Team mates

A shy girl like bubblegum

Another day came, but you dreaded this day for long...It is the day you're going to start working with Jin young...You walked up the stairs one step at a time unlike any other normal day where you would climb up 2 steps at a time...Every one step you took, you would stop for 10 seconds to think. 

Your POV

oh gosh, I'm going to be working with that jerk.The world is so big, but why? Why do I have to end up in the same school as him? ughhh just by looking at his face makes me puke. He'll just be flirting with other girls whilst I do all the work, yes, he is that kind of a person..

"Aishh, seriously! Why am i so nervous!? " I shouted

I suddenly thought about what Jin young said "pretend we don't know each other." It kept rewinding in my head like a whirl of wind.

"yeah,we don't know each other," I said to myself. "We don't know each other..." I closed my eyes tightly, took a deep breath and made my way up to the class room. And there, as expected, I see Jin young with a few girls surrounding him, flirting with him. 

"Awww you're so cute Jin young! " one shouted

"Do you have a girl friend?" another one shouted

"I can be your girlfriend!" The third one shouted

"Aww, You guys are all so pretty, You all can me my girlfriend at once." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. Since when did he turn into a playboy? He used to be so sweet and nice, but I really shouldn't concern about these things, because why? Oh yeah, we don't know each other. 

"Are you done flirting yet, we have a project to work on." I said firmly standing in front of jin young.

Jin young chuckled. "Why? Are you jealous?" he snapped.

"And why would I?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Because, Everyone just loves me so much, right?"

I scoffed and snapped back at him. "Love what about you? your rubbish, disgusting, smelly personality?"

The girls walked their own ways back into ther seats.."Aish, look what you've done! I could've got a girl! Stop barging into my business!"

"Yeah, get a girl then dump them two days later yeah?" I stated, but he didn't answer and just glared at me. 


The school bell rang which meant lesson would start in a few minutes.. 


Hehe I just noticed I didn't update for 3 months because of school work T.T. 


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This is interesting 8DDDDDDDDD
update soon. . him chan really such a jerk .__. but cute XD