
Mid-September is no time for a yacht party. You curse the event planner, or whoever the genius is that thought this was a great idea. It’s freezing, wind thrashing in unpredictable gusts and swaying the docked boat. You find yourself feeling sick without the damned thing even setting sail. The night may have been redeemed if you had the moon to gaze at, but it’s hidden with the stars behind great clusters of clouds. You wish it would rain. Maybe then the hosts would call it a night and usher everyone off the boat. 

Stomping around a dark deck in a silk, white dress, that attracts both the cold and unwanted eyes, is not at all how you wanted to spend your Friday night. Seeing as your period plagued you with cramps the night before, you had every intention of wearing something you won’t miss if stained and lounging around the apartment. Mrs. Chu would watch her reruns of Gilmore Girls and you’d join her with a hot water bottle pressed against your stomach. You were supposed to have some seaweed soup and a tub of ice cream, then call it a night around nine in hope of beating your nightly cramps. If they hit while you’re awake, you’ll never sleep. 

But, alas, you had made a commitment. Your only two out of five events into your arrangement with Baekhyun. What will come after, you’re not too sure and, if you’re being completely honest with yourself, you’re in no mood to think about that now. Your is sore with every contraction of pain, hunching you over the railing. 

“What the hell are you doing here?”

You thought you left that voice behind at work, not to be heard from again until Monday. Slowly standing to your full height, you turn to face Marina. In a black skirt and tube top, she glares at the pearls hanging around your neck. A single arm around your stomach, you try to ignore your discomfort and offer a polite smile. “How are you, Marina?”

“I asked a question.”

She’s no different outside of the office as she is in it, you realize. If you weren’t so dependent on your job, you’d just walk away from the conversation. With the state you’re in, patience is not exactly something you hold much of. You muster whatever you can of it though and maintain your smile. “I came with Baekhyu-”

“Mr. Byun,” she corrects with a quiver of her lips. 

You pretend not to notice it. 

A part of you really wants to hate her for more than the way she treats you at work. You hate that she favours Lucas because Baekhyun is not friends with him and you hate how she speaks to you like you didn’t graduate from the best school in the country with an honours degree.

However, you can’t hate her for how she reacts to Baekhyun, or rather the lack of him. You’d be just as hurt, if not shattered, if he was holding someone else the way he holds you. You’d want to hate that person too.

Marina is not a horrible person, you conclude. She just doesn’t know how to deal with horrible feelings.

“Mr. Byun invited me as a friend,” you clarify, watching her gaze soften a bit. 

Her tone is unchanging, though. “Mr. Byun doesn’t have friends. He has obsessions,” she pauses to assess your outfit then adds, “And they never last.”

You don’t need this right now. You don’t need to be reminded that everything you hold with Baekhyun is fragile. True, you are friends but the way he holds and cares for you always alludes to something more. None of your other friends have seen you half on more than one occasion. None of your other friends can make you the way he does. 

Another spasm of a cramp interrupts your thoughts. This conversation is ridiculous. You can only focus on one strand of pain at a time right now and the one Marina is being is not it. 

With a smile, nod and quiet, “Thanks for the tip,” you walk away. If that costs you another day wasted running around the office playing everyone’s assistant then so be it. You’ll deal with it on Monday when your period has mostly passed and the pain has pretty much subsided. 

Pushing the door to the restroom open, you’re greeted with a shred of warmth. Why didn’t you think to come hide out here sooner? Baekhyun is busy talking shop with people you don’t care enough to remember. You lost him somewhere near the second lap around the boat, having taken a seat to relieve some of the tension just under your stomach. You cradle the soft area now, leaning over the lip of the sink as you wait for the cramps to ease up enough to waddle your way into a stall and change your pad. 

“One too many drinks?”

Are you a magnet for exes tonight or is the sea really that unforgiving? You glance up at your reflection in the mirror to find Anna standing behind you. She gives you a little smile before commandeering the mirror on the other side of the restroom.

“I’m not much of a drinker.”

“Neither is Baekhyun.”

I know, you want to say. Only, you didn’t know that. Come to think of it though, Baekhyun never really reached for a drink at any of the places you went together. The most you’ve seen him consume is vape smoke, but that doesn’t impair him in the slightest. How come you didn’t know this before? Why didn’t he tell you this? 

Pain finally numbing enough for you to stand straight, you decide to ignore her and rummage through your purse for a pad. A curse escapes you when all you find is your phone, lip gloss and vape pen. How could you have forgotten the one thing Mrs. Chu kept reminding you to get? You remember taking it out from the bathroom and then putting it on your bed so you could put it in your purse. But then Mrs. Chu began shouting at the TV and you rushed to watch the scene she was so annoyed with. You must’ve lost it in your sheets later on when looking for your purse, you conclude. 

A crinkle of plastic echoes in the restroom as Anna sets a pad onto the edge of the sink. “I always keep one on hand just in case,” she shrugs when you look over to her. 

“Thank you,” you mutter, trying hard not to sound so surprised. Judging by the tight lipped smile of hers, you know she hears it. 

Clicking her clutch shut, she nods in reply. You’re turning to one of the stalls when she says, “And I wouldn’t worry about Marina. She’s not fond of any of us.” 

Any of us? 

