The Suggestion

The Art of Fire

Ryeowook spent the rest of the spring festival going to the market place in the early evening, hoping to still get the chance to chat with Kyuhyun before the other had to be on stage. And on most days, he was also rewarded that chance, making him unexplainably happy.

It was only on the very last day that he got to the market place a little late because he had helped out in the hospital again. They had a few more patients than normally, so they had asked him to tend to the children, entertaining them a little and helping however he could with the usually comparably harmless diseases. One of the children, a young boy whom Ryeowook already knew by name by that point since he was sick so often, had developed a bad flue, as it seemed, so he had taken extra care in cheering that child up.

But when he got to the market place and managed to secure his spot in the first row in front of the stage, his two maids and Changmin once again by his side, all of his worries and troubles were forgotten and his full attention was back on the fire baskets and the man who soon climbed the stage. The audience was more plentiful than before, so Ryeowook’s maids were on higher alert than they had been the nights before, but the young prince couldn’t have been more excited, clutching his best friend’s hand.

Kyuhyun didn’t fail him; if anything, his show was even more mesmerizing that day than during the nights before, his games with the fire even more daring and looking more dangerous yet beautiful than before. Ryeowook only let go of Changmin’s hand when Kyuhyun bowed, clapping enthusiastically along with the other spectators.

Kyuhyun bowed towards the other sides as well and then once more towards the side where Ryeowook stood, looking right at the young prince when he raised his head—at least Ryeowook was certain that their eyes met. His heart beat faster and he was once again drawn towards the fire artist, as if the other held an invisible ribbon, pulling on it every so often to distract the young prince, but he didn’t get to dwell on that sensation for too long before he was indeed pulled—by Changmin and into the opposite direction.

Bonfires had been lit along the sides of the market place and Changmin led him to one of the smaller ones at the side where the four of them sat down.

“I wonder how much he has already set on fire. He’s too risky!”

Ryeowook shook his head lightly and pulled his hand back, hiding it in the long sleeve of his robe while he stared into the flames, his mind giving him a second fire show with the memories of all the things Kyuhyun had shown them. “He’s risky, but he seems to have it all under control.”

“But it’s still too much, don’t you think? What if anyone tried to copy him? They’d burn themselves for sure and might not make it out alive.”

“Everyone knows that fire is dangerous, why would anyone want to copy him?”

Hadn’t he seen a scenery in Kyuhyun’s fire? No, that was certainly and utterly impossible. Yet he felt like he had been shown so many images of freedom and passion, of hope and a fight to achieve what one wanted! And something had even looked like their beautiful country, tinged in the red colors of their indulgent neighbor China. But the image had come and gone so fast, just like every single thing he thought he had seen—there with the wave of one hand and gone with the fling of Kyuhyun’s wrist, directing the fire to show something just as mesmerizing, still leaving Ryeowook to wonder how any of that was possible.

If his breath hadn’t already been taken away by the play with the fire, at the very least the confidence in Kyuhyun’s moves would have left the young prince awestruck. Every single move and gesture seemed to be calculated, flowing, playful, and yet sharp and full of purpose. The thought crossed Ryeowook’s mind that this might have been the last time that he saw Kyuhyun perform and his heart ached. He knew that there were countless talented artists out there, countless people who could make him laugh or watch in silent awe—but he had never seen someone like Kyuhyun before.

Quiet laughter distracted him and he blinked, turning his head towards one of his maids who quickly covered , trying to hold back more laughter.

“Too bad, now the plan failed.”

“Plan? What plan?” Ryeowook turned to Changmin, who had spoken, looking at his close friend cluelessly. What had he missed? For how long had he zoned out and how bad had it been that the other three had apparently held a proper conversation without him noticing?

“What plan? The plan to just leave you here on your own, of course, since you don’t pay attention anyway!”

Guilt dropped in Ryeowook’s stomach and he quickly adjusted his posture, then he took Changmin’s hand. “I’m sorry, I hadn’t meant to zone out.”

