2/8 - More of the same... or is it?

Blessings from the Past


The next day went very similarly.

The lanky senior arrived at the last minute for first period study hall in the library with coffee in hand, settling into his preferred spot. He picked up the book on the table and began reading where he left off from the day before. 

The AP Calculus class had the usual smart kids along with the two boys seated opposite him taking notes while occasionally glancing his way, and the lecture by the teacher was just as boring as usual. Chanyeol told himself the only reason he stretched out sideways in the seat was because he felt like he needed the space today. It wasn't because he wanted the attention of the brunet. It only partially worked, but also made the teacher decide to call on the tall boy to answer a few more questions than usual. Chanyeol answered every question accurately, but to make sure he wasn't the only one called on he wiggled his eyebrows till the new boy giggled. The teacher took the bait and asked Baekhyun the next question, but he answered it quickly and with no issues so the teacher left them both alone after that. The brunet waited til the teacher resumed the lecture to turn to Chanyeol and stick out his tongue quickly in a playful manner.

Chanyeol again felt a little unnerved. He wasn't sure what to do from here, but the boy had his attention. Before he could think of what to do in retaliation, the period ended.

He didn't have anyone to distract him enough in the next class and boredom quickly set in. After whispering with the kid in front of him to let him copy notes later, Chanyeol laid his head down and napped through the rest of the teacher's lecture.

By the time he got to lunch Chanyeol was ready for the week to be over, and it was only Tuesday. He bought his usual sandwich and orange juice, and then made his way over to the customary spot next to the tree in the commons area. Jongin was already there, seated on the ground, barely propped up against the large tree, hugging a water bottle and half asleep. 

Chanyeol nudged his leg as he sat down next to his friend. "Did you get out of class early or did you skip again?" he asked.

"Mr. Lee dismissed us early when he got an important phone call." Jongin mumbled. "I wasn't going to turn down a chance at a nap."

"Wonder what the phone call was.."

"Don't know, don't care." Jongin said as he sat up and stretched, his shirt raising up at the waistline to show a sliver of skin as his arms raised. At that moment he turned his gaze towards the cafeteria window then made a painful wheezing sound, bringing his hands down quickly.

Chanyeol whipped his head towards the window to see what his friend was reacting to. Standing at the window was the new kid and his friend. The dark-headed boy was staring with his mouth slightly open, which the brunet seemed to be laughing about. Jongin raised his hand in a shy wave, and the hazel-eyed boy grinned broadly, returning the wave enthusiastically. The dark-headed boy whipped his head around and grabbed his friend's arm, obviously in a panic, pulling his hand down and dragging the laughing boy away from the window.

Chanyeol chuckled as he opened his orange juice. "Looks like your infatuation might not be one-sided, Loverboy. You might actually have TWO admirers!"

Jongin recovered quickly and grinned back. "Sounds like somebody might be jea~lous~.." he singsonged.

"You know, for someone that chose basketball over music, you sure do a lot of singing.." the taller scoffed.

"And YOU do a lot of avoiding the subject.. C'mon. I know you man - you're interested in that new guy." Jongin said.

"I notice any new student in Music Appreciation class.."

Jongin looked smug. "He's not just in that class with you tho.." he said with a sly grin, leaning over to nudge his friend on the shoulder. 

The taller took a quick drink of his orange juice then grumbled. "You know I don't do roma-"

"Romance, I KNOW. That blonde cutie with blue eyes stole your heart after you slept with him at that party two years ago and he ran away before you could get a name so now you don't wanna even try, I KNOW." Jongin rolled his eyes as he huffed, leaning against his friend in exasperation. "You're a SENIOR man! It's your last year of high school! Even if you don't want all those bimbos that keep throwing themselves at you, it won't hurt you to live a little!"

Chanyeol had been opening his sandwich but at the last words he turned to his friend with a deadpan look. "Do you hear yourself? 'It won't hurt..' You know how long it took before I could even handle looking at blonde hair, so don't go there, man." 

"Yeah, yeah.. I'm just looking out for you, Yeol. only once in two years isn't healthy. If you don't get laid soon you're gonna explode or something! Besides, you know that dude didn't actually have blue eyes.." the tanned boy said, nudging his friend again.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." the taller took a bite of his sandwich, indicating the end of that conversation. Jongin took a drink from his water bottle, then reached over and pulled Chanyeol's hand to get at the sandwich and took a bite. He grinned at the incredulous look the taller gave him as they both chewed. But then they swallowed their food and began to laugh.

Not noticing the hazel eyes and thick-rimmed glasses watching them again through the window. 

Later that afternoon, just as Music Appreciation was starting, a cell phone rang out in the classroom. The new boy looked at his phone, then jumped up in distress and ran out of the room into the hall as he answered it. His dark-headed friend immediately went to the teacher and the two had an urgent whispering conversation. The rest of the students in the room were all whispering and talking quietly, obviously curious about what was happening.

Chanyeol didn't think twice before grabbing his bag and walking out of the room.