Those three words scratch your throat with a silent cry. Did she mean to hurt you with that phrase? Has she been speaking to Marina? Are they conspiring against you and Baekhyun? Are they trying to tear you away from each other? 

Oh god, none of this sounds anything like you. You’re not usually so obsessive, especially about Baekhyun’s past. Concerned and curious, yes. But never this consumed. 

What the hell is she on about, anyway? Baekhyun is your friend, you tell yourself. It’s different with you two. Both his exes must see it if they feel the need to passively threaten you every chance they get. You are not any of them. 

, your head aches. Your lower back isn’t in any better shape. The heels really aren’t helping either and that cold gust of wind that seeps in when Anna finally leaves the restroom makes you dizzy. All you can think about while changing your pad is the warmth of your bed and how cozy your fur blankets are on nights like this. 

A part of you debates on telling Baekhyun that you’re not feeling well, but you know how important it is for him to make these sorts of appearances for his company’s reputation. His image right now is faulty with the amount of deals he’s turning away. You heard talk about the board members considering selling the company. You can’t imagine he’d be very fond of that.

Baekhyun stands outside, his coat in hand. He wraps it around your shoulders without a word, then rubs up and down your arms urgently to warm you up. Merely desperate to escape the cold, and for no other reason besides that, you melt right into him, hugging his waist. Baekhyun accepts the hug with his own, now rubbing your back and kissing the top of your head. 

Is that a sign of obsession, you can’t help but think. Has he done this with all of us- them? 

“Let’s go,” he whispers into your hair after a few minutes. 

You hug him tighter, not ready to face the cold just yet. “They haven’t announced the total yet.” 

“We’ve already made our donations,” he says as he pulls away. 

Your eyes find Marina’s as Baekhyun guides you to the exit. Her gaze is colder than the weather. Anna’s is no softer, stinging more than the ache of your temples. You know you really shouldn’t take it personally, but you can’t help it. Maybe you’re just tired of having to face these women alone. They never seem to be able to say half the they do when Baekhyun is around. 

You sink into the car, the seat heated and practically engulfing you in both warmth and comfort. It soothes the soreness of your back and your head too, once you lean it against the headrest. A soft, satisfied sigh escapes you as your eyes flutter shut in the peace you’ve so badly craved all night. 

“Welcome back, Angel and Mr. Byun,” EDEN greets once Baekhyun shuts his door as well. 

He quietly replies, which seems to adjust the volume of both EDEN and the soft jazz playing from the speakers. Before buckling himself in, Baekhyun leans over you and tugs on your seat belt, clicking it in place. Not in the mood to move, you simply let him do as he pleases. He then presses a hand to your forehead, right cheek, left cheek and finally under your chin. 

“You’re sick,” he sighs, shaking his head in disappointment. “You lied to me.”

Brows furrowed, you shoot him a confused look. You haven’t even said anything yet. “When?”

“I knew something was off the moment I came to pick you up. I asked you what was wrong four times and you kept saying you were fine. You’re not fine, Angel.”

You know he’s lecturing you, but the way he uses your name in that angry tone ignites something different within your gut. The press of your thighs makes you quietly hiss in pain. That feeling, you now recognize, is and that never sits well when you’re on your period. 

“What is it? What hurts?”

“Baek, I’m fi-”

Baekhyun huffs so loud, you think you heard the music skip in fear. Was EDEN startled by his mild outburst as well? Gently caressing your face, thumb grazing over your flushed skin, he forces you to meet and hold his gaze as he practically pleads, “Don’t lie to me, Angel. Never again, okay?” 

Swallowing thickly, you nod. This cannot be an obsession. The sincerity in his eyes and rawness of his voice cannot be faked. He is not the manipulator they make him out to be, not with you anyways. Guilt taints your gut with shame and regret. , your hormones must really be messing with your head. You shouldn’t have doubted him. He never gave you a reason to.

“Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” he whispers, leaning his head down to follow your gaze. “Why are you so sure you’re not sick, Angel?” 

Maybe it’s the softness of his tone, the depth of his voice cradling your heart with so much tender devotion you cannot help succumbing to it. Maybe it’s his rounding eyes as they plead for an answer, for a way to help ease whatever it is that’s bothering you. Or maybe it’s just the fact that he hasn’t spoken to you like this since he got upset with you last week at the Geraldson residence. 

Whatever it may be, your eyes begin to water and pouty lips quiver and you just can’t let go of him. You put your hands over his, one on your cheek and the other over your thigh and let your tears fall as you shyly explain, “I got my period.”

You’ve told him this countless times before over text with sad emojis and broken hearts. He’d always reply with an apology, then a list of things he can do for you if only you’d ask. He promised to send takeout from your favourite place one time. It came with bubble tea and tiramisu from your favourite cafe by the university too. You had told him about it once, months back, but he still remembered. He always remembers. 

In person, however, confessing to something so private seems so different. He can see the discomfort and now place a face to the pain. You just can’t help but feel so embarrassed, unable to maintain eye contact for much longer. What is even the big deal? It’s a known fact that people who have uteruses commonly bleed from them once a month. So why are you so shy all of a sudden? What about placing your face on something so normal makes you feel so embarrassed?

Baekhyun’s face softens into concern and pity. “Oh, baby,” he passionately coos. It’s almost as if he feels your pain too, as if he’s experiencing it all with you and will do anything to fix it. He cups your face gently and rubs your thigh even softer. He’s so careful with you, like every touch will add to the pain rather than ease it. 

