The Return

The Art of Fire

Ryeowook came to when he heard a ‘thud’. He had to feed. Not quite as urgently as he thought he would, but he had to feed.

His hands were free, making him frown, and a mere glance towards them showed bright red marks where the ropes had cut into his flesh, several spots had open or just barely healed wounds on them. The part of his skin where the historian had torn at it with his fangs still hadn’t healed properly and it was obvious that he’d get a scar.

That was a worry for some other time.

He stretched his body, turning his wrists a little to get the blood to circulate better, then he got up, almost stumbling over something.

He turned around to pick up the blanket that must have fallen down.

And blanked.


Hand outstretched.



Then screamed. Only a choked noise actually came out and he coughed, gagged, stumbled back. His legs gave in and he collided with the wall in his back, sliding down, hands clasped over his mouth as he stared in horror.

Stared at the blood-drained corpse of the male servant lying in front of the bed.

The door was opened and closed, but Ryeowook couldn’t tear his eyes away, not even when he heard soft laughter. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? It looks like you indeed got protected from our innermost nature.” The man cut off Ryeowook’s line of vision and crouched down, the smile almost kind and understanding if it wasn’t so horrifying. “Shouldn’t you be exhilarated? It’s your first kill, after all, isn’t it?”

Ryeowook shrank back, wanting to run, yet he couldn’t move a single muscle.

“You’re truly making my job easy—shocked into silence by a single murder. Who knows how much trouble most of your brothers would have caused. But you? You are so easy to handle.”

“You—!” Ryeowook quickly clasped his hands over his mouth again, shrinking back when the historian tilted his head, those eyes full of cruel anticipation boring into him.

“Yes? Go on.”

Ryeowook shook his head, pressing himself against the wall. No, he couldn’t say a single word more! If he did, the historian might feed from him again and that would make the hunger flare up and that…

His eyes went to the corpse by the bed and tears immediately brimmed in his eyes. It was his fault. He shouldn’t have argued. He should have seen this coming. He shouldn’t have expected that the historian would somehow take mercy on him. An innocent person had died because of him!

“Now, don’t cry so easily. I’ll dispose of him, don’t worry. No one will know what happened.”

But Ryeowook knew. He knew what he had done.

“Come on, you should go back to bed, don’t you think?”

No. No! He didn’t want to go back there! He didn’t want any of this!

And yet he didn’t dare to struggle when the other man grabbed his arm and led him back, didn’t dare to resist even when he was tied to the bed, this time with his head facing the other way. His eyes blankly stared at the bed pole that he had somehow had the strength to break, though he had no idea how he had done that or where that burst of strength had come from. Had he just been holding back all this time? But hadn’t he used his full might to struggle against the ropes before as well?

He heard the historian’s voice again, but the words didn’t register in his mind as he kept on staring at the broken pole. The excess part was taken away and Ryeowook knew that the historian also took the dead servant away, then everything became quiet.

Ryeowook continued to stare at the broken pole. Then at the ceiling. He just stared. And stared. Tried to suppress all thoughts. Tried to think happy thoughts.

But only one thought prevailed: he was a murderer.



He didn’t know how the time passed, but he felt days and nights interchanging. The historian came in, acting polite as always, but Ryeowook kept on staring at the ceiling, not responding, trying to recall all the Confucian Classics to ignore the most prevalent thoughts. And yet whenever he fell asleep, the servant haunted him, called him a murderer in one form or another, with help, on his own, on the ship, at court, on a market place…

The hunger rose steadily, becoming stronger as time passed, but luckily, the historian didn’t assault him during those days.

When the ship stopped moving, Ryeowook could sense the presence of many more people, so many that the vampire hunger flared up again. All he could do was to dryly swallow against his burning throat and wait.

“It’s almost time to reunite with your family. Aren’t you excited?” the historian asked upon re-entering the cabin, but Ryeowook still only stared, keeping his mouth closed.

The historian untied the ropes and Ryeowook slowly sat up, stretching and turning his joints to make the blood circulate. He was offered a coat and took it without protest, mechanically pulling the hood over his head, wishing he could make himself disappear like that. Instead, he had to follow the historian.

Bright sunlight almost blinded Ryeowook when he took a step outside and he needed a moment for his eyes to adjust, still feeling unsteady on his legs, before he could walk any further, through the bustling servants that were all too close. Prey. Food. So easy. So close.

Ryeowook clenched his teeth and followed the historian further, off the ship, into a carriage. Their surroundings darkened comfortably and Ryeowook pressed himself into a corner, as far away from the historian as possible. Why was the historian even inside the carriage with him? Didn’t their different statuses forbid this kind of thing?

