The Mirror


“W-WHO ARE YOU GUYS?!” Yibyul shouted.

“Calm down. Put the guitar down.” Two guys in uniform stood infront of Yibyul who was already holding a guitar, ready to fight. “Hyung, I told you this is a bad idea!” a guy who’s slightly shorter than the guy who spoke earlier shook his head, sighing.

“We’re not going to hurt you, look, we’re just like you, we’re human. You can trust us, like really.” The short guy said, trying to convince Yibyul. “Please don’t break my guitar, I only have one.” The taller guy sobbed. Still in doubt but felt guilty, Yibyul put the guitar down slowly. “Let’s talk, like in a nice way, without getting ready to fight each other?” The shorter guy once again tried to have a conversation with Yibyul. “We’ll answer all of your questions! So please, don’t do anything to my guitar.” The taller guy, again, asked for his guitar. Yibyul finally gave in as she returned the guitar.

The three sat down on the floor, in a circle. Yibyul looked around. The place was filled with shelves, books scattered on the floor. The place, somehow looks familiar to her. She turned to the mirror which was located deep between two shelves. “Yibyul?” Yibyul snapped back into reality as the guy called out for her. “What is this place? And who are you guys?” She asked with full of curiousity.

Both of the guy smiled. “Let me introduce myself first! My name is Yoon Sanha.” The guy who sobbed for his guitar earlier smiled widely as he pointed his nametag. “His name is Park Jinwoo, he’s my hyung!” Sanha introduced the guy beside him. “But, you can call me-” Jinjin was about to tell Yibyul about his nickname until,

“Jinjin.” She continued, feeling a slight pain in her heart. ‘Why?’ She thought to herself.

“Eh? How did you know?” Sanha asked. “I-I heard you called him earlier.” She explained. Silence kind of filled the room. Yibyul felt like someone just wouldn’t stop looking at her in a weird way, she turned to Sanha and broke the silence. “What is this place?” She asked. Sanha went ‘Hm?’ and nudged Jinjin who slightly off. Jinjin turned to Sanha, finally back to his sense. “She’s asking what kind of place is this.” Sanha pointed Yibyul. After giving it a thought, Jinjin stood up.

He gave a hand to Yibyul to help her stand, being the independent girl she is, Yibyul stood up by her own. Jinjin lead the way as he brought Yibyul to the window that revealed a familiar view for Yibyul.

“Welcome to our world, Jung Yibyul.”

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