🌈Chapter ten


Leeteuk is a strict leader. He can force everyone to pay him respect. However, things are different with little Yesung. Leeteuk can’t bring himself to discipline Yesung when he is in little space. And that’s why things get out of their hands.

Yesung doesn’t respect them, throws a tantrum when they don’t give him sweets or buy toys, he watches cartoons as much as he wants and ignores bedtime. Tonight, everyone sits down in the living room after tucking Yesung in his bed.

“Okay, everyone. We need some rules, we can’t let little Yesung to be wild.”

Leeteuk thinks this is his fault. After all, he is Yesung’s daddy, he should know what he needs. Leeteuk pulls out a big piece of paper and a few pastel colored markers.

“So? Any ideas?”

Most of the members shrug, only Siwon hesitantly raises his hand.

“The most crucial thing is - STOP him from yelling inside. Please, I am going to be deaf very soon.”

Leeteuk nods and writes it down. No yelling. That is good, Yesung really screams a lot - he screams when he is tired, hungry, bored, he yells all the time. Leeteuk finishes writing their first rule and looks at the members.

“He refuses to eat many meals I cook.”

Ryeowook always cooks delicious meals for them and Yesung mostly refuses to eat if it isn’t tomato soup or mac and cheese. Leeteuk writes it down because that is also a good rule, Yesung should eat something else then sweets.

“He wants to watch the TV all the time, we can’t watch anything else!”

Everyone nods after Shindong’s comment. Yes, the biggest TV in their dorm is always occupied by the little one and if you don’t want to see a huge meltdown, you can’t change the channel.

They spend a long time creating their list of rules. There are many things they need to change. They write down rules, punishments and rewards and the next day they are ready to be the best caregivers for their little one.

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487 streak #1
Chapter 15: Rereading ehehehe
Chapter 15: This is so cute! And I'm so happy to finally read a littlespace story here and a non-au fic at that. Thank you for this, authornim! 💙
Chapter 14: Poor Yesungie having tummy ache
Chapter 13: Wow, everyone having a role with him, how cute!
Chapter 12: Aww, cute!
Chapter 11: Sungie likes anyone who is gentle with him
Chapter 10: Can I have such great caregivers as well?
Chapter 9: Should let kids play by themselves and just be there to keep them sound and safe
Chapter 8: If you wouldn't get caught
Chapter 7: Aigoo, your mind acting up again