Chapter 9

End of the day

Shuhua’s pov:

I quickly got up after hanging up. What’s all this about, Yuqi and Minnie? Arrested? For what on earth?

«What’s up why are you in a hurry ? », Sae asked by my sudden moves as I tried to get up.

«I- My friends, Minnie and Yuqi have been arrested, I gotta go»


«No time to explain or better I have no idea either why », I said and rushed out followed by Sae.

«Hopp on, I’ll give you a ride », she said and threw a helmet at me. I got on and we drove off. We arrived at the police station in Seoul and I hurried in. G-idle and even Twice were waiting.

«Where are they?!», I asked as I ran up to them.

«They’re being questioned by the police», Jeongyeon said and bit her nails.

« Why are they here..what did they do», Sae asked. Everyone looked at her, she’s the only one who doesn’t know whose work this obviously is, you can’t blame her tho, we decided not to tell her.

« Illegal immigration … », Tzuyu said.

« What ??? How ? Cmon wtf ? », I shouted.

«Calm down Shuhua, it will be alright, they didin’t commit a crime, someone gave the police false informations. They’re just doing their job now, once Yuqi and Minnie show them their papers it’s gonna be alright for sure», Soyeon tried to calm me down.

«I hope so, we know how cruel the world is, especially with money», Jihyo added, making me nervous again.

«And especially if she has her hands in it», Dahyun said and made us all look her way. This idiot you shouldn’t have-

«Who?», Sae obviously asked. Twice sighed.

«Long story Sae, it’s not important right now », Nayeon said and hugged her. Sae stood there, lost and confused. The moment after, Yuqi and Minnie came out…in handcuffs.

«Wh-what is this supposed to mean ? », Miyeon asked furiously. I think this is the first time ever I heard her raising her voice. She never was the type to snap out of nowhere, not even frowining for 2 seconds. This must be upsetting her a lot.

«They..they won’t believe us..», Minnie stuttered. Yuqi on the other hand avoided eye contact but everyone could clearly see the tears in her eyes. They came all the way here to korea because they loved the culture, cuisine and music, one snap and everything had been taken away from them…

«Guys…», I whispered. My blood is boiling. This isn’t supposed to happen, it shouldn’t have come this far. They did nothing wrong..why…why are they the one getting hurt..they don’t deserve this!

«Why…», Nayeon suddenly spoke up. She’s the daughter of the CEO Seoul police department. The one on top, her father, he allowed this to happen.

« Let me talk to my father ! », Nayeon shouted at one of the officers.

« M’am we can’t allow you to see him right now »

« I demand an explanation ! », she shouted again and went straight in front of them.

«I’m sorry M’am we can’t, he ordered us to not let anyone in right now»


«Nayeon! Let it be..let’s..let’s go out first », Jihyo held Nayeon back. The furious girl looked at Yuqi and Minnie with teary eyes.

« I’m so sorry…I’ll do whatever I can to get you guys out of here », she said before heading out with Jihyo. The rest of the Twice members followed them as for G-idl, they stood there, looking at the 2 members in handcuffs.

«Please take care till then, we will clear your names, I swear», Soyeon said and pulled everyone into a group hug.

Sae was even more than confused by the time we stepped out the police station. She has every right to question us, she has the right to know. This ain’t a game anymore, this is harsh and unfair reality.

« Guys..what are you hiding ? What’s going on?»

Everyone sighed and looked at each other, giving the signals to finally speak up. Jeongyeon is the first to step up.

«It’s Mina»

«Huh? What do you mean? Where is she anyway?», Sae asked he looked around searching for her girlfriend or better said witch.

«It’s her doing Sae. She did all this», Sana added, looking down as she felt embarrassed for her fellow japanese friend.

«What? Wait hold up what exactly do you mean ? »

« SHE’S RUINING LIFES », Nayeon shouted. The anger that she’s been dragging along with her, the disappointement, frustration and sadness came out. Sae stood there, still trying to put together the puzzle. I walked towards her and held her hands.

«Sae..listen to me», I said and took a deep breath before explaining everything slowly and detailed.

«She did what?!», Sae shouted and broke down on her knees.

