False God

You and I as songs
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“Religion is in your lips, even if it's a false god.


Taylor Swift - False God 

A/N: Listen to the song that inspired this chapter here: False God by Taylor Swift 


Eventually she went home.


She never felt so out of place like she was feeling at that moment. She simply hated her new apartment!! Hated her living room, too big, too full of expensive furniture that she would have never bought to herself if she had the chance. She hated the kitchen, also too full of stuff she didn’t use, she didn’t even eat there, she didn’t even have food there… What about the room? her room was also another unbearable place, it was too big, the windows were too big, the bed was too big, the pillows too fluffy.


She could go on and on talking about how much she hated everything there, but it wouldn’t change anything, though… she knew deep inside that she was being unreasonable, the apartment was actually a good place, with good furniture, good location and big windows that let the sun and the sky, she loved so much, be seen. 


What she actually hated was the circumstances that brought her there, and now that Seungwan was gone she couldn’t help but to think about it over and over again.


In her mind that apartment was the personification of everything she had lost… her home, her friends and her. 


Joohyun blamed herself. 


She had acted all tough, all certain and sure in front of Sooyoung, but now that she was alone in her empty apartment she was questioning everything she had said. Probably, in another day she would be able to rationalize everything once again and understand that she had made the right decision, but not right now... Right now she just wanted to pull her hair in stress and cry like a mad woman, and that was exactly what she was doing.


Seungwan was gone and she didn’t say goodbye.


Seungwan was gone.


She should have endured it?She had been doing it for so long. Why did she act so recklessly, leaving the place she loved and lived for almost five years, in the middle of the night like a thief, like a criminal, just because… just because those ing useless feelings? 


Yes! Those were ing useless feelings! 


God, how much she wanted to just hate her for real… She was such a fool for trying too hard when in fact it was impossible for her to hate Seungwan. What she had been doing, avoiding her, not speaking to her was not hate at all, it was just a childish tentative of acting nonchalant and tough, which she wasn’t… she was still in love, she couldn’t never hate her. 


Even though she knew that what had happened between them was too much. It was, but she still didn’t hate her for it, she should have endured it like she always did.


So perhaps she would have had more time with her, she would have been there when she said goodbye. They would still be talking with each other, right? She could call and ask if she had landed safely, how was her new house, what about the weather and her new job, just to listen to her voice, just to be able to talk to her… they would still be friends.


Now she had nothing. 


Her house, her friends and Seungwan. 


She lost it all.



When the subject was games, family, friends and love were useless to her.


She wanted to win, and she was good at that.


At winning. 


The tv was on, playing some show that nobody was watching, the windows were wide open, so the night breeze could circulate, and they were all sitting on the floor laughing at nothing and telling stories. 


That saturday night they were drinking, as a suggestion from Sooyoung. Since they were home, Joohyun was feeling more relaxed and easy going, joying them in toasts, love shots, games involving drinking and stuff. 


Kim Yerim, I am watching you. - Joohyun muttered. 


Yerim snorted, amused. 


Even in her drunken state, her unnie was still as sharp as ever. 


I am not doing anything!


You’re too young to drink.


Unnie, I am 22! - Yerim ranted. 


I don’t care, put the glass down and go drink some soda. 


The younger woman scoffed, annoyed, but obeyed. 


Let’s play a game. - Sooyoung said, out of the blue. 


What kind of game? - Seulgi asked.


Joohyun didn’t know how much more Seulgi could drink, she could barely keep her eyes open. 


Finding her behavior cute and funny, Joohyun snapped a picture of her with her cell phone.


The best one, of course. - Sooyoung slyly replied. - A Truth and dare game. 


That called Joohyun’s attention and also the rest of the girls. 


I don’t think it would work… we know each other for so long, what is there that we don’t already know? - Seungwan commented, as sober as ever. 


She was known by holding her alcohol well. 


Sooyoung immediately snorted. 


Is that so? - she said, her eyes landing in Joohyun with amusement. 


Sooyoung always had the worst ideas when she was drunk, Joohyun analysed. 


Let’s play something else, then. - Seulgi suggested. 