What did it even matter.

The carriage started moving and Ryeowook barely kept himself from grimacing. There was so much noise! So many people so close to him! What would he give for just one more night outside in the woods, only Kyuhyun by his side, watching the stars, everything quiet and calm, a small fire lit in front of them… How was Kyuhyun even doing? Where was he? How far had Hangeng and Heechul come in the meantime? Were any of them even close to the capital?

The carriage stopped and the historian briefly exited, talking to some guards, if Ryeowook wasn’t mistaken, then the historian came back in and the carriage rattled on. Not much later, Ryeowook was also forced to exit and guided through court while he kept his head low. Maids and servants around him whispered, so close. He just had to stretch out a hand and…

No. He wouldn’t. He’d stay in control until he was hopefully left alone at night, or at literally anytime, anywhere! He’d find a chance to feed. Somehow.

Suddenly, he was standing in his room. The historian announced that he’d be waiting outside and several servants had come inside with them, talking to him quietly, instructing him, guiding him. And yet, Ryeowook couldn’t move, staring at the remains of his old life.

Everything looked exactly how he had left it: there was his desk with the stacks of books, gathering dust. A quill with some ink nearby. Scrolls. A paper wall separating the more private area from this semi-public part of his room. Where had the tub come from? A few more servants came in, bringing warm water while Ryeowook could only watch in a daze, fighting back the hunger. A tub. He could finally take a bath…

“It’s enough,” he told the next servant who brought water, finally coming back to his senses. The servant immediately bowed his head and uttered a confirmation as he left. Outside, Ryeowook heard him pass on the information while his own eyes were glued on the tub.

“Please give me some privacy,” he instructed the two servants who had stayed with him, waiting until they were at least on the other side of the paper wall before he slowly stripped, then stepped into the tub. The water was a little too hot, but Ryeowook couldn’t care less as he sank his body into it, regretting having stopped the servants so soon. A little more water would have been nice.

Kyuhyun should be there, adjusting the temperature for him, dealing with Ryeowook’s embarrassment while making jokes about it, teasing him to no end.

Ryeowook sank into the water a little more, staring at the surface until he felt cold and realized that he still hadn’t even washed himself.

“My prince, shouldn’t we help you?” one of the servants asked hesitantly, obviously not used to being kept at such a distance.

“No, I’m okay,” Ryeowook called back and roughly cleaned himself, scrubbing the part where the historian had fed and touched him until they were red and hurting and Ryeowook knew he had stop if he didn’t want to injure himself.

Someone knocked and he froze mid-movement. “My prince, our king asked for you.”

So quickly?

“I’m coming,” Ryeowook replied. He scrubbed over the arm that had been fed from once again, grimacing at the pain, but he still didn’t feel clean. Reluctantly, he got up and dried himself, quickly putting on clothes before he allowed the two servants to join him and make sure that nothing about his appearance would be astray. While they fuzzed about him, he could only stare into the mirror, at their necks, his vision turning red, thinking about how close they were, how easy it would be to…

No. He couldn’t. He had to wait. Two people were one too many. Patience. He’d surely get the chance to feed that night.

The vampiric hunger clawed at his insides while he took in his own figure, hardly recognizing himself. His eyes looked hollow with dark bags underneath them, his skin was pale, and at the same time, so much glamour was added to his hair and so much jewelry was hung on him that he felt like he’d hardly be able to get up, pressed down from all the weight.

His body protested when he rose to his feet, the days of lying without movement and the noon sun taking their toll on him, but he still went outside, the two servants staying by his side. Miraculously, the historian was nowhere in sight, making Ryeowook halt in his movements for a split second. Hadn’t the historian said he’d stand guard by his door?

No matter.

Squaring his shoulders, Ryeowook went to the great hall where he knew his father would be waiting. The hunger seemed to get worse with each step, with each person whom he saw and who greeted him in awe.



Noon had long since passed, but Ryeowook still kowtowed before his father, a stream of words flowing from the king’s mouth that the prince desperately tried to focus on to drown out the overwhelming hunger, yet his senses were fading in and out, painting his surroundings as red as blood, the king’s value narrowing down to close, walking food. Guards were positioned outside the door and Ryeowook picked up their occasional whispers. If he lost against the hunger, none of them might stand a chance.

“Are you listening!?” How often had his father already asked that same question?

“Yes, my king,” Ryeowook said as loud as he could, unsure if his voice rose above a whisper. His throat was so dry that every word hurt, and in that moment, he’d be grateful for even just a cup of water or some human food, anything that would keep him from losing control!

