Ch. 35- I Remember

Wings of an Angel

Sungyeol's POV:

I went to the café to get some coffee to drink on the way home. Also I got some for Myungsoo too thinking that maybe he would forgive me if I brought him some coffee. While drinking my Americano I noticed a similar figure pass by. The person turned their head and the person was Myungsoo!

" Myungsoo!" He was listening to his music and crossed the street, but he didn't notice a car coming his way.

" MYUNGSOO!" I saw him turn around but his face was facing the car. I dropped our drinks and ran towards him. Afraid that I was going to be too late I ran as fast I could even if I did stumble along the way. Even though the distance was close it seemed so far. My hands were reaching for him, tears were running down my face, and I finally was able to grab him. I pulled him close to me even if he was suffocating.


" S-Sungyeol." I let him and I saw that he was crying too.

" Y-You idiot, why are you crying?"

" Y-Yeollie." My eyes grew wide when he said that. He only has called me that a few times, and I always thought that he had regained his memory. This time it seemed like he finally regained his memory, the memories that were precious to me; the memories of our first meeting.

" I-I'm sorry it took me a long time Yeollie. I remember now. Please forgive me?"

" O-Of course I forgive you." He smiled at me and closed his eyes.

" M-Myungsoo? Hey are you okay? Hey!" I shook him and noticed that he had fainted. I carried him bridal style to the hospital that was the closest to us.


Myungsoo's POV:



There was a boy crouching by the vending machines. When I was passing by, I heard somebody sniffling and noticed that it was this boy. So I approached the boy.

" Why are you crying?" The boy looked up and wiped away his tears.

" I-I'm not crying!" The boy was pretty cute pouting like that. I crouched down to his level and lifted his chin to meet my eyes.

" Yes you are. Don't deny it. It's okay to cry you know that right? I won't judge you." He looked at me for a little bit longer and more tears were forming in his eyes. He lunged at me and I fell onto the floor. He was crying into my chest and was hitting it too. He looked pitiful in this sort of state so I patted his back for comfort.

" Now, now there, don't cry."

" IT'S MY FAULT THAT MOM AND DAD ARE GONE! IT'S MY FAULT THAT MY BABY BROTHER IS IN THE HOSPITAL! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" I didn't know what he was going on about so we stayed like this until he stopped crying. I lifted him up to notice that he cried himself to sleep.

" Sheesh this kid." I gave him a piggy back ride to my room which luckily wasn't far.

" Dang this kid is way to big for me to carry. What did this kid eat for him to be so tall?" 

" Myungsoo what are you doing?"

" Oh! Mom this kid fell asleep on me while he was crying on me! So I carried him to my room since I don't know what room he belongs in."

" I see. Well how about you put him on your bed and you go to sleep too? I will go to the front desk to see if they are missing any young boy."

" Okay!" I placed him on my bed and crawled in with him. His face was stained with tear streaks. This was the first time I met a boy that was pretty when he sleeps even when he is crying.

" M-Mom. D-Dad." He started to cry again as he called out for his parents. I came closer to him and held his hand.

" Don't cry anymore okay? I'm here for you." Then just like that he stopped crying and smiled as he slept. Ironically I smiled at the sight of him, and fell asleep too.




Sungyeol's POV:

" Is he alright doctor?"

" Yes he is alright. He just fainted from the shock. He will just have to stay here for a few days so we can make sure nothing is wrong."

" Alright thank you."

" No problem. It's nice to see you two again though."

" Huh?"

" I guess you forgot. I was Myungsoo-sshi's doctor when he was a kid."


" Hahahahahahahaha! You haven't changed at all. Well I got to see some other patients I will comeback later to check up on him."

" Thank you again!" The doctor finally left and I looked over at Myungsoo. He was sleeping peacefully but it still hurt me to see him like this. Just like the times when we were kids, I would see him like this, stuck to the bed. I hated seeing him like that but there was nothing I could do. All I could do was hold his hand as the pain went away when we were kids.

" Myungsoo, wake up okay? Please wake up." I sat there holding his hand as sleep got the better of me.




" Myungie! I'm here!"

" Aish Yeollie I could hear you down the hallway already!"

" Hahahahahahaha sorry! I'm just excited to see you again!"

" We see each other everyday. So how is your brother doing?"

" H-He is getting the surgery today."

" Oh I see. Do you want me to be by you until it's over?"

" Could you Myungie?"

" Of course. Anything for you. Should we get going then?" He grabbed onto my hand and I led him to the place were my brother was getting surgery. My godmother and godfather were sitting there already.

" Sungyeol. I was worried. Where did you got?"

" I went to see Myungsoo. Can he stay with me until Daeyeol's surgery is over?"