«This…this isn’t true..Mina…Mina would never…she could never do such things!», she stuttered.

«We’re sorry Sae, she did», Momo said.

« Why..why didn’t you guys tell me sooner…we could’ve stopped her ! »

« Sae ! Get your together ! It wouldn’t have made a difference ! It’s still hard for you to believe it isn’t it ?! We didn’t want you to go against your girlfriend either and we hoped she’d come to her senses! We didn’t know she’s this crazy either!», Jeongyeon shouted back. Everyone’s losing it now..everyone is going insane..

«Y’all stop», Soyeon broke the discussion.

«This isn’t the time to fight against each other..we should work together and find a way to get them out», Soojin said.

«And to stop that crazy woman», Miyeon added.

Twice took a step back and looked at them. Surprised  that they could be this chill despite having two of them arrested they still haven’t lost their chill. G-idle has always been in some kind of problems concerning fights and so on. They’re used to this. Of course they’re furious, I can see it in their eyes, this is something they’ve never been confronted with but they’re trying their very best to think clearly and not waste any energy.

«They’re right, I’ll ask my father to look into this case», Jeongyeon who’s family runs a law company said.

«I’ll try to see my dad», Nayeon said.

«And I’ll provide you guys some security as my family’s working with bodyguards», Chaeyoung added.

«Then we gonna try and help them not losing hope», Sana said and smiled at Momo, Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jihyo.

«What are you gonna do? », I asked Sae, who’s still unable to move or talk.

«I..I don’t know…»

«I think it’s the best if you’re not involved too deep into this, Mina still trusts you a lot», Soojin suddenly said.

«True..let’s..let’s leave that for now», I said.

«But….I wanna help…it’s also my fault!», Sae explained.

«Sae», Nayeon said in a serious tone.

« Please don’t do stupid things and leave it to us»

«Let me talkt o her, if she trusts me then..the maybe she’ll listen ! »

Everyone thought about it. There’s a 50% chance it’d work out but also a 50% chance that it won’t. We’d have to risk it..

« Okay », Jihyo said and made everyone swung their head in her way.

«Yah are you out of your mind ? What if she ends up killing us or something», Miyeon said.

«That won’t happen, she can’t be that cruel», Dahyun said.

«How are you so sure about it ? That woman kicked us out of school and put 2 of us behind bars, I really think everything is possible by now », Soyeon said and the Twice members stayed quiet.

« Trust me, it will work out», Sae said. We all exchanged looks and finally nodded.

«Alright, but we’re not gonna let you go alone hear that ? », Soojin also gave in.

After that, Chaeyoung, Nayeon and Jeongyeon called their fathers to look into the case again. Chaengs familiy provided the rest of G-idle members security at home in case something would happen again.

Let’s just put this to and end already.

Sae’s pov:

After hearing everything, I have no words to say. I’m angry and disappointed. I just can’t believe Mina would do something like this.

Shuhua suddenly held my hands and patted my head.

«It’s gonna be alright you’re not alone. Once this is over, Chef Susan’s gonna cook you some food », she said and smirked.

« You’re really something aren’t you ?», I laughed as we arrived at the Myouis. As we got closer to the house we heard screams and slams. Shuhua and I were hiding below the window and stood up to peek in.

Mina was on her knees, heavily beaten up and bleeding. In front of her, her own flesh and blood, her mother.

«Didn’t I tell you to do a good job you goddamn good for nothing?!», Mrs. Myoui shouted and slapped Mina.

Shuhua and I looked at each other. What is this supposed to mean ?

« Get that damn girl already before it’s too late ! I even had to lie to that damn Im police company to put those 2 in jail cause you said they’ve been bothering you ! Now get your together Myoui Mina ! »

« Y-yes mother », Mina stuttered.

«Ah jesus you’re making me regret bringing you up. I told you to make a move looong ago and yet you’re so slow. Better not diappoint me anymore. »

« Y-yes mother … »

Before I could give Shuhua another signal with my gaze I found the foreign girl standing in front of the entrance. She kicked in the door, which was luckily open or else she’d have had her leg broken.