No, let’s change it then. - Sooyoung insisted. She took a few seconds thinking and then smiled to herself, seeming to have found the perfect solution. - A dare game where you challenge your opponent to do something, if the person agrees and does it successfully, you give this person a prize. 


Joohyun’s eyes narrowed.


Why was she insisting on that game so much? 


Unfortunately, Joohyun was slower than normal, thanks to the alcohol, so she didn’t catch Sooyoung’s intentions as fast as she should. Instead, her racional self was put to sleep and her crazy gamer self was awake and ready to be challenged. 


Let’s play it. - Joohyun just said. 


As expected, the other girls just agreed with her, not wanting to disagree with their unnie.


And Sooyoung smiled smugly, like she had just gained something that she wanted. 


The first round of the game was funny, Joohyun was on fire, throwing challenges to the girls in retaliation to the ones they had done to her. No even once Joohyun backed away from the challenges, doing everything, no matter what it was. They were all enjoying it, having fun and laughing crazily because of the challenges chosen. 


Until the bottle was put in Sooyoung’s hands and with mastery, the younger woman made it turn exactly into Joohyun’s direction.


All the girls were silent, watching Sooyoung and Joohyun measuring themselves as opponents. 


Something was in the air, it was like a disaster was about to happen… if only Joohyun knew.


I dare you to kiss her. - Sooyoung said, pointing at the oblivious Seungwan.


Joohyun snorted.


That woman was really the devil, huh?


Yah! - Seungwan ranted.


Joy smiled smugly toward Joohyun and Yeri smirked.


They had thought about it all.


Joohyun's face darkened watching the two girls stare at her like they knew something that she didn’t.


The satanic duo in action.


Can't you? - Sooyoung asked, pushing Joohyun more towards the edge.


Seulgi had now her eyes fixed on Joohyun and so had everyone else sat by the floor. They all knew what happened when someone triggered Joohyun’s crazy competitiveness.


Joohyun found herself sober in seconds, well not really sober, at least she had recovered her ability to think clearly and fast. Besides the teasing she could see Sooyoung’s eyes talking to her, she remembered their conversation that day at the office of the attendant of her department.


The girl’s lips formed words that nobody else was paying attention to, just her.


Now or never, Sooyoung said.


Unnie, you don’t need to do it. - Seulgi just said. 


Well, she is going to lose $1.000. - Sooyoung said, keeping her act. 




And that was how the satanic duo, who were partners, in crime just ended their partnership and started to fight slapping and pinching each other.


The girls started to laugh, meanwhile Yerim was trying to hold on to Sooyoung’s neck.


That’s enough, Yerim! - Seungwan said, separating the fighting duo.


Well, have you decided? - Sooyoung asked, when she finally untangled herself from Yerim. 


The advice that Joohyun gives is that, when you are drunk and in love, you shouldn’t play a dare game.


A thousand dollars, huh? - she muttered.


Her brain was totally awake at that moment. 


She knew that it was her once in a lifetime opportunity to kiss Seungwan, she would never have that chance again, especially with the benefits of saying that she did it because of the game. 


It was a perfect situation, her stupid brain told herself.


Unnie! - Seungwan shouted, not believing that Joohyun was actually considering it.


Do you have the money with you? - Joohyun negotiated, ignoring Seungwan. 


Unnieee… - Seungwan whined. 


Don't worry, we will share the money. - Joohyun promised Seungwan.


I can transfer it to your account right now. - Sooyoung said, getting more bold because of Joohyun's willingness.


You're drunk unnie, don't take her seriously! - Seulgi said.


I am not drunk, Kang Seulgi. - Joohyun hissed dangerously, shutting Seulgi up.


Yes, she was drunk. 


I can do it right now, Unnie. - Sooyoung said, taking her phone and opening her bank’s app.


Now or never.


Joohyun immediately pulled Seungwan’s wrist.


Come seungwan. - she nudged the young woman to come to her.


W-what!? - Seungwan muttered, staring at her like she was crazy. 


I said we would share! I give you $300 - Joohyun negotiated. 


