Feelings, Pain, and Mice?

I like you, I like you, I like YOU

Donghae fidgeted and picked the hem of his shirt nervous fingers trembling. Kangin took in the posture and the look the younger sent his love and graciously took his leave softly shutting the door behind himself.

“Hae?” Eeteuk asked, the one in question looked up. “Come sit” Eeteuk continued patting next to him on the bed. Donghae shuffled over and plopped down hard enough he bounced hair flipping with the motion. The elder put his hand on his shoulder getting the other to look at him, he smiled reassuringly. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“It’s just that . . .” he stopped looking frightened. Donghae dropped his head to his chest his shoulders shaking. A dark spot appeared on his jeans followed by another, tears sliding down his face dropping from his cheeks to wet the denim covered thighs below. Eeteuk noticed pulling him closer wrapping protective arms around his quaking form. Donghae after a minute slipped his own arms around his leader’s waist face pressed in the crook of his neck as his tears soaked the white tee shirt.

“It hurts.”

“What hurts?”

“My heart”

“Why?” Eeteuk gently prodded when it seemed unlikely that he would not continue on his own.

“Every time, it shatters, cracking, breaking, falling to pieces. Every time I look at him. I don’t know what’s wrong I just want it to stop. It hurts even worse when I see him with someone else, it twists and tears.” More tears fell, he tried to breathe but it was shaky and uneven. “I can’t take it! The pain is too much.”

“It sounds to me that you love him.” Eeteuk replied rubbing circles on his back.

“Is that what this is?”Donghae pulled back to look in Eeteuk’s eyes.

“Yup,” Teuk nodded. “But who is he?”

Donghae froze and looked away his eyes searching for anything absolutely anything else to look at other than his hyung. “Who said it was a he?”

“You did”

“Oh-” Donghae breathed twiddling his fingers. Eeteuk watched this amused, so it’s a guessing game.

“Do I know him?”  Eeteuk queried, to which Donghae nodded tersely.

“Is he a co-worker?” another nod.

“Is he in. . . DBSK?” a shake

“Is he in Shinee?” another no, Eeteuk frowned.

“TRAX?” no.

“Super Junior?” Teuk asked dubiously and got an unexpected reaction. Donghae looked away again playing with the hem of shirt again the guiltiest thing he could have done. Oh lord how did I know?

“Are you going to make me guess this too?”

“Mnky,” Donghae mumbled.


“Monkey” he responded louder still very soft but loud enough to be heard this time. When the elder made no reply Donghae chanced a glance at him only to double take at the glowing grin spread broadly across his hyung’s face. Eeteuk laughed at the aghast expression on his face.

“Have you ever heard the tale of ‘The Two Mice of Aviniogn’ ?”

“No, what is it?”

“Well there were once these two mice that lived together in this beautiful place called Avinogn. And they were best friends. Danni and Alex had known each other a very long time and one day Alex found that he loved Danni, fearing what this would do to their friendship and fearing how these feelings made him feel he decided to leave Danni and the beautiful Avinogn that was his home. When Danni heard of this Danni was devastated. Danni could not figure out why Alex would do such thing. Why would he cause such pain? So Danni confronted Alex, he refused to stay. ‘There was no way he would put his beloved Danni through the pain of his one sided love’ he thought. Little did he know that the moment he stepped out the door leaving Avinogn that he caused Danni more pain than he could have thought, for Danni loved him in return.

“Alex was miserable out on his own wandering the road always listening for news of Avinogn, for he could not let Danni go even in his mind. One day he heard that a gang of ruffian mice had been headed toward Avinogn scared he rushed back to where he had run from. Just in time too! The ruffian mice had ganged up on the poor little alone Danni. How could he save Danni? Alex saw a sheet nearby and an idea popped into his head.

“Alex crept up behind the ruffian in his disguise and shouted “BOO!” the ruffian mice all turned tail and ran. He was the one thing mice fear most, a ghost. Then he revealed himself to his Danni who was so happy to see him. Alex told Danni he was sorry for leaving, that he hoped Danni could forgive him because of his love for Danni. Danni forgave him as long as he would never ever leave again for he had no reason as Danni loved him too. So the two lived happily ever after for the rest of their days together in beautiful Avinogn.”

Donghae looked enraptured at his leader’s face as he ended the tale. The tears dried on his cheeks and his red eyes slowly returning to normal. Donghae wanted to say something but found he had no words.

“See, Hae? Don’t be afraid. If Alex and Danni have taught us anything it’s that you should not fret about the simple things.” Eeteuk pulled Donghae close in a one armed hug.

“Being in love is simple?”Donghae gave a look that clearly questioned the other’s sanity.

“Well- not exactly but I’m saying that don’t even think about leaving till we know Hyukkie’s side of the story. I’m sure that if, very big if here, if he isn’t already in love with you he will be after we get through with him.”

“So in other words we have to frighten off the ruffians?” Donghae asked

“Now you’re getting it.” Teuk grinned with a wink.



Thanks for Reading!!!!!!!!!! Please comment and Subscribe!!!!!!!!!!  <3 oh and I am living in the good old days okay meaning that DBSK is still together and super junior has 13 plus of course Henry and Zhou Mi so please don’t kill me. And the Two Mice of Avinogn does not exist and Avinogn is pronounced A-vin-ah atleast in my head ^-^

Please enjoy

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Hey guys, thought I'd let you know it's going to take a whiile for the next chapter. Senior year of Uni is crazy. I promise I will get it to you eventually.


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cant wait for more update till its complete! :)
haneul_lee #2
I cant wait to read more of this fic. ^^
siwon is always the one who keeps his cool,
while the others are all emotionally effed up. xP
cutemyxn #3
Even though Dongahe's angry, he still seems cute to me :p
and loved the washing machine bit! XD
haha thank you! love this :) can't wait for the next chappy! Hwaiting! <3
Wahahahahah Umma!!! <3
That makes me want to find the nearest washing machine and sit on it...can't wait for the update ^.^
Can't wait for the next update! Really love the story. ^^
cutemyxn #8
awhhh! i'll wait! :DD
i feel soo sad when i read something like this... :'(
i always enjoy it umma! <3