Ch, 14- Confession Rejected

Wings of an Angel

(A/N: Im gonna focus on Yadong for this chapter! Dont worry I will come back with Woogyu and later maybe Myungyeol!)


Dongwoo's POV:

Aish now I'm going to be late for school! At least Sunggyu-hyung could have woken me up before he left! Wait on second thought I'm glad he didn't, he probably would have poured icy, cold water on me again. I really don't want to speed, but I'm going to have to!

I got to school with 10 minutes to spare. As soon as I got out of my car, I quickly ran to my classroom, hoping the bell wouldn't ring once I get there. I opened the classroom door, and once I got into my seat next to Hoya the bell rang.

" Yes I made it to class!" Just then the teacher came in.

" Dongwoo-sshi be quiet!"

" Yes......" Then Hoya nudged me on the side of my ribs, trying to get my attention. But I just ignored him, to be more exact I just wanted him to keep on trying to get my attention. He nudged me again, again, and again, but I didn't respond. Then he stopped, and gave off a pouted face.

Aigoo he is sooooo cute when he is like that. Just like a child when he is trying to get his mother's attention. He is probably mad at me now, but it was worth it to see his pouting face. I just want to pinch his cheeks!

Hoya gave up on trying to get my attention, and went back to listening to the teacher. Oh yeah did I forget to to tell you, well actually I just found out but Hoya became Class President, and is the smartest in our grade. Actually the seven of us, excluding Sungjong, are the top of the class. Just because I fool around a lot doesn't mean that I'm not smart. I turn my attention back to the teacher, but then I immediately fall asleep listening to her lecture.


After class.......

*yawns* " That was quite a nice nap, don't you think so Hoya?"

" Hyung you always take naps in her class. I don't know how you even do well on the tests when you barely even pay attention!"

" Awwwwwww is our little Hobaby jealous that I'm actually better at something than him?"

" Yeah right as if, there is no way that I'm jealous of what you are able to do: take naps during class!" He starts to quickly walk to his next class, leaving me behind.

" Hey, wait up Hoya! Don't leave me behind!"

All of us, except Sungjong, have music class together. We all sit next to each other in the back where nobody will disturb us, even though the teacher calls on one of us to do a performance. And today that lucky victim is........

" Kim Myungsoo, come up and play something for us on the guitar." He walks up there, with like no care in the world. I'm actually pretty jealous that he can play the guitar pretty well. If I could play the guitar I would serenade to Hoya everyday.........hmmmmm maybe not. When he got up to the seat, he took the guitar, and started playing a sweet tune.

I look over to Hoya as Myungsoo started to play. The song really fits how I'm feeling right now whenever I see Hoya. The melody wraps around us, it entwines us together, and it brings the mood up. I was tired during first period, but now I'm feeling a whole lot different. The music brings a whole new self of me, it brings out my true feelings.

This song really describes how I feel for you Hoya. When I left for the States, I was confused on how I felt about you. I didn't know what to do. I was afriad that you will find me disgusting, you already have somebody you like, and I was just afraid for the worst. If I told you and you rejected me, I was afraid that my feelings for you wouldn't let us stay friends. I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I don't want to be just friends either. I didn't want to be in love with you Hoya, but now I can't avoid these feelings of mine. Do I love you as a friend or more Hoya?


Hoya's POV:

I close my eyes as I listen to Myungsoo playing the guitar. It sounds so beautiful but peaceful at the same time. I look out the window, and notice how the blue the sky is, how green the grass has become, and I still remember the first day we met.

There are times that I wonder if you feel the same way. I want to tell you, but I'm afraid. I know I shouldn't be afraid, but what can I do when you are my best friend. The friend who has been there for me when I needed you. Through all the hard times you have been there for me, and I have been there for you. Then all of a sudden you leave, and all of a sudden you come back. Why did you leave Dongwoo? Why did you come back? I wish you can tell me the reason, I promise I won't judge you  if you do. No matter what your reason is, I will always still love you, Dongwoo.