The brunet was still in the hallway, his hand over his mouth and obviously upset as he tried to talk quietly. "But is- Is he going to be ok..?! I KNOW.. I'm still at school but I'll get there somehow. They'll just have to suspend me for leaving without permission.... I don't care!.. DAMMIT HE'S MY-"

The large hand on his elbow startled the new student and he whipped his head up at the taller. There were tears streaming down his face, and Chanyeol felt his breath leave his lungs quickly.  Sweet boy with tears in his eyes.. So beautiful, even when he's drunk. The strange feeling of déjà vu was quickly replaced with concern. "What do you need? I'll help." the taller said firmly, looking directly at the now sniffling boy who was wiping his tears under his glasses, still holding the phone to his ear. 

"Can you take me to the hospital?" the urgent request was unexpected, but the taller didn't flinch. He nodded and put his hand at the lower back of the boy, ushering him toward to closest exit door. The brunet squinted as they made their way out into the sunlight, but spoke quickly into the phone, "I'm on my way!" then hung up.

Chanyeol directed them to his car and helped fasten the seatbelt for the trembling boy. As the taller climbed in the driver's seat and started the car, the brunet began putting in the hospital information in the GPS on his phone and turned up the volume. Chanyeol didn't question it, and followed the directions, leaving the school behind them. 

Driving meant he couldn't watch the smaller boy as much as he wanted, but he did notice the brunet didn't seem to want to talk during the 15 minute trip. He just kept fidgeting with his phone, and bouncing his legs a little. At one point he took off his glasses to clean them with the bottom edge of his shirt, but he kept his face turned towards the window the whole time. As soon as they pulled into a parking spot Baekhyun undid his seatbelt and climbed out, closed the door quickly and ran towards the hospital emergency room entrance. Chanyeol followed him and came thru the doors just in time to hear the brunet's urgent inquiry at the front desk. "BYUN JUNSEO?" 

The taller didn't want to intrude, but he had already decided he wasn't going to just leave, so he went over to a seat in a corner of the waiting room.  He watched as the nurse behind the desk looked at a chart and had a quick hushed conversation with the brunet, who then ran thru the side doors into the emergency room.

Chanyeol pulled out his phone and sent a text to Jongin, then pulled up the school office phone number. He made a quick call to explain their location to the school, doing his usual smooth talking to arrange for both of them to be officially excused for the rest of the day. Then the tall boy pulled up a game on his phone to pass the time as he waited.

He had just finished the third level on the game when a nurse came over and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me? Are you Junseo's other father?" 

Chanyeol blinked in surprise. "Umm.. I'm sorry, what?"

"I could tell because you look just like him!" she continued. "We don't have a lot of patients right now, and family members are allowed in the room, so you're welcome to go back there. After you go thru the doors, he's in the fourth room on the left." she smiled and nodded encouragingly.

The high school senior blinked again. "Umm.. thank..you?" 

The nurse nodded then walked off and Chanyeol shook his head confusedly before getting to his feet. He had no idea why the nurse had said all that, but he wanted to find out if Baekhyun needed a ride home. He followed the nurse's instructions and made his way thru to the emergency ward. The lanky student stopped at the open door of the fourth room and knocked as he leaned his head inside. 

The brunet and another man were standing on either side of a gurney-style bed that held a little boy, who appeared to be about a year old. The child was sleeping, and Baekhyun was lightly rubbing the child's face. The other man noticed Chanyeol at the doorway and got the smaller's attention gesturing towards the door. The brunet whipped his head around, then colored and began to stammer upon seeing the tall boy. " Ch-Chanyeol..! Um.." he turned his body, deliberately standing to shield the little boy on the bed. It was also obvious that Baekhyun had been crying again. 

Chanyeol spoke gently and indicated to the child on the bed. "Is he going to be alright?"

Baekhyun stilled but then seemed to recover. "Oh, um..Yes! He'll be fine. Thanks."

"That's good." the taller smiled. "So.. do you need anything?" 

The brunet opened his mouth heasitantly as tho to speak, but stopped as the other man came around the bed towards Chanyeol and stuck his hand out to shake in greeting. "Thank you so much for bringing Baek safely. I'm Junmyeon."

The tall boy shook the offered hand. "It was no problem. I was glad to help. Oh, and I'm Chanyeol." he said.

"I know." Junmyeon's smile was gentle, but his eyes seemed to be very sharp.

Chanyeol shifted nervously then cleared his throat. "So.. do you? Need anything?" he asked again, this time addressing his question to both of the males the room. 

"Pa?" a weak child's voice startled all of them.

Baekhyun whipped around, leaning over the bed and caressing the child's cheek. "Hi Junnie!" he said happily in a soft voice. "You just took a really long nap. It's ok though and Papa is really happy to see you awake now..!" The brunet continued to talk sweetly and softly to the child.

Junmyeon leaned over and pushed the nurse-call button on the wall next to top of the bed. "They asked us to indicate as soon as Junseo woke up so they can check him over before deciding if he's on the mend enough to go home.' he explained.