Seungwan’s eyes narrowed.


She analysed Joohyun’s face carefully, wanting to know if she was serious, then sighed. 


Her unnie was in competitive mode. Nothing could snap her out of it. 


Yah! $500!! - she argued, playing along.


I am older, Seungwan! - Joohyun remembered her. She was a little amused by her, since she was playing along.


But to be honest, it was expected… that was her best friend in the whole word, Seungwan. She was the type of person who would find herself in this kind of trouble just to help a friend. 


And once again Joohyun was taking advantage of that.


Would she say yes to her? Joohyun wondered. 


$500, unnie! - Seungwan insisted.


Irene sighed.


Yes, she was drunk, and yes that was a crazy idea, but they were still discussing business and Seungwan was totally ignoring that she was older.


$450 - Joohyun replied. Her voice was final and determined.


The silence took hold of the place, while Joohyun waited. Was that the day she would receive her first ever yes from Seungwan?


Meanwhile Seungwan was analysing her and her proposal with serious eyes, she was really considering the pros and cons at that moment, Joohyun knew that. 


The other three girls just observed the bickering duo in amusement.


Aren't you guys supposed to be rich? - Yerim asked, her tone of voice incredulous.


Joohyun dismissed the girl and so did Seungwan.


$450, huh? - Seungwan mumbled. 


So you guys are really considering doing it for a thousand dollars? - Seulgi asked.


Seungwan shrugged.




Joohyun was speechless.


Let’s do it. - Seungwan just said, acting all cool, like she could handle it, like it was nothing.  


Sooyoung and Yerim clapped in amusement, Seulgi just gaped, incredulous and Joohyun… Joohyun was trying really hard to keep her cool, but her insides were like a volcano ready to explode. 


The kiss they shared was brieve, Seungwan was the one who inclined herself toward her and initiated everything, since she seemed to have grow

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 10: Re reading this oneee :)
Chapter 16: great story 😭😍
Chapter 16: Great story and great writing, i'm so happy that i found this one .
Good job author-nim .
Chapter 8: Happy that seulgi knocked some sense in seungwan
Chapter 4: I don't know how i didn't read this one before it's a masterpiece so far like really good it's like i feel everything specially with the songs that comes with them . Anyway i'll keep reading and hopefully it's a happy ending after all the hurt and heavy feelings .
kkurabae #6
Chapter 16: Damn, sobrang ganda ng story. Well done author-nim. ❤️💙
WenRene_77 16 streak #7
Chapter 3: it's my first time reading this fic and it's getting more and more exciting💝💙
Can't believe I just found out about this fic today.. i'm so excited to read this already XD
Chapter 16: , its so ing good!
Chapter 16: i can’t believe i only came across this fic now! really enjoyed reading it especially seeing their relationship develop. seulgi & sooyoung are the greatest friends helping them process their feelings and being the wingwomen they needed.

as for seungwan i was annoyed like joohyun after she let out the lines “its a mistake”. god that broke me and then joohyun seeing that man in wan’s apartment after aHhh tore my heart into pieces.karma ended up biting her bc joohyun re-enacted the same line. though in a way i understand her confusion and crossing the line between friendship and love is extremely difficult. we love that character development! i was having the time of my life watching seungwan profess her love and being possessive infront of jumyeon.

ahhhhhh can’t even imagine joohyun’s onesided love for how many years! well, seungwan felt the same but her subconscious was so in denial that it was disguised as bff affection. her actions betrayed her with the countless babying, cooked meals, don’t get me started on her compliments. girlie took every opportunity to tell joohyun she’s a goddess.

i really felt joohyun’s emotion in such a deeper level. i think she’s really brave for letting herself become vulnerable and be loved by seungwan. its what she deserves. in tagalog, marupok si madam. the moment she accepted that there’s no point of holding back damn IN THE HOSPITAL TOO?!

this chapter was adorable <3 we got a glimpse of their clinginess! their uncertainty on the future is so real but for sure they’ll somehow work it out.

oops i think i spammed too much i feel like i have more to say so i blurted out what my mind can remember. thank you for this lovely story author :) KUDOS