The song finally ended, and everybody started clapping loudly for Myungsoo. Sungyeol clapped especially hard for Myungsoo since he loves listening him play the guitar. Even though I have only known Myungsoo for almost three years, he doesn't seem like the type of person to choose that song to perform. Well acutally now that I think about it, it is quite obvious why he chose that song. I look over to Sungyeol who was praising Myungsoo.

I hope that Sungyeol doesn't give to much hope to Myungsoo. I don't want him to get hurt.

Then all of a sudden somebody came up behind me and gave me a hug. I turn around, and to my dismay it wasn't Dongwoo.

" What the heck Woohyun-hyung! You scared me!"

" Hahahahahaha sorry, but you made yourself open. You were just staring outside the window, there isn't even anything interesting outside anyways."

" Well it doesn't concern you as to where I look!" I turn my head around to look at Dongwoo-hyung and Sunggyu-hyung who were looking at Woohyun-hyung and I. For some reason Dongwoo-hyung and Sunggyu-hyung don't look too happy. I get up from my seat, and walk over to them. Woohyun follows me as well.

" Hyungs is there something wrong? It looks like you guys smelled something funny."

Dongwoo-hyung took his off his eyes from Woohyun-hyung, and looked at me. " Actually I saw something that I didn't like."

Sunggyu-hyung then looked at me then at Woohyun-hyung. " Yeah, I saw something that I didn't like either."

" Sunggyu-hyung how can you see something that you don't like when your eyes are that small?"

" What did you say Woohyun?"

" Opps....... I said nothing!"

" Said nothing my ! Come back here and apologize!"

Really? Those two are bickering about his eyes? Even though Sunggyu-hyung is the oldest, he easily gets agitated by Woohyun easily.

I took off my eyes from the two of them, and look at Dongwoo-hyung. He was laughing his head off that he was clenching his stomach. His laugh is contagious that I can't help but laugh too. His laugh always makes my day. I can practically live off his laugh.......even though it could get annoying at times especially when he laughs at the most random things. Then the bell rings signaling the end of second period.

" Well got to go now Sunggyu-hyung! See ya!"

" I will deal with you later Woohyun!"

" See you at lunch Hoya."

" Yeah see ya." Then we depart ways for our next class.


At lunch............

What is taking them so long? It has been five minutes since the bell for lunch went off. I don't like it when they are off schedule. I haven't see Dongwoo-hyung for two hours! I feel really deprived of him! I want to hear him laugh like he always does at lunch. I really like the accompany of everyone around me. Even for five minutes by myself feels lonely to me.

" Sorry Hoya that we were a bit late, the teacher wanted to talk to Sunggyu-hyung and I"

" No problem hyung. You guys should go, and get your food. Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Sungjonog, and Woohyun-hyung are already walking towards here with their food."

" Okay then! Lets go get our food hyung!" Dongwoo-hyung links his arm with Sunggyu-hyung and skips off to the lunch line. Even though I feel a bit jealous of the contact, I am not jealous of the attention they are getting. Poor Sunggyu-hyung. Out of the corner of my eye I see a girl walking up to me. She is petite, with long wavy brown hair, and is cute, but I wouldn't like her anyways.

" Can I help you with something?"

" Um....ummmmm.......H-Hoya-oppa....can I talk....with you secretly?"

Great it is another confession. I get these way too much of these, I don't know what I even do to these girls for them to like me.

" Yeah sure. Walk with me then." I get up from the lunch table, and walk to the garden that is by our school.


Dongwoo's POV:

I finally got my lunch, but as I walked back to the table I noticed that Hoya wasn't sitting there.

" Hey guys, where is Hoya?"

" As we were walking to the table, some girl was talking to him," said Woohyun who was talking to Sunggyu-hyung about how his day is going so far. Woohyun if you are that interested just ask him to go out with you this afternoon. Then Sungjong looks toward me.