A ruckus came from somewhere outside, voices, many feet walking fast, and Ryeowook’s heart sank when he recognized Donghae’s voice first. The news of his re-appearance had apparently made it through to his brothers and from the sound of it, they were all on the way to greet him—all five of them. Had his two oldest brothers been called back from their military training when he had run away?

The lecture continued even when Ryeowook’s brothers arrived at the doors, the guards having gotten the order to keep everyone out under any circumstances.

“But he’s our baby brother! We have to go in to see him! Jeonghoon-hyung and Jihoon-hyung haven’t seen him in years, you have to let us in!” Donghae already argued in front of the door and Ryeowook felt dizzy. There were too many people around! What had their historian had in mind to leave him alone like that? Did he want for Ryeowook to start a massacre? Was he really out for the crown?

“I’m sorry, your Highness, we got clear orders not to let anyone in, no matter who they are,” one of the guards responded respectfully.

“Ryeowook-ah has probably been in there forever, he’ll need a break!” Hyukjae also tried, but the guard once again refused.

“Our King will know what’s best.”

“Our brother has been travelling all this time, I heard he only got the chance to refresh himself before he was called to meet Father! He’ll need to get a break and rest, then Father can still lecture him!”

“Our King said no one is permitted inside.”


“What’s all that noise out there?” the king called out and Ryeowook realized belatedly that the lecture had momentarily stopped.


The door burst open five people swarmed into the conference hall, ignoring the two protesting guards. A red curtain lowered over Ryeowook’s senses and he felt a familiar pull in his upper jaw. No. No! Too close, too many! He clenched his teeth, holding his breath until his vision somewhat cleared, the ground’s true colors returning, just as a hand touched his upper arm, making him flinch.

“It’s me,” Jungsu’s soft voice resonated and a moment later, the hand was back, gently pulling Ryeowook up into a standing position. Ryeowook’s fangs had drawn back, but he didn’t know what he had missed except from an apparent approval for getting up, but at the same time, the floor beneath his feet was swaying, his vision spinning, and he wished he could make everyone quiet down and give him space.

“Thank you,” he said towards Jungsu, but the other shook his head.

“No need to thank me. Are you okay?”

Ryeowook nodded, knowing very well that Jungsu wouldn’t believe him, but since he couldn’t say the truth either, the nod would have to work.

“Ryeowook-ah, what happened?”

“How did you escape your kidnapper?”

“Where have you been for so long?”

“Luckily our historian found you!”

“You don’t look good, did they treat you very badly?”

As Hyukjae and Donghae closed in on him, Ryeowook tried to step back, stumbling, and it was once again Jungsu who caught him. Too close. Too many, too close! That vampire hunger was raging inside him, his throat was burning and the solution was so, so close!

“Your Highness!”

The tumult ended as abruptly as it had started and Ryeowook got a little more space, making him quickly take a few steps away as one of the guards rushed into the room, falling to his knees at the sight of not only the king but also all six princes present in the hall. “Your Highnesses! A young man just asked for an audience, he said it’s an urgent matter.”

“How urgent can it be!” the king grumbled and Ryeowook barely kept himself from glaring. If the people said it was urgent, then it was urgent! “Did he say who he is?”

“He did not, sir… But…” For the first time, Ryeowook noticed a scent that had surrounded the guard this entire time, a scent that made the vampire inside him furious with hunger. His eyes narrowed down on the guard and he noticed the man trembling lightly, his hands clenched to fists on the floor, most likely to suppress anyone else from noticing. Who could frighten a guard that much?

“Speak!” The king’s voice rose with impatience, making the guard’s trembling a little more obvious.

“The man was clad all in red and he had… he had an air about himself. He threatened to kill if I should not obey. He killed four other guards who refused him right in front of my eyes and said that I would be next if I don’t obey!”

The king huffed and waved him off. “Enforce the guards, I won’t see a madman!”



The guard who had raised his head to protest immediately kowtowed again, then he rushed up and out of the hall, his trembling growing worse.

“Worthless trash,” the king mumbled under his breath and Ryeowook’s eyes narrowed on him, anger sparking through him and the vampiric nature cheered inside him, urging to be granted control. Ryeowook merely clenched his teeth and hands, doing his best to maintain a neutral appearance. “Back to you children, get lost. I’m not yet done lecturing Ryeowook, so you all go and play with your mother, if you must bother someone.”

“Father, I don’t think Ryeowook is in a good condition right now,” Jungsu said quietly and moved a little to stand between Ryeowook and their father, making the youngest’s eyes widen a little. Jungsu had never before spoken up against their father, no matter his views!

“Don’t get in the way of something that’s none of your business.” The king sounded annoyed and Ryeowook was about to ask his brother to leave when he heard something from outside. Wasn’t that… a scream? Quiet, maybe suffocated, but still…?