Changmin let out a huff, but he still didn’t dare to tease Ryeowook much further, learned respect forming a gap between them that Ryeowook had attempted to overcome countless times already. “What have you even been thinking about? Is something going on at the hospital? I’ve never seen you this pensive unless you were worried about someone.”

Ryeowook shook his head lightly, smiling. “No, that’s not it. Though that one boy I told you about already is back and this time, he has caught a terrible flu, as it seems. I really hope he’ll make it…” He looked back towards the fire, feeling guilty once more because he was thinking so much about someone who didn’t need his thoughts but wasn’t thinking enough about those who did need his care.

Changmin gently squeezed his hand and when their eyes met again, Ryeowook felt a little better from the reassurance that he saw on his friend’s face. “I’m sure the kid will make it. He’s already made it countless times and you’re there to take care of him. You were there today, you will surely be there tomorrow after our lecture, so the boy has no other option but to be healthy again soon.”

“Young prince,” the maid who had formerly laughed spoke up and Ryeowook turned to face her without pulling his hand away from Changmin. “I think someone would like your attention.” She glanced towards the entryway of a nearby street and when Ryeowook turned towards it, he found Kyuhyun standing there, almost completely hidden by the darkness, watching the maid with an expression that almost looked like surprise, from what Ryeowook could tell, then their eyes met. The young prince’s first instinct was to call Kyuhyun over right away, but something stopped him. He looked at Changmin but didn’t even have to say anything before the other nodded.

“It’s okay.”

Ryeowook flashed him a thankful smile, then he pulled his hand back and waved Kyuhyun over.

The fire artist came over as if he had indeed just been waiting to be noticed and asked over, and Ryeowook thought that the chances were high that this had actually been the case. For how long had Kyuhyun already been waiting there?

Once he was close enough, Kyuhyun bowed towards the small group who greeted him as well. “My prince, sir, ladies.”

“Kyuhyun! Your performance was amazing.” Ryeowook motioned for the other to sit as well, so the maid who had sat near Changmin moved to the side a little, sitting closer to the other maid.

Kyuhyun inclined his head, accepting the praise while he gracefully sat down next to Changmin. “I don’t think we’ve had the chance to properly meet yet. My name is Cho Kyuhyun.”

“Shim Changmin.”

Kyuhyun glanced at the two maids, but neither of them seemed to plan on engaging in the conversation, so he turned to Ryeowook and Changmin instead. “I wonder what our dear prince will do starting tomorrow. After all, today is the last day of the spring festival and I’ve seen you here every day.”

Ryeowook felt a blush rise into his cheeks, but he didn’t avert his eyes. “I will go after my normal routine of studying and helping out at the hospital afterwards. And of course taking care of the other matters for which I’ll be needed for at home,” he replied vaguely. While he occasionally told Changmin bits and pieces of the responsibilities that the prince title brought along, he neither saw it appropriate nor was willing to share those things with Kyuhyun. The other, though, didn’t seem to take it personal, a smile still grazing his lips. “What about you? You mentioned wanting to stay in the capital a while longer, if I remember correctly, and helping out wherever you can.”

“Yes. I don’t think I’ll stay for too long, though, so maybe I’ll just find a farmer here or there who will need help on his fields? At this time of the year, there will certainly be someone who can need an extra pair of hands.”

“I’m not sure about the farmers, but what about the hospital? Prince, didn’t you say that there are unusually many patients at the hospital these days?”

Ryeowook glanced at Changmin hesitantly, nodding slowly. “That’s true, but it’s not really work that just anyone is made for…”

“Excuse my bluntness,” Kyuhyun spoke up, “but why are you working at the hospital, especially when there are unusually many patients? Shouldn’t you be staying home then to ensure your health and safety?”