" Yeah apparently it looked like the girl wanted to confess to him."


" Aish hyung, you are even louder than me, and I'm the choding of this school!" Sungyeol screamed back at me because I screamed at what Sungjong said. Who wouldn't be surprised! Then the quiet Myungsoo just decided to speak up to me.

" Sungyeol-hyung, it is not his fault. He has been gone for a whole year, so he doesn't know what has happened over the past year. Well actually it is Dongwoo-hyung's fault to since he is so dense. Actually the both of them are really dense about everything. Even though Hoya-hyung is the top of the grade and Class President, he is still dense in some areas. Then for Dongwoo-hyung........he is just dense."

I looked at him with my mouth wide open. It has been a long time since I have heard Myungsoo speak that much. I look over at Sungyeol who is writing down what Myungsoo just said. He is even dating the time and day too! I had to use my hand to close my mouth, and go back to the situation.

" What do you mean that I'm dense! I am not dense!!!!!!!!! I'm just going to leave, and look for Hoya myself then!" I leave the lunch room, and run off to wherever Hoya and that girl is.

Okay where the heck are those two!? There are wayyyyyy too many places where they can be talking! Wait why am I even trying to look for Hoya this much? I mean maybe they could be talking about math problems or something. What the heck, I'm just joking with myself! Why would they go off somewhere to talk about math problems!

I stop to catch my breath, and look out the window. Then I notice that Hoya and the girl were standing in the garden. I run as fast as I could to get where they were. As I got there I stopped myself, so I wouldn't be seen. I stood there, and listended to their conversation.


No one's POV:

" go out with me?" The girl takes out a love letter, and represents it to Hoya.

" Sorry, but I can't accept your confession."

" Why can't you accept it?"

" I just can't." Hoya looks away knowing that the water works is about to happen.

" I-I g-guess it is true then. Y-you have declined every confession that was given to you."

" Yep it is true." Then the girl starts crying and she talks.

" W-why-hic-can't it-hic-be me- then? I-I promise-hic-to be a- good girlfriend."

" That isn't why I didn't accept your confession, or anybody elses confession."

" Then do you like somebody then?"

" What?"

" Hoya-oppa, you must like somebody then right?"

" I can't say."

" If you say that you like somebody then I will give up on you. Just say that you like somebody, and I won't bother you anymore."

"...............Yes I do like somebody."

" I thought so. You have to confess to them okay? If you don't you might regret it someday, and you won't achieve happiness."

" Thanks for the adivce. I'm sure you will find somebody better than me."

" I know I will. Take care Hoya-oppa! Bye!" The girl waves goodbye to Hoya, and walks away from the garden.


Dongwoo's POV:

H-Hoya likes somebody? He already has somebody that he likes? How come I didn't know? Was it because I was gone for whole year? Was it because I never really contacted with him while I was in the States? How come I didn't know? I have to to know why.

I walk away from my hiding spot, and walked towards Hoya who back was facing me. I turned him around harshly.

" Hoya you like somebody?!"

" D-Dongwoo-hyung you were listening to our conversation?"

" Well yeah I was! I was worried as to why you weren't at the lunch table so I went to look for you! So who do you like Hoya! Why haven't you told me yet?!"

" Hyung you are being too loud! Be quiet, I don't want the whole world to hear it!"


" What is with you hyung!? Why do you want to know who I like huh! WHY?! YOU KNOW WHAT, I DON'T EVEN THINK YOU CARE WHO I EVEN LIKE AT ALL!" Hoya started walking away from me. I don't know why I got so angry at him for. I didn't want to lose him, so I went after him, and grabbed his hand.


" T-The reason why I want to k-know is b-because.....because....because....."

" Spit it out already hyung!"

" The reason why I want to know is because.....




(A/N: And I will just leave it there. I actually have two new stories, one for Yadong, and one for Myungyeol. I'm thinking of typing those up after I finish with this one. So anticipate for it! leave comments thank you!)


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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~