The other man then went back over to the other side of the bed. Chanyeol stayed near the doorway, feeling a little like an intruder. He figured Junmyeon must be the child's parent and Baekhyun must be the older brother or something.

Until the child saw Junmyeon and greeted him with "-yeonnie!"

And Chanyeol had his answer.

Baekhyun was a father. 

Chanyeol stood quietly by the door as he watched the scene before him. His mind was in a whirl. He wasn't upset about the existance of the child. Children are blameless in their creation. But the child was a product of Baekhyun having evidently gotten some girl pregnant. The concept of the brunet being straight was a little more upsetting to Chanyeol than he was willing to admit. 

Baekhyun and Junmyeon continued to talk to the little boy on the bed. The child was obviously still a little weak, but was softly babbling in baby-talk and even giggling. As the brunet interacted with his son, he moved just enough that Chanyeol was able to get a better look at the child. The little boy definitely had Baekhyun's perky nose and sweet smile, but he also had cute ears that seemed a bit big for his head, and large expressive eyes that appeared very familiar to the tall guy standing by the door.

Chanyeol wasn't dumb.  He now understood what the nurse from before had meant. The child resembled him. A lot.

But how was this possible? 

His inner thoughts were interrupted by Junmyeon speaking to him. "Would you like to meet him, Chanyeol?"

"Myeonnie!" Baekhyun's instant panicked whisper made the taller pause. 

The lanky student smiled. "It's ok. I don't think Baekhyun wants anyone knowing about his son, so I totally get that he doesn't want to introduce us." The brunet had whipped around at Chanyeol's words, but now blinked in surprise as the tall senior continued. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. The idiots at school don't need to know about people's personal business."  

In his shock, the brunet had now moved completely over from in front of the child on the bed, and the little boy looked over at the taller with curiosity. "Ufff?" he voiced out questioningly as he craned his neck a little to let their eyes meet.

Baekhyun turned and giggled at his son. "No Junnie he's not a doggy! He does have a deep voice like a doggy tho, huh..?" he said, smiling back at Chanyeol a little.  The tall boy blinked then grinned, now understanding the little one's question. The child grinned back so Chanyeol gave a little wave but then gestured to his watch and addressed Baekhyun. "It's getting late. You've gotta be hungry. Did you guys want me to go get some take out or something?" 

The brunet shook his head. "No that would be too much trouble and we're probably going home soon anyway so we'll just pick up something on the way. You don't have to stay. I'm sorry if you've felt like you had to. I've been such a bother to you.."

Chanyeol was already shaking his head in denial. "You're not a bother. Please don't think that. Really.."

Right at that moment a nurse came bustling into the room. "Let's get this sweet little boy taken care of so he can go sleep in his own bed tonight, hmm?" she said perkily. The little boy on the bed looked up at her with big eyes, curious but not scared as she reached for her stethoscope.

Junmyeon took that moment to come over to Chanyeol. "Junnie's going to be ok. Thank you again for your care for Baek. I know he really appreciates it, especially coming from you."  Chanyeol was a little puzzled by the man's words, but he didn't get a chance to ask as Junmyeon continued. "I have my car here and I'll get them home safely. I know you're probably late for your dinner at home or something, so don't let us keep you from your obligations. You've helped so much already." 

The taller took the hint. "I guess I'll get going then. Please tell Baekhyun I'll see him in school..?" 

Junmyeon gave a little wave and Chanyeol slipped quietly out of the room. He walked slowly down the hall towards the exit. Just before coming around the corner to the nurses desk he heard two nurses talking.

"I'm so glad number 4 is going to be ok."

"Me too! I was working maternity last year when his Papa came in for delivery. That boy was a mess but he took the pain like a trooper!"

The nurses stopped their conversation and looked up from the desk, smiling politely and bowing as Chanyeol walked by and then out the exit doors. He stumbled a little as he made his way out to his car.

He was wrong. 

Baekhyun wasn't a father.

He was a mother.

He had carried the little boy himself.

And this meant.. he wasn't straight.

This thought made Chanyeol smile, but then his thoughts began tumbling one right after the other. Who was Junseo's other father? And were they not together? Why did Baekhyun not even try to call him? Why wasn't he at the hospital? Why did Baekhyun trust Chanyeol so much and so quickly? And why did Junmyeon not seem surprised? 

Suddenly the whole situation was even more of a reality check. Chanyeol realized he knew very little about this boy.

The new boy that had come into his life so suddenly and made his heart sit up and take notice for the first time in 2 years. The new boy, that had secrets that were amazing to find out but also made him an even more amazing person. Raising a child that young while still being so young himself. And facing each day with a smile. 

All of these things had Chanyeol convinced. This boy had his attention.

He wanted to know more about him.





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Chapter 9: This one is soo cuteee
Rereading this ❤️
Chapter 9: I reread it ehehehehe this is so cute ❤️ thank you for writing 🌼
Moondust45 #4
Chapter 9: omg it's so sweet. :) I really loved it. :) <3