Ch. 13- Chocolate Pancakes and Your Subtle Warmth

Wings of an Angel

Woohyun's POV:

The sunlight peeking through the curtains was beaming down on my face. I pulled my blankets over my face, but I knew I had to go to school, so I just got up. It was 6:30 AM when I woke up.

Wow Nam Woohyun, you just made a new record for yourself. I must have not gotten a lot of sleep last night. Maybe the reason was I wasn't able to fall back asleep because I woke up from that nightmare. Might as well just get ready for school, and actually have time to eat breakfast.

I stripped myself of my pajamas, and got into the shower. The warmth of the water made my muscles relax a bit, and cleared up my mind. I turned the water off, and put a towel over my waist and went into my room. I took my uniform off of the hanger, and put it on. Before I buttoned up my shirt, I grabbed my necklace ad put over my head, then I buttoned up my shirt, and then put the blazer on. I slowly headed downstairs since I had plenty of time to get to the bus, but I noticed that nobody was home. I looked at the kitchen table and noticed a note.

' Sorry we had to leave early today for a business trip overseas, but I made you your favorite breakfast of them all- CHOCOLATE PANCAKES!!!! Your dad and I left you money for the week for food, and anything else you need to do. We will see you in a week, we love you! Take care of yourself you got it! Love your mom. '

After I read the note I put it down, grabbed the money and put it into my wallet, and started eating the pancakes. The pancakes were delicious, but it felt a bit lonely in the house. I have been used to them leaving for business trips, but after that happened I sort of got lonely. I was finished eating, but there was still too much food left. I looked at my phone, and it was 7:00 AM. I got up to put away my dished, but then the doorbell rang.

" That is weird, who is at my house this early in the morning?" I walked up to the door, and opened it.

" Sunggyu-hyung!?"


Sunggyu's POV:

It was 6:30 AM. I ususally don't get up this early, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I had this nightmare, and once I woke up I couldn't go back to sleep. So I stared at the ceiling for a bit until I got up, and went to get ready for school. I was about to button up my shirt, but then I almost forgot to put on my necklace. I put the necklace over my head then buttoned up my shirt. When I got done I went downstairs, but I didn't feel like eating so I just sat on one of the chairs for a couple of minutes. Then I got a great idea. I quickly went upstairs to my room, and grabbed the jacket that was hanging on the chair. Then I ran downstairs, and got my stuff for school.

" I'm gonna leave before Dongwoo, and if he asked where I am, just tell him I'm going to Woohyun's house!" I shouted to Dongwoo's mom before I ran out of the house.

" Alright be careful! Watch the streets!" I didn't hear what Dongwoo's mom said because I was already running down the street. Once I turned to the street, I was in front of his house.

Why are you so nervous Kim Sunggyu? It's just his house, you haven't been in ther before, but you have sent him home. You also have a good reason as to why you should be here, so he won't question as to why you are here.......right? Aish, just go up there you fool, there is no need for you to be nervous. You guys are friends now! Just drag your feet up there, and ring the doorbell.

I walked up to his house, and rang the doorbell. I waited for a few seconds, and then the door opened. There stood Woohyun who looked very shocked.

" Sunggyu-hyung!?"

" Good morning Woohyun!" I waved to him, but there was an awkward atmosphere around us. We stood there looking at each other until I heard, well actually we heard, my stomach grumble. Then Woohyun started chuckling at me because the noise my stomach emitted.

" I guess you haven't eaten yet have you? Come inside, my mom made some food before she left, and well she made a bit too much." Woohyun greetted me inside his house, and I followed him. This was the first time that I have been in his house, it's quite spacious, but it feels kind of lonely. I look over to the pictures that are on the table by the door. Woohyun was smiling in every picture.

He seems happy in these photos, but these past few days he hasn't been. That other boy in the picture must be his brother. Hmmmm that is weird, how come I don't see his brother around? Maybe I shouldn't ask him, not now at least.

" Hyung do you want any chocolate pancakes?" I was looking at the pictures, and wasn't paying attention to him.

" Hm? Yeah sure, I would love some. They smell really good!"

" They also taste delicious too. Here you go, fill up that rumbly in your tummy!" I started choking when Woohyun said that. He then gave me a cup of milk to drink, so I wouldn't choke.

" Hey be careful not to choke!"

" Well it's not my fault that I choked! You said something really cute when I was eating!"

Crap. I just said that didn't I? Why did I just say that?! Now he is going to think that I'm weird!


" Yah! Why are you laughing at me?" I was squinting my eyes at him, and started pouting at him.

" Hyung, you are too funny! I guess I'm just too cute for you! Stop squinting and pouting at me, you look like a hamster!" He started laughing a lot harder now, and was beginning to clutch his stomach.

" It's not that funny! It's not my fault that I looke like a hamster!"

" I didn't mean it that way hyung! You are a cute hamster that I just want to cage up, so that way you won't escape." I started blushing when he said I look cute, and started eating my pancakes again.

" Whatever, you are so greasy you know that Woohyun."

" Hahahaha, well you better get used to it then Sunggyu-hyung!" He gave me a greasy smile, and turns away to gather his stuff for school. I finished eating the pancakes, and put the dishes into the sink. I was about to grab my backpack, but then almost forgot that I had something that I had to return to him. I ped my backpack and took out his jacket.

" Woohyun here is your jacket. I got it dry cleaned, and kept on forgetting to give it to you. So here you go!"

" No problem Sunggyu-hyung, as long as I got my phone that night, it's okay. It was pretty cold that night too since you had to walk back home." He took his jacket from my hands, put it on the chair, and we headed out the door. Even though it was March already the chilliness from Feburary was still here, but we only needed light jackets. I brought gloves too since my hands are pretty sensitive to the cold. Then I noticed that Woohyun was blowing air into his hands. I could tell that his hands were getting a bit red so I slipped one of my gloves off and gave it to him.

" Hyung are you sure? Don't you want both pairs?"

" You have no pairs, just take one of mine."

" What about your other hand then?" I looked at my hand and didn't know what to do. unconsciously I took his hand, the one without the glove, and grabbed it.

" We can just hold hands then. You don't mind right?" I could see if bit of red on his cheeks, but that is probably from the chilly air.

" I don't mind." I just smiled at him.

" Okay then!" I put our hands into my jacket pocket, and we started walking to school.


Woohyun's POV:

This subtle warmth from his hand feels comforting. Soon spring will come, and I won't be able to feel the warmth of his hands anymore, but just the presence of him will keep me warm.




(A/N: just to make things not confusing, lets say it is the third week of March. And in the beginning when they all met together school started a few days before Dongwoo an sunggyu came. Just wanted to clear things up!)








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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~