" Of course he can. How about you guys sit over there then."

" Okay." I led Myungsoo to the chairs that were across from them. We sat there holding hands and made minimal talk. The only times Myungsoo would say anything were sweet words like " It will be okay"  or " I'm here for you." I'm really glad to have Myungie by me because if he wasn't I would feel so loss.

As time passed I was beginning to get tired and I could tell Myungsoo was too. He fell asleep on my shoulder and I fell asleep on his head. When morning came I didn't feel Myungie around me; I looked around for him.

" Where is Myungie?"

" He is in his room right now." I ran over to his room but stopped and came back.

" Is Daeyeol alright?"

" Hahaha yes he is alright. Now you can go off now."

" Okay!" I ran off to Myungsoo's room but when I got there he was on the bed with wires in him. He had a breathing mask on and I started to cry.

" Y-Yeollie." His hand was reaching for me and I ran over to him and hugged him.

" Don't cry. I will be fine. And guess what."

" W-What?"

" The doctor said the surgery will be successful. The tumor that is in my head will be taken out."

" R-Really? You won't have to be like this anymore then? When is the surgery?"

" In a week."

" A week!? I won't be here anymore though. Can't you do it sooner!?"

" I have to wait. Yeollie make a promise to me."

" What is it?"

" That no matter what happens, even if we get separated, we have to find each other. If I can't come find you then you have to come find me. Then I would do the same with you."

" M-Myungie. I-I don't want to leave! We have to stay together!"

" Silly. Promise me. Please? Pinky promise?"

" O-Okay. I promise." I wrapped my pinky around his and smiled. He smiled through his mask and gestured me to come into the bed with him. He held my hand and fell sleep. I gave him a peck on the forehead and fell asleep.

" I love you Myungie."


Week later......

After a week we left the hospital I came back to see how Myungie was doing after the surgery. My godmother was with me with Daeyeol was with my godfather. I pressed the the button that had eight on it on the the elevator and we went up. When we got to the floor I ran to his room but when I got there his bed was cleaned out.

" Where is Myungsoo?"

" Lets go see the receptionist." We walked back to the lady that I passed by.

" Hello, I was wondering where is the boy Kim Myungsoo?"

" Oh that boy, well his mom just passed by. If you run quickly I'm sure you will be able to catch up to her."

" Thank you very much." She grabbed my hand and we headed back downstairs. Then we saw her.

" Myungie's mom!" She turned around and gave me a warm smile. There was a boy next to her too.

" Myungie!" He backed away though. I was confused as to why he did that.

" M-Myungie? What is wrong? I-It's me. Sungyeol. Y-Yeollie."

" Mom, who is this tall boy?"

" Myungsoo why don't you go to your dad." He walked to his dad and looked back. He had a frustrated face on him.

" Myungie's mom, why doesn't he remember me?" I walked over to her and grabbed onto her clothes. Then she crouched down to look at me.

" I'm sorry Sungyeol. The doctor didn't expect for this to happen. When they took the tumor out if must have affected his brain somehow and his memories of this past month is gone. I'm truly sorry. I'm very sorry." She started to cry and I wiped away her tears. She smiled at me.

" Sungyeol can you make a promise with me?"

" Another promise?"

" Yes another promise. When you get older will you look for Myungsoo and help him regain his memories?"

" M-Me?"

" Yes you. You are the only one who can make him smile and I love watching him smile. You are the only who can bring back those smiles that are locked away in his memories. Can you do that?"

" I-I promise! I promise!"

" Thank you. Here Myungsoo would probably want you to have this."

" His angel plushie? Then can you give my owl plushie to him then?"

" Of course." We switched them and she left. She waved back at me and they left. I started to bawl and my godmother hugged me and comfort me. 

I promise Myungsoo. I promise I will find you and help you regain your memories. Just wait okay?"




Myungsoo's POV:

I woke to the sound of beepings and the pressure of somebody on my arm. My eyes opened to find myself in a white room and when I turned to my side Sungyeol was sleeping on my arm. I lifted my other arm and patted his head. Tears were falling from his face though. It broke my heart to see him like this, to see him cry because of me, and it was my fault that he went through so much pain because of me. Because I forgot that we met when we were children that he went through everything to find me.

" Myungsoo, you are awake?"

" Huh? Oh sorry to wake you up."

" No it's okay, I'm just glad you are okay now." He smile his beautiful smile that made me fall for him. I touched his face and traced my fingers around his face. The person who gave me wings to live when I thought I was going to die. The person who gave me a reason to live another day, I wanted to see his face everyday, and I wanted to hold his hand forever.

" Yeollie."

" Yeah Myungie?"

" I have something to say."

" What is it?"

" I.............."



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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~