Ryeowook felt all eyes on him and could tell that his maids and Changmin had a ‘we told you so’-look on their faces even without looking at them, so he raised his chin a little higher. “Maybe I should do that. But Confucius taught us to always help people to the best of our abilities. This is a way in which I can help and even though I may not be a learned doctor, I know that I can be a much better help like this than if I were to stay at court all day and fully devote myself to my studies.”

Kyuhyun raised his hands in defense, humor still making his eyes shine, but in the flickering firelight, Ryeowook was tempted to say that he could also see admiration in the other’s expression.

“I’m pretty sure that Confucius didn’t mean his words like this, though,” Changmin grumbled, still as dissatisfied as ever with the prince’s decision to help at the hospital. Ryeowook knew that it was kind of a miracle that he had eventually gotten the permission to work at the hospital: his family, Changmin, and the hospital staff all opposed this, some even arguing that this was too dangerous of a job for a prince. But how could working at a hospital be more dangerous than being trained to fight at the front lines in case of another war? No one complained about his brothers being taught to fight, so why did they have to make such a fuzz about Ryeowook helping at a hospital?

“I think it’s a very noble goal. But if I heard correct, didn’t Confucius also advocate filial piety?”

The blush that had just left Ryeowook’s face returned immediately and he looked away, not having expected to be called out like that, especially not by Kyuhyun. “If my parents had continued to oppose, I would have listened to them. But they did give in eventually, agreeing that helping others should be seen as a high priority,” he mumbled, drawing his hands into his long sleeves.

“Young sir, you shouldn’t speak this way with our prince,” the maid sitting closest to Ryeowook defended him as well.

“I’m sorry, it was just a thought. If there has been no strong opposition, there are of course no means to argue against any decisions made,” Kyuhyun played the argument down, his voice still light.

“Young prince, young prince!” a voice suddenly interrupted the kind banter and Ryeowook gratefully looked into the direction from which a man had approached them. He stood bent over, supporting himself on his knees while he panted, looking like he had run a long way. Having gotten the small group’s attention—as well as that of many others nearby—the man hurried to kowtow. “Young prince, please excuse my boldness to interrupt this evening. I am here for nothing more but to ask for your help. Please, young prince, my wife and now also my oldest daughter have fallen sick, but the hospital won’t take them in and all the doctors refuse to see them. I have given them each some cheongsimwon when the sickness started, but now my wife has fallen victim to a strong fever. Please, young prince, I don’t know whom else I could ask for help.”

Ryeowook had listened calmly but stood as soon as the man finished. The others from his group rose to their feet as well while Ryeowook rounded the bonfire. “Sir, please rise and lead me to your family.”

The man jumped to his feet and bowed slightly. “Dear prince, I don’t know how I can thank you! We don’t have much money or food, I—“

“Sir,” Ryeowook interrupted him gently, “please don’t feel pressured to thank me; we have enough money and food that I won’t need any of yours. Please lead the way so I can take a look at your wife and your daughter.”

“Thank you so much, prince! May the Heavens and the ancestors always protect you!” The man bowed once more, then he led the way. Under the gazes of the other people who had gathered on the market place, they crossed to a small street, always following the man’s lead. One of the maids was walking in front of Ryeowook while the other walked behind him, Kyuhyun and Changmin forming the end.

They arrived not too much later at a small house that the man led them into. In the small living space, five children, three girls and two boys, sat near a corner. All five of them stood up right away, though one of them, the oldest girl, as Ryeowook noted, a little more slowly. She generally didn’t look too well, just like the man had said. In the kitchen area, the prince spotted a number of herbs that made up the medicine called cheongsimwon.

The entire family bowed towards him and he nodded back towards them in a greeting. One of his two maids went all the way with him while the other maid stayed near the door with Changmin and Kyuhyun. Arriving next to the middle-aged woman on the bed, Ryeowook knelt down, subconsciously organizing his clothes so they wouldn’t look wrinkled. He felt the woman’s temperature, accepting the handkerchief that his maid offered afterwards so he could wipe the woman’s cold sweat off his hands.

