The Mirror


“So there’s like 6 of you in this school?” Yibyul asked. “Not exac-” Sanha was about to reply but Jinjin covered his mouth. “Yes, 6 of us.” Jinjin replied and gave Sanha a look. Not catching a thing, Yibyul walked around the room. “Never mention about the rest.” Jinjin whispered at Sanha as he sighed. Yibyul walked around and went towards the door. “Can we go out?” She asked. “Yeah, let’s go, I’ll show you around.” Jinjin walked up to her. Just when Jinjin opened the door to Yibyul, she felt nostalgic, as if she knew that place so well. Soon she realized she was in her old school back then in Busan.

Jinjin and Sanha took her around for a walk as they encountered a guy at the vending machine. “Oh? Minhyuk hyung!” Sanha greeted. The guy named Minhyuk turned around and greeted them before taking out his drink from the machine. “New one?” Minhyuk pointed at Yibyul. Not knowing what to respond, Yibyul turned Jinjin for help. “Yeah. New one.” Jinjin answered. Minhyuk nodded. He walked up to Yibyul and gave her a pat at the shoulder, “All the best, newbie.” And he left them. “Sanha, why don’t you go with Minhyuk, I’ll show her around.” Sanha nodded and went with Minhyuk.

“Okay, let me explain.” Jinjin said. “Wait, let’s find a place to talk about this. I know a place.” Yibyul smiled widely as she pulled Jinjin to a place. “Where are we going?” He asked. “Back then when me and my friend, Eunmyung, got something to talk, we always go to this place.” She explained. They walked along a long hallway which filled with classrooms to the stairs at the end of it. Both of them ended up at a space between the stairs. “Is this the ‘place’ you talked about?” Jinjin asked, confused. “Wait, how did you know this place this well?” Finally realizing Yibyul was the one who lead the way, he blinked. “I wanted to tell you guys about this earlier, but I’m not sure. But now we’re at this place, I’m sure of it that this school of yours were my school too.” Yibyul explained. “I think my world is connected to this world of yours?” Yibyul once again made her remarks. Jinjin who seems like he finally solved something. “That explain.” He murmured.

Yibyul sat down at the stairs and Jinjin joined her. “Okay, story time.” Giving a head to Jinjin to tell her about what happened earlier.

“In this school, there’s 6 of us, which is me, Sanha, Minhyuk, and three more. I’ll introduce them to you when the time is right.” He started. “Well, in this world of ours, we do have clocks all over the place but then it doesn’t work here. Time stops here. But look at this.” He took out a watch from the pocket. “Not only this watch but all of the other clocks here starts to work, whenever you’re around.” He stared at Yibyul who already curious about what’s going on in this mirror world. “Okay, that’s weird. Am I like triggering it to work or something?” She asked. “And Minhyuk. What did he mean by ‘New one’?”

“Minhyuk? Erm..well, he must have mistaken you for being someone from here.” He smiled awkwardly. “Someone from here?” Again, Yibyul asked. “Someone from this world of mine, but not from this school.” Jinjin explained as Yibyul nodded. “And, the reason why I brought you to this world is because I wanted to ask for your help. Of course, I too have no idea how but I believe you being here and the time starts to move is the first step to it.” He stood up and tucked his hand into the pocket of his pants.Yibyul stood up and walked up to Jinjin. “What is it that even you got no idea of how to do it? Is it maths? Because if it’s maths, I’m sorry but I’m also bad at-”

“The 6 of us, getting out from here, to your world.”




“Bye noona! See you again!” Sanha bid Yibyul goodbye who went out from the mirror as the path of it closed. He turned to Jinjin who was standing behind him. “Hyung, did you tell her about it?” He asked.

“Yeah I did, but not everything.

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