And that seems enough for you to let it all spill. It’s as though you’ve never been embarrassed at all. You fall right into his touch and pout all the more as you complain, “My back hurts and my stomach just keeps getting all these terrible cramps and it gets so much worse when I really need you but really can’t have you. And, god, my feet are killing me.”

There is a flicker of ual intrigue in his gaze that Baekhyun immediately snuffs out. He brushes both his thumbs under your eyes to wipe away your tears as he shushes your near sobs aside. “What can I do? What usually helps? God, Angel, I really wish you would have told me the truth before I made you come to this stupid thing with me.”

“I’m sor-”

“Don’t be sorry,” he coos as he pets your hair back. “It’s fine. Now you know for next time. You’re so good at that.” 

That hint of a tease provokes a little giggle. You place your hand in his to simply hold, but he opens it, palm up, and you find yourself slowly rubbing it instead. Your long, pearled nails softly scratch at it, moving further up his arm each time as he continues.

“Do you want to go home? I can take you right now.”

You inadvertently glance at the time, gleaming green in the car system. It’s barely even midnight and you haven’t really seen him for more than a couple of hours. True, you are in pain, but no, you sure as well do not want to go home. You haven’t had anything to eat yet either, leaving before the late dinner could start at the stupid function. 

Baekhyun must pick up on your hesitance, that hand you were playing with now bare of gentle touches. “Maybe we can go somewhere to eat?” he suggests with a little smile. “Before I drop you off back home? We can pick up whatever else you need on the way too?”

The pride and joy that floods your chest at the sight of his unwavering attentiveness, when he is still upset about whatever happened last week, is soon overtaken by anger and resentment. You just can’t believe his exes would spin this tale of selfishness from the most selfless person you’ve ever met. You are not another in his collection, another object of obsession. You are first and foremost his friend. That is what he is to you too and that is what you shall remain. 

“I’d love that. I’ve been craving some comfort food since last night.”

Baekhyun reaches down as you talk. “I know,” he replies as he takes your heels off for you, unclasping the tiny buckle with a few simple maneuvers. “You always do when you’re on your period.”

You’d kiss him now if he’d let you. You’d kiss his lips and cheeks and neck and just under his jaw, where he adores your lips the most. You’d kiss him and tell him that he spoils you too much, that you don’t need all this attentive catering. But your last conversation in this car returns, that crumpled horse range pamphlet still somewhere in the back. 

Instead, you flash him a small smile. Curling and flexing your feet a couple of times to relieve some of the pain, you quietly thank him.

“Much better?”

You nod. 

He kisses your forehead then sits back in his seat. The car starts and the world zooms by. Your mind stays on that ruined glossy piece of paper. You didn’t even thank him, you realize. Immediate dismissals poured out of you instead.

Looking back, you find that the makeshift ball is closer than you thought it would be, laying on the ground by the driver’s seat. You unbuckle your seatbelt, earning a warning from EDEN and a concerned look from Baekhyun. Ignoring both, you grab the pamphlet, flatten it out and begin reading again. 

Baekhyun only looks at the road. 

Harmony Plaza is bare of life. Very few cars pepper the parking lot though the lined stores remain alight and welcoming. They cast a warm glow over cracked pavement. A twenty-four hour convenience store sits in one corner, followed by a twenty-four hour cleaners, a twenty-four hour pharmacy, and, you guessed it, a twenty-four hour Chinese restaurant. The bright red light is damaged though, unlike the others, flicking the first letter to read D-D-D-Dim Sum. 

It doesn’t look very expensive, quite the contrary actually. You want to ask him how he’d found it, but he hasn’t spoken a word to you since you picked that pamphlet back up. He just drove, letting the radio fill the silence. Sometimes, when you’d grunt to yourself from the pain, he’d glance your way to make sure you’re okay. Other than that, his attention seemed to be elsewhere. 

When he opens your door, Baekhyun squats down and helps you back into your heels. With the way he holds your feet, like fragile flowers, worried they’ll be crushed in his hands, you almost feel like you’re in a fairytale. Sometimes he feels like he’s born from one… even when he’s upset. In a perfectly tailored tux and hair swept back, Baekhyun looks like a prince. 

Oh, how you wish to be his princess. 

Up and out of the car, his hand does not leave yours. He watches your feet while leading you to the restaurant, hand moving to the small of your back to support you.

If he’s so upset, won’t meet your eye or mutter another word, why does he keep holding you? Why does he care so much? 

The Chinese restaurant smells of Korean food. Byunchi and pajeon invade your senses and quietly grumble your stomach. You wrap an arm around your middle as you scan the store. Every sign is written in Korean, that very flag pinned to one of the walls. You quickly begin to realize this is not a Chinese restaurant at all. 

 “This is a Korean restaurant. Why is it called-”

“Shh, Angel, not too loud.” He glances at the door labelled Employees Only before replying, “It was a Chinese restaurant before they bought it and they couldn’t afford to fix the sign at the time.”

“And now?” 

“They always promise to do it tomorrow.”

You’re about to question him on who exactly this “they” is but a voice from the kitchen fills the restaurant instead.

“You said you cleaned it!” A female voice shouts from the back. 

“I said I will, not that I did.” A male voice replies just as loud, just as annoyed. 