Ryeowook frowned at the woman, unsure exactly what tips to give. She indeed had a high fever, so high that he worried she might not be able to make it, though he didn’t dare to say that aloud. A coughing fit shook the frail woman’s frame before she lay still again, groaning lightly. Her eyes remained closed in her feverish sleep.

The prince looked up, at all the hopeful expressions around him, and he knew that he couldn’t just disappoint them. With that determination implemented in his heart, he rose to his feet again. “I’m afraid that I personally cannot do anything to help her, but I will get a doctor right away. He won’t turn me away,” he promised before turning to the man specifically. “Would you come with me? Despite being familiar with the city, I might accidentally miss your house on my way back.”

“Of course, of course, young prince!” the man promised.

The small group left the house, returning not too long after with a rather unwilling doctor who indeed hadn’t dared to turn away a member of the royal family. In Ryeowook’s company, the doctor examined both the sick woman and the daughter, making a treatment plan for both of them, promising to always be of help the family should they need him again. Ryeowook thought that the doctor could look more enthusiastic, but he didn’t comment on that, knowing that the doctor would do anything for money and in order not to fall out with the royal family.

Once the examination was done and the doctor had left, Ryeowook also turned to the family and announced his departure. Back out on the street, Changmin walked next to him as they slowly made their way to his house. Ryeowook noticed that Kyuhyun stayed behind them, though, looking somewhat pensive, so it was mainly the other two chatting all the way to Changmin’s home where he bid the remaining four goodbye.

Once Changmin had closed the door behind himself, Kyuhyun finally caught up to Ryeowook. “I might do it, you know?”

Ryeowook glanced at him. “Do what?”

“What your friend said: see if the hospital needs my help.”

“Are you sure? Changmin probably just said it because he’s still not very happy about me doing that job and because he hopes I’ll work less if you take over the job. It can really be intense on some days and it’s not always a nice job. Of course they wouldn’t ask you to do any of the difficult things, but it can still be very tough.”

“That’s okay. And if it means I get to see you more…”

Ryeowook felt heat rise into his cheeks once again and he was grateful for the night’s darkness that hid his blush this time. He looked down a little nevertheless, smiling to himself at the prospect of still being able to see Kyuhyun a lot after this day.

“You changed when you helped that family, do you know that? You were completely focused on what you were doing… I want to see more of that, too.”

“Sir, that’s hardly adequate language while conversing with the prince,” one of the maids chimed in and Kyuhyun immediately apologized.

Ryeowook pouted a little at the turn of events, but then he quickly got his expression under control, knowing that the other’s flattery shouldn’t matter. “It would be nice indeed to see you again before you leave the capital.”

“I’ll give it some more thought, but I think I will indeed volunteer to help around the hospital.” Kyuhyun smiled and this time, there was no mockery in the gesture, not even when he bowed. “Good night, little prince.”

“I—“ Ryeowook started to protest, but then just huffed inaudibly. “Good night. And I’m not the ‘little prince’, as you like to call me.”

An amused sparkle was back to Kyuhyun’s eyes. “M-hm. Whatever you say, little prince!” he said as he turned around and left, leaving Ryeowook to stare after him incredulously. He couldn’t even say that he was entirely upset, at least not as much as he should be. Yes, thinking about it, he should definitely be a lot more upset about that nickname!

Just you wait, I’ll find my revenge, he thought to himself and turned around, joining his two maids.

“Prince, you shouldn’t spend so much time with him. This man doesn’t seem to be a good influence on you,” one of them voiced out quietly, but Ryeowook was quick to shake his head.

“You two worry too much. I have you by my side all the time, after all, so nothing will happen to me.” He flashed both of them a bright smile, hoping to disperse their worry like that.

Yet, Kyuhyun's words stuck with him even when he was in his room that night, his thoughts wandering off from the classics that he should study to the next day instead. Would he indeed see Kyuhyun at the hospital? If so, would Kyuhyun’s attitude change? Would he be more serious? Or would he get the same role that Ryeowook had: to help out wherever a hand was needed and otherwise simply entertain the sick children and distract them from their pains for a while?

And yes, his behavior was a little strange these days—after all, while he did always attend the spring festival frequently, he had never before gone on each and every single day, especially not with the same goal in mind every time. But with how extraordinary Kyuhyun’s skills were, how could he not have gone every day? And showing his appreciation for something certainly couldn’t be called a bad influence!

He nodded to himself, satisfied with the conclusion he had reached, he shut the window and got ready for bed, abandoning his studies for the time being. The thoughts of the next day, though, were not as easily chased away.




Here we go with the next chapter ^-^ I'm looking forward to reading your opinion <3 Was there something you particularly liked about this chapter?

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shortened A/N chpt. 31: Even though belatedly, I did my best to research a proper quote for Kyuhyun's fan that fits into the era where this story takes place. "Wherever you go, go with all your heart" is attributed to Confucius and will be used from now on


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Ryeonggu_01 #1
Chapter 44: I can say with great confidence, this is by far the best Kyuwook Vampire story I've ever read. Never a boring moment in this fic. I've grown to love and grow attached to the story itself. I'll surely miss them 😢 thank you thank you THANK YOU for introducing them to us. I know it's a Kyuwook fic, but I fell inlove with Joseon's youngest prince Ryeowook & the magnificent fire artist slash vampire Kyuhyun and the beautiful love story they shared together. It's hard to say goodbye to these two :( I HOPE we get to see more of your works. I'm normally one to ask for a sequel if I really liked the story, but with this one, I feel like you've already given us the PERFECT ending and whether we choose to continue the story in our minds is totally up to us. However, with how exceptional your writing is, and whether you're considering a sequel or not, I'm pretty sure it'll be just as beautiful as this one, if not even better 😊
Chapter 44: Hello, author. I was away from AFF for a few months and when I came back, the first thing that I noticed was The Art of Fire is completed. I rushed to read the last three chapters and as always, your writing never disappoints. I am very glad that Ryeowook and Kyuhyun got the happy ending that they deserves. Thank you for writing this amazing piece and finishes it neatly! A very beautiful story.
Chapter 44: I finally got around to reading these last two chapters, and it was such a nice ending! I'm glad they were both able to find peace in themselves, or at least for the most part. Thank you for continuing this story until the end, it was worth it!
KagayakuHoshi #4
Chapter 44: Beautiful! I have loved this story from the beginning, I’m a little sad that it’s ended… but thank you so much for writing such an amazing story <3
yuinatsuko127 #5
lovely story!
Chapter 43: New beginnings....and wookie's other power maybe?
Chapter 43: Awwwwwww am so happy we are slowly and nearly having Kyuhyun back!!!! But on the other hand, I think Ryeowook is still a bit afraid to tell what happened to him while Kyuhyun was manipulated by his sire. It will take time but am sure Kyu will be able to make Wookie speak about it(since English is not my first language, I may have misunderstood that part but I think Wook is still affected by what happend) And I soo want Hangeng and Heechul to stay with Kyu and Wookie !
Chapter 42: This is so exciting! I really love stories where one of the love interests has to "fight" for the love of the other. I know it's not really the same, but it's going to be so interesting to watch Ryeowook thaw that frozen glare of his. Like it would be so sweet if this current Kyuhyun starts having feelings for Ryeowook more than protection, and that is what gives the old Kyuhyun the path to take control again.
Chapter 42: Ohhhhh can't wait to see Ryeowook helping Kyuhyun so he could have control of his body again. Like Kyu is still there but the manipulation that Kyuhyun sire did is really deep it will take a while before we see the Kyuhyun that we all love
Chapter 41: Huwaaaaa ryeowookieeeee😭😭😭😭