“Father, Ryeowook went through being kidnapped and even though it was our historian who finally brought him back, Ryeowook doesn’t look like he has eaten in a long time. Please allow him a break to rest and eat.”

Jungsu spoke on, but Ryeowook’s focus left the hall as his blood ran cold. Someone was out there murdering their guards and, from the sounds of it, closing in quickly!

“Father, I think—“

“Have I permitted you to call me father?”

Ryeowook frowned, meeting the king’s eyes in irritation. “No, but I—“

“Then shut up and show some respect!”


The doors burst open once more and a wide-eyed guard entered. “Your Highnesses! Someone’s entered the court and I think he’s killing the other guards! Your Highnesses, you must leave immediately!” He talked so fast, his fear so strong that he even forgot to kowtow.

Ryeowook tensed and he noticed an all too familiar scent approaching. An undiscernible mix of relief and fear flooded him. No, that couldn’t be!

“Are you all too incapable to guard against a single man?” the king raged, but the guard still didn’t back down.

“Your Highness, it’s urgent!”

“Then do your job! I don’t pay you to stand around and let strangers walk in like they own the place!”

“Your Highnesses must escape!”

“Too late.”

A figure clad all in red with black accents forming flames at the hems entered the room, his head held high and his voice cold as ice. An icy smile played on his lips and his eyes met the king’s, walking right past the guard that was shaking too much to react in time. His eyes leisurely took in the six brothers one by one, until he lastly met Ryeowook’s eyes, his expression unchanging, and Ryeowook’s heart sank.


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shortened A/N chpt. 31: Even though belatedly, I did my best to research a proper quote for Kyuhyun's fan that fits into the era where this story takes place. "Wherever you go, go with all your heart" is attributed to Confucius and will be used from now on


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Ryeonggu_01 #1
Chapter 44: I can say with great confidence, this is by far the best Kyuwook Vampire story I've ever read. Never a boring moment in this fic. I've grown to love and grow attached to the story itself. I'll surely miss them 😢 thank you thank you THANK YOU for introducing them to us. I know it's a Kyuwook fic, but I fell inlove with Joseon's youngest prince Ryeowook & the magnificent fire artist slash vampire Kyuhyun and the beautiful love story they shared together. It's hard to say goodbye to these two :( I HOPE we get to see more of your works. I'm normally one to ask for a sequel if I really liked the story, but with this one, I feel like you've already given us the PERFECT ending and whether we choose to continue the story in our minds is totally up to us. However, with how exceptional your writing is, and whether you're considering a sequel or not, I'm pretty sure it'll be just as beautiful as this one, if not even better 😊
Chapter 44: Hello, author. I was away from AFF for a few months and when I came back, the first thing that I noticed was The Art of Fire is completed. I rushed to read the last three chapters and as always, your writing never disappoints. I am very glad that Ryeowook and Kyuhyun got the happy ending that they deserves. Thank you for writing this amazing piece and finishes it neatly! A very beautiful story.
Chapter 44: I finally got around to reading these last two chapters, and it was such a nice ending! I'm glad they were both able to find peace in themselves, or at least for the most part. Thank you for continuing this story until the end, it was worth it!
KagayakuHoshi #4
Chapter 44: Beautiful! I have loved this story from the beginning, I’m a little sad that it’s ended… but thank you so much for writing such an amazing story <3
yuinatsuko127 #5
lovely story!
Chapter 43: New beginnings....and wookie's other power maybe?
Chapter 43: Awwwwwww am so happy we are slowly and nearly having Kyuhyun back!!!! But on the other hand, I think Ryeowook is still a bit afraid to tell what happened to him while Kyuhyun was manipulated by his sire. It will take time but am sure Kyu will be able to make Wookie speak about it(since English is not my first language, I may have misunderstood that part but I think Wook is still affected by what happend) And I soo want Hangeng and Heechul to stay with Kyu and Wookie !
Chapter 42: This is so exciting! I really love stories where one of the love interests has to "fight" for the love of the other. I know it's not really the same, but it's going to be so interesting to watch Ryeowook thaw that frozen glare of his. Like it would be so sweet if this current Kyuhyun starts having feelings for Ryeowook more than protection, and that is what gives the old Kyuhyun the path to take control again.
Chapter 42: Ohhhhh can't wait to see Ryeowook helping Kyuhyun so he could have control of his body again. Like Kyu is still there but the manipulation that Kyuhyun sire did is really deep it will take a while before we see the Kyuhyun that we all love
Chapter 41: Huwaaaaa ryeowookieeeee😭😭😭😭