got there You started to think about Jin young's sister. 

Your POV

Is that really his sister? I don't remember him having a sister.... But she really did look familiar to me.. where did i see her before?? Eugh. I shouldn't concern about these things anymore. I took out my phone and called Baekhee.

" Baekhee?" You started the conversation

"Ne" she answered

"It was so boring at school without you.. And do you know that we changed partners?" You asked

" What?" She asked shockingly

" Yea. We changed partners.. I am now with jin young and you are with Gong chan.." You answered

" G-Gong chan?" She asked nervously 

there was an awkward silence for a few seconds

" Baekhee are you okay?" You asked worriedly

"o-oh yea... It's just... "

" What?"

" Oh, uh, nothing." 

"Ok then see you tomorrow!" You said while ending the call.

You looked at your assignment due tomorrow and sighed....

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This is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
update soon. . him chan really such a jerk .__. but cute XD