Ch. 38- The Song

Wings of an Angel

Woohyun's POV:

When I woke up I found myself in an unfamiliar setting. I turned my head around to look around my settings but then when I looked towards my left side I found a person sleeping next to me.

" AHHHHHHH!" As I got off the bed I slipped and fell onto the floor. " Ouch dang it."

" Woohyun!? Are you alright!?" Sunggyu-hyung got off the bed and helped me up but then he immediately backed away.

" B-Be careful next time! You could have got a concussion! Now go wash yourself up because we still have school." He walked away and went to the bathroom. Confused I fell onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

He is acting weird? Did I do something to him? All I remember was that I was in the meadow, he found me, and then I knocked out. That is all I remember from last night. Did I say anything weird to him because I know I talk in my sleep. What if I confessed to him!? No that couldn't have happened.......right?

" Woohyun go use the bathroom!"

" A-Alright!" I ran off to the bathroom, got dressed, and headed for school. Dongwoo-hyung wasn't home so Sunggyu-hyung drove us to school.

" Woohyun you parents want to see you. So after school you and I will go to see your parents."

" H-Hyung?"

" I promised you didn't I? I promised that I will be there every step of the way." I blushed when he said that. All the feelings of warmth I felt when he hugged me at the meadow. How he told me that it wasn't my fault that Yong hwa-hyung died, and that everybody would miss me......even he would miss me.

" Alright then. After school lets meet them."


At school.......................

Somebody was walking up to me and waved at me.

" Woohyun-sshi!"

" Oh Soohyun-sunbae! Is there something you need?"

" I was wondering if you were still planning on to enter the competition tomorrow?"

" Oh crap! I totally forgot about that! Don't worry though the song is finally completed!"

" Really! That's good! Okay can't wait to here it tomorrow!"

" What was that about", said Sunggyu-hyung who came up to me. From the sound of his voice, he sounded annoyed.

" That was Soohyun-sunbae. He wanted to ask me if I was still entering the singing competition."

" Singing competition?"

" Yep! I'm entering with a song I composed myself too! You should come and listen to me since the others are coming too!"

" Hahahaha of course! I would never want to miss it!" He ruffled my head, then he froze, and immediately pulled away.

" Ahem. We should go to class."

" Ugh. I don't want to go."


School finally ended for the day and Sunggyu-hyung and I were heading to my house. I really didn't want to go but I already promised Sunggyu-hyung that I would go and see them. Also I should face them now then later, but it still pained me to think that they hid this for such a long time.

" We are here." I got out of the car nonchantly and I pressed the doorbell. The door opened with a full whoosh and there stood my mom with tears in her eyes.

" Woohyun!" She enveloped me into a hug and my dad came over to join in. My dad was crying too and I couldn't help but cry too.

" We are so sorry! We should have told you earlier! Mom and dad are so sorry!" I shook my head saying that it wasn't it their fault and I understood their feelings as to why they were feeling like this.

" It's okay mom and dad, I forgive you." They held onto me even tighter and I felt another warm embrace, but it wasn't Sunggyu-hyung. It was Yong hwa-hyung who was watching us.


The next day at the end of the school day............

Sunggyu's POV:

I'm glad that Woohyun and his parents were finally able to reconcile. His parents really do love him very much, he is lucky to have them. I wonder if he is at the rooftop today? Might as well try.

I was walking towards the stairs that led to the rooftop but I head a sound of a piano. Instead I turned around and went to the music since that is the only place with a piano. The sound was getting clearer and the person playing the piano started singing. The person was him. He was in the music room singing- he was singing his heart out and I couldn't help but tear up.

Always under exactly the same sky, always exactly the same day
Other than your not being here, there’s nothing different at all
I just want to smile, want to forget everything
Just like absolutely nothing has happened, smiling to live my days

Miss you, miss you so much, because I miss you so much
Everyday all by myself, calling and calling you
Want to see you, want to see you, because I want to see you so much
Now it’s like I have this habit, keep calling out your name
It’s the same today

I thought I’d let go, not leaving anything behind
No, no, now I still can’t let you go
Miss you, miss you so much, because I miss you so much
Everyday all by myself, calling and calling you

Want to see you, want to see you, because I want to see you so much
Now it’s like I have this habit, keep calling out your name
It’s the same today

Everyday, everyday, it feels like I’m gonna die, what should I do?

Love you, love you, I love you
I hadn’t even spoken the words, I just let you go
Sorry, sorry, do you hear my words
My late confession, can you hear it
I love you

Then he finally stopped playing. The song was beautiful to the point where it made me cry. This song was so sad yet beautiful and his feelings got through to me. I heard him stand up and I booked it out of there.


Nobody's POV:

The person stood up and went towards the window. They looked up to the sky and went into a deep thought.

Hyung even though I miss you so much, I was finally to finish the song for you. Are you watching me up there? If you are, I'm okay now. I will be alright because somebody promised me that they would be by me no matter what. So I hope you enjoy this song that I finished for you. Even though you are gone I will always live life to the fullest.




(A/N: I think that this fic will end soon! Maybe like five more or less chapters left! Don't worry though I have some other idea of fics in my head. And OMG I LOVE THE CHASER! INFINITE HAS ME INFINITIZED!)

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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~