«This is not how a mother is supposed to be ! », Shuhua shouted with teary eyes. She’s always been a very sensible person when it come to unfair treatment especially when she sawi t with her own eyes. Mrs. Myoui stood there in shock, she didn’t expect anyone tob e around at this hour.

«You! What do you think you’re doing ?! », Minas mom shouted. I got up and went to Shuhua. Minas eyes widened as she sees me.


«It’s alright Mina, Shuhua and I got the message, you can explain later », I said and held up my phone. As soon as I heard the screams, my inner detective came out and told me to call Nayeon as I knew she was with her father. I’ve been on the phone with her ever since.

«What are you doing? I’ll call the police ! », her mom shouted.

« No need to, I’ve heard enough», the voice of Nayeons father came through the phone.

« Mr….Im ?? », she stuttered. Shuhua held up her phone too.

«We will see each other at court», Jeongyeons father said through the phone. This girl’s clever too, she called Jeongyeon huh.

Minas mother quickly packed some stuff, ready to run away as Shuhua blcoked her way.

«Move!», she said.

«The police will be here soon, it would be a shame if the main character leaves», she said fluently without any accents. She must have heard this from a recent drama ot something.

«I said move bevor-», Shuhua suddenly punched Mrs. Myoui.

«What the..Shuhua! you can’t just punch her!»

«Why not?! She was about to slap me ! », she said and crossed her arms.

I quickly ran over to Mina and helped her up as I called an ambulance.

«Are you okay…?», I asked as she nodded.

« You owe an explanation woman », Shuhua added and she sat on Minas mother to prevent her from running aways if she ever wakes up.

The police arrived not long after that. Just as G-idle and Twice. We were taken to the police station except for Mina, they took her to the hospital. Charges are against Mrs. Myoui because of scam, domestic violence much more. Minas father on the other hand had nothing to do with it. He had been away for business quiet a lot and never knew what has been going on in his own household. Yuqi and Minnie were released out of jail and the charges were dropped due to false information. Shuhua explained her punch as self defense eventho it wa ssomehwat the other way around, they still believed her. After giving all our statements we went out for bubble tea to celebrate the release oft he 2 foreigners.

«Woah I was so scared duh there are so many weird people behind bars», Yuqi said and slurped her bubble tea. The usual bright chinese member is back.

«S A M E, I thought I’d die there but luckily Sana and the others stayed», Minnie added and went to hug the Twice members.

«So..the nightmare is over?», Momo said.

«Not yet», Shuhua responded and looked at me.

« Let’s go, we gotta visit a friend of ours »

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Chapter 10: As eager as I want to demand some epilogue
I will let the ending running with my own imagination
ArielleKim #2
Chapter 10: Ohhhhhhhhh I really thought Mina's in love with Sae but that's good hahahaha. Sorry Mina I judged you, huhuhuhu
Thank you for the story, tho I kinda wished for more ShuhuaxSae moments in the ending but its okay XD
Yoshi_08 #3
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update, I like this ending!!!
Loco246 #4
Chapter 9: Please Shuhua and sae I love them and I feel like Mina’s and sae’s relationship was just hate and trying to piece what was there back together as for Shuhua there was a bond that was slowly making its way there I love it I love it hehhee
Yoshi_08 #5
Chapter 9: Wow so many updates, thank you so much!!!! It's sad how mina become so obsessed, to the point to put yuqi and Minnie in jail :(( can't wait to see how will this end :))
ArielleKim #6
Chapter 9: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1438242/9'>Chapter 9</a></span>
<span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1438242/9'>Chapter 9</a></span>
Poor Mina, I hope she learned her lesson now. Sae please settle this already. Make it clear to the both of them who you really love so they wont hurt any longer. So sad that Mina has come to the point that she got obssessed with Sae. Love can really make you crazy in good and in bad way.
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 6: please I want to know shuhua's pov, I'm starting to think she feels something for Sae now. omgggggg ♡(ӦvӦ。)
soshow_29 #8
Chapter 6: Minaaaaa
Chapter 6: Can't choose between Shuhua and Mina T_T
Tolegenova03 #10
My heart hurts from this, please I want Sae to be with a Mina