Peering up at Baekhyun, you find him struggling to hide his smile. He nods to a table, using the hand on your back to guide you towards it. The door to the kitchen swings open as you slide into your booth. The female voice is cursing to the moon and back that she will not touch that pan before she’s in her grave. The male is mimicking her voice, asking to go first, before issuing quick apologies. 

“That’s what I thought- Baekhyun!”

An older woman, maybe in her mid fifties, smiles brightly at the sight of him. She wipes her hands frantically on her apron as she rushes towards Baekhyun with open arms. In one forceful motion, she pulls him into a tight hug, resting her chin atop his shoulder. Baekhyun lets out a little grunt as he hugs her back. 

You can’t help the smile on your face.

“Nice try!” her husband shouts. “Not falling for that again.” 

Baekhyun must have come here often, you suspect. No one is usually allowed to be that close to him besides you. He’s not so easily swayed by anyone else either. Watching him with her now, however, is rather comforting. She’s much smaller than him but engulfs him all the same. Those kind eyes alight once more when they settle on you. 

“He brought a girl!” she exclaims, pushing Baekhyun right out of her arms to pull you into them instead. 

You understand Baekhyun’s struggle now, squealing the moment you feel her strong arms around you. Her hugs are warm and compassionate, but unbelievably tight. You’re barely allotted the chance to put your arms back around her. In the midst of trying to, you catch Baekhyun’s teasing eye. 

Help, you mouth to him. 

He furrows his brows, leaning an ear in as he silently replies, What?

You glare at him. Baekhyun laughs cheerfully. The sound of his laughter must’ve tipped the husband off in the back. He comes running out of the kitchen with a ladle in hand, hurrying to Baekhyun once he spots him. 

“Baekhyun’s here!” he exclaims as he hugs him as well. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

The older woman lets go of you and turns to her husband, starting off another loud argument. She points around the store as she speaks, her husband doing the same until Baekhyun finally injects, “Uncle, it’s okay. I’ll be sure to call next time and-”

“No, son, this is not your fault. Look, you’re making him think it’s his fault and I-”

“Baekhyunie knows it’s not his fault. He’s trying to cover for you!”

Baekhyun sighs and turns to you, gesturing to the table behind you. A little smile plays on your lips as you slide into the booth. 

“What?” Baekhyun asks in a whisper while sliding in beside you. The action throws you off for a second, your face somewhat contorting into confusion. Glancing at the other side of the table, you were under the impression that he would be sitting across from you. He’s pressing his side fully against yours now as he repeats, “What is it, Angel?”

You blink back to his gaze. “Oh it’s nothing, Baekhyunie,” you tease only to earn a little nibble at your cheek. 

The little giggle that escapes you stunts the argument. The couple looks between you and Baekhyun with knowing smiles and you suddenly grow shy, burrowing yourself tightly against him. Baekhyun wraps an arm around your shoulders so you’re able to hide your face in his neck more easily. 

“You never introduced your girlfriend, Baekhyunie,” Uncle smiles, sitting at the other side of the table.

Baekhyun stiffens up beside you. For a brief moment, you think he’s going to withdraw himself from you to correct the implication, but instead he shakes his head, “No, Uncle. We’re just…” He trails off, looking down at you. 

Your back straightens as you meet Uncle’s gaze and flash a kind smile. “We’re just friends, Uncle,” you reply politely. A sore pain tightens in the pit of your stomach and you tell yourself it’s the cramps. 

Uncle shares a look with Auntie. You try to ignore the way they pretend to believe you, forcing smiles and recommending dishes. It’s very obvious that you and Baekhyun have something that goes much farther than friendship. You see it in every heart tacked message he sends you throughout the day and in the way he continues to look after you even while he’s so obviously upset. It doesn’t reach anywhere near a relationship though. And you both sure as hell cannot vocalize your arrangement, so friends is all you can really use to encompass that dynamic of your… connection to one another. 

“Honey?” Auntie asks, leaning over the table. 

You blink repeatedly, looking up to find all three pairs of eyes carefully peering at you. Baekhyun rubs your back and curls a strand of your hair behind your ear as he asks, “You okay?” His voice is so deep, you can feel it resonate in the pit of your stomach.

Your hormones must be going crazy with the way you suddenly ache for him. His breath fans over your face, light hints of strawberry vape fluid only just overpowering the scent of his cologne and the cooking. And though his forehead is not leaning against yours like it always does, you can still feel his lashes grazing the apples of your cheeks. 

You want to kiss him. His lips are right there and you so badly want to press yours against them. But you have an audience tonight… and it’s not like he’d even let you. 

Not able to trust your voice, you bite your lip and nod. 

Auntie shakes her head. “You have your period, don’t you?”

You can feel the blood drain from your face, embarrassment flooding your chest at the statement. Sneaking a glance at Uncle, you try your best not to look as mortified as you feel. How the did she even know? Is one look really all it takes for everyone to figure you out?

“I have just the thing for you. I used to give it to Baekhyunie whenever he was sick,” she says before rushing into the kitchen and calling Uncle in after her. 

You bury your face into the crook of his neck the moment they’re both gone. Baekhyun cradles you closer against him with a chuckle as you whine, “Oh my god, I can’t believe she just said that so casually.” 

“What’s the big deal? We talk about it whenever you get it,” he shrugs, leaning back a bit to get a look at you. 

“You’re different, Baek. You’re my Da-” You cut yourself off, peering up at him with wide eyes. 

Yes, you’ve both played right into your respective roles more than enough times that it does come up naturally. But it’s all been in good fun before, to tease and be teased. It’s not meant to be serious, to be taken out of the context of your messages or ual experiences. To do so now would make it so real, right? Would make it more than what it’s tended to be. 

Baekhyun smirks all the same. Maybe it’s all still a joke to him. Maybe he really doesn’t mean it outside of it’s given context that way you thought he does. 

“I’m your Daddy,” he finishes in a whisper, despite the restaurant being empty. “And you’re my Angel. Why is that so hard for you to say?”

“It’s not.”

He playfully glares, gaze flickering to your lips for a moment. “What did we say about lying?”

There is a drop of his tone that always makes you feel so vulnerable when he uses it. Your thighs press together, hands ball up into fists and face always reflects pouty anger. You want to tell him everything and nothing at all at once. You want to be so very close to him, you can hear his heartbeat and he yours. You want to get lost in his touch, his eyes, his kiss and swiftly fall into him without hesitation. 

Yet, it makes you so angry, annoyed, stubborn. A part of you wants to tell him, you don’t give two s about what was said about lying because it’s clear he doesn’t either. He never takes the time to tell you when something bothers him. He doesn’t even let you ask. Now, how the hell is that fair? 

Crossing your arms over your chest, you find that Baekhyun does the same. When you pout, he mimics that too, trying not to smile in the process. 

“Stop that,” you whine. 

A hint of dominance flickers in his gaze at your tone. “Didn’t we go over this…” He trails off with a little hiss, a hand coming to caress your neck, “attitude problem last week?”

You gulp, feeling Baekhyun’s hand tighten at the gesture. Chewing on your lip, you place your hands on his thigh and lean in so your forehead rests against his. 

With a quiet grunt, his hand falls from your neck to the valley of your s. He his lips, brows furrowed, and slightly shakes his head. 

“You can’t do that, Angel.”

“Do what?”

The quiet, innocent tone of your voice makes him pull you up and into his lap. You gasp, before realizing his intentions, and crawl over his thigh to help him. Your sits rather perfectly against his semi-hard , the sides pouring over his thighs. 

He groans into your ear, “Fine,” his arms wrap around your waist, “I’ll let it go because you’re not feeling your best.”

You try not to smile. “Noted.”

His grip tightens. A low growl emits from his chest, vibrating against your body so well you don’t even really register the cramps just under your stomach. You guide his hands to where it hurts, melting back into him with a little moan. 

He kisses behind your ear before nibbling on the lobe. “Does it hurt here?” he asks, with your ear between his teeth. He rubs the area when you nod. 

“Well, aren’t you friendly?”

The both of you sit up when you turn to find Auntie smiling down at you. As she sets down a large plate of side dishes, peppering them all over the table, you wonder when you had ordered. Uncle soon follows with a hot bowl of Byunchi stew and rice for the both of you. Maybe this is just Baekhyun’s regular order or what they discussed when you accidentally got lost in your thoughts before. 

Uncle shares another look with Auntie when he finds you sitting in Baekhyun’s lap. 

Though you’re fidgeting, gaze bouncing all over the table but never really meeting their’s, Baekhyun is the picture of calm. He continues to rub your stomach while speaking with them, even going as far as to rest his chin on your shoulder. 

“Thank you,” he beams. 

“Isn’t this friendly?” Uncle asks, eyeing the two of you. 

You put your hands over Baekhyun’s as a silent request to stop. He obliges then turns to Uncle with a shrug, “She’s not feeling too well.”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you to bring the seaweed soup with you?” Auntie suddenly asks Uncle. They bicker all the way back into the kitchen. The doors swing, leaking the shouting and crashing of dishes into the dining room. 

Looking up at Baekhyun with a giggle, you ask, “How did you find this place?”

“It’s the only quiet place I could find open this late when I was in college,” he explains, gently gliding his fingers over the underside of your stomach again. 

You raise a brow. “This is quiet?”

With a shrug and chuckle, he replies, “You get used to it after a while.” 

“Just go give the poor girl the soup!” 

Uncle rolls his eyes as he exits the kitchen, a large bowl of seaweed soup in his hands. He puts it right in front of you. “Here you are, dear,” he smiles. “I made it-”

“He did not!”

You and Baekhyun try to stifle your laughter as Uncle rushes back into the kitchen for another round of arguing. 

Baekhyun buries his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in the smell of your shampoo. You can feel his lips morph out of a smile and into a pout as he at the skin. Soon, your smile falls with your jaw as a moan escapes you. 

Baekhyun shushes against your skin, biting down gently while warning, “Keep it down, Angel.”

“Food is on the table, Daddy.”

The words come out before you can register them. Your eyes widen the moment you do, however, and you feel Baekhyun tense up behind you. He’s letting you get away with a lot, that he made rather clear when he pulled you into his lap. And it’s really oh so tempting to keep pushing his buttons, especially since there’s nothing really to it, but you know he’s already not completely happy with you. So, speaking to him in this way, knowing he won’t do much about it now is meaner than what you had intended. You almost don’t feel like you’re teasing at all, but rather mocking him. 

And, that’s no way to treat a… friend. 

“I’m only joking,” you rush to say, turning your head up to meet his distant gaze. 

He nods, forcing a smile. His attention soon falls on the food. After pushing yours in front of you, silently urging you to drink your soup, he digs into his own. 

You take small sips, sometimes wrapping the soggy seaweed around the rice in front of you. For the most part, however, you just pick at it. Auntie comes back with some warm jasmine tea for the both of you, breaking the silence Baekhyun has created. It resumes the moment she’s gone. 

Baekhyun pauses to take a drink. You can feel him watching your plate so you shove a spoonful of rice into your mouth. Cheeks puffy with food, you look back up at him to find a hint of a smile hovering over his lips. He sets the tea down with his left hand. Has he been eating with that hand the whole time?

“Are you left handed?” you ask around your mouthful. 

He on the edge of his bottom lip to keep from smiling and he asks, “Hmm?”  

You chew and swallow before repeating your question. Baekhyun brings the tea cup to his mouth as he replies, “I’m ambidextrous.”

Of course he is. Everything about Baekhyun is, quite frankly, legendary. It only makes sense that he’s ambidextrous too. 

His Adam’s apple bobs while he downs his tea and you have to resist the urge to a long stripe up the length of his neck. You want to hear him groan against you again. Would he throw his head back like that if you ever him off? The thought of being on your knees for him makes you squirm in your seat a bit, your rubbing against his hips. You wonder if he does that when he cums too. Or would he just stare into your eyes like he always makes you do? 

“What’s wrong? You don’t like the food?” 

It takes you a moment to realize he’s righted his head and you’ve been staring aimlessly at his neck. Swallowing thickly, you immediately shake your head and reassure, “No, I love it.”

Baekhyun stares for a moment, then another, then another. When you shift in his lap this time, it has nothing (or at least not much) to do with the bulge of his pants pressed so snug under you but rather his eyes. They are the reflection of cooled anger, calm and storming all at once. 

“I really do like it.”

“So, what’s wrong?”

“You tell me.”

At this, he hesitates. Baekhyun reverts his gaze to the food, circling the pad of his finger around the rim of his cup. You watch him carefully, wondering if he’ll go back on his own words and lie to you. He must know you won’t let him get away with it. 

“Are you done eating?”

He doesn’t look at you, barely even speaks above a whisper. Leaning down a bit to angle your gaze to meet his, you find them somewhat glistening. You think he might be tearing up, but he blinks whatever emotion was in them away before you can really be sure. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you caress his cheek. A bout of pain settles around your stomach again, but you ignore it as best as you can. Baekhyun has been dry with you since that stupid pamphlet you only just shoved into your purse. It’s time he knows that you can tell something is off. 

He somewhat brushes you off as he turns his head away from your touch. 

With a sigh, you plead, “Baekhyun, please talk to me.”

“I did- am,” he quickly corrects. “I am, okay? Can you please eat-”

“You’re not. You’re upset and you’ve been upset for a while and if I am going to be unconditionally honest with you, I would like you to do the-” you pause for a moment as the pain passes, “do the same.”

Baekhyun rubs your stomach again. He leaves you stewing in silence with his eyes still elsewhere. Those lips, you notice, are stained with some Byunchi though, the corners a light red. Instead of telling him about it like a normal person, you find yourself it away, so very slowly. You would think that once you realize what you’re doing you’d stop… only you don’t. You end up kissing his cheeks too, then chin and when you tilt your head up to maybe kiss his lips, he finally turns to you with a raised brow. 

Those once cold eyes are warmed with amusement, lips in a small smile as he asks, “You realize you’re being extremely unfair, right?”

You look up at him through your lashes with a bite of your lip to keep you from giggling. 

When you shake your head, he sighs. “Fine, you’re right. I am upset.”

“Is it because I didn’t thank you?” You’re quick to ask. “Because I really, really am grateful for you, Baekhyun. You are truly my closest friend and not just because I have been telling everyone that,” you laugh a little at the end of your rant, watching as he finally meets and holds your gaze. 

He looks so… somber. Baekhyun is never somber. Silent, calm, collected and composed, sure. Never somber; never devastated. There’s barely that normal dose of amusement in his eyes or bounce of his brows at the sound of one of your ramblings. He’s just looking, listening. 

“I know you are,” he says with a single nod. “I just… Do you think I only do things for you because of how we met?”

The question disarms you. Furrowing your brows, you slightly lean back at the implication. Does he really think you’ve stuck around this long for the money? Yes, you are so thankful for it. It has gotten you out of so much debt and embarrassment from having to tell Mrs. Chu that you’re not able to pay rent, let alone your bills. But, it is not what charms you about Baekhyun, what makes you crave his presence and messages every day. Shame fills your heart at the idea that that’s all he must think. How could you have even given him such an impression? You’re not sure how he ignored those feelings long enough to talk and care for you the way he has done since that stupid dinner party. You’d be shattered if that’s all you thought Baekhyun wanted from you. 

Pulling him into a hug, you rush to reassure, “Oh god, of course not.” 

His hands are immediately around you, tighter than they were when you were just resting in his lap. He nuzzles his face into your hair and peppers kisses atop of your head. You return them with softer ones along his collarbone, tugging his tie loose enough to some of his shirt and touch skin. 

