feeling something for him??? NOT!!!

A Romantic Comedy

Rain�s face, along with his puckered mouth, hovered nearer and nearer to her. She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, bracing herself for the nightmare that would soon begin�



Mr. Lee squealed, yeah he actually squealed, like a pig that was about to be slaughtered in the next moment. Kahi cringed at his high-pitched voice but she opened her eyes. Yes!!! Finally finally finally!! Kahi cheered in her heart. Somebody had helped her!!! She was going to escape from the worst nightmare she had!

Kahi gloated too soon. Rain did not stop. He did not halt in mid-hover. He paid no heed and touched his lips to hers gently. Kahi froze. She felt electrified. The world seemed to whirl. She could not move. She could not think. She did not want to move or think. She felt her eyes start to close, to enjoy the heart-wrenching sweetness Rain seemed to want to convey to her. But. It was a moment that could not last.

�Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!�

Jo Kyung Lee screeched hysterically. He ran to their side and tried to pry them apart. Kahi was the first to react, to break off from the moment. She pushed apart wildly, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. Rain looked stunned. An uncomfortable silence settled in the cafeteria. All other students were staring at them. Jo Kyung Lee looked as if he was about to explode.

Kahi signaled at Rain to say something to relieve the tension in the atmosphere right now. At this juncture, the man should have the obligation to help the lady in need. But Bi Rain, the miscreant, actually stared off to space, unaware of Jo Kyung Lee�s murderous glances at both of them! Did he think that this is the perfect time to turn all dreamy and romantic-looking to attract the attention of all those girls around them??? What was he thinking?!?!? These girls were probably pricking up their ears to listen in on their conversation. Idiot!!!

Forget it!!! God help those who help themselves! She stood, leaving that Bi Rain in his dreamland, and opened . She winced. Did she have to think of at this time??? Whatever! She looked pleadingly at the livid teacher.


�You TWO!!! See me in the detention room IMMEDIATELY after school!!!!� With that, he stalked off other students staring behind his retreating back.

When the teacher finally left, the stares that were once on his back turned back to Kahi and Rain. The students could not understand why the two who hated each other�s guts so much actually kissed right in front of them.

Kahi felt their stares behind her back. She felt soo humiliated that she wanted to kill Rain, who was still in his mood, right now. She turned to him and kicked him as hard as she could in the shin. He finally awoke from his reverie.


Rain grimaced, rubbing his sore shin. Kahi said righteously to his face.

�That�s for taking advantage of me!!!�

Rain�s pride was hurt by her words. He sneered.

�You can stop dreaming!!! You are the one who cling onto me and announced that you are my SWEETIEPIE! I haven�t even blamed you for taking advantage of me!!!�

Rain swiped his lips with his hands and looked disgustedly at the pink lipstick stain on his fingers. His action made Kahi even more furious.

�Fine!!� She could not think of any suitable comeback because she was so angry.

�Fine!!� Rain replied madly.



�Aargh!!! Whatever!!!� Kahi threw up her hands, swirled on her heels and left. When she crossed half of the cafeteria, she suddenly turned back and kicked Rain at the same spot of his shin once more. When she was finally satisfied, she really left the cafeteria, leaving Rain howling in pain in the background.


Later, in the Ladies�

Kahi brushed her teeth furiously. She used so much force until her gums were screaming in pain. Her so-called best friend, Uee was leaning against the wall, disregarding the dirt sticking on the wall. She was showing all her gleaming white teeth to Kahi, not bothering to hide her amusement. Kahi tried to ignore her, but she could not. She finally gave up brushing and bent down to the sink to rinse her teeth. It seemed that it was impossible to wash away the taste of him!!

She looked at Uee�s reflection through the grimy mirror( what could you expect? Its SCHOOL) and said in resignation, folding her two arms.

�Ah yah, what comments do you have? And no� I don�t want to know about that jerk.�

Uee laughed and with innocence shining in her eyes, she replied.

�Who? Rain?� She covered as if she had said the wrong thing accidentally, but Kahi knew that she was aware of everything she had just said. Uee would not get any gossip wrongly; she got the most sophisticated network of information. News, any news, reached Uee�s ears as fast as the speed of light. She was that good.

Kahi groaned loudly. She wished the kiss never ever happened at all!

Uee shook her head in hilarity, finally getting to the point.

�What are you soo angry about anyway? You go out and ask any girl, they will jump in joy to just have his kiss! And� As his best friend, I can pat my chest and vouch on my future happiness that it was definitely his first! He is eighteen years old!! And he never kissed any till now!!!Aww.. How sweet!!!�

Uee pretended to swoon.

�They can have him if they want! So what if it was his first kiss?!?! It�s mine too!!! My very first kiss! My supposedly romantic-oh-so-sweet-it-was-out-of-the-world kiss!!! Destroyed by that Rain Bi!!! Ahhhh!!!�

�Are you sure you didn�t feel a slight, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy something for him? He KISSED you! Rain Bi! The guy every girl, except you and I, want in this school just KISSED you!!! For god�s sake!!!�

�Right! The only feeling for that� that accident just now is disgust!!!�

Uee laughed. She said.

�I can�t be bothered with you. I�m off to find Joowon!�

Kahi forgot for a moment her anger and inquired curiously.

�When did you and Joowon became such good friends??? Are you two�?!?!�

�Nooo!!! We are only friends! As in the platonic only platonic kind!!! Don�t misunderstand?!?!?� Uee cried vehemently.

Looking at her watch, she continued. �Oh my god I�m sooo late!!! He�s going to kill me!!! BYE!!!�

Before Kahi could say anything, Uee winked and rushed out of the toilet with a loud bang at the toilet door.

�Are you sure you didn�t feel a slight, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy something for him? He KISSED you! Rain Bi! The guy every girl, except you and I, want in this school just KISSED you!!! For god�s sake!!!�

Kahi thought back at Uee�s words. She smiled cynically.

She did not feel a �slight, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy something� at Rain Bi for kissing her, she felt a �humongous, elephantine, big something� at his kiss. Could she be falling for him??? Kahi realized what she had just thought and shook her head vigorously. She would not fall in love with that obnoxious swine. The something she felt just now could only be because it was her first kiss and she did not knew better. It was impossible that she liked him� She told herself. With that, she opened the ladies door and strode determinedly out.

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Chapter 15: Hey ^^ this fic is really interesting. hope u update soon :)