
A Romantic Comedy


�I�m going to kill him!!! I�m going to kill him!!! I�m going to kill him!!!� howled Kahi while trying her best to wriggle away from Uee�s forceful grasp. She had a superman grip for one so feminine.

Uee snickered and at last let go of Kahi. Whew! It was tiring to drag someone around the same as her weight! And all those weird glances tossed at her! Oh god! Her reputation must be ruined! Kahi, the brat, was stomping on the ground now like a lunatic, how could she have become the most popular girl in school behaving like that! Uee knew that she just had to help her.

�Ya right! You have said it a million times since he sneaked in that cute froggie into your locker all those years ago. When was that anyway? Nine years ago?�

Kahi finally stopped her embarrassing tramping and looked daggers at her best friend.

�Am I your best friend or is he your best friend? You are always defending him! That disgusting, slimy, wet, creepy, green, no, brown thing is not a CUTE FROGGIE!!!! And it was eight years two months and seven days ago!!!�

Uee chuckled and replied the livid Kahi who still managed to look beautiful with her messy hair and murderous flashing eyes. Uee really wondered how she did that.

�Whahaha! You petty woman! You actually remembered soo clearly! Both of you are my best friends, it�s not like you don�t know it! You have been asking me like since forever? And I thought the frog was cute. At that time, I even wanted to kiss it to turn it into my Prince Charming!�

Uee thought fondly of her childhood fantasy. Yeah! It�s great to be young! But now was not the time to turn all nostalgic. Kahi looked like she was about to explode. Uee looked around hurriedly for some help. Yes! Kwon! Charlene�s third best friend! She was heading their way!

Kwon waved and ran up to them. She asked.

�Hey! Want to go to the ice-skating rink after school?�

Kahi, who finally got back her composure after seeing Kwon, answered back disinterestedly. (ya. She�s kinda weird, her mood changes too abruptly)

�What for? I didn�t even know how to skate!�

Uee did not even hear Kahi�s silky mesmerizing voice. She replied eagerly.

�Yes! It�s my favourite place! It�s soooo romantic there!�

She was indulging in her fantasy of holding gloved hands with her imaginary boyfriend in the ice-skating rink, skating, skating together, when Kahi waved her hand over her head. She awoke from her daydream and asked her irritably.

�What�s that for?�

Kahi grinned.

�Waving your dream away. Wahaha!�

Uee blushed. Caught! She cleared and tugged at her best friend�s sleeve, indicating that it was time for their next class. She told Kwon to meet them outside school later and dragged Kahi away.
Kahi, Uee and Kwon were at the outside of the ice-skating rink near the school. They did not attempt to skate as they were so obviously people that could not balance themselves on two thin metal blades. So, what they were doing there? Yes! They were looking for cute guys!

Kahi cried excitedly.

�I saw one!�

�Where?!?! Where?!?!� the other two chorused in unison.

Kahi pointed to a tall guy with a black pullover, skating quickly on the slippery ice.

�Him? Nah! I prefer his friend, see the green stripes over there?!?!� observed Kwon.

�Ya! That one is quite cute too!� Kahi giggled.

It was then when Kahi realized that Uee turned all quiet. She thought that something was wrong with her. Kahi turned around and saw...

Uee was pursing up her two lips with both eyes closed blissfully! Kahi grinned and tweaked her fingers on Uee�s cheeks. Uee opened up her eyes hurriedly and when she grasped the fact that she had been caught! Again! Her both cheeks burned and Kahi said cheekily at her.

�Thinking of your imaginary boyfriend again?!?! Haha. Oh ah ah, when will your first love start!?!?�

Both Kahi and Kwon cracked up.

Uee was annoyed.

�Shut up! It�s not as if yours had started.�

�Haha. I think it will start at urm, when I�m forty-six years old?� Kahi said it in such a falsely grave tone that Uee could not help but dissolved in giggles. They continued teasing each other until Kwon said something in a faraway look.

�I want my first love to be with cute, y, smart, gorgeous, cool, tall Rain Bi!!�

�Yucks! I can agree with the tall part, but when did that B Rain turned cute, y, smart, gorgeous and cool??� Kahi shot out without even thinking.

Once again, her two best friends gaped at her with incredulous looks. It always happened when she demeaned that Rain in front of them. They could not get why they hated each other so much. Uee was both that Rain and her best friend. Her reaction was understandable. But Kwon? She must have liked him. But never mind about that, Kwon changed her target every week.

Why did Kahi hate him? Well. It started as a small enough misunderstanding between him, her and Uee until their rift grew bigger and bigger�

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Chapter 15: Hey ^^ this fic is really interesting. hope u update soon :)