In his arms, you remain for a few more minutes, just soaking breathfuls of each other. Baekhyun is the first to retreat, pulling one of your arms off him as he properly seats you back into his lap. His right arm still soothes your cramps, or tries to anyway, but the left slides along your forearm to your hand. You swallow back grunts of discomfort from the pain. 

“We can talk about this later,” he says when you squeeze his hand. 

“No, I’m not letting you think for another second that I don’t appreciate you. You’re like my best friend.”

He rolls his eyes playfully, asking, “What about those two guys you work with?”

“Do you even hear yourself?” you dryly chuckle. “ I work with them.”

Baekhyun finally lets himself laugh. However, his tongue makes a reappearance as he bites on it to keep himself from laughing too much. Staring at the table, his lips soon fall into a playful pout to hold back a smile, and he tilts his head a bit as he says, “Fair enough.”

You press the bridge of your nose to the curve of his cheek. When he turns to you, you pull back a bit and caress his face to be sure that he won’t look away. “I’m really sorry, Baek-”

“You don’t have to be. It was a misunderstanding.”

“I’m really sorry,” you repeat, more matter-a-factly than before to be sure that he knows you’re serious. “I really do love how you listen to me. I was only joking and you still went out and got me a ing horse.”

Baekhyun adjusts his grip on you to lift you up on his lap properly and pull you closer. He’s craning his head a bit now to look up at you, gently brushing his nose against yours. “I did that because I want to,” he explains in a whisper. “You’re my best friend too, Angel.”

Oh look, yet another moment only a kiss could be used to fully explain how much he means to you. But, having been denied that experience, all you can do is kiss the tip of his nose and make him growl quietly at the gesture. 

“Don’t baby me, Angel.”

You’re about to tell him how much fun that is though, when a tender, stinging pain buzzes around your s. A hiss escapes you and you bring a hand to cup one of them. The sudden touch makes you gasp with another jolt of pain. Crap, you had thought that they wouldn’t be this sensitive after already having to deal with this before leaving hours ago. It’s the reason you didn’t wear a bra, not wanting any extra layer of fabric to confine them too much and make matters worse. 

Baekhyun’s face falls at your discomfort. He places his hand over yours asking over and over until you reply, “What is it? What hurts?”

“It’s noth-”

“If you tell me it’s nothing, I swear I’ll strip you and make you point it out to me.” 

A part of you is almost inclined to finish your sentence just to see if he’d really do that, but the other is too consumed by the ongoing pain that seems to have taken your whole body hostage. So, in a meek voice, you answer,  “It’s just my s. They get really sensitive like this sometimes. It’ll pass soon.”

“You should have eaten your food properly,” he lectures, his other hand moving aimlessly around your back.

“Baek, this is not the time for- What are you doing?” you whisper-shout when he s your dress. One of the straps falls off your shoulder, exposing more of your cleavage and overwhelming Baekhyun’s attention for a moment. 

Baekhyun falls silent as his fingers trace the loose neckline over your skin. He follows the curves of your s up to properly nudge the fabric off, then back down to reach in and pull one out. For a moment, he looks like he might say something. But, the sight of your knobby s makes his words fall short. He thumbs over one gently and you bite your lip to keep from hissing. Not only are they tender right now but extremely sensitive, even to the slightest of touch. 

Peering up at you, Baekhyun presses the tip of his tongue to your . When he catches your face ever so slightly crumple into the image of arousal, he wraps his lips around and . 

You can’t look at him. You can’t possibly stare into those dark eyes while his warm mouth soothes the stinging away with only a few wet . Your gaze bounces elsewhere, all over the restaurant until you catch your reflection in the windows. Though you can see yourself perfectly, seated on his lap with his face between your s, you are not able to see much beyond that. The world is too dark outside for you to catch if anyone is watching. You know they’d be able to see you though. 

“What if someone sees?” you wonder aloud.

Cupping your other concealed , Baekhyun flicks your with his tongue. He lazily replies, “No one will.” 

“What about-” You get cut off by him when you look at the back door. 

“They won’t either.” 

He sounds so sure of himself, you always feel like it would be stupid to ask him again. This is his terrain after all. He’s obviously been here enough to know the comings and goings of this restaurant so much so that he’s sure no one will interrupt you. 

Breath shaky, you cradle his head closer. He glances up at your touch, eyes glimmering with intrigue and mischief. If it isn’t for how good he’s making you feel, you’d try your luck with talking back. There is also a phantom of soreness on your that’s reminding you it’s best to not do that at al-. 

“,” you moan. 

Baekhyun grazes your between  his teeth, tongue moving against the little bit that remains in his mouth. Those eyes darken at the sound of your breathless moans. He releases your from his teeth to stick his tongue out and at it with every shake of his head. A strand of his hair falls over his forehead at the gesture. You push it back, running your hand through his hair.

Holding onto the back of his head, fingers tangled in his hair, you realize what you’ve done. “I’m ruining your hair,” you think aloud, losing the ability to filter your thoughts before speaking them at such soft, slow movement of his mouth. 

“Ruin whatever you want,” he mutters against your skin. 

Your tightens, intensifying the lingering pain of the cramps at his words. Every sensation, painful or otherwise, just makes you want him all the more. 

A little whimper escapes you and he responds with a groan of his own as he reveals your other too. Cupping the underside of both, Baekhyun leans back to watch each one jiggle in his hands. He then places his palms over your s, grabbing fists full and massaging. There’s an unusual quiet that settles over him as he admires your body. There’s always a dirty or belittling couple of words on the tip of his tongue when he’s playing with you. Only now, there’s just him and your s and that’s all that seems to be consuming his mind. 

After a few more rounds of squeezing and squishing, Baekhyun dives back in with wet, open-mouthed kisses. He peppers them everywhere, not just your s, then them all away to do it again. When you arch your back, pushing them further into his face, and moan, Baekhyun peers up at you once more. Eyes raw with lust, you’ve never seen him so hungry. 

“You have the prettiest ing ,” he hisses before kissing his way to the other one. 

Bringing a hand to your lips, you whimper quietly. You can’t form any real words beyond the occasional, “Daddy, D-Daddy.” Even if you could, you know that it’ll be too loud and you’ll for sure draw an audience. 

Baekhyun groans in reply to each sound you make, comprehensible or not. Sometimes, when you get particularly vocal, squealing and gasping and tugging at the roots of his hair, he’d glance up at you and bounce his brows in question. 

You really lose it when he presses his lips together and blows through them against your s, sending wet vibrations all over your chest. Squirming, you throw your head back and jut your body further against him. A broken moan trickles out in pieces, between breathless gasps and whines of “Daddy!” 

“That feels better doesn’t it, Angel?” he asks before doing the same to the other one. “Do Daddy’s lips feel good?”

Nodding urgently, brows furrowed and lips pouted, you add, “And Daddy’s tongue too.”

Baekhyun smiles. His face beams with amusement as he pushes it between your s. “Mmm, you really like Daddy’s tongue, don’t you, Angel?” His voice is somewhat muffled with his cheeks squished between your . 

Though you know he can’t see you, you nod anyway. He assumes your silence is defiance, however, biting down on your right tit until you whine, “Ah, yes Daddy!” 

“That’s a good girl.”

You want to correct him and say that you are his good girl but are never really given the chance. The moment Baekhyun begins to blubber his lips between your s, pushing them snug against his cheeks, all thoughts fall right out of your head. You have to cup a hand over your mouth to keep from out too loud about how ing good it feels. It’s not just the vibrations of his mouth but the spit splatter from it. You can feel it speckle the valley of your s, and trail down in thick streams too. 

After several moments too long, Baekhyun resurfaces with a red face. His mouth glistens with his saliva. He’s gasping for air, having suffocated himself in your body for so ing long. A part of you can’t help but think if he would handle the same treat from your thighs or even your if you’re ever fortunate enough to have the chance to sit on his face. 

“Does it still hurt?” 

He sounds so winded, chest heaving with yours, and he’s really trying hard to maintain eye contact like you know he loves to do, but his gaze is locked on the way your s move. You look down with him to find little blotches of hickies forming particularly around your s. They look much prettier now that he has marked them, now that it is so painstakingly obvious they belong to him. 

You shake your head once you summon your voice to answer, “I’m much better now, Daddy.”

Baekhyun smiles, meeting your gaze. There’s a hint of something more within them, not just the usual lust or amusement. There’s something more raw than that, swimming between the two but never fully surfacing. 

Lifted from his lap, Baekhyun seats you between his legs again. “Eat up, Angel, before it all gets too cold,” he advises while fixing your dress and zipping it up. 

A word of gratitude is on your lips but the way Baekhyun combs your hair back makes it fall short. He gently runs his finger through your hair and even curls it behind your ears. His touch stunts you for a moment. Looking back up at him, you find he’s already staring. 

“Go on,” he encourages, quirking a brow towards the table. 

Then he kisses your forehead. Your eyes flutter shut. Those soft kisses continue along the frame of your face, lips still wet from playing with your s. It coaxes a little smile out of you and soon Baekhyun too. The whispered laughter, the hushed kisses, the stolen gazes and tender touches seem so casual, so natural, you feel like you’ve known Baekhyun for years. Like you’ve been in his arms forever. Whatever cramps you had before are a numb reminder under your stomach, where Baekhyun continues to hold you. Nothing ever feels wrong with him, nothing feels temporary. 

Maybe that’s why it’s so easy to forget that it is. 

The food is cold when you are finally pulled out of the daydream Baekhyun always manages to lull you into. He makes sure you eat every last grain of rice, strand of seaweed and drop of soup before letting you deem yourself done with your meal. He does the same to lead by example. 

“Do you want me to walk you up?” Baekhyun asks when you return to your building. The car idles before the double doors. His hand rests on your thigh, thumb gently rubbing the soft skin. 

You shake your head. “I’ll be fine.” 

“Text me when you get up there.” 

The green glow of his car can be spotted from your bedroom window. If you squint, you can almost see Baekhyun behind the wheel, bright phone in hand. 

[angelcake] : Made it to my room. 

Those three bubbles bobble in the corner of the screen immediately. 

[V] : Rest well, Angel. Call me if you need anything.

[angelcake]: Okay.

[V] : I mean it.

[angelcake] : I will. I promise.

[V]: That’s my good girl. 

[V]: Goodnight, Angel.

A pair of wings follow his usual black heart. You wonder when that was added to the emojis, only to find that yours are bare of any wings. Making a mental note to ask him about it later, you decide to simply send him an array of pink hearts. 

[angelcake] : Goodnight Daddy. 

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