When you know when but don't know where

When there is a silver of Hope

                                                                          When you know when but don't know where

They entered the bamboo forest where a solitary bench and a telephone booth sat as the only decoration . Eun Ah knew the risk she was taking was huge , she could be erased from existence . She shuddered to think that even Wook-ah could be erased from her memory if she made any mistake . The time-travelling duo stood front of the telephone booth to decipher where they were or specifically when they were ?

She knew the plans she connoted were a little botched if not fully and Eun Ah again felt the rush of guilt that enclosed her whenever she thought not only was she ruining her life but also Jo Wook's . "Hey princess ! What are you thinking " Wook-ah asked seeing Her Highness having a far off look on her face .

"Nothing ! What year do you is this ? " she said in an effort to concentrate on the mission rather that look at his handsome face .

"I think we are in 90's we traveled too far " he said seeing the flyer lying on the ground .

"Wow you really did pay attention in class " Eun Ah in mock praise.

"Of course I did , the only thing you did was planning mischief with your brother " Wook-ah said rolling his eyes and let out a wince once he realized what he said .

"It's okay you don't have to apologize , we are doing this to get them back " Lee Eun AH said with a forced smile on her face trying to avoid the pang in her heart at the mention of her beloved brother Lee Jung .

"Okay then let's go back and try it again and i have an idea on what to do this time " Eun Ah said her mind forming a half-baked plan once again .

The bamboo forest of the Kingdom of Corea was heavily guarded to the nines , nothing could get in or out . It was the most protected place in the kingdom ever since that fateful night . But Eun Ah and Wook have been playing in the forest ever since they could remember so of course they knew which place they should avoid and which place has a hidden spot . As soon as she entered into the area between one and zero from her fairy tale story she broke the manpasikjeok in half exactly at the middle .

"Princess ! Oh my god! , oh my god! ootake !! How could you do this ? Without this we can't go anywhere . This was the original plan wasn't it , to get me alone and have me to yourself " Wook-ah said ,  his eyes as round as saucers and his mouth open horror etched in his face . He genuinely thought Eun Ah went insane .

Eun Ah stared at her unforgettable sword with a grimace , she sometimes forgot he didn't know the whole fairy tale as she did . " Just give me your knife , then you will see for yourself the wonderland we would go to ",  ignoring what he said with a slight blush covering her face .

Wook mindlessly gave her the butterfly knife he carried around in his pocket resisting the urge to check the temperature of his travelling companion . He watched in silent wonder as the princess sliced open her palm and coated one part of the stick with her blood . As she did it there was silent breeze in the no time no air zone as he dubbed it in his head .

Doing the same as the princess did to the other part of the weird wooden stick with a rather large name , Wook understood the trust her highness bestowed upon him.Jo Wook's family has always saved the royal court as far as he could remember . His parents worked with in the palace where they met and fell in love . So it was natural for him to serve the royal court as well and protect the hidden princess with his life and it was definitely a plus for him as Eun Ah was someone very close to his heart . With the mansipspeak having two different owners Eun Ah used the one in her hand to open the portal while telling Wook to safeguard the one with him .

Wook also understood that she was literally giving him an out to return to his home whenever he could , but he didn't know how to make her realize that he would die rather than leave her alone. "So care to explain now princess ?", Wook-ah asked unable to keep the curiosity away from his voice .

So Eun Ah explained how her appa only had one half when he went to her eomma's world and how they should be careful to not use it many times as it could stop time momentarily . Wook-ah nodded at her explanation , if their mission went successfully they won't be any part them that will remember time traveling anyway .

 Seoul – 2019

They finally reached the destination they had only dreamed of in their mind – The Republic of Korea .

"It sure is different isn't it" Wook said marveling at the old technology .

"Yes so much difference , come on let's go find my mother . She is the only one I trust to help us here " Eun Ah said her mind jumbled at the thoughts of seeing her mother again even though a younger version of her .

"But how will she help us , you said she doesn't believe in parallel worlds and all"

"Yes she doen't believe the earth is round even but she will help us even if we look like lunatics in her eyes , that's the kind of person she is "Eun Ah said her voice shaking a little .

"Okay then let's meet the Queen of Corea , hope she doesn't arrest us " 


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AasthaArora #1
Please update.
Khawahish #2
Chapter 18: IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: i usually dont read